Revelation: Chapter 22

Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
22:1 ANd he shewed me a pure ryver off water off lyfe pure as cristall: procedynge oute of the seate off God and off the lambe. ANd he shewed me a pure ryver of water of lyfe clere as cristall: procedynge oute of the seate of God and of the lambe. ANd he shewed me a pure ryuer of water of lyfe clere as Cristall: procedynge oute of the seate of God and of the lambe. ANd he shewed me a pure ryuer of water of life clere as cristall: proceadinge out of the seate of God and of ye lambe
22:2 In the myddes off the strete off hit/ and off ether syde off the ryver was there wode off lyfe: which bare xij manner off frutes: and gave frute ever moneth: and the leves off the wodde served to heale the poeple with all. In the myddes of the strete of it and of ether syde of ye ryver was there wode of lyfe: which bare xii māner of frutes: & gave frute every moneth: and the leves of the wodde served to heale the people with all. In the myddes of the strete of it/ and of ether syde of the ryuer was ther wode of lyfe: which bare .xij. manner of frutes: and gaue frute euery moneth: and the leues of the wodde serued to heale the people with all. in the myddes of the strete of it, and of ether syde of the ryuer was there wod of life: which bare twolue māner of frutes: and gaue frute euery moneth: and the leaues of the wodd serued to heale the people with all.
22:3 And there shalbe no more cursse but the seate of god and the lambe shalbe in hit: and his servauntes shall serve hym: And there shalbe no more cursse/ but the seate of god and the lambe shalbe in it: and his servauntes shall serve him: And ther shalbe no more cursse/ but the seate of God and the lambe shalbe in it: and his seruauntes shall serue him. And there shalbe no more cursse, but the seate of God and ye lābe shalbe in it: and his seruauntes shal serue him:
22:4 And shall se his face/ and his name shalbe in their for heddes. And shall se his face/ and his name shalbe in their forheddes. And they shall se his face/ and his name shalbe in their forheddes. And shal se his face, and his name shalbe in their for heades.
22:5 Ande theare shall be no moare nyghte there and they nede no candle/ nether light off the sunne: for the lorde God geveth them light/ and they shall raynge for evermore. And there shall be no nyght there/ and they nede no candle/ nether light of the sunne: for the lorde God geveth them light/ and they shall raygne for evermore. And there shall be no nyght there/ and they nede no candle/ nether lyght of the sunne: for the Lorde God geueth them lyght/ and they shall raygne for euermore. And there shalbe no night there, and they nede no candle, nether light of the Sonne: for the LORDE God geueth thē light, and they shal reygne for euermore.
22:6 And he sayde vnto me: these sayingſ are fayghtfull/ and true. And the lorde god of saynctſ ād prophettſ sentt his angell to shewe vnto his servauntſ/ the thyngſ wich muste shortly be fulfylled. And he sayde vnto me: these sayinges are faythfull/ and true. And the lorde god of saynctes and prophetes sent his angell to shewe vnto his servauntes/ the thynges which muste shortly be fulfylled. And he sayde vnto me: these sayinges are faythfull and true. And the Lorde God of Saynctes and Prophetes sent his angel to shewe vnto his seruauntes/ the thinges which muste shortly be fulfilled. And he sayde vnto me: these sayenges are faithfull, and true. And the LORDE God of the holy prophetes sent his angell to shewe vnto his seruantes, the thinges which muste shortly be fulfylled.
22:7 Beholde I come shortly. Happy is he that kepeth the sayinge of the prophesy off this boke. Beholde I come shortly. Happy is he that kepeth the sayinge of ye prophesy of this boke. Beholde I come shortly. Happy is he that kepeth the sayinge of the prophesy of this boke. Beholde, I come shortly. Happy is he yt kepeth ye sayēge of ye prophesy of this boke.
22:8 I am Ihon/ which sawe these thyngſ and herde them. And when I had herde and sene/ I fell doune/ to worshippe before the fete of the angell which shewed me these thynges. I am Ihon which sawe these thynges & herde them. And when I had herde and sene/ I fell doune/ to worshippe before the fete of the angell which shewed me these thynges. I am Iohn which sawe these thinges and herde them. And when I had herde and sene/ I fell doune/ to worshippe before the fete of the Angel which shewed me these thinges. I am Ihon, which sawe these thinges and herde them. And whē I had herde and sene thē, I fell downe to worshippe before the fete of the angell which shewed me these thinges.
22:9 And he sayd vnto me: se thou do hit not/ for I am thy felowe servaunt and the felowe servaunt of thy brethren the prophettſ and of them which kepe the sayinges off this boke. But worshippe God. And he sayd vnto me: se thou do it not/ for I am thy feloweservaunt and the feloweservaunt of thy brethren the prophettes and of them which kepe the sayinges of this boke. But worshippe God. And he sayd vnto me: se thou do it not/ for I am thy felowe seruaunt and the feloweseruaunt of thy brethren the prophetes and of them which kepe the sayinges of this boke. But worshippe God. And he saide vnto me: se thou do it not, for I am thy felowe seruaunt and the felowe seruaūt of thy brethren the prophetes, and of them, which kepe the sayenges of this boke. Worshippe God.
22:10 And he sayde vnto me: seale nott the sayinges off prophesy off this boke. For the tyme is at hōde. And he sayde vnto me: seale not the sayinges of prophesy of this boke. For the tyme is at honde. And he sayde vnto me: seale not the sayinges of the prophesy of this boke. For the tyme is at honde. And he sayde vnto me: seale not the sayenges of the prophesy of this boke. For the tyme is at hōde.
22:11 He that doeth evle/ lett hym do evle still: and he which is fylthy/ lett hym be fylthy still: and he that is righteous/ lett hym be more righteous: and he that is holy/ lett hym be more holy. He that doeth evyl/ let him do evyl still: and he which is fylthy/ let him be fylthy still: and he that is righteous/ let him be more righteous: and he that is holy/ let him be more holy. He that doeth euyll/ let him do euyll styll: and he which is fylthy/ let him be fylthy styll: and he that is ryghteous/ let him be more ryghteous: and he that is holy/ let him be more holy. He that doeth euell, let him do euell styll: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy styll: and he that is righteous, let him be more righteous: and he that is holy, let him be more holy.
22:12 And beholde I come shortly/ and my rewarde with me/ to geve every man acordinge as his dedes shalbe. And beholde I come shortly/ and my rewarde with me/ to geve every man accordinge as his dedes shalbe. And beholde I come shortly/ and my rewarde with me/ to geue euery man accordynge as his dedes shalbe. And beholde, I come shortly, and my rewarde with me, to geue euery mā acordinge as his dedes shalbe.
22:13 I am Alpha and Omega/ the begynnynge and the end/ the fyrst and the last. I am Alpha & Omega/ the begynninge and the ende: the fyrst and the last. I am Alpha and Omega the beginnynge and the ende: the fyrst and the last. I am Alpha and Omega, ye beginnynge and the ende: the first & the last.
22:14 Blessed are they that do hys commauudmentſ/ that their power maye be in the tree off lyfe/ and maye entre in thorowe the gatſ into the cite. Blessed are they that do hys commaundmentes/ that their power maye be in the tree of lyfe/ and maye entre in thorow the gates into the cite. Blessed are they that do his commaundementes/ that their power maye be in the tree of lyfe/ and maye entre in thorow the gates in to the cite. Blessed are they that do his commaundementes, that their power maye be in the tree of life, and maye entre in thorow the gates in to the cite.
22:15 For with out shalbe doggſ and inchauters/ and whormongers/ and morthrers/ and ydolatres/ and whosoever loveth or makith lesyngſ. For without shalbe dogges and inchaūters/ and whormongers/ and mortherers/ and ydolaters/ and whosoever loveth or makith lesynges. For without shalbe dogges and inchaunters/ and whormongers/ and mortherers/ and ydolaters/ and whosoeuer loueth or maketh lesynges. For without are dogges and inchaunters and whormongers, and mortherers, and ydolaters, and whosoeuer loueth or maketh lesinges.
22:16 I Iesus sēt myne angell/ to testyfye vnto you these thyngſ in the congregacions. I am the rote and the generacion of David/ and the bright mornynge starre. I Iesus sent myne angell/ to testyfye vnto you these thynges in the congregacions. I am the rote and the generacion of David and the bright mornynge starre. I Iesus sent myne angel/ to testifie vnto you these thinges in the congregaciōs. I am the rote and the generacion of Dauid/ and the bryght mornynge starre. I Iesus haue sent myne angell, to testifie vnto you these thinges in the cōgregacions. I am the rote and the generacion of Dauid, and the bright mornynge starre.
22:17 And the sprete and the bryde sayde come. And lett hym that heareth/ saye also come. And let hym that is a thyrst come. And let whosoever wyll/ take of the water of lyfe fre. And the sprete and the bryde sayde come. And let him that heareth saye also come. And let him that is athyrst come. And let whosoever wyll/ take of the water of lyfe fre. And the sprete and the bryde sayde come. And let him that heareth/ saye also come. And let him that is athyrst/ come. And let whosoeuer will/ take of the water of lyfe/ fre. And the sprete and the bryde saye: Come. And let him that heareth, saye also: Come. And let him that is a thyrst, come. And let whosoeuer wyll, take of the water of life fre.
22:18 I testifye vnto every man thatt heareth the wordſ of prophesy of thys boke. yf eny man shall adde vnto these thyngſ/ god shall adde vnto hym the plagſ that are wrytten ī this boke. I testifye vnto every man that heareth the wordes of prophesy of thys boke. yf eny man shall adde vnto these thynges/ god shall adde vnto him the plages that are wrytten in this boke. I testifie vnto euery man that heareth the wordes of the prophesy of this boke: yf eny man shall adde vnto these thinges/ God shall adde vnto him the plages that are written in this boke. I testifye vnto euery man that heareth the wordes of prophesy of this boke yf eny man shal adde vnto these thinges, God shal adde vnto him the plages that are wrytten in this boke.
22:19 And yf eny man shall mynnyshe of the wordſ off the boke of this prophesy/ god shall take awaye his parte out of the boke of lyfe/ and oute of the holy cetie/ and frō thoo thynges which are written in this boke. And yf eny man shall mynyshe of the wordes of ye boke of this prophesy/ god shall take a waye his parte out of the boke of lyfe/ & oute of ye holy citie/ & frō thoo thyngſ which are written in this boke. And yf eny man shall mynisshe of the wordes of the boke of this prophesy/ God shall take awaye his parte out of the boke of lyfe/ and oute of the holy cite/ and from tho thinges which are written in this boke. And yf eny man shal mynishe of the wordes of the boke of this prophesy, God shal take awaye his parte out of the boke of life, and out of the holy citie, and frō tho thinges which are wrytten in this boke.
22:20 He which testifyith these thinges sayth: be hit/ I come quyckly/ Amen. evē soo: come lorde Iesu. He which testifyeth these thinges sayth: be it/ I come quyckly/ Amen. Even soo: come lorde Iesu. He which testifieth these thinges sayth: be it/ I come quyckly/ Amen. Euen so: come lorde Iesu. He which testifyeth these thinges, sayth: Yee I come quyckly, Amen. Euen so: come LORDE Iesu.
22:21 The grace of oure lorde Iesu Christ be with you all Amen. The grace of oure lorde Iesu Christ be with you all. Amen. The grace of oure Lorde Iesu Christ be with you all: Amen. The grace of oure LORDE Iesu Christ be with you all. Amen.
END The ende of the newe testiment. The ende of the newe testament. The ende of the newe testament. The ende of the new testament.


