Matthew: Chapter 11

Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
11:1 ANd it cam to passe when Iesus had ended his preceptſ vnto his disciples/ he departed thence/ to preache and teache in there cites. ANd it came to passe when Iesus had made an ende of cōmaundinge his .xii. disciples/ that he departed thence/ to teache and to preache in their cities. ANd it came to passe when Iesus had made an ende of commaundinge his .xij. disciples/ that he departed thence/ to teache and to preache in their cities. ANd it came to passe, whā Iesus had made an ende of cōmaundinge his twolue disciples, he departed thence. to teach and to preach in their cities.
11:2 When Ihon beinge in preson herde the workes of christ/ he sent two of his disciples When Ihon beinge in preson hearde ye workes of Christ/ he sent two of his disciples When Iohn beinge in preson hearde the workes of Christ/ he sent two of his disciples Whan Ihon beinge in preson herde of the workes of Christ, he sent two of his disciples,
11:3 ād sayde vnto him. Arte thou he that shall come: or shall we loke for another? and sayde vnto him. Arte thou he that shall come: or shall we loke for another. and sayde vnto him. Arte thou he that shall come: or shall we loke for another. and sayde vnto him: Art thou he yt shal come, or shal we loke for another?
11:4 Iesus answered and sayde vnto them. Go and shewe Ihon what ye have herde and sene. Iesus answered and sayde vnto them. Go and shewe Ihon what ye have hearde & sene. Iesus answered and sayde vnto them. Go and shewe Iohn what ye haue hearde and sene. Iesus answered and sayde vnto thē: Go youre waye and tell Ihon agayne, what ye se and heare.
11:5 The blind se/ the halt goo/ the lyppers ar clensed: The deef heare/ the ded are reysed vp ageine/ and the gospell is preachede to the povre. The blynd se/ the halt goo/ the lepers are clensed: the deef heare/ the ded ryse ageyne/ and the glad tidinges is preached to the povre. The blynd se/ the halt goo/ the lepers are clensed: the deef heare/ the ded ryse ageyne/ and the glad tydinges is preached to the poore. The blynde se, and the lame go: the lepers are clensed, and ye deaf heare: the deed aryse ageyne, and the gospell is preached to the poore:
11:6 And happy is he thatt is noott hurte by me. And happy is he that is not offended by me. And happy is he that is not offended by me. and blessed is he, that is not offended at me.
11:7 Even as they departed/ Iesus began to speake vnto the people of Ihon. What went ye for to se in the wyldernes? went ye out to se a rede waveringe with the wynde? And as they departed Iesus begane to speake vnto the people of Ihon. What for to se wēt ye out in to the wyldernes? wēt ye out to se a rede shakē with ye wynde? And as they departed/ Iesus begane to speake vnto the people of Iohn. What for to se/ went ye out into the wyldernes? went ye out to se a rede shaken with the wynde? Whan they wente their waye, Iesus beganne to speake vnto the people, concernynge Ihon: What are ye gone out for to se in the wyldernes? Wolde ye se a rede shaken with the wynde?
11:8 oder vhat went ye out for to se? went ye to se a man clothed in soofte rayment? Beholde/ they that weare soofte clothīg are in kynges howses. other what wēt ye out for to se? A man clothed in soofte raymēt? Beholde they yt weare soofte clothīg/ are in kynges howses. other what went ye out for to se? A man clothed in soofte rayment? Beholde they that weare soofte clothing/ are in kynges howses. Or what are ye gone out for to se? Wolde ye se a man clothed in soft rayment? Beholde, they that weare soft clothinge, are in kinges houses,
11:9 Butt what went ye oute for to se? went ye outt to se a prophet? Ye I saye vnto you/ and more then a prophet. But what wēt ye oute for to se? A prophete? Ye I saye to you/ & more thē a prophete. But what went ye oute for to se? A prophete? Ye I saye to you and more then a Prophete. But what are ye gone out for to se? A prophet? Yee I saye vnto you, and more thē a prophet.
11:10 For this is he off whom it is wrytten. Beholde/ I sende my messenger before thy face/ which shall prepare thy waye before the. For this is he of whō it is wryttē. Beholde/ I sende my messenger before thy face/ which shall prepare thy waye before ye For this is he of whom it is written. Beholde/ I sende my messenger before thy face/ which shall prepare thy waye before the. For this is he, of whō it is written: Beholde, I sende my messaūger before thy face, which shal prepare thy waye before the.
