Matthew: Chapter 25

Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
25:1 THen the kyngdom of heven shalbe lykened vnto x virgins/ which toke their lampes/ and wēt to mete the brydgrom: THen ye kyngdome of heven shalbe lykened vnto .x. virgins/ which toke their lampes/ & wēt to mete the brydgrome: THen the kyngdome of heauē shalbe lykened vnto ten virgins/ which toke their lampes/ & went to mete the brydgrome: THen shal the kyngdome of heauen be like vnto ten virgins, which toke their lāpes, and wente forth to mete the brydegome.
25:2 fyve of them were folysshe/ ād fyve were wyse. fyve of them were folysshe/ & fyve were wyse. fyue of them were folysshe/ & fyue were wyse. But fyue of them were foolish, and fyue were wyse.
25:3 the foles toke their lampes/ but toke none oyle with them. The folysshe toke their lampes/ but toke none oyle wt thē. The folysshe toke their lāpes/ but toke none oyle with them. The foolish toke their lāpes, neuertheles they toke none oyle with them.
25:4 but the wyse toke oyle with thē in their vyssellſ with their lampes also, But ye wyse tooke oyle wt thē in their vesselles wt their lampes also. But the wyse toke oyle with thē in their vessels with their lampes also. But the wyse toke oyle in their vessels with their lampes.
25:5 whyll the bryggrome taryed/ all slombred ād slepte. Whill the brydgrome taryed/ all slombred & slepte. Whill the brydgrome taryed/ all slombred & slepte. Now whyle the brydegrome taried, they slombred all and slepte.
25:6 And even at mydnyght/ there was a crye made: beholde/ the brydgrome cōmeth goo and mete hym. And even at mydnyght/ there was a crye made: beholde/ the brydgrome cometh/ goo out against him. And euen at mydnyght/ there was a crye made: beholde/ the brydgrome cometh/ goo out agaynst him. But at mydnight there was a crye made: Beholde, the brydegrome commeth, go youre waye out for to mete him.
25:7 Then all those virgins arose/ ād prepared their lāpes. Then all those virgins arose/ & prepared their lampes. Then all those virgins arose/ & prepared their lāpes. Then all those virgins arose, and prepared their lampes.
25:8 And the folysshe sayde to the wyse: geve vs of youre oyle/ for oure lampes goo oute? And ye folysshe sayde to ye wyse: geve vs of youre oyle/ for our lampes goo out? And the folisshe sayde to the wyse: geue vs of youre oyle for oure lampes goo out. But the foolish sayde vnto the wyse: geue vs of youre oyle, for oure lāpes are gone out.
25:9 but the wyse answered/ sayīge: not so/ lest there be not ynought for vs and you/ but goo rather to thē that sell/ and by for youre selves. but ye wyse answered sayinge. Not so/ lest ther be not ynough for vs & you: but goo rather to them yt sell/ & by for youre selves. But the wyse answered sayīge: not so/ lest ther be not ynough for vs & you: but go rather to them that sell & by for your selues. Then answered the wyse, and sayde: Not so, lest there be not ynough for vs and you, but go rather vnto them that sell, and bye for youre selues.
25:10 In cōclusion whyll they went to bye/ the brydgrom cam: ād they that were redy/ went in with hym to the weddīge/ ād the gate was shett vppe: And whill they went to bye/ ye brydgrome came: & they yt were redy/ went in with him to ye weddinge/ & the gate was shett vp: And whill they wēt to bye the brydgrome came: & they that were redy/ went in with him to the weddinge/ & the gate was shet vp. And whyle they wente to bye, the brydegrome came: and they that were readye, wente in with him vnto the mariage, and the gate was shut vp.
25:11 Afterwardſ cam also the other virgins/ sayinge: master master/ open to vs. After wardſ came also ye other virgins sayinge: master master/ open to vs. After wardes came also the other virgins sayinge: master master/ open to vs. At ye last came ye other virgins also, and sayde: LORDE LORDE, opō vnto vs.
25:12 but he āswered/ and sayde: verely I saye vnto you: y knowe you not. But he answered & sayde: verely I saye vnto you: I knowe not you. But he answered & sayde: verely I saye vnto you: I knowe not you. But he answered, and sayde: Verely I saye vnto you: I knowe you not.