Revelation: Chapter 21

Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
21:1 ANd I sawe a newe heven/ and a newe erth For the fyrst heven/ and the fyrst erth/ were vanysshed awaye/ and there was no more see. ANd I sawe a newe heven & a newe erth For the fyrst heven/ and the fyrst erth/ were vanysshed awaye/ and there was no more see. ANd I sawe a newe heuē & a newe erth. For the fyrst heauē/ and the fyrst erth/ were vanisshed awaye/ & ther was no more see. ANd I sawe a newe heauen and a newe earth. For the fyrst heauen, and the fyrst earth were vanisshed awaye, and there was nomore See.
21:2 And I Ihon sawe that holy cite newe Ierusalem come doune from God oute off heven prepard as a bryde garnysshed for hyr husbād. And I Ihō sawe that holy cite newe Ierusalem come doune from God oute of heven prepared as a bryde garnysshed for hyr husband. And I Iohn sawe that holy cite newe Ierusalem come doune frō God oute of heauē prepared as a bryde garnisshed for her husband. And I Ihon sawe that holy cite newe Ierusalem come downe from God out of heauen, prepared as a bryde garnisshed for hyr hussband.
21:3 And I herde a grett voyce from the trone/ saynge: be holde/ the tabernacle off God is with mē/ and he wyll dwell with them. And they shalbe his people/ and God hym sylffe shalbe with them and be their god. And I herde a grett voyce out of heaven sayinge: beholde/ the tabernacle of God is with men/ & he will dwell with thē And they shalbe his people/ & God him sylffe shalbe with the & be their god. And I herde a gret voyce out of heauen sayinge: beholde/ the tabernacle of God is with men/ and he will dwell with them. And they shalbe his people/ and God him selfe shalbe with them and be their God. And I herde a greate voyce from the seate, sayenge: beholde, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he wil dwell with them. And they shalbe his people, and God himselfe shalbe with thē, and shalbe their God.
21:4 And God shall wyppe awaye all teares from their eyes. And there shalbe nomore deeth/ nether sorowe/ nether cryinge/ nether shall there be eny more payne/ for the olde thynges are gone. And God shall wype awaye all teares frō their eyes. And there shalbe nomore deeth/ nether sorowe nether cryinge/ nether shall there be eny more payne/ for the olde thynges are gone. And God shall wype awaye all teares from their eyes. And there shalbe nomore deeth/ nether sorowe nether cryinge/ nether shall ther be eny more payne/ for the olde thinges are gone. And God shal wipe awaye all teares from their eyes. And there shalbe nomore deeth, nether sorowe, nether shal there be eny more payne, for ye olde thinges are gone.
21:5 And he that sate apon the seate/ sayde: Behold I make all thyngſ newe. And he sayde vnto me: wryte/ for these wordes ar faygthfull and true. And he that sate apon the seate/ sayde: Behold I make all thynges newe. And he sayde vnto me: wryte/ for these wordes are faythfull & true. And he that sate apon the seate/ sayde: Behold I make all thinges newe. And he sayde vnto me: wryte/ for these wordes are faythfull and true. And he that sat vpon the seate, sayde: Beholde, I make all thinges newe. And he sayde vnto me: wryte for these wordes are faithfull and true,
21:6 And he sayde vnto me: hit is done I am Alpha and Omega/ the begynynge/ and the ende. I will geve to hym that is a thryst of the well of the water of lyfe fre. And he sayde vnto me: it is done/ I am Alpha and Omega/ the begynnynge/ and the ende. I will geve to him yt is a thyrst of the well of the water of lyfe fre. And he sayde vnto me: it is done/ I am Alpha and Omega/ the beginnynge/ and the ende. I will geue to him that is a thryst of the well of the water of lyfe/ fre. And he sayde vnto me: it is done I am Alpha and Omega, the begynnynge, and the ende. I wil geue to him that is a thyrst of the well of the water of life fre.
21:7 He that overcōmeth shall inheret all thyngſ/ and I wyll be his God/ and he shalbe my sonne. He that overcōmeth shall inheret all thynges/ & I will be his God/ and he shalbe my sonne. He that ouercōmeth/ shall inheret all thinges/ & I will be his God/ and he shalbe my sonne. He that ouercommeth, shal inheret all thinges I wil be his God, and he shalbe my sonne.
21:8 But the fearfull and vnbelevynge/ and the abhominable/ and murdres/ and whormongers/ and sorceres/ and ydolatrers/ and all lyars shall have their parte in the lake which burnyth with fyre and brymstone/ which is the seconde deth. But the fearefull & vnbelevynge/ and the abhominable/ and murdrers/ & whormongers/ & sorcerers/ and ydolaters/ and all lyars shall have their parte in the lake which burnyth with fyre and brymstone/ which is the seconde deth. But the fearefull and vnbeleuynge/ and the abhominable/ and murdrers/ and whormongers/ and sorcerers/ & ydolaters/ and all lyars shall haue their parte in the lake which burnyth with fyre and brymstone/ which is the seconde deeth. But the fearefull and vnbeleuynge, and the abhominable, and murthurers, and whormongers, and sorcerers, and ydolaters, & all lyars, shal haue their parte in the lake, that burneth with fyre and brymstone, which is the seconde death.
21:9 And there cam vnto me one of the vij. angels which had the vij. vyals full of the vij. laste plages: and talked with me sayinge: come hydder I will shewe the the bryde/ the lambes wyfe. And there cam vnto me one of the vii. angels which had the vii. vyals full of the vii. laste plages: and talked with me sayinge: come hydder/ I will shewe the the bryde/ the lambes wyfe. And there cam vnto me one of the .vij. angels which had the .vij. vyals full of the .vij. laste plages: and talked with me sayinge: come hydder/ I will shewe the the bryde/ the lambes wyfe. And there came vnto me one of the seuen angels, which had the seuen vials full of the seuen last plages: and talked with me, sayenge: come hydder, I wil shewe the the bryde, ye lābes wyfe.
21:10 And he caryed me awaye in the sprete to a grett and an hye mountayne/ and he shewed me the grett cite/ holy Ierusalem descendinge out off heven from God/ And he caryed me awaye in the sprete to a grett and an hye mountayne/ and he shewed me the grett cite/ holy Ierusalem descendinge out of heven frō God/ And he caryed me awaye in the sprete to a grett and an hye mountayne/ and he shewed me the grett cite/ holy Ierusalem descendynge out of heauen from God/ And he caryed me awaye in ye sprete to a greate and an hye moūtayne, and he shewed me the greate cite, holy Ierusalē descendinge out of heauen from God,
21:11 havynge the brightnes off God. And her shynynge was lyke vnto a stone moste precious/ even a Iaspar cleare as cristall: havynge the brightnes of God. And her shynynge was lyke vnto a stone moste precious/ even a Iaspar cleare as cristall: hauynge the bryghtnes of God. And her shynynge was lyke vnto a stone moste precious/ euen a Iaspar cleare as Cristall: hauynge the brightnes of God. And her shynynge was lyke vnto a stone most precious, euen a Iaspar cleare as cristall:
21:12 and had walles grett and hye/ and had xij yattſ/ ād att the yattes xij angels: and names wrytten/ which are the xij trybes of Israell: and had walles grett & hye/ and had xii gates/ and at the gates xii. angels: and names written/ which are the xii. trybes of Israell: and had walles grett and hye/ and had xij. gates/ and at the gates .xij. angels: and names written/ which are the .xij. trybes of Israel: & had greate and hye walles, and had twolue gates, and at ye gates twolue angels: and names wrytten, which are the twolue trybes of Israel:
21:13 on the est parte iij gatis/ and on the north syd iij gates/ and to wardes the south iij gates/ and from the west iij gates: on the est parte iii gatis/ & on the north syde iii gates/ and to wardes the south iii gates/ and from the west iii gates: on the est parte .iij. gates/ and on the north syde .iij. gates and to wardes the south .iij. gates/ and from the west .iij. gates: on the est parte thre gates, and on the north syde thre gates, and towarde the south thre gates, and from the west thre gates:
21:14 and the wall off the cite had xij foundacions/ and in them the names off the lambes .xij. Apostles. & the wall of the cite had xii foundacions/ & in them the names of the lambes .xii. Apostles. and the wall of the cite had .xij. foundacions/ and in them the names of the lambes .xij. Apostles. and the wall of the cite had twolue foundaciōs, and in them the names of the lambes twolue Apostles.
21:15 And he that talked with me/ had a golden rede to measur the cite with all and the yates theroff and the wall ther off. And he that talked with me/ had a golden read to measure the cite with all and the gates therof and the wall therof. And he that talked with me/ had a golden rede to measure the cite with all and the gates therof and the wall therof. And he that talked with me, had a golden rede to measure the cite with all, and the gates therof, and the wall therof.
21:16 And the cite was bylt iiij. square/ and the length was as large as the bredth of hitt/ and he measured the cite with the rede .xij M. fur longſ: and the lenght/ ād the breth/ and the heyght off hit/ were equall. And the cite was bylt iiii. square/ and the length was as large as the bredth of it/ and he measured the cite with the rede .xii M. fur longes: & the lenght and the bredth/ and ye heyth of it/ were equall. And the cite was bylt .iiij. square and the lenght was as large as the bredth of it/ and he measured the cite with the rede .xij. M. furlonges: & the lenght and the bredth/ and the heyth of it/ were equall. And the cite was bylt foure square, and the length was as large as the bredth of it, and he measured the cite with the rede twolue M. furlonges: and the length and the bredth, and ye heyth of it, were equall.
21:17 And he measured the wall therof. an cxliiij. cubittes: the measure that the angell had was after the measur that man vseth. And he measured the wall therof. an cxliiii. cubittes: the measure that ye angell had was after the measure that man vseth. And he measured the wall therof .an. c.xliiij. cubittes: the measure that the angel had was after the measure that man vseth. And he measured the wall therof, an cxliiij. cubittes, after ye measure of a man, which the angel had.
21:18 And the byldīge of the wall of hit was of iaspar. And the cite was pure gold lyke vnto cleare glasse/ And the byldinge of the wall of it was of iaspar. And the cite was pure gold lyke vnto cleare glasse And the byldynge of the wall of it was of Iaspar. And the cite was pure golde lyke vnto cleare glasse/ And the buyldinge of the wall of it was of Iaspar. And the cite was of pure golde, like vnto cleare glasse:
21:19 and the foundacions off the wall of the cite was garnisshed with all maner off precious stones. The fyrste foundacion was iaspar/ the seconde saphyre/ the thyrde a calcedony/ the fourth an emeralde: & the foundacions of the wall of ye cite was garnisshed with all maner of precious stones The fyrste foundacion was iaspar/ the seconde saphyre/ the thyrde a calcedony/ the fourth an emeralde: & the foundacions of the wall of the cite was garnisshed with all maner of precious stones. The fyrste foundacion was Iaspar/ the seconde Saphyre/ the thyrde a Calcedony/ the fourth an Emeralde: and ye foundaciōs of the walles and of ye cite were garnysshed with all maner of precious stones. The fyrst foundacion was a Iasper, the seconde a Saphyre, ye thyrde a Calcedony, the fourth a Smaragde:
21:20 the fift sardonix: the sixt sardeos: the sevente crysolite/ the ayghte berall: the nynthe a topas: the tenthe a crysoprasos: the eleventhe a iacyncte: the twelfe an amatist. the fyft sardonix: the sixt sardeos: the seventh crysolite/ the ayght berall: the nynth a topas: the tenth a crysoprasos: the eleventh a iacyncte: the twelfe an amatist. the fyft Sardonix: the sixt Sardeos: the seventh Crysolite: the eyght Berall: the nynth a Topas: the tenth a Crysoprasos: the eleuenth a Iacyncte: the twelue an Amatist. the fyft a Sardonix: the sixt a Sardeos: the seuenth a Crysolite, the eyght berall: the nynth a Topas: the tenth a Crysoprasos: the eleuēth a Iacyncte: the twelfte an Amatist.
21:21 The xij yattes were xij pearles/ every gate was of one pearle/ and the strete of the cite was pure golde/ as thorowe shynynge glasse. The xii. gates were xii pearles/ every gate was of one pearle/ and the strete of the cite was pure golde/ as thorowe shynynge glasse. The .xij. gates were .xij. pearles/ euery gate was of one pearle/ and the strete of the cite was pure golde/ as thorowe shynynge glasse. And the twolue gates were twolue pearles, and euery gate was of one pearle, and ye strete of the cite was pure golde, as a thoroweshyninge glasse.
21:22 And there was no temple therin. For the lord god allmyghty and the lambe are the temple of hit/ And there was no temple therin. For the lord god allmyghty and the lambe are the temple of it/ And ther was no temple therin. For the lorde God allmyghty and the lambe are the temple of it/ And I sawe no temple therin. For the LORDE God allmighty and the lambe is the temple of it,
21:23 And the cite hath no nede of the sunne nether of the mone to lyghten hit. For the brynghtnes off God dyd light hitt: and the lambe was the light off hit. and the cite hath no nede of the sonne nether of the mone to lyghten it. For the bryghtnes of God dyd light it: and the lambe was the light of it. and the cite hath no nede of the sonne nether of the mone to lyghten it. For the bryghtnes of God dyd lyght it: and the lambe was the lyght of it. and the cite hath no nede of the Sonne, nether of the mone to lyghten it. For the bryghtnes of God doth light it: and the lambe is the lyght of it.
21:24 And the people which are saved shall walke in the light off hit: and the kyngſ off the erth shall brynge their glory vnto hit. And the people which are saved shall walke in the light of it: and the kynges of the erth shall brynge their glory vnto it. And the people which are saued shall walke in the lyght of it: and the kynges of the erth shall bringe their glory vnto it. And ye people which are saued, shal walke in the light of it: and the kynges of the earth shal brynge their glory vnto it.
21:25 And the yattes off hit are nott shutt by daye. For there shalbe no nyght there. And ye gates of it are not shut by daye. For there shalbe no nyght there. And the gates of it are not shut by daye. For ther shalbe no nyght there. And the gates of it shal not be shut by daye. For there shalbe no nyght there.
21:27 And there shall entre into hit none vnclene thinge: nether what soever worketh abhominacion: or maketh lyes: but they only which are wrytten in the lambes boke off lyfe. And there shall entre into it none vnclene thynge: nether what soever worketh abhominacion: or maketh lyes: but they only which are wrytten in the lambes boke of lyfe. And ther shall entre into it none vnclene thinge: nether whatsoeuer worketh abhominacion: or maketh lyes: but they only which are written in the lambes boke of lyfe. And there shal entre in to it none vncleane thinge: nether what soeuer worketh abhominacion: or maketh lyes: but they which are wrytten in the lambes boke of life.