11:11 Verely y saye vnto you/ amonge the chyldren off women arose there not a gretter then Ihon baptist. Not with stondinge he that ys lesse ī the kyngdom off heven/ ys gretter then he. Verely I saye vnto you/ amonge ye chyldren of wemen arose there not a gretter then Ihon the baptist. Notwithstondinge he that ys lesse in the kyngdome of heven/ ys gretter then he. Verely I saye vnto you/ amonge the chyldren of wemen arose there not a gretter then Iohn the Baptist. Notwithstondinge he that is lesse in the kyngdome of heuen/ is gretter then he. Verely I saye vnto you: Amonge ye children of wemen arose there not a greater then Ihon the baptist. Not withstondinge he that is lesse in the kyngdome of Heauen, is greater then he.
11:12 Frō the tyme off Ihon baptist hytherto/ the kyngdom of heven suffreth violence/ and they that make vyolence pull it vnto them. From the tyme of Ihon Baptist hytherto/ ye kyngdome of hevē suffreth violence/ & they that go to it with violence pluck it vnto them. From the tyme of Iohn Baptist hytherto/ the kyngdome of heuen suffreth violence/ and they that goo to it with violence pluck it vnto them. From the tyme of Ihon baptist hither to, ye kyngdome of heauen suffreth violence, and the violent plucke it vnto them.
11:13 For all the prophetſ/ & the lawe prophesyed vnto to tyme of Ihon. For all the prophetſ & the lawe prophesyed vnto to the tyme of Ihon. For all the Prophetes and the lawe prophesyed vnto the tyme of Iohn. For all the prophetes and the lawe prophecied vnto Ihon.
11:14 Also yf ye wyll receave it/ thys ys Helyas/ which shuld come. Also yf ye wyll receave it/ this is Helyas which shuld come. Also yf ye wil receaue it/ this is Helyas which shuld come. Also yf ye wil receaue it, this is Helias, which shulde come.
11:15 He that hath eares to heare/ let hī here He yt hathe eares to heare let him heare. He that hathe eares to heare let him heare. Who so hath eares to heare, let hī heare.
11:16 But wheare vnto shall y lyken this generacion? it ys lyke vnto chyldren/ which syt in the markett/ and call vnto there felowes/ But wher vnto shall I lyken this generacion? It ys lyke vnto chyldrē which syt in the market & call vnto their felowes/ But wher vnto shall I lyken this generacion? It is lyke vnto chyldren which syt in the market and call vnto their felowes/ & saye: But where vnto shal I lickē this generacion? It is like vnto childrē which syt in the market, and call vnto their felowes,
11:17 and saye: we have pyped vnto you/ and ye have not daunsed We have morned vnto you/ and ye have not sorowd. & saye: we have pyped vnto you/ & ye have not daunsed? We have morned vnto you/ & ye have not sorowed. we haue pyped vnto you/ & ye haue not daunsed? We haue mourned vnto you/ and ye haue not sorowed. & saye: we haue pyped vnto you, and ye wolde not daunse: We haue morned vnto you, & ye wolde not wepe.
11:18 For Ihon cam nether eatynge nor drīkīge/ and they saye he hath the devyll. For Ihon came nether eatinge nor drinkinge/ and they saye/ he hath the devyll. For Iohn came nether eatinge nor drinkinge/ and they saye/ he hath the deuyll For Ihon came nether eatinge nor drynkinge, & they saye: he hath the deuyll.
11:19 The sonne of man cam eatynge ād drinkinge/ and they saye/ beholde a gluttō/ ād a drynker of wyne/ and a frend vnto publicans/ and synners. And wysdome ys iustified off her chyldren. The sonne of man came eatinge and drinkinge/ & they saye/ beholde a glutton & drynker of wyne/ & a frend vnto publicās & synners. Neverthelater wysdome ys iustified of hir children. The sonne of man came eatinge and drinkinge/ and they saye/ beholde a glutton and drinker of wyne/ and a frend vnto publicans & synners. Neuerthelater wysdome is iustified of hir chyldren. The sonne of man came eatinge and drynkinge, & they saye: lo what a glutton and wyne bebber this mā is, and a companyon of publicans & synners? And wissdome is iustified of hir children.
11:20 Thē begā he to vpbraid the cites/ ī which most of his miracles were dō/ because they did not repēt. Then begā he to vpbrayd the cities/ in which most of his miracles were done/ because they mēded not. Then began he to vpbrayd the cities/ in which most of his miracles were done/ because they mended not. Then beganne he to vpbrade the cities, in the which most of his miracles were done, because they amended not.