25:13 loke that ye watche therefore/ for ye knowe nether the daye nor yet the houre/ when the sonne of man shall come. Watche there fore: for ye knowe nether the daye nor yet the houre/ when the sonne of man shall come. Watche therfore: for ye knowe nether the daye nor yet the houre/ when the sonne of man shall come. Watch ye therfore, for ye knowe nether the daye ner yet the houre, whan ye sonne of man shal come.
25:14 Lykwyse as a certeyne mā redy to take his iorney to a straunge countre/ called hys servauntſ to hym/ and delyvered to them hys gooddſ. Lykwyse as a certeyne mā redy to take his iorney to a straunge coūtre/ called his servaūtes & delivered to them his gooddſ. Lykwyse as a certeyne mā redy to take his iorney to a straūge countre/ called his seruauntes & deliuered to thē his gooddes. Like wyse as a certayne mā ready to take his iourney in to a straunge countre, called his seruaūtes, and delyuered his goodes vnto thē.
25:15 And vnto wō he gave v. talentſ/ to another ij. and to another one: to every man after his abilite/ and streyght waye departed. And vnto one he gave .v. talentſ/ to another .ii. and to another one: to every man after his abilite/ and streyght waye departed. And vnto one he gaue .v. talentes/ to another .ij. & to another one: to euery man after his abilite/ & streyght waye departed. And vnto one he gaue fyue talentes, to another two, and to another one: vnto euery man after his abilyte, and straight waye departed.
25:16 Then he that hadde receaved the fyve talentſ/ went and bestowed thē/ and wane other fyve. Then he that had receaved the fyve talentes/ went and bestowed them/ and wanne other fyve talentſ. Then he that had receaued the fyue talentes/ went and bestowed them/ and wanne other fiue talentes. Then he that had receaued the fyue talentes, wente and occupied with the same, and wanne other fyue talentes.
25:17 Lykwyse he that receaved ij gayned other ij. Lykwyse he that receaved .ii. gayned other .ii. Lykewise he that receaued two/ gayned other two. Likewyse he yt receaued two talentes, wāne other two also.
25:18 but he that receaved one/ went and digged a pitt ī the erth and hyd his masters money. But he yt receaved ye one/ went & digged a pit in the erth & hyd his masters money. But he that receaued the one/ wēt and digged a pit in the erth/ and hyd his masters money. But he that receaued ye one wente and dygged a pyt in the earth, and hyd his lordes money.
25:19 After a lōge season the lorde of those servauntſ cam/ and reckened with them. After a longe season ye lorde of those servauntſ came & rekened with thē. After a longe season the lorde of those seruauntes came and rekened with them. After a longe season the lorde of those seruauntes came, and rekened with them.
25:20 Thē cam he that had receaved fyve talentſ/ and brought other fyve sayinge: master/ thou deliveredſ vnto me fyve talētſ/ lo I have gayned with thē fyve moo. Then came he yt had receaved fyve talentſ/ & brought other fyve talentes sayinge: master/ thou deliveredst vnto me fyve talentſ: beholde I have gayned wt thē fyve talentſ moo. Then came he that had receaued fyue talentes/ and brought other fiue talentes sayinge: master thou deliueredst vnto me fyue talentes: beholde I haue gayned with them fyue talentes moo. Then came he that had receaued fyue talentes, and brought other fyue talentes, and sayde: Syr, thou delyuerdst vnto me fyue talentes: Beholde, with them haue I wonne fyue talētes mo.
25:21 His master saide vnto hī: well good servaunt and faythful/ Thou hast bene faythfull ī lytell/ I wyll make the ruler over moche/ entre ī īto thy masters ioye. Thē his master sayde vnto him: well good servaūt & faithfull. Thou hast bene faithfull in lytell/ I will make the ruler over moche: entre in into thy masters ioye. Then his master sayde vnto him: well good seruaūt and faythfull. Thou hast bene faythfull in lytell/ I will make the ruler ouer moche: entre in into thy masters ioye. Then sayde his lorde vnto hī: wel thou good & faithfull seruaunt, thou hast bene faithfull ouer litle, I wil set the ouer moch: entre thou in to the ioye of thy lorde.