Revelation: Chapter 20

Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
20:1 ANd I sawe an angell come doune frō heven/ havynge the kaye off the bottomlesse pytt/ and a grett chayne in hys honde. ANd I sawe an angell come doune from heven/ havinge the kaye of the bottomlesse pyt/ & a gret chayne in his honde. ANd I sawe an angell come doune from heauē/ hauinge the kaye of the bottomlesse pyt/ & a gret chayne in his honde. ANd I sawe an angell come downe from heauen, hauinge the keye of the bottomlesse pyt, and a gret chayne in his honde.
20:2 And he toke the dragon that olde serpent/ which is the devyll and satanas/ and he bounde hī a thousand yeares: And he toke the dragō that olde serpēt/ which is the devyll and Satanas/ & he bounde him a thousand yeares: And he toke the dragon that olde serpent/ which is the deuyll & Satanas/ & he boūde him a thousand yeares: And he toke the dragon that olde serpent (which is the deuell and Satanas) and he bounde him a thousand yeares:
20:3 and cast hym into the bottomlesse pitt/ and he bounde hym/ and set a seale on hym/ that he shulde desceve the people no moare/ tyll the M. yeares were fulfylled. And after that he muste be lowsed for a lytell season. and cast him into the bottomlesse pit/ and he bounde him/ and set a seale on him/ yt he shuld desceaue the people no moare/ tyll the .M. yeares were fulfilled. And after yt he muste be loosed for a litell season. and cast him into the bottomlesse pit/ and he bounde him/ and set a seale on him/ that he shulde deceaue the people no moare/ tyll the thousand yeres were fulfilled. And after that he muste be losed for a lytell season. and cast him in to the bottomlesse pyt, and he bounde him, and set a seale on him, that he shuld disceaue the people nomoare, tyll the thousand yeares were fulfilled. And after that muste he be lowsed for a littell season.
20:4 And I sawe seattſ/ and they satt apon them/ and iudgment was geven vnto them: and I sawe the soules off them thatt were behedded for the wytnes off Iesu/ and for the word off God: which had not worshypped the best/ nether his ymage/ nether had taken his marke apon their forheddes/ or on their hondes: and they lyved/ and reygned with Christ a M. yere: And I sawe seattſ/ & they sat apon them/ & iudgement was geven vnto them: and I sawe the soules of them that were behedded for the witnes of Iesu/ & for the worde of God: which had not worshypped the best/ nether his ymage/ nether had taken his marke vpon their forheddes/ or on their hondes: and they lyved/ and raygned with Christ a .M. yere: And I sawe seates/ & they sat vpon them & iudgement was geuen vnto them: and I sawe the soules of them that were behedded for the witnes of Iesu/ & for the worde of God: which had not worshypped the beste/ nether his ymage/ nether had taken his marke vpon their forheddes/ or on their hondes: and they liued/ and raygned with Christ a M. yere: And I sawe seates, and they sat vpon them, and the iudgement was geuen vnto them: and I sawe the soules of them that were beheaded for the witnes of Iesu, and for the worde of God: which had not worshipped the beest, nether his ymage, nether had taken his marke vpon their forheades, or on their hondes: and they lyued, and raygned with Christ a thousand yeare:
20:5 but the wother off the deed men lyved not agayne/ vntyll the M. yere were fynisshed. This is that fyrst resurreccion. but the wother of the deed men lyved not agayne/ vntyll the .M. yere were fynisshed. This is that fyrst resurreccion. but the other of the deed mē lyued not agayne/ vntyll the M. yere were fynisshed. This is that fyrst resurreccion. but the other of the deed men lyued not agayne, vntill the thousand yeare were fynisshed. This is that fyrst resurreccion.
20:6 Blessed and holy is he thatt hath parte in the fyrst resurreccion. For on suche shall the seconde deeth have no power/ for they shalbe the prestes off God and off Christ/ ād shall raigne with hym a M. yere. Blessed and holy is he that hath parte in the fyrst resurreccion. For on suche shall the seconde deeth have no power/ for they shalbe the prestes of God and of Christ/ and shall raygne with him a .M. yere. Blessed and holy is he that hath parte in the fyrst resurreccion. For on suche shall the seconde deeth haue no power for they shalbe the prestes of God & of Christ/ & shall raygne with him a M. yere. Blessed and holy is he that hath parte in the fyrst resurreccion. On soch hath the seconde deeth no power, but they shalbe the prestes of God and of Christ, and shall raygne with him a thousand yeare.
20:7 And when the M. yere are expiered/ Satan shalbe lowsed out off hys preson/ And when the .M. yeares are experied/ Satan shalbe lowsed out of his preson/ And when the M. yeares are experied/ Satan shalbe lowsed out of his preson/ And when the thousand yeares are expyred, Sathan shalbe lowsed out of his preson,
20:8 and shall goo oute to deceave the people which are in the foure quarters off the erth gog and Magog/ to gadder them to gedder to battayle whose nombre is as the sonde off the see: and shall goo oute to deceave the people which are in the foure quarters of the erth Gog and Magog/ to gadder them to gedder to batayle/ whose nombre is as the sonde of the see: and shall go oute to deceaue the people which are in the foure quarters of the erth Gog and Magog/ to gadder them to gedder to batayle/ whose nombre is as the sonde of the see: and shal go out to deceaue the people which are in the foure quarters of the earth. Gog and Magog, to gadder them togedder to batayle, whose nombre is as the sonde off the see:
20:9 and they went vppe on the playne off the erth/ and compased the tentes off the saynctes about/ and the beloved cite. And fyre cam doune from God/ out off heven/ and devoured them: and they went vp on the playne of the erth/ and compased the tentes of the saynctes about/ & the beloved cite. And fyre cam doune from God/ out of heven/ & devoured them: and they went vp in the playne of the erth/ and compased the tentes of the saynctes about/ & the beloued cite. And fyre cam doune from God/ out of heauen/ and deuoured them: and they went vp on the playne of the earth, and compased the tentes of the sayntes aboute, and the beloued cite. And fyre cam doune from God out of heauen, and deuoured them:
20:10 and the devyll that desceaved them/ was cast into a lake off fyre and brymstone/ where the beest and the falce prophett were and shalbe tormented daye and nyght for ever more. & the devyll that desceaved them/ was cast into a lake of fyre & brymstone/ where the beest and the falce prophet were and shalbe tormented daye and nyght for ever more. and the deuyll that deceaued them/ was cast into a lake of fyre & brimstone/ where the beest and the false prophet were and shalbe tormented daye and nyght for euer more. and the deuell that disceaued them, was cast in to a lake of fyre and brymstone, where the beest and the false prophet were, and shalbe tormented daye and night for euermore.
20:11 And I sawe a grett whyte seate and hym that sate on hit/ frome whose face fleed awaye both the erth and heven/ and their place was no more founde. And I sawe a grett whyte seate and him that sate on it/ from whose face fleed awaye both the erth and heavē/ and their place was no more founde. And I sawe a greate whyte seate and him that sate on it/ from whose face fleed awaye both the erth and heauē/ and their place was no more founde. And I sawe a gret whyte seate, and him that sat on it, from whose face fled awaye both the earth and heauen, and their place was nomore founde.
20:12 And I sawe the deed/ both grett and smale stonde before God: And the bokſ were opened/ and another boke was opened/ which is the boke of lyfe/ and the deed were iudged of thoo thynges which were wrytten in the bokes accordinge to their dedes: And I sawe the deed/ both grett and small stonde before God: And the bokes were opened and another boke was opened/ which is the boke of lyfe/ and the deed were iudged of thoo thynges which weer wrytten in the bokes accordinge to their dedes: And I sawe the deed/ both gret and small stonde before God: And the bokes were opened/ & another boke was opened/ which is the boke of lyfe/ and the deed were iudged of tho thinges which were written in the bokes accordinge to their dedes: And I sawe the deed, both gret and small stonde before God: And the bokes were opened, and another boke was opened, which is (the boke) of life, and the deed were iudged of tho thinges which were wrytten in the bokes accordinge to their dedes:
20:13 and the see gave vppe her deed/ which were in her/ and deth and hell delyvered vppe the deed/ which were in them: and they were iudged every mā accordinge to his dedes. and the see gave vp her deed/ which were in her/ and deth & hell delyvered vp the deed/ which were in them: and they were iudged every man accordinge to his dedes. and the see gaue vp her deed/ which were in her/ and deeth and hell delyuered vp the deed/ which were in them: and they were iudged euery man accordinge to his dedes. and the see gaue vp her deed, which were in her, and deeth and hell delyuered vp the deed, which were in them: and they were iudged euery man accordynge to his dedes.
20:14 And deth and hell were cast into the lake of fyre. this is that second deeth. And deth and hell were cast into the lake of fyre. This is that second deeth. And deeth and hell were cast into the lake of fyre. This is that second deeth. And deth and hell were cast in to the lake of fyre. This is that second deeth.
20:15 And whosoever was nott founde writtē in the boke off lyfe/ was cast into the lake off fyre. And whosoever was not founde written in the boke of lyfe/ was cast into the lake of fyre. And whosoeuer was foūde written in the boke of lyfe/ was cast into the lake of fyre. And whosoeuer was not founde wrytten in the boke off life, was cast in to the lake of fyre.