11:21 Wo be to the Chorasin. Wo be to the Betzaida: for if the miracles which wer shewd ī you had bene done in tiyre ād sidon they had repented lōge agō ī sack cloth ād asshes. Wo be to ye Chorasin. Wo be to ye Betzaida: for if the miracles which were shewd in you/ had bene done in Tyre & Sidon/ they had repented longe agone in sackcloth & asshes. Wo be to the Chorasin. Wo be to the Bethsaida: for yf the miracles which were shewed in you/ had bene done in Tyre and Sidon/ they had repented longe agone in sack cloth and asshes. Wo vnto the Chorasin, Wo vnto the Bethsaida: for yf the miracles which haue bene shewed amōge you, had bene done in Tyre and Sidon, they had repented longe agoo in sack cloth and asshes.
11:22 Neverthelesse y say to you: it shall be esier for Tyre & Sidon at the day of iudgment/ thē for you. Neverthelesse I say to you: it shall be esier for Tyre & Sidon at the day of iudgemēt/ then for you. Neuerthelesse I say to you: it shall be esier for Tyre and Sidon at the daye of iudgement/ thenfor you. Neuertheles I saye vnto you: It shalbe easyer for Tyre and Sidon in the daye of iudgment, then for you.
11:23 And thou Capernaū which art lift vp vnto hevē/ shalt be thrust doune to hell. ffor if the miracles which have bene done ī the/ had bene shewed ī Zodō: they had remayned to this daye. And thou Capernaū which art lift vp vnto hevē/ shalt be brought doune to hell. For if the miracles which have bene done in the/ had bene shewed in zodom: they had remayned to this daye. And thou Capernaum/ which art lyft vp vnto heuen/ shalt be brought doune to hell. For yf the miracles which haue bene done in the/ had bene shewed in zodom: they had remayned to this daye. And thou Capernaum which art lift vp vnto heauen, shalt be brought downe vnto hel. For yf the miracles which haue bene done in the, had bene shewed in Sodom, they had remained vnto this daye.
11:24 Neverthelesse I say vnto you: it shall be easiar for Zodō ī the day of iudgemēt/ thē for the. Neverthelesse I saye vnto you: it shalbe easiar for ye londe of zodō in the daye of iudgemēt/ thē for ye. Neuerthelesse I saye vnto you: it shalbe easiar for the londe of Zodom in the daye of iudgement/ then for the. Neuertheles I saye vnto you: It shalbe easyer for the londe of Sodome in the daye of iudgment, thē for the.
11:25 Thē Iesus answered ād sayd I prayse the o father lorde of heven ād erth/ because thou hast hid these thyngſ frō the wyse ād prudēt. ād hast opened thē vnto babes/ At yt tyme Iesus answered & sayd: I prayse ye o father lorde of hevē & erth/ because thou hast hid these thingſ frō the wyse & prudēt/ & hast opened thē vnto babes: At that tyme Iesus answered and sayd: I prayse the o father Lorde of heuen and erth/ because thou hast hyd these thinges from the wyse and prudent/ and hast opened them vnto babes: At ye same tyme Iesus answered, and sayde: I prayse the (O father and LORDE of heauen and earth) that thou hast hid these thinges from the wyse and prudent, and opened thē vnto babes.
11:26 even so father for so it pleased the. evē so father/ for so it pleased ye. euen so father/ for so it pleased the. Euen so father, for so it pleased the.
11:27 All thyngſ are geven vnto me of my father. And no man knoweth the sōne/ but the father. nether knoweth eny mā the father/ save the sōne/ ād he to whome the sonne will open hym. All thingſ are gevē vnto me of my father. And nomā knoweth ye sonne but ye father: nether knoweth eny mā ye father/ save ye sonne/ & he to whome ye sonne will opē him. All thinges are geuen vnto me of my father. And nomā knoweth the sonne but the father: nether knoweth eny man the father/ saue the sonne/ and he to whome the sonne will open him. All thinges are geuen ouer vnto me of my father: and no mā knoweth the sonne, but the father: nether knoweth eny man the father, saue the sonne, and he to whom the sonne wil open it.
11:28 Come vnto me all ye that labour/ ād ar ladē/ & y will ese you. Come vnto me all ye that laboure & are laden/ & I wyll ease you. Come vnto me all ye that laboure and are laden and I will ease you. Come vnto me all ye that laboure and are laden, and I wil ease you.
11:29 Take my yoke ō you & lerne of me for y ā meke ād loly in herte: and ye shall fynd ese vnto youre soules. Take my yoke on you & lerne of me/ for I am meke & lowly in herte: and ye shall fynd rest vnto youre soules. Take my yoke on you & lerne of me/ for I am meke and lowly in herte: and ye shall fynd rest vnto youre soules. Take my yock vpon you, and lerne of me, for I am meke and lowlye of hert, & ye shal fynde rest vnto youre soules:
11:30 For my yoke is easy/ and my burden is light. For my yoke is easy/ and my burden is light. For my yoke is easy/ and my burdē is lyght. for my yock is easy, and my burden is light.