25:22 Also he that receaved ij talentſ cam/ and sayde: master/ thou delyveredſ vnto me ij talentſ/ lo I have wone ij other with them. Also he that receaved .ii. talentſ/ came & sayde: master/ thou deliveredest vnto me .ii. talentes: beholde/ I have wone .ii. other talentes with them. Also he that receaued two talentes/ came and sayde: master thou deliueredst vnto me two talentes: beholde/ I haue wone two other talentes with them. Thē came he also that had receaued two talentes, and sayde: Syr, thou delyuerdst vnto me two talentes: Beholde, I haue wonne two other talētes with thē.
25:23 his master saide vnto hym/ well good servaunt and faythfull thou hast bene faythfull ī litell/ I woll make the ruler over moche/ go in into thy masters ioye. And his master sayde vnto him/ well good servaunt & faithfull. Thou hast bene faithfull in lytell/ I wyll make the ruler over moche: go in into thy masters ioye. And his master sayde vnto him/ well good seruaūt and faythfull. Thou hast bene faythfull in litell/ I will make the ruler ouer moche: go in into thy masters ioye. His lorde sayde vnto him: Wel thou good and faithfull seruaūt, thou hast bene faithfull ouer litle, I wil set the ouer moch: entre thou in to the ioye of thy lorde.
25:24 He which had receaved the one talent cam also/ ād said: master/ I considered that thou wast an harde man/ which repest where thou sowedst not/ ād gadderest where thou strawedst not/ Then he which had receaved ye one talent/ came/ & sayd: master/ I considered yt thou wast an harde man/ which repest where thou sowedst not/ & gadderest where thou strawedst not/ Then he which had receaued the one talēt came & sayde: master/ I consydered that thou wast an harde man/ which repest where thou sowedst not/ and gadderest where thou strawedst not/ Then he that had receaued the one talēt, came and sayde: Syr, I knew that thou art an hard man: thou reapest where thou hast not sowen, and gatherest where thou hast not strowed,
25:25 ād was affrayde/ and went and hyd thy talent in the erth: lo/ thou hast thyn awne. & was therfore afrayde/ & went & hyd thy talent in ye erth: Beholde/ thou hast thyn awne. and was therfore afrayde/ & went & hyd thy talēt in the erth: beholde/ thou hast thyn awne. and so I was afrayed, and wēte and hyd thy talent in the earth: lo, there thou hast thine owne.
25:26 his master āswered/ and sayde vnto hym: evyll servaunt and slewthfull/ thou knewest that I repe where I sowed nott/ and gaddre where I strawed nott: His master answered and sayde vnto him: thou evyll servaūt & slewthfull/ thou knewest yt I repe where I sowed not/ & gaddre where I strawed not: His master answered & sayde vnto him: thow euyll seruaūt & slowthfull/ thou knewest that I repe where I sowed not & gaddre where I strawed not: But his lorde answered, and sayde vnto him: Thou euell and slouthfull seruaunt, knewest thou that I reape where I sowed not, and gather where I strawed not?
25:27 thou oughtest therefore to have had my money to the chaungers/ and thē at my cōmynge shulde I have receaved my money with vauntage. thou oughtest therfore to have had my money to ye chaūgers/ & then at my cōmynge shulde I have receaved myne awne with vauntage. thou oughtest therfore to haue had my money to the chaūgers/ and then at my comminge shulde I haue receaued myne awne with vaūtage. Thou shuldest therfore haue had my money to the chaungers, and then at my commynge shulde I haue receaued myne owne with vauntage.
25:28 Take therefore the talent from hym/ and geve hit vnto hī which hath .x. talentſ. Take therfore the talent from him/ & geve it vnto him which hath .x. talentſ Take therfore the talent from him/ and geue it vnto him which hath ten talentes. Therfore take the talent frō him, and geue it vnto him that hath ten talentes.
25:29 for vnto every man that hath shalbe geven/ and he shall have aboūdance. And from hym that hath not/ shalbe taken awaye/ evē that he hath. For vnto every man that hath shalbe geven/ and he shall have aboundance: and from him that hath not/ shalbe taken awaye/ even that he hath. For vnto euery man that hath shalbe geuen/ and he shall haue aboundance/ and from him that hath not/ shalbe taken awaye/ euen that he hath. For who so hath, to him shalbe geuen, and he shal haue abundaunce. But who so hath not, frō him shalbe takē awaye euen that he hath.