Revelation: Chapter 19

Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
19:1 ANd after that I herde the voyce off moche people in heven sayīge: Alleluia. Helth ād glory and honour/ and power be vnto oure lorde god/ ANd after yt/ I herde ye voyce of moche people in heven sayinge: Alleluia. Saluacion & glory and honour/ & power be ascribed to ye lorde oure god/ ANd after that I herde the voyce of moche people in heauen sayinge: Alleluya. Saluacion and glory & honour & power be ascribed to the lorde oure God/ ANd after that, I herde the voyce of moch people in heauen, sayenge: Alleluia. Saluacion and glory and honour, and power be ascribed to the LORDE or God,
19:2 for true ād ryghteous are his iudgmentſ/ for he hath iudged the grett whore/ which did corrupt the erth with her fornicacion/ and hath avenged the bloud of his servauntſ of her hōd. for true & ryghteous are his iudgmentſ/ for he hath iudged ye grett whore/ which did corrupt the erth with her fornicacion/ & hath avenged the bloud of his servauntes of her hond. for true and righteous are his iudgemētes/ for he hath iudged the great whore which dyd corrupt the erth with her fornicacion/ & hath auenged the bloud of his seruaūtes of her hond. for true and righteous are his iudgmentes, because he hath iudged the greate whore (which did corrupt ye earth with her fornicacion) and hath auenged the bloud of his seruaūtes of her hond.
19:3 And agayne they said: Alleluya. And smoke rose vppe for ever more. And agayne they said: Alleluya. And smoke rose vp for evermore. And agayne they sayd: Alleluya. And smoke rose vp for euermore. And agayne they sayde: Alleluia. And smoke rose vp for euermore.
19:4 And the xxiiij. seniours/ and the iiij. bestes fell doune/ and worshypped god that sate on the seate sayinge: Amen Alleluya. And the xxiiii. elders/ & the iiii. bestes fell doune/ & worshypped god that sate on the seate sayinge: Amen Alleluya. And the .xxiiij. elders/ & the .iiij. bestes fell doune/ and worshipped God that sate on the seate sayinge: Amen/ Alleluya. And ye xxiiij: elders, & the foure beestes fell downe, and worshipped God that sat on the seate, sayenge: Amen: Alleluia.
19:5 And a voyce cam out of the seate/ saying: prayse oure lorde god all ye that are his servauntſ/ and ye that feare hym both smale and grett. And a voyce cam out of the seate/ saying: prayse oure lorde god all ye that are his servauntes/ and ye that feare him both small and grett. And a voyce cam out of the seate/ sayinge: prayse oure Lorde God all ye that are his seruauntes/ and ye that feare him both small and great. And a voice came out of the seate, sayenge: prayse or LORDE God all ye that are his seruaūtes, & ye that feare him both small and greate.
19:6 And I herde the voyce off moche people/ even as the voyce off many waters/ and as the voyce off stronge thondryngſ/ sayinge: Alleluya/ for god omnipotent hath raigned. And I herde the voyce of moche people/ evē as the voyce of many waters/ and as the voyce of stronge thondrynges/ sayinge: Alleluya/ for god omnipotent raigneth. And I herde the voyce of moche people/ euē as the voyce of many waters/ & as the voyce of stronge thondringes/ sayinge: Alleluya/ for God omnipotent raigneth. And I herde the voyce of moch people, euē as ye voyce of many waters, & as ye voyce of stronge thondrynges, sayenge: Alleluia, for God omnipotent raigneth.
19:7 Let vs be glad and reioyce and geve honour to hym: for the mariage off the lambe is come/ and hys wyffe made her sylfe reddy. Let vs be glad and reioyce and geve honour to him: for the mariage of the lambe is come/ and hys wyffe made her sylfe reddy. Let vs be glad & reioyce and geue honour to him: for the mariage of the lambe is come/ and his wyfe made her selfe reddy. Let vs be glad and reioyce, and geue honour to him: for the mariage of the lābe is come, and his wife made her selfe ready.
19:8 And to her was graūted/ that she shulde be arayed with pure and goodly raynes. For the raynes is the rightewesnes off saynctſ. And to her was graunted/ that she shulde be arayed with pure and goodly raynes. For the raynes is the ryghtewesnes of saynctes. And to her was graūted/ that she shulde be arayed with pure and goodly raynes. For the raynes is the rightewesnes of saynctes. And to her was graunted, that she shulde be arayed with pure and goodly sylke. (As for the sylke, it is the rightewesnes of sayntes.)
19:9 And he sayde vnto me: happy are they which are called vnto the Lambes supper. And he sayde vnto me: these are the true sayinges off God. And he sayde vnto me: happy are they which are called vnto the Lābes supper. And he sayde vnto me: these are the true sayinges of God. And he sayde vnto me: happy are they which are called vnto the lābes supper. And he sayde vnto me: these are the true sayinges of God. And he sayde vnto me: Blessed are they which are called vnto the Lambes supper. And he sayde vnto me: these are the true sayenges of God.
19:10 And I fell at his fete/ to worshyppe hym. And he sayde vnto me: se thou do hit not. For I am thy felowe servaunt/ and one off thy brethern/ and off them thatt have the testimony off Iesus. Worshyppe God. For the testymony off Iesus ys the sprete off prophesy. And I fell at his fete/ to worshyppe him. And he sayde vnto me se thou do it not. For I am thy feloweseruaunt/ and one of thy brethern/ and of them that have the testimony of Iesus. Worshyppe God. For the testymony of Iesus ys the sprete of prophesy. And I fell at his fete/ to worshyppe him. And he sayde vnto me/ se thou do it not. For I am thy felowe seruaunt/ and one of thy brethren/ & of them that haue the testimony of Iesus. Worshippe God. For the testimony of Iesus is the sprete of prophesy. And I fell at his fete, to worshippe him. And he sayde vnto me: Se thou do it not. For I am thy felowe seruaunt, and one of thy brethren, and of them that haue the testimony of Iesus. Worshippe God. For the testimony of Iesus is ye sprete of prophesy.
19:11 And I sawe heven open/ and beholde a whyte horsse: and he that satt apon hym was fayhtfull and true/ and in ryghtewesnes dyd iudge and make battayle. And I sawe heven open/ and beholde a whyte horsse: and he that sat apon him was faythfull and true/ & in ryghtewesnes dyd iudge and make battayle. And I sawe heauen open/ and beholde a whyte horsse: and he that sat vpon him was faythfull and true/ and in ryghtewesnes dyd iudge and make battayle. And I sawe heauē open, & beholde, a whyte horsse and he yt sat vpon him, was called faithfull and true, & in rightewesnes dyd iudge and make battayle.
19:12 His eyes were as a flame off fyre: and on his heed were many crounes: and he had a name written/ that noman knewe butt hym sylfe. His eyes were as a flame of fyre: and on his heed were many crounes: and he had a name written/ yt noman knewe but him sylfe. His eyes were as a flame of fyre: and on his heed were many crounes: and he had a name written/ that noman knewe but he him selfe. His eyes were as a flame of fyre, and on his heade were many crounes: & he had a name wrytten, that noman knewe but him selfe.
19:13 And he was clothed with a vesture dept in bloud/ and hys name ys called the worde off God. And he was clothed with a vesture dipt in bloud/ and hys name ys called the worde of God. And he was clothed with a vesture dipt in bloud/ and his name is called the worde of God. And he was clothed with a vesture dipt in bloude, and his name is called, ye worde of God.
19:14 And the warriers which were in heven/ folowed hym apon whyte horses/ clothed with whyte and pure raynes: And the warriers which were in heven/ folowed him apon whyte horsses/ clothed with whyte and pure raynes: And the warriers which were in heauen/ folowed him vpon white horsses/ clothed with white and pure raynes: And ye warriers which were in heauen, folowed him vpon whyte horsses, clothed with whyte and pure sylke
19:15 and out off hys mouthe went out a sharppe swerde/ that with hyt he shulde smyte the hethen. And he shall rule them with a rodde off yeron/ and he trode the wynefatt off fearsnes ād wrath off almyghty god. and out of his mouthe went out a sharppe swerde/ that with yt he shuld smyte the hethen. And he shall rule them with a rodde of yron/ and he trode the wynefatt of fearsnes & wrath of almyghty god. and out of his mouthe went out a sharpe swerde/ that with it he shulde smyte the hethen. And he shall rule them with a rodde of yron/ and he trode the wynefat of fearsnes & wrath of almighty God. and out of his mouthe wente a sharppe swerde, that with it he shulde smyte the Heithen: And he shall rule them with a rodde of yron, and he trode the wynefatte of the fearcenesse and wrath of allmightye God.
19:16 And hath on his vesture and on his thygh: kynge of kynges/ and lorde of lordes. And hath on his vesture and on his thygh a name written: kynge of kynges/ and lorde of lordes. And hath on his vesture and on his thygh a name written: kynge of kynges/ and Lorde of Lordes. And hath on his vesture and on his thyghe a name wrytten: Kynge of all kinges, and LORDE of all lordes.
19:17 And I sawe an angell stonde in the sunne/ ād he cryed with a lowde voyce/ sayīge to all the fowles that flye by the myddes of heven: come ād gaddre youre selves to gedder vnto the supper off the gret god/ And I sawe an angell stonde in the sunne/ and he cryed with a lowde voyce/ sayinge to all the fowles that flye by ye myddes of hevē come and gaddre youre selves to gedder vnto the supper of the gret god/ And I sawe an angell stonde in the sunne/ and he cryed with a lowde voyce/ sayinge to all the fowles that flye by the middes of heauen/ come and gaddre youre selues to gether vnto the supper of the gret God And I sawe an angell stonde in the Sonne, and he cryed with a lowde voyce, sayenge to all the fowles that flye by the myddes vnder the heauen: Come and gaddre youre selues togedder vnto the supper of the gret God,
19:18 that ye maye eate the flesshe off kyngſ/ and off hye captaynes/ and the flesshe of myghty men/ and the flesshe off horses/ and off them that sytt on them/ and the flesshe of all free men and bond men/ and of smale and gret. that ye maye eate the flesshe of kynges/ and of hye captaynes/ and the flesshe of myghty men/ and the flesshe of horsses/ and of them that sytt on them/ and the flesshe of all free men and bond men/ and of small and gret. that ye maye eate the flesshe of kynges/ and of hye captaynes/ and the flesshe of mighty men/ & the flesshe of horsses/ and of them that sit on them/ & the flesshe of all free men & bond men/ and of small and gret. that ye maye eate the flesshe of kynges, and of hye captaynes, and the flesshe of mighty men, and the flesshe of horsses, and of thē that syt on them, and the flesshe of all free men and bond men, both of small and greate.
19:19 And I sawe the beste. and the kynges of the erth/ and their warriers gaddred to gedder to make battayle agaynste hym that satt on the horsse and agaynst his sowdiers. And I sawe the beste and the kynges of the erth/ and their warriers gaddred to gedder to make battayle agaynste him that satt on the horsse and agaynst his sowdiers. And I sawe the beste & the kynges of the erth/ & their warriers gaddered to gedder to make battayle agaynst him that sat on the horsse and agaynst his soudiers. And I sawe the beeste and the kynges of ye earth, and their warriers gaddred togedder, to make battayle agaynste him that sat vpon the horsse, and agaynst his sowdiers.
19:20 And the best was taken/ and with hym thatt falce prophett that wroght myracles before hym/ with which he desceaved them that receaved the beestes marke/ and them that worshypped hys ymage. These both were cast into a ponde off fyre burnyge with brymstone: And the beste was takē/ and with him that falce prophett that wrought myracles before him/ with which he desceaved thē that receaved ye beestes marke/ & them that worshipped his ymage. These both were cast into a pōde of fyre burnyge with brymstone: And the beste was takē and with him that false Prophet that wrought myracles before him/ with which he deceaued them that receaued the beestes marke/ and them that worshipped his ymage. These both were cast into a pōde of fyre burninge with brymstone: And the beeste was taken, and with him that false prophet that wrought myracles before him, with which he disceaued them that receaued the beestes marke, and them that worsshipped his ymage. These both were cast in to a ponde of fyre burnynge wt brymstone:
19:21 and the remnaunte were slayne with the swearde of hym that satt apō the horsse/ which swearde proceded out off his mouthe/ and all the foules were fulfilled with their fleshe. & ye remnaunte were slayne with ye swearde of him that sat apon the horsse/ which swearde proceded out of his mouthe/ and all the foules were fulfilled with their flesshe. & the remnaunt were slayne with the swearde of him that sat vpon the horsse/ which swearde proceded out of his mouth/ and all the foules were fulfilled with their flesshe. and the remnaunte were slayne with the swearde of him that sat vpon the horsse, which swearde proceded out of his mouth, and all the foules were filled with their flesshe.