25:30 And cast that vnprophetable servaūt īto vtter dercknes/ there shalbe wepynge/ and gnasshinge of theth. And cast yt vnprofitable servaunt into vtter dercknes: there shalbe wepynge and gnasshinge of teeth. And cast that vnprofitable seruaūt into vtter dercknes: there shalbe wepinge and gnasshinge of teeth. And cast the vnprofitable seruaunt in to vtter darcknes: there shalbe waylinge and gnasshinge of teth.
25:31 When the sōne of man shall come in hys maieste/ and all hys holy angellſ with hī/ thē shall he sytt vppon the seate of his maieste/ When the sonne of mā cometh in his glorie/ & all the holy angels wt him/ then shall he syt vpon the seate of his glorie/ When the sonne of man cometh in his glorie/ & all the holy angels with him/ then shall he syt vpon the seate of his glorie/ But whan the sonne of man shal come in his glory, and all holy angels with him, then shal he syt vpon the seate of his glory.
25:32 and before hym shalbe gaddred all naciōs. And he shall sever them won from another/ as a shepherde putteth asunder the shepe from the gootes. & before him shalbe Gaddred all nacions. And he shall seperate thē one from a nother/ as a shepherde deuideth the shepe from the gootes. and before him shalbe gaddred all nacions. And he shall seperate them one from another/ as a shepherde deuideth the shepe from the gootes. And all people shalbe gathered before him: and he shal separate them one from another as a shepherde deuydeth the shepe from ye goates.
25:33 And he shall sett the shepe on his right hōde/ and the gotes on his lyfte honde. And he shall set the shepe on his right honde/ & the gotes on the lyfte. And he shall set the shepe on his right honde/ and the gotes on the lyfte. And he shal set ye shepe on his right honde, and the goates on the lefte.
25:34 Then shall the kynge saye to them on his right honde: Come ye blessed chyldrē of my father/ inheret ye the kyngdō prepared for you from the beginnīge of the worlde. Then shall the kynge saye to them on his right honde: Come ye blessed chyldren of my father/ inheret ye the kyngdō prepared for you from the beginninge of the worlde. Then shall the kynge saye to them on his right honde: Come ye blessed chyldren of my father/ inheret ye the kyngdome prepared for you from the beginninge of the worlde. Then shal the kynge saye vnto them that shalbe on his right honde: Come hither ye blessed of my father, inheret ye ye kingdome, which is prepared for you from the begynnynge of the worlde.
25:35 for I was anhongred/ and ye gave me meate. I thursted/ ād ye gave me drinke. I was herbroulesse/ and ye lodged me. For I was anhongred/ and ye gave me meate. I thursted/ and ye gave me drinke. I was herbourlesse/ and ye lodged me. For I was anhongred/ and ye gaue me meate. I thursted/ & ye gaue me drinke. I was herbourlesse/ and ye lodged me. For I was hongrie, and ye gaue me meate: I was thirstie, and ye gaue me drynke: I was harbourlesse, and ye lodged me:
25:36 I was naked and ye clothed me: I was sicke and ye visited me. I was in preson and ye cam vnto me. I was naked & ye clothed me. I was sicke & ye visited me. I was in preson and ye came vnto me. I was naked & ye clothed me. I was sicke & ye visited me. I was in preson and ye came vnto me. I was naked, & ye clothed me: I was sicke, and ye vysited me: I was in preson, and ye came vnto me.
25:37 Thē shall the iuste answere hym sayinge: master/ when/ sawe we the anhongred/ an feed the? or a thurst/ and gave the drynke? Then shall ye righteous answere him sayinge master/ whē sawe we ye anhongred/ & feed the? or a thurst/ & gave ye drinke? Then shall the righteous answere him sayinge: master/ when sawe we the an hongred/ and feed the? or a thurst/ and gaue the drinke? Then shal the righteous answere him, & saye: LORDE, whē sawe we the hōgrie, and fed the? Or thirstie, and gaue the drynke?
25:38 whē sawe we the herbroulesse/ ād lodged the? or naked ād clothed the? when sawe we ye herbourlesse/ & lodged the? or naked & clothed the? when sawe we the herbourlesse/ & lodged the? or naked and clothed the? When sawe we the herbourlesse, and lodged the? Or naked, and clothed ye?
25:39 or when sawe we the sicke/ or in preson ād cam vnto the? or when sawe we the sicke or in preson/ & came vnto the? or when sawe we the sicke or in preson/ & came vnto the? Or whē sawe we ye sicke or in preson, and came vnto the?
25:40 And the kynge shall answere/ and saye vnto them: verely I saye vnto you: ī as moche as ye have done it vnto won of the leest of these my brethren: ye have done it to me. And ye kynge shall answere & saye vnto them: verely I saye vnto you: in as moche as ye have done it vnto one of ye leest of these my brethren/ ye have done it to me. And the kynge shall answere & saye vnto thē: verely I saye vnto you: in as moche as ye haue done it vnto one of the leest of these my brethren/ ye haue done it to me. And the kynge shal answer and saye vnto them: Verely I saye vnto you: Loke what ye haue done vnto one of the least of these my brethren, the same haue ye done vnto me.
25:41 Then shall the kynge saye vnto thē that shalbe on the lyffte hande: departe from me ye coursed into everlastinge fire/ which is prepared for the devyll and hys angels. Then shall the kynge saye vnto them that shalbe on the lyfte hande: departe from me ye coursed/ into everlastinge fire/ which is prepared for the devyll and his angels. Then shall the kynge saye vnto them that shalbe on the lyfte honde: departe from me ye coursed/ into euerlastinge fyre: which is prepared for the deuyll and his angels. Then shal he saye also vnto them that shalbe on the left hande: Departe fro me ye cursed in to the euerlastinge fyre, which is prepared for the deuell and his angels.
25:42 For I was an hungred/ and ye gave me no meate. I thursted/ and ye gave me no drynke. For I was an hungred/ and ye gave me no meate. I thursted/ and ye gave me no drinke. For I was an hungred/ and ye gaue me no meate. I thursted/ & ye gaue me no drinke. For I was hōgrie, and ye gaue me no meate: I was thirstye, and ye gaue me no drynke:
25:43 I was herbroulesse/ and ye lodged me nott. I was naked/ and ye clothed me nott. I was sycke and in preson/ and ye visited me not. I was herbourlesse/ and ye lodged me not. I was naked/ and ye clothed me not. I was sicke and in preson/ and ye visited me not. I was herbourlesse/ and ye lodged me not. I was naked/ and ye clothed me not. I was sicke and in preson/ and ye visited me not. I was herbourlesse, and ye lodged me not: I was naked, and ye clothed me not: I was sicke and in preson, and ye vysited me not.
25:44 Then shall they also answere hym sayinge: master whē sawe we the anhūgred/ or a thurst/ or herbroulesse/ or naked/ or sicke/ or in preson/ and have not ministred vnto the? Then shall they also answere him sayinge: master when sawe we the an hungred/ or a thurst/ or herbourlesse/ or naked/ or sicke/ or in preson/ and did not ministre vnto the? Then shall they also answere him sayinge: master when sawe we the anhungred/ or a thurst/ or herbourlesse/ or naked/ or sicke/ or in preson/ and dyd not minister vnto the? Then shal they also answere hī, and saye: LORDE, when sawe we the hōgrie, or thyrstie, or herbourlesse, or naked, or sicke, or in preson, and haue not mynistred vnto the?
25:45 then shall he answere thē/ and saye: Verily I saye vnto you/ in as moche as ye dyd it nott to won off the leest of these/ ye dyd it nott to me. Then shall he answere thē and saye: Verely I saye vnto you/ in as moche as ye did it not to one of ye leest of these/ ye did it not to me. Then shall he answere them & saye: Verely I saye vnto you in as moche as ye dyd it not to one of the leest of these/ ye dyd it not to me. Thē shal he answere them, and saye: Verely I saye vnto you: Loke what ye haue not done vnto one of the leest of these, the same haue ye not done vnto me.
25:46 And these shall go into everlastinge payne: And the rightous into lyfe eternall. And these shall go into everlastinge payne: And the righteous into lyfe eternall. And these shall go into euerlastinge payne: and the righteous in to lyfe eternall. And these shal go in to euerlastinge payne, but the righteous in to euerlastinge life.