Revelation: Chapter 18

Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
18:1 ANd after that I sawe another angell come doune frō hevē/ havīge gret power/ ād the erth was lyghtned with hys bryghtnes. ANd after that I sawe another angell come from heven/ havinge gret power/ and the erth was lyghtned with hys bryghtnes. ANd after that/ I sawe another angell come from heauē/ hauinge gret power/ and the erth was lyghtened with his brightnes. ANd after that I sawe another angel come downe frō heauē, hauinge greate power, and ye earth was lyghtned with his bryghtnes.
18:2 And he cryed myghtyly wyth a stronge voyce sayinge: Grett Babilon is fallen ys fallen/ and ys becum the habitacion of devels/ and the holde off all fowle sprettſ/ and a cage off all vnclene and hatfull byrdes/ And he cryed myghtyly with a stronge voyce sayinge: Great Babilon is fallen/ ys fallen/ and ys become the habitation of devels/ and the holde of all fowle sprettes/ and a cage of all vnclene and hatefull byrdes And he cried mightely with a strōge voyce sayinge: Great Babylon is fallen/ is fallen: and is become the habitation of deuyls/ and the holde of all fowle spretes/ and a cage of all vnclene and hatefull byrdes/ And he cryed mightely with a stronge voyce, sayenge: She is fallen, she is fallen, euen greate Babilon, and is become the habitacion of deuels, and ye holde of all fowle spretes, and a cage of all vncleane and hatefull byrdes:
18:3 for all nacions have dronken of the wyne of the wrath off her fornycacion. And the kynges off the erth have committed fornicacion with her/ and her marchauntes are wexed ryche off the habundance off her pleasures. for all nacions have dronken of the wyne of the wrath of her fornycacion. And the kynges of the erth have committed fornicacion with her/ and her marchauntes are wexed ryche of the abundance of her pleasures. for all nacions haue dronken of the wyne of the wrath of her fornicacion. And the kynges of the erth haue cōmitted fornicacion with her/ and her merchauntes are wexed ryche of the aboundaunce of her pleasures. for all naciōs haue dronken of the wyne of the wrath of her whordome. And the kynges of the earth haue committed fornicacion with her, and her marchauntes are wexed ryche of the abundaunce of her pleasures.
18:4 And I herde another voyce from heven saye: come a waye from her my people/ that ye be nott part takers in her synnes/ thatt ye receave nott of her plagſ. And I herde another voyce from heven saye: come a waye from her my people/ that ye be not parttakers in her synnes/ that ye receave not of her plages. And I herde a nother voyce from heauen/ saye: come awaye from her my people/ that ye be not partetakers in her synnes/ that ye receaue not of her plages. And I herde another voyce from heauen saye: come awaye from her my people, that ye be not partakers of her synnes, lest ye receaue of her plages.
18:5 For her synnes are gon vppe to heven/ and God hath remembred her wyckednes. For her synnes are gon vp to heven/ and God hath remembred her wyckednes. For her synnes are gon vp to heuen/ & God hath remembred her wyckednes. For her synnes are gone vp to heauen, and the LORDE hath remembred her wyckednes.
18:6 Rewarde her even as she rewarded you/ and geve her dubble accordynge to her workſ. And poure in dubble to her in the same cuppe whych she fylled vnto you. Rewarde her even as she rewarded you/ and geve her dubble accordynge to her workes. And poure in dubble to her in the same cuppe which she fylled vnto you. Rewarde her euen as she rewarded you/ & geue her doble accordinge to her workes. And poure in doble to her in the same cuppe which she filled vnto you. Rewarde her euen as she rewarded you, and geue her dubble acordinge to her workes. And poure in dubble to her in the same cuppe, which she fylled vnto you.
18:7 And as moche as she gloryfied her silfe and lyved wantanly/ so moche poure ye in for her off pumysshment/ and sorowe/ for she sayde in her herte: I sytt beinge a quene and am no wyddowe and shall se no sorowe. And as moche as she gloryfied her silfe and lyved wantanly/ so moche poure ye in for her of punysshment/ and sorowe/ for she sayde in her herte: I sytt beinge a quene and am no wyddowe and shall se no sorowe. And as moche as she glorified her selfe & liued wātanly/ so moche poure ye in for her of punysshemēt/ and sorowe/ for she sayde in her selfe: I syt beinge a quene & am no wyddowe & shal se no sorowe. And as moche as she gloryfied her selfe and lyued wantanly, so moch poure ye in for her of punysshmēt, and sorowe, for she sayeth in her herte: I syt beinge a quene, and am no wyddowe, and shall se no sorowe.
18:8 Therfore shall her plagſ come at one daye/ deeth/ and sorowe/ ād honger/ and she shalbe brent with fyre: for stronge ys the lorde god which iudgeth her. Therfore shall her plages come at one daye/ deeth/ and sorowe/ and honger/ and she shallbe brent with fyre: for stronge ys the lorde god which iudgeth her. Therfore shall her plages come at one daye/ deeth/ and sorowe/ & hōger/ and she shalbe brent with fyre: for stronge is the Lorde God which iudgeth her. Therfore shal her plages come at one daye, death, and sorowe, and honger, and she shalbe brēt with fyre: for stronge is the LORDE God which shal iudge her.
18:9 And the kyngſ off the erth shalbe wepe her/ and wayle over her/ which have committed fornicacion wyth her/ and have lyved wantanly wyth her/ when they shall se the smoke off her burnynge/ And the kynges of the erth shalbe wepe her and wayle over her/ which have committed fornicacion with her/ and have lyved wantanly with her/ when they shall se the smoke of her burnynge/ And the kynges of the erth shalbe wepe her and wayle ouer her/ which haue committed fornicacion with her/ and haue lyued wantanly with her/ when they shall se the smoke of her burninge/ And the kynges of the earth shal bewepe her and wayle ouer her, which haue committed fornicacion and lyued wantanly with her, when they shal se the smoke of her burnynge,
18:10 and shall stonde afarre off/ for feare off her punnyshment/ sayinge: Alas/ Alas/ that gret cite Babilon/ thatt myghty cite: For att won houre is her iudgment come. and shall stonde a farre of/ for feare of her punnysshment/ sayinge: Alas/ Alas/ that gret cite Babilon/ that myghty cite: For at won houre is her iudgment come. and shall stonde a farre of/ for feare of her punisshement/ sayinge: Alas/ Alas that gret cite Babylon/ that mighty cite: For at one houre is her iudgement come. and shal stonde a farre of for feare of her punysshment, sayenge: Alas, Alas, that greate cite Babylon, that mighty cite: For at one houre is thy iudgment come.
18:11 And the marchauntſ off the erth shall wepe and wayle in thē selves/ for no man wyll bye their ware eny more/ And the marchauntes of the erth shall wepe and wayle in them selves/ for no man wyll bye their ware eny more/ And the marchauntes of the erth shall wepe and wayle in them selues/ for no man wyll bye their ware eny more/ And the marchauntes off the earth shall wepe and wayle in them selues, because no man will bye their ware eny more,
18:12 the ware of golde/ and sylver/ and precious stones/ nether off pearle/ and raynes/ and purple/ and scarlett/ and all thyne wodde/ almanner vessels off yvery/ and almanner vessels off most precious wodde/ and off brasse/ and off yeron/ the ware of golde/ & silver/ & precious stones/ nether of pearle/ and raynes/ and purple/ & skarlet/ and all thyne wodde/ and almanner vessels of yvery/ and almanner vessels of most precious wodde/ and of brasse/ and of yron/ the ware of golde and siluer/ and precious stones/ nether of pearle/ and raynes/ and purple/ & skarlet/ and all thyne wodde and almanner vessels of yuery/ and almanner vessels of most precious wodde/ & of brasse and yron/ the ware of golde, and syluer, and of precious stones, off pearle, & sylke, and purple, and skarlet, & all Thynen wod, and all manner vessels of yuery, and all manner vessels of most precious wod, and of brasse, and of yron,
18:13 and synamon. and odours/ and oyntmenttſ/ and frankyn sence/ and wyne/ and oyle/ and fyne floure/ and wheate/ bestſ/ and shepe/ and horsys/ and charrettſ/ and boddyes ād solles of men. and synamon/ and odours/ and oyntmentes/ and frankynsence/ and wyne/ and oyle/ and fyne floure/ and wheate/ bestes/ and shepe/ and horsys/ and charrettes/ and boddyes and soules of men. and synamon/ and odours/ & oyntmentes/ and franckynsence/ and wyne/ and oyle/ and fyne floure/ and wheate/ bestes/ and shepe/ and horsses/ and charretes/ and bodyes and soules of men. & synomom and odours, and oyntmentes, and frankynsence, and wyne, and oyle, and fyne floure, and wheate, and catell, and shepe, and horses, and charrettes, and bodies and soules of men.
18:14 And the apples that thy soll lusted after/ are departed from the. And all thynges which were deyntie/ and had in pryce ar departed from the/ and thou shalt fynde them no more. And the apples that thy soule lusted after/ are departed frō the. And all thynges which were deyntie/ and had in pryce ar departed frō the/ and thou shalt fynde them no more. And the apples that thy soule lusted after/ are departed from the. And all thinges which were deyntie/ and had in price are departed frō the/ and thou shalt fynde them no more. And the apples that thy soule lusted after, are departed from the. And all thinges which were deyntie, and had in pryce, are departed from the, and thou shalt fynde them no more.
18:15 The marchauntſ off these thynges which were wexed ryche shall stonde a farre of from her/ for feare of the punnyshmēt of her/ wepynge ād waylynge/ The marchaūntes of these thynges which were wexed ryche shall stonde a farre of from her/ for feare of the punyshment of her/ wepynge and waylynge/ The marchauntes of these thinges which were wexed ryche/ shall stonde a farre of from her/ for feare of the punisshement of her/ wepinge and waylinge/ The marchauntes of these thinges which were wexed ryche by her, shall stonde afarre of for feare of the punysshment of her, wepynge and waylinge,
18:16 and saying: alas alas/ that grett cite/ that was clothed in raynes/ and purple/ and scarlett/ and decked with golde/ and precious stone/ and pearles: and saying: alas alas/ that grett cite/ that was clothed in raynes/ and purple/ and scarlett/ and decked with golde/ and precious stone/ and pearles: and sayinge: Alas/ alas/ that gret cite/ that was clothed in raynes/ and purple/ and scarlet/ and decked with golde/ and precious stone/ and pearles: and sayenge: alas alas, that greate cite, that was clothed in sylke, and purple, and scarlet, and decked with golde, and precious stone, and pearles:
18:17 for at one houre so grett ryches ys come to nought. And every shippe governer/ and all they that occupied shippſ/ and shippmen which worke in the see/ stode a farre of/ for at one houre so great ryches ys come to nought And every shippe governer/ & all they that occupied shippes/ and shippmen which worke in the see/ stode a farre of/ for at one houre so great riches is come to nought. And euery shyppe gouerner/ & all they that occupied shyppes/ and shypmen which worke in the see/ stode a farre of/ for at one houre so greate ryches is come to naught. And euery shippe gouerner, and all they that occupie shippes, and shippmen which worke in the see, stode a farre of,
18:18 and cryed/ when they sawe the smoke of her burnynge/ sayinge: what cite is lyke vnto this grett cite? and cryed/ when they sawe the smoke of her burnynge/ sayinge what cite is lyke vnto this grett cite? and cried/ whē they sawe the smoke of her burninge/ saying: what cite is lyke vnto this gret cite? and cryed, when they sawe the smoke of her burnynge, and sayde: what cite is like vnto this greate cite?
18:19 And they cast dust on their heddes/ and cryed wepynge/ and waylinge/ ād saying: Alas Alas that grett cite wherin were made ryche all that had shyppes in the see/ by the reason of her ware/ for att one houre is she made desolate. And they cast dust on their heddes/ and cryed wepynge/ and waylinge/ and sayed: Alas Alas yt greate cite wherin were made ryche all that had shyppes in the see/ by the reason of her costlynes for atone houre is she made desolate And they cast dust on their heddes/ and cried wepinge/ and waylinge/ and sayed: Alas/ alas that greate cite wherin were made riche all that had shyppes in the see/ by the reason of her costlynes/ for at one houre is she made desolate. And they cast dust on their heades, and cryed wepynge, and waylinge, and sayde: Alas, Alas the greate cite, wherin were made ryche all that had shippes in the see, by the reason of her wares: for at one houre is she made desolate.
18:20 Reioyce over her thou hevē/ ād ye holy Apostles/ ād prophettſ: for god hath gevē youre iudgment on her. Reioyce over her thou heven/ and ye holy Apostles/ and prophetes: for god hath geven youre iudgment on her. Reioyce ouer her thou heauen/ and ye holy Apostles and Prophetes: for God hath geuen youre iudgemēt on her. Reioyce ouer her thou heauē, and ye holy Apostles, and prophetes: for God hath geuen youre iudgmēt on her.
18:21 And a myghty angell toke vppe a stone lyke a grett mylstone/ and cast hitt into the see/ sayinge: with suche violence shall that grett cite Babilon be cast/ and shalbe founde no more. And a myghty angell toke vp a stone lyke a grett mylstone/ and cast it into the see/ sayinge: with suche violence shall that gret cite Babilon be cast/ and shallbe founde no more. And a myghty angell toke vp a stone lyke a gret mylstone/ and cast it into the see/ sayinge: with suche violence shall that gret cite Babylon be cast/ and shalbe founde no more. And a mighty angell toke vp a greate stone lyke a mylstone, and cast it in to the see, sayenge: with suche violēce shal that greate cite Babylon be cast, and shalbe founde nomore.
18:22 And the voyce off harpers/ and musicions/ and off pypers/ and trompetters/ shalbe herde no more in the: and no craftes man/ off whatsoever craft he be/ shalbe founde eny more in the. And the voyce of harpers/ and musicions/ and of pypers/ and trompetters/ shalbe herde no more in the: and no craftes man/ of whatsoever craft he be/ shalbe founde eny more in the. and the soūde of a myll shalbe herde no more in the/ And the voyce of harpers/ and musicions/ and of pipers/ & trompetters shalbe herde no more in the: and no craftes man/ of whatsoeuer craft he be/ shalbe founde eny more in the. And the soūde of a myll shalbe herde no more in the/ And the voyce of harpers, and musicions, and of pypers, and trompetters, shalbe herde no more in the: and no craftes man (of what soeuer craft he be) shalbe founde eny more in the: and the sounde of a myll shalbe herde no more in the:
18:23 and the sounde off a myll shalbe herde no more in the/ and the voyce of the bryde grome and of the bryde/ shalbe herde no more in the: for thy marchauntſ were the grett men of the erth. And with thyne inchantment were deceaved all nacions: & the voyce of the brydegrome and of the bryde/ shalbe herde no more in the: for thy marchauntſ were ye grett men of ye erth. And with thyne inchantment were deceaved all nacions: and the voyce of the brydgrome and of the bryde/ shalbe herde no no more in the/ for thy marchauntes were the gret men of the erth. And with thyne inchantment were deceaued all nacions: and the voyce of the brydegrome and of the bryde, shalbe herde nomore in the for thy marchauntes were prynces of the earth. And with thyne inchaūtment were deceaued all nacions:
18:24 ād in her was founde the bloude of the prophettſ/ and of the saynctſ/ and off all that were slayne apon the erth. & in her was founde the bloude of the prophettes/ & of ye saynctſ and of all that were slayne apon ye erth. & in her was founde the bloude of the Prophetes/ & of the sayntes/ & of all that were slayne vpō the erth. and in her was founde the bloude of the prophetes, and of the sayntes, and of all that were slayne vpō the earth.


Revelation: Chapter 17

Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
17:1 ANd there cam one of the seven angels/ which had the seven vialles/ and talked with me/ sayīge vnto me: come I will shewe the the iudgment of the grett whore/ that sytteth apō many waters/ ANd there cam one of the seven angels/ which had the seven vialles/ and talked with me/ sayinge vnto me: come I will shewe the the iudgment of the grett whore that sytteth apon many waters/ ANd ther came one of the seuen angels/ which had the seuen vialles: and talked with me/ sayinge vnto me: come I will shewe the the iudgemēt of the gret whore that sitteth vpon many waters/ ANd there cam one of the seuē angels, which had the seuen vialles, and talked with me, sayenge vnto me: Come, I wil shewe the the iugdment of the greate whore, that sytteth vpon many waters,
17:2 wyth whome have cōmytted fornicacion the kyngſ of the erth/ so thatt the inhabiters off the erth/ are dronken with the wyne off her fornicacion. with whome have commytted fornicacion the kyngſ of the erth/ so that the inhabiters of the erth/ are drōken with the wyne of her fornicacion. with whō haue cōmitted fornicacion the kynges of the erth/ so that the inhabiters of the erth/ are drōken with the wyne of her fornicacion. with whom the kynges of the earth haue commytted whordome, and the inhabiters of the earth are dronken with the wyne of her fornicacion.
17:3 And he carryed me awaye into the wildernes in the sprete. And I sawe a woman sytt apon a rose colored best full off names off blasphemy/ which had ten hornes. And he caryed me a waye into the wildernes in the sprete. And I sawe a woman sytt apon a rose colored best full of names of blaphemie which had ten hornes. And he caryed me awaye into the wildernes in the sprete. And I sawe a woman syt vpon a rose colored best full of names of blasphemie which had ten hornes. And he caryed me awaye into the wildernes in ye sprete. And I sawe a woman syt vpon a rose colored beest, full of names of blasphemie, which had seuē heades & ten hornes.
17:4 And the woman was arayed in purple and rose color/ and decked with golde/ precious stone/ and pearles/ and had a cuppe off golde in her honde/ full off abhominacion/ and fylthynes of her fornycacion. And the woman was arayed in purple and rose color/ and decked with golde/ precious stone/ and pearles/ and had a cup of golde in her honde/ full of a hominacions and fylthynes of her fornycacion. And the woman was arayed in purple & rose coloure & decked with golde/ precious stone/ & pearles/ & had a cup of golde in her honde/ full of abominaciōs & filthines of her fornicacion. And ye woman was arayed in purple and rose color, and decked with golde, precious stone, and pearles, and had a cupp of golde in her honde, full of abhominacions, and fylthines of her wordome.
17:5 And in her forhed was a name wrytten/ a mistery/ gret Babylon the mother of whordome/ and abominacions off the erth. And in her forhed was a name wrytten/ a mistery/ gret Babylon the mother of whordome/ and abominacions of the erth. And in her forhed was a name written/ a mistery/ gret Babylon the mother of whordome and abominacions of the erth. And in her forhed was a name wryttē, a mistery: greate Babilon the mother of whordome, and abominaciōs of the earth.
17:6 And I sawe the wyfe dronke with the bloud of saynctſ/ and wyth the bloud off the wytnesses off lesu. And when I sawe her/ I wondred wyth grett mervayle. And I sawe the wyfe dronke with the bloud of saynctes/ and with the bloud of the witnesses of Iesu. And when I sawe her/ I wondred with grett mervayle. And I sawe the wyfe dronke with the bloud of saynctes/ and with the bloud of the witnesses of Iesu. And when I sawe her/ I wondred with gret meruayle. And I sawe the wyfe dronkē with the bloude of sayntes, and with the bloud of the witnesses of Iesu. And when I sawe her, I wondred with greate mervayle.
17:7 And the angell sayde vnto me: wherfore mervayllyst thou? I wyll shewe the the mistery off the woman/ and of the best that berith her/ which hath seven heddes/ and ten hornes. And the angell sayde vnto me: wherfore mervayllyst thou? I wyll shewe the ye mistery of the woman/ and of the best that berith her/ which hath seven heddes/ and ten hornes. And the angell sayde vnto me: wherfore maruaylest thou? I will shewe the the mistery of the woman/ and of the best that berith her/ which hath seuen heddes and ten hornes. And the angell sayde vnto me: wherfore meruayllest thou? I wyl shewe the the mistery of the woman, and of the beest that beerith her, which hath seuen heades, and ten hornes.
17:8 The best that thou seest/ was/ and is not/ ād shall ascende out of the bottomlesse pytt/ and shall goo into perdicion. and they thatt dwell on the erth shall wondre (whose names are nott wrytten in the boke off lyfe from the begynnynge off the worlde) when they beholde the best that was/ and ys nott. The best that thou seest/ was/ and is not/ and shall ascende out of the bottomlesse pytt/ and shall goo into perdicion/ and they that dwell on the erth shall wondre (whose names are not wrytten in the boke of lyfe from ye begynnynge of the worlde) when they beholde the best that was/ and ys nott. The best that thou seest/ was/ and is not/ and shall ascende out of the bottomlesse pyt/ and shall go into perdicion/ and they that dwell on the erth shall wondre (whose names are not written in the boke of lyfe from the beginninge of the worlde) when they beholde the best that was/ and is not. The beest that thou seest, was, and is not, and shall ascende out of the bottomlesse pytt, and shal go in to perdicion, and they that dwell on the earth shal wondre (whose names are not wrytten in the boke of life from the begynnynge of the worlde) when they beholde the beest that was, and is not.
17:9 And here ys a mynde thatt hath wisdome. The seven heddes are seven mountaynes/ on which the womā sytteth: And here ys a mynde that hath wisdome. The seven heddes are seven mountaynes/ on which the woman sytteth: And here is a mynde that hath wysdome. The seuen heddes are seuen mountaynes/ on which the woman sytteth: And here is a mynde, that hath wissdome. The seuen heades are seuen mountanes, on which the woman sytteth:
17:10 they are also seven kyngſ. Fyve are fallen/ and on ys/ and another is nott yett come. When he commeth he muste contynewe a space. they are also seven kynges. Fyve are fallen/ and on ys/ and onother is not yet come. Whē he cōmeth he muste contynew a space. they are also seuen kynges. Fyue are fallē/ & one is/ and a nother is not yet come. When he cōmeth he must continew a space. they are also seuen kynges. Fyue are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come. When he commeth, he muste continue a space.
17:11 And the best that was/ and ys not/ is even the aygth/ ād ys one of the seven/ ād shall goo into destruccion. And the beste that was/ and ys not/ is even the ayght/ and ys one of the seven/ and shall goo into destruccion. And the beste that was/ & is not/ is euen the ayght/ & is one of the seuen/ & shall go into destruccion. And the beest that was, and is not, is euē the eyght, and is of the seuen, and shal go in to destruccion.
17:12 And the ten hornes which thou seist/ are ten kynges/ which have receaved no kyngdome/ butt shall receave power as kynges att one houre with the beest. And the ten hornes which thou seist/ are ten kynges/ which have receaved no kyngdome/ but shall receave power as kynges at one houre with the beest. And the ten hornes which thou seyst/ are ten kynges/ which haue receaued no kyngdome/ but shall receaue power as kynges at one houre with the beest. And ye ten hornes which thou sawest, are ten kynges, which haue not yet receaued the kyngdome, but shal receaue power as kynges at one houre with ye beest.
17:13 These have one mynde/ and shall geve their power and strengthe vnto the best. These have one mynde/ and shall geve their power and strenghte vnto ye beste. These haue one mynde/ and shall geue their power & strenghte vnto the beste. These haue one mynde, and shal geue their power and strēgth vnto ye beeste.
17:14 These shall fyght with the lambe/ and the lambe shall over come them: For he is lorde off lordes/ and kynge off kyngſ: and they that are on hys syde/ are called/ and chosen/ and faygthfull. These shall fyght with the lambe/ and the lambe shall overcome them: For he is lorde of lordes/ and kynge of kynges: and they that are on hys syde/ are called/ and chosen and faythfull. These shall fyght with the lambe/ & the lambe shall ouercome them: For he is Lorde of lordes/ and kynge of kynges: and they that are on his side/ are called/ and chosen and faythfull. These shal fyght with the lambe, and the lābe shal ouercome them: For he is LORDE of all lordes, and kinge of all kinges: and they that are on his syde, are called, and chosen and faithfull.
17:15 And he sayde vnto me: the waters which thou sawest/ where the whore syttith/ are people/ and folke/ and nacions/ and tonges. And he sayde vnto me: the waters which thou sawest/ where the whore syttith/ are people/ and folke/ and nacions/ and tonges. And he sayde vnto me: the waters which thou sawest/ where the whore sitteth/ are people/ and folke/ and nacions/ and tonges. And he saide vnto me: The waters which thou sawest, where ye whore sytteth, are people, and folke, and nacions, and tonges.
17:16 And the ten hornes/ whych thou sawest apon the best/ are they that shall hatte the whoare/ and shall makt her desolatt/ and naked/ and shall eat her flesshe/ and burne her with fyre. And the ten hornes/ which thou sawest apon the best/ are they that shall hate the whore/ and shall make her desolate and naked/ and shall eate their flesshe/ & burne her with fyre. And the ten hornes/ which thou sawest vpon the best/ are they that shall hate the whore/ & shall make her desolate & naked/ and shall eate their flesshe & burne her with fyre. And the ten hornes, which thou sawest vpon the beest, are they that shal hate the whore, and shal make her desolate, and naked, and shall eate hir flesshe, and burne her with fyre.
17:17 For God hathe putt in their hertes/ to fulfyll hys wyll/ and to do wyth one consent/ for to geve her kyngdom vnto the best/ vntill the wordes off God be fulfylled. For God hathe put in their hertes/ to fulfyll hys wyll/ and to do with one consent/ for to geve hir kyngdom vnto the beast/ vntill the wordſ of God be fulfylled. For God hathe put in their hertes to fulfyll his wyll/ and to do with one consent/ for to geue hyr kyngdome vnto the beast/ vntyll the wordes of God be fulfilled. For God hath put in their hertes, to fulfill his wyll, and to do with one consent, for to geue hir kyngdome vnto the beest, vntill the wordes of God be fulfylled.
17:18 And the woman which thowe sawest/ ys that grett cite/ whych raigneth over the kynges of the erth. And the woman which thou sawest/ ys that gret cyte/ which raigneth over the kynges of the erth. And the woman which thou sawest/ is that great cyte/ which raigneth ouer the kynges of the erth. And the womā which thou sawest, is that greate cite, which raigneth ouer the kynges of the earth.


Revelation: Chapter 16

Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
16:1 ANd I herde a gret voyce out of the temple/ sayinge to the seven angels: goo youre wayes/ poure out youre vialles of wrath apō the erth. ANd I herde a great voyce out of ye temple sayinge to the seven angels: goo youre wayes/ poure out youre vialles of wrath apon the erth. ANd I herde a great voyce out of the tēple sayinge to the .vij. angels: go youre wayes/ poure out youre vialles of wrath vpon the erth. ANd I herde a greate voyce out of the temple, sayenge to the seuen angels: go youre wayes, poure out youre vialles of wrath vpon the earth.
16:2 And the fyrst went/ and poured out his viall apon the erth/ and there fell anoysom and a sore botche apon the mē/ which had the marke of the best/ and apon them which worshipped his ymage And the fyrst went/ and poured out his viall apō the erth/ & there fell anoysom and a sore botche apō the mē which had the marke of the best/ & apon thē which worshipped his ymage. And the fyrst went/ and powred out his viall vpō the erth/ & there fell anoysome & a sore botche vpō the men which had the marke of the best/ & vpon them which worshipped his ymage. And the fyrst went, and poured out his viall vpon the earth, and there fell a noysom & a sore botch vpon the men which had the marke of the beest, and vpon them that worshipped his ymage.
16:3 And the seconde angell shed out hys viall apon the see/ and hit turned as hit were into the bloud off a deed man/ and every lyvynge thynge dyed in the see. And the seconde angell shed out his viall apon ye see/ & it turned as it were into the bloud of a deed mā: & every lyvinge thynge dyed in the see. And the seconde angell shed out his viall vpon the see/ & it turned as it were into the bloud of a deed man: & euery liuinge thinge dyed in the see. And the seconde angel shed out his viall vpō the see, and it turned as it were in to the bloud of a deed man: and euery lyuinge thinge dyed in the see,
16:4 And the thyrde angell shed out hys viall apon the ryvers and fountaynes off waters/ and they turned to bloud. And ye thyrde angell shed out his vyall apon the ryvers and fountaynes of waters/ & they turned to bloud. And the thyrde angell shed out his viall vpon the ryuers and foūtaynes of waters/ & they turned to bloud. And the thyrde angel shed out his vyall vpon the ryuers and fountaynes of waters, and they turned to bloude.
16:5 And I herde an angell saye: lorde whych arte/ and wast/ thou arte ryghteous and holy/ be cause thou hast geven soche iudgmentſ/ And I herde an angell saye: lorde which arte and wast/ thou arte ryghteous & holy/ because thou hast gevē soche iudgmentes/ And I herde an angell saye: Lorde which arte & wast/ thou arte ryghteous and holy/ because thou hast geuē soche iudgemētes/ And I herde an angel saye: LORDE which art and wast, thou art righteous and holy, because thou hast geuē soche iudgmentes,
16:6 for they shed out the bloude off saynctes/ and prophettſ/ and therfore hast thou geven them bloud to drynke: for they are worthy. for they shed out the bloude of sayntes/ and prophettes/ & therfore hast thou geven them bloud to drynke: for they are worthy. for they shed out the bloude of saynctes/ & Prophetes/ and therfore hast thou geuē them bloud to drinke: for they are worthy. for they shed the bloude of sayntes, and prophetes, and therfore hast thou geuen them bloude to drynke: for they are worthy.
16:7 And I herde another out off the aultre saye: even soo lorde God almyghty/ true and righteous are thy iudgmentſ. And I herde another out of the aultre saye: even soo lorde god almyghty/ true and righteous are thy iudgementes. And I herde another out of the aultre saye: euē so Lorde God almighty true and righteous are thy iudgementes. And I herde another angell out of the aulter, saye: euen so LORDE God almighty, true and righteous are thy iudgmentes.
16:8 And the fourth angell poured out hys viall on the sunne/ and power was geven vnto hym to vex men wyth heate off fyre. And the fourth angell poured out his viall on the sunne/ and power was gevē vnto him to vexe men with heate of fyre. And the fourth angell poured out his viall on the sunne/ and power was geuē vnto him to vexe men with heate of fyre. And the fourth angell poured out his viall on the Sonne, and power was geuen vnto him to vexe men with heate of fyre.
16:9 And the men raged in grett heate/ and spake evyll off the name of God which had power over those plagſ/ and they repented nott/ to geve hym glory. And the men raged in gret heate/ and spake evyll of the name of God which had power over those plages/ and they repented not/ to geve him glory. And the men raged in gret heate/ & spake euyll of the name of God which hath power ouer those plages/ & they repented not/ to geue him glory. And the men raged in gret heate, and spake euell of the name of God, which had power ouer those plages, and they repented not, to geue him glory.
16:10 And the fifte angell poured out hys vyall apon the seate off the beste/ and hys kyngdome wexed derke/ and they gnewe their tonges for sorowe/ And the fifte angell poured out his vyall apon the seate of the beste/ and his kyngdome wexed derke/ and they gnewe their tongſ for sorowe/ And the fyfte angell poured out his viall vpon the seate of the beste/ & his kyngdome wexed derke/ & they gnewe their tōges for sorowe/ And the fifte angell poured out his vyall vpon the seate of the beest, and his kyngdome wexed derke, and they gnewe their tonges for sorowe,
16:11 and blasphemed the God off heven for sorowe/ and payne off their sores/ and repented not of their dedes. and blasphemed the god of heven for sorowe/ and payne of their sores/ and repented not of their dedes. & blasphemed the God of heauē for sorowe & payne of their sores/ & repented not of their dedes. and blasphemed the God of heauē for sorowe, and payne of their sores, and repented not of their dedes.
16:12 And the sixte angell poured out his vyall apon the grett ryver Euphrates/ and the water dryed vppe/ that the wayes off the kynges off the este shulde be prepared. And the sixte angell poured out his vyall apon the gret ryver Euphrates/ and the water dryed vp/ that the wayes of the kyngss of the este shulde be prepared. And the sixte angell poured out his vyall vpon the gret ryuer Euphrates/ & the water dryed vp that the wayes of the kynges of the este shulde be prepared. And the sixte angell poured out his vyall vpon the gret ryuer Euphrates, and the water dryed vp, that the waye of the kynges of the Easte shulde be prepared.
16:13 And I sawe thre vnclene sprettes lyke frogges come out off the mouthe off the dragon/ and out off the mouthe off the beeste/ and out off the mouthe off the falce prophett. And I sawe thre vnclene sprettes lyke frogges come out of the mouthe of the dragon/ and out of the mouthe of the beeste/ and out of the mouthe of the falce prophett. And I sawe thre vnclene spretes lyke frogges come out of the mouthe of the dragon/ & out of the mouthe of the beste/ & out of the mouthe of the false Prophete. And I sawe thre vncleane spretes kike frogges come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out off the mouth off the beest, and out off the mouth of the false prophet.
16:14 For they are the sprettes off devyls workynge myracles/ to go outt vnto the kynges off the erth and off the whole worlde to gaddre them to the battayle off that grett daye off God allmyghty. For they are the sprettes of devyls workynge myracles/ to go out vnto the kynges of the erth and of the whole worlde to gaddre them to the battayle of that gret daye of God allmyghty. For they are the spretes of deuyls workinge myracles/ to go out vnto the kynges of the erth & of the whole worlde/ to gaddre thē to the battayle of that gret daye of God almighty. For they are the spretes of deuels workynge myracles, to go out vnto the kynges of the earth and of the whole worlde, to gaddre them to the battayle of that gret daye of God allmighty.
16:15 Beholde I come as a thefe. Happy is he thatt watcheth and kepeth his garmentes/ Lest he be founde naked/ and men se his filthynes. Beholde I come as a thefe. Happy is he that watcheth and kepeth his garmentes/ Lest he be founde naked/ and men se his filthynes. Beholde I come as a thefe. Happy is he that watcheth & kepeth his garmentes/ lest he be founde naked/ and men se his filthynes. Beholde, I come as a thefe. Happy is he that watcheth and kepeth his garmentes, lest he be founde naked, and men se his filthynes.
16:16 And he gaddered them togedder into a place called in the hebrue tonge Armagedon. And he gaddered them togedder into a place called in the hebrue tonge Armagedon. And he gaddered them to gether into a place called in the Hebrue tonge Armagedon. And he gaddered them togedder in to a place, called in the hebrue tonge, Armagedon.
16:17 And the seventhe angell poured out his viall in to the ayre. And there cam a voyce out off heven from the seate/ sayinge: Hit is done. And the seventhe angell poured out his viall in to the ayre. And there came a voyce out of heven from the seate/ sayinge: it is done. And the seuenth angell poured out his viall in to the ayre. And ther came a voyce out of heauen from the seate/ sayinge: it is done. And the seuenth angell poured out his viall in to the ayre. And there came a greate voyce out of heauen from the seate, sayenge: It is done.
16:18 And there folowed voyces/ thondringes/ and lightnynges/ and there was a grett erth quake/ soche as was not sence mē were apon the erth/ so myghty an erthquake and so grett. And there folowed voyces/ thondringes/ and lightnynges/ and there was a grett erthquake/ soche as was not sence men were apon the erth/ so myghty an erthquake and so grett. And ther folowed voyces/ thondringes/ and lightninges/ and ther was a gret erthquake/ soche as was not sence mē were vpō the erth/ so mighty an erthquake and so gret. And there folowed voyces, thondringes, and lightnynges, and there was a gret earthquake, soch as was not sence mē were vpon the earth, so myghty an earthquake and so greate.
16:19 And the greate cite was devyded into thre parties/ And the cities off nacions fell. And grett Babilon cam in remembraunce before God/ to geve vnto hyr the cuppe off wyne off the fearcenes off wrathe. And the greate cite was devyded into thre parties/ And the cities of nacions fell. And grett Babilon came in remembraunce before God/ to geve vnto hyr the cuppe of wyne of the fearcenes of his wrathe. And the greate cite was deuided into thre parties/ & the cities of all nacions fell. And gret Babylon came in remembraunce before God/ to geue vnto hyr the cuppe of the wyne of the fearcenes of his wrath. And the greate cite was deuyded in to thre parties. And the cities of nacions fell. And greate Babilon came in remembraunce before God, to geue vnto hyr the cuppe of wyne of the fearcenes of his wrath.
16:20 Every yle fled awaye/ and the mountaynes were not founde. Every yle fled awaye/ and the mountaynes were not founde. Euery yle fled awaye/ & the mountaynes were not founde. And euery yle fled awaye, and the mountaynes were not founde.
16:21 And there fell a grett hayle/ as hit had bene talentes/ out off heven apon the men/ and the men blasphemed God/ be cause of the plage of the hayle/ for hit was grett and the plage of hyt sore. And ther fell a gret hayle/ as it had bene talentes/ out of heven apon the men/ and the men blasphemed God/ be cause of the plage of the hayle/ for it was grett and the plage of it sore. And ther fell a gret hayle/ as it had bene talentes/ out of heauen vpon the men/ and the men blasphemed God/ because of the plage of the hayle/ for it was gret and the plage of it sore. And there fell a greate hayle, as it had bene talentes, out of heauē vpon the men, and the men blasphemed God, because of the plage of the hayle, for it was greate, and the plage of it sore.


Revelation: Chapter 15

Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
15:1 ANd I sawe another signe in heven grett ād mervellous/ vij angels havynge the seven laste plages/ for in them is fulfilled the wrath off God. ANd I sawe another signe in hevē grett & mervellous .vii. angells havynge the seven laste plages/ for in thē is fulfylled ye wrath of god. ANd I sawe another signe in heuē gret & meruellous .vij. angels hauinge the seuen laste plages/ for in them is fulfilled the wrath of God. ANd I sawe another signe in heuen grett & mervellous .vii. angells havinge the seven laste plages, for in thē is fulfylled the wrath of god.
15:2 And I sawe as hitt were a glassi see/ myngled with fyre/ and them that had Gotten victory off the beest/ and off his ymage/ and off his marke/ and off the nombre off his name/ stōde on the glassy see/ havynge the harpes of God And I sawe as it were a glassye see/ mingled with fyre/ & thē that had gotten victory of the beest/ & of his ymage/ & of his marke/ & of the nombre of his name stōde on the glassye see/ havinge ye harpes of god And I sawe as it were a glassye see/ mingled with fyre/ & thē that had gottē victory of the beest/ and of his ymage/ and of his marke/ and of the nombre of his name/ stonde on the glassye see/ hauinge the harpes of God/ And I sawe as it were a glassye see, mingled with fyre, and them that had gotten victory of the beest, and of his ymage, and of his marke, and of the nombre of his name, stonde on the glassye see, hauinge ye harpes of God:
15:3 and they songe the songe off Moses the servaunt off God/ and the songe off the lambe/ sayinge: Grett and marvellous are thy workes lorde god almyghty/ iuste and true are thy wayes/ kynge off saynctſ. and they songe the songe of Moses the servaunt of god/ and the songe of the lambe/ sayinge. Gret and marvellous are thy workes Lorde god almyghty/ iuste & true are thy wayes/ kynge of saynctes. & they songe the songe of Moses the seruaunt of God/ & the songe of the lambe/ sayinge: Gret and maruelous are thy workes Lorde God almyghty/ iuste and true are thy wayes/ kynge of saynctes. and they songe the songe of Moses the seruaunt of God, and the songe of the lambe, saynge: Greate and maruellous are thy workes LORDE God almyghty, iust and true are thy wayes, thou kynge of sayntes.
15:4 Who shall not feare o lorde/ and gloryfy thy name? For thou only arte holy/ ād all gentyls shall come and worshippe before the/ for thy iudgmentes are manifest. Who shall not feare o lorde/ and gloryfy thy name? For thou only arte holy/ & all gentylls shall come and worshippe before the/ for thy iudgmentes are made manyfeste. Who shall not feare o Lorde/ & glorify thy name? For thou only arte holy/ & all gentyls shall come and worshippe before the/ for thy iudgementes are made manifeste. Who shal not feare the O LORDE and gloryfie thy name? For thou only art holy, for all gētiles shall come and worshippe before the, for thy iudgmentes are made manyfest.
15:5 And affter that I loked/ and beholde the temple off the tabernacle off testimony was opyn in heven/ And after that/ I loked/ and beholde ye temple of the tabernacle of testimony was opyn in heven/ And after that/ I loked/ & beholde the temple of the tabernacle of testimony was opyn in heauen/ And after that, I loked, and beholde, the temple of the Tabernacle of testimony was open in heauen,
15:6 and the seven angelles cam out off the temple/ which had the seven plages/ clothed in pure and bryght lynnen/ and havynge their brestes gyrded with golden gerdelles. and the seven angelles cam out of the temple/ which had the seven plages/ clothed in pure & bryght lynnen/ and havynge their brestes gyrded with golden gerdelles. and the seuen angels came out of the temple/ which had the seuen plages/ clothed in pure & bryght lynnen/ and hauinge their brestes gyrded with goldē gerdels. and the seuen angelles came out of the temple, which had the seuen plages, clothed in pure and bryght lynnē, and hauynge their brestes gyrded with golden gerdelles.
15:7 And won off the fowre beestes gave vnto the seven angels vij golden vyalles/ full off the wrath off God which lyveth for ever more. And one of the fowre beestes gave vnto ye sevē angells vii. golden vialles/ full of ye wrath of God which lyveth for ever more. And one of the fowre beestes gaue vnto the seuen angels .vij. golden vialles/ full of the wrath of God/ which liueth for euer more. And one of the foure beestes gaue vnto the seuen angelles seuen golden vialles, full of the wrath of God which liueth for euermore.
15:8 And the tēple was full off the smoke off the glory off God/ and off his power/ and no man was able to entre into the temple/ tyll the seven plagſ off the seven angels were fulfilled. And the temple was full of the smoke of the glory of God/ and of his power/ and no man was able to entre into the temple/ tyll the seven plagſ of the seven angels were fulfilled. And the temple was full of the smoke of the glory of God and of his power/ and no man was able to entre into the temple/ tyll the seuen plages of the seuen angels were fulfilled. And the temple was full of smoke for the glory off God, and for his power, and no man was able to entre in to the temple, tyll the seuen plages of the seuē angels were fulfilled.


Revelation: Chapter 14

Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
14:1 ANd I loked/ and loo a lambe stode on the mount Syon/ and with hym C. and xliiij. thousande havynge his fathers name written in their forhedes. ANd I loked/ and loo a lambe stode on the mount Syon/ and with him C. and xliiii. thousande havynge his fathers name written in their forhedes. ANd I loked/ and lo a lambe stode on the mount Syon/ & with him an C and .xliiij thousande hauynge his fathers name written in their forhedes. ANd I loked, and lo, a lambe stode on the moūt Syon, and with him .C. and xliiij. thousande hauynge his fathers name wrytten in their forheades.
14:2 And I herde a voyce from heven/ as the sounde off many waters/ and as the voyce off a grett thoundre/ And I herde the voyce off harpers harpynge with their harpes. And I herde a voyce from heven/ as the sounde of many waters/ and as the voyce of a gret thoundre/ And I herde the voyce of harpers harpynge with their harpes. And I herde a voyce from heuen/ as the sounde of many waters/ and as the voyce of a grett thoundre/ And I herde the voyce of harpers harpynge with their harpes. And I herde a voyce from heauen, as the sounde of many waters, and as the voyce of a greate thondre. And the voyce that I herde, was as the harpers that playe vpon their harpers.
14:3 And they songe as hit were a newe songe/ before the seate/ and before the foure beestes/ and the seniours/ and no man coulde learne that songe/ but the hondred and xliiij M. which were redemed from the erth. And they songe as it were a newe songe/ before the seate/ and before the foure beestes/ and the elders/ and no man coulde learne that songe/ but the hondred and xliiii.M. which were redemed from the erth. And they songe as it were a newe songe/ before the seate/ and before the foure beestes/ and the elders/ and no man coulde learne that songe/ but the hondred and xliiij.M. which were redemed from the erth. And they songe as it were a newe songe, before the seate, & before ye foure beestes, and the elders, and no man coulde learne yt songe, but the hondred and xliiij.M. which were redemed from the earth.
14:4 These are they/ which were not defyled with wemen/ for they are virgyns. These folowe the lambe whither soever he goeth. These were redemed from men beynge the fyrste fructſ vnto God and to the lambe/ These are they/ which were not defyled with wemen/ for they are virgyns. These folowe the lambe whither soever he goeth. These were redemed from men beynge the fyrste frutes vnto God and to the lambe/ These are they/ which were not defyled with wemen/ for they are virgyns. These folowe the lambe whyther soeuer he goeth. These were redemed from men beynge the fyrste frutes vnto God and to the lambe/ These are they, which were not defyled with wemen, for they are virgyns. These folowe the lambe whither soeuer he goeth. These were redemed from men, beynge the fyrst frutes vnto God and to the lambe,
14:5 and in their mouthes was founde no gyle. For they are with outen spott before the trone off God. & in their mouthes was foūde no gyle. For they are with outē spott before the trone of god. and in their mouthes was founde no gyle. For they are with outen spott before the trone of God. and in their mouthes was founde no gyle. For they are withoutē spot before the trone of God.
14:6 And I sawe an angell flye in the myddes off heven havynge an everlastynge gospell/ to preache vnto them that sytt and dwell on the erth/ and to all nacions/ kinreddes/ and tongſ/ and people/ And I sawe an angell flye in the myddes of heven havynge an everlastynge gospell/ to preache vnto them that sytt and dwell on the erth/ and to all nacions/ kinreddes/ and tongſ and people And I sawe an angell flye in the middes of heauen hauinge an euerlastinge gospell/ to preache vnto them that sit and dwell on the erth/ and to all nacions/ kynreddes/ & tonges and people/ And I sawe an angell flye in the myddes of heauen hauinge an euerlastinge Gospell, to preache vnto them that syt and dwell on the earth, and to all nacions, kinreddes, and tōges and people,
14:7 saynge with a lowde voyce: Feare God and geve honour to hym/ for the houre off his iudgment is come: and worshyppe hym/ thatt made heven and erth/ and the see/ and fountaynes off water. sayinge with a lowde voyce: Feare God and geve honour to him/ for the houre of his iudgement is come: and worshyppe him/ that made heven and erth/ & the see/ and fountaynes of water. sayinge with a loude voyce: Feare God and geue honour to him/ for the houre of his iudgement is come: and worshyppe him/ that made heauē and erth/ & the see/ and fountaynes of water. sayēge with a lowde voyce: Feare God, and geue honour to him, for the houre of his iudgement is come: and worshippe him that made heauen and earth, and the see, and the fountaynes off water.
14:8 And there folowed another angell/ saynge: Babilon is fallen is fallen thatt gret cite/ for she made all nacions drynke of the wyne of hyr fornicacion. And there folowed another angell/ sayinge: Babilon is fallen is fallen that gret cite/ for she made all nacions drynke of the wyne of hyr fornicacion. And ther folowed a nother angell/ sayinge: Babylon is fallen is fallen that grete cite/ for she made all nacions drinke of the wyne of hir fornicacion. And there folowed another angell, sayenge: She is fallen, she is fallen: euē Babilon that greate cite, for she made all nacions drynke off the wyne off hyr whordome.
14:9 And the thyrde angell folowed them sayinge with aloude voyce: Yff eny man worshippe the beest and his ymage/ and receave his marke in his forhed/ or on his honde/ And the thyrde angell folowed them sayinge with aloude voyce: Yf eny man worshippe the beest and his ymage/ and receave hie marke in his forhed/ or on his honde/ And the thyrde angell folowed them sayinge with a loude voyce: If eny man worshippe the beest & his ymage/ & receaue his marke in his forhed/ or on his honde/ And the thyrde angel folowed thē, sayenge with a loude voyce: Yf eny man worshippe the beest and his ymage, and receaue his marke in his forhed, or on his honde,
14:10 the same shall drynke off the wyne of the wrath of God/ which is powred in the cuppe of his wrath. And he shalbe punnysshed in fyre and brymstone/ before the holy Angels/ and before the lambe. the same shall drynke of the wyne of the wrath of God which is powred in the cuppe of his wrath. And he shalbe punnysshed in fyre and brymstone/ before the holy Angels/ and before the lambe. the same shall drincke the wyne of the wrath of God which is powred in the cuppe of his wrath. And he shalbe punisshed in fyre and brimstone/ before the holy angels/ and before the lambe. the same shall drynke of the wyne of the wrath of God, which is powred in the cuppe of his wrath. And he shalbe punysshed in fyre and brymstone, before the holy Angels, and before the lambe.
14:11 And the smoke of their turmēt ascendeth vppe evermore. And they have no rest daye ner nyght/ which worshyppe the beest/ and his ymage/ ād whosoever receaveth the prynt of his name. And the smoke of their turment ascendeth vp evermore. And they have no rest daye ner nyght/ which worshippe ye beast and his ymage/ and whosoever receaveth the prynt of his name. And the smoke of their turment ascendeth vp euermore. And they haue no rest daye ner nyght/ which worshippe the beast & his ymage/ and whosoeuer receaueth the prynt of his name. And the smoke of their torment ascendeth vp euermore. And they haue no rest daye ner nyght, which worshippe the beast and his ymage, and whosoeuer receaueth the prynt of his name.
14:12 Here is the pacience off saynctes. Heare are they that kepe the commaundmentes and the fayght of Iesu. Here is the pacience of saynctes. Heare are they that kepe the commaundmentes and the fayth of Iesu. Here is the pacience of saynctes. Heare are they that kepe the commaundementes & the fayth of Iesu. Here is the pacience of sayntes. Heare are they that kepe the commaundementes and the faith off Iesu.
14:13 And I herde a voyce from heven sayinge vnto me: wryte. Blessed are the deed/ which here after dye in the lorde/ even soo sayth the sprete: that they maye rest from their laboures/ but their workſ shall folowe them. And I herde a voyce from heven sayinge vnto me: wryte. Blessed are the deed/ which here after dye in the lorde/ even soo sayth the sprete: that they maye rest frō their laboures/ but their workes shall folowe them. And I herde a voyce from heauen sayinge vnto me: write. Blessed are the deed/ which here after dye in the Lorde/ euē so sayth the sprete: that they maye rest frō their laboures/ but their workes shall folowe them. And I herde a voyce from heauen, sayenge vnto me: wryte: Blessed are ye deed, which here after dye in the LORDE. Yee the sprete sayeth, that they rest from their laboures, for their workes folowe them.
14:14 And I loked and beholde a whyte clowde/ and apon the clowde one syttynge lyke vnto the sonne off man/ havynge on his heed a golden crowne/ and in his honde a sharppe sycle. And I loked and beholde a whyte clowde/ and apon the clowde one syttynge lyke vnto the sonne of man/ havynge on his heed a goldē crowne/ & in his honde a sharpe sykle. And I loked and beholde a whyte clowde/ and vpon the clowde one sittinge lyke vnto the sonne of man/ hauinge on his heed a golden crowne/ & in his honde a sharpe sykle. And I loked and beholde, a whyte cloude, and vpō ye cloude one syttynge like vnto the sonne of man, hauinge on his heed a golden crowne, and in his hōde a sharpe sykle.
14:15 And another angell cam oute of the temple/ cryinge with a lowde voyte to hym that sate on the clowde. Thruste in thy sycle and repe: for the tyme is come to repe/ for the corne of the erth is rype. And another angell came oute of the temple/ cryinge with a lowde voyce to him that sate on the clowde. Thruste in thy sycle and repe: for the tyme is come to repe/ for the corne of the erth is rype. And another angell came oute of the temple/ cryinge with a lowde voyce to him that sate on the clowde. Thruste in thy sykle and repe for the tyme is come to repe/ for the corne of the erth is rype. And another angell came out of the temple, cryenge with a loude voyce to him that sat on the cloude: Thruste in thy sycle and reepe: for the tyme is come to reepe, for the corne of the earth is rype.
14:16 And he that sate on the clowde thrust in his sycle on the erth/ and the erth was reped. And he that sate on the clowde thrust in his sykle on the erth/ and the erth was reped. And he that sate on the clowde/ thrust in his sykle on the erth/ and the erth was reped. And he that sat on ye cloude thrust in his sykle on the earth, and the earth was reeped.
14:17 And another angell cam oute off the temple/ which is in heven/ havynge also a sharppe sycle. And another angell came oute of the temple/ which is in heven/ havynge also a sharpe sycle. And another angell came oute of the temple/ which is in heauen/ hauinge also a sharpe sykle. And another angell came out of the temple, which is in heauen, hauinge also a sharpe sykle.
14:18 And another angell cam oute from the aultre/ which had power over fyre/ and cryed with a lowde crye to hym that had the sharppe sycle/ and sayde: thrust in thy sharppe sycle/ ād gaddre the clustres of the erth: for her grapes are rype. And another angell came oute from ye aultre/ which had power over fyre/ and cryed with a lowde crye to him that had the sharpe sykle/ and sayde: thrust in thy sharpe sykle/ & gaddre the clusters of the erth for her grapes are rype. And another angell came oute from the aultre/ which had power ouer fyre/ and cryed with a lowde crye to him that had the sharpe sykle/ and sayde: thrust in thy sharpe sykle/ and gaddre the clusters of the erth/ for her grapes are rype. And another angel came out from the aultre, which had power ouer fyre, and cryed with a loude crye vnto hym that had the sharpe syckle, and sayde: Thruste in thy sharpe syckle, and gather the clusters of ye earth, for hir grapes are rype.
14:19 And the angell thrust in his sycle on the erth/ and cut downe the grapes of the vyneyarde off the erth: and cast them into the grett wynfatt off the wrath of God/ And the angell thrust in his sykle on the erth/ and cut doune the grapes of the vyneyarde of the erth: and cast them into the gret wynefat of the wrath of god/ And the angell thrust in his sykle on the erth/ and cut doune the grapes of the vyneyarde of the erth: and cast them into the gret wynefat of the wrath of God/ And the angell thrust in his syckle on the erthe, and cut downe the grapes of the vynyarde of the earth, and cast them in to the greate wynefat of ye wrath of God:
14:20 and the wyne fatt was trodden with out the cite/ and bloud cam out off the fatt/ even vnto the hors brydles by the space off a thowsande and iiij score furlongſ. and the wynefat was trodden with out the cite/ & bloud came oute of the fat/ evē vnto the hors brydles by the space of a thowsande and .vi.C. furlonges. and the wynefat was troden with out the cite/ and bloud came oute of the fat/ euē vnto the hors brydles by the space of a thowsande & .vj.C. furlonges. & the wynefat was trodden without the cite, and bloude came out of the fat, euen vnto the horsse brydles by the space of a thousande and sixe hundreth furlonges.


Revelation: Chapter 13

Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
13:1 And I stode on the see sonde. ANd I sawe a best rise out of the see/ havinge vij heddes/ and x hornes/ and apon hys hornes x. crownes/ and apon his heed/ the name of blasphemy. And I stode on the see sonde. ANd I sawe a best rise out of the see/ havinge vii. heddes/ and x. hornes/ & apon hys hornes x. crownes/ and apon his heed/ the name of blasphemy. And I stode on the see sonde. ANd I sawe a beste ryse out of the see/ hauynge .vij. heddes/ and .x. hornes/ and apon his hornes .x. crounes/ & apon his heed/ the name of blasphemy. And I stode on the see sonde. ANd I sawe a beest rise out of the see, hauinge seuen heades, and x. hornes, and vpon his hornes x. crownes, and vpō his heed, the names of blasphemy.
13:2 And the best which I sawe/ was lyke a catt off the mountayne/ and his fete were as the fete of a bear/ and his mowth as the mowthe of a lyon. And the dragon gave hym his power and his seate/ ād grett auctorite: And the beast which I sawe/ was lyke a catt of the mountayne/ and his fete were as the fete of a bear/ and his mouth as the mouthe of a lyon. And the dragon gave him his power and his seate/ & grett auctorite: And the beast which I sawe/ was lyke a catt of the mountayne/ and his fete were as the fete of a beare/ and his mouth as the mouthe of a lyon. And the dragon gaue him his power and his seate/ and grett auctorite: And the beest which I sawe was lyke a catt of the mountayne, and his fete were as the fete of a bear, and his mouth as the mouthe of a lyon. And ye dragō gaue him his power and his seate, and greate auctorite:
13:3 ād I sawe won off his heddes as hit wer wonded to deth/ and his dedly wonde was healed. And all the worlde wondred at the beest/ and I sawe one of his heedes as it were woūded to deth/ and his dedly woūde was healed. And all the worlde wondred at the beast/ and I sawe one of his heedes as it were wounded to deeth and his dedly wounde was healed. And all the worlde wondred at the beast/ and I sawe one of his heades as it were wounded to death, and his dedly wounde was healed. And all the worlde wōdred at the beest,
13:4 and they worshipped the dragon/ which gave power vnto the beest/ and they worshipped the beest sayinge: who is lyke vnto the beeste? who is able to warre with hym? & they worshipped ye dragō which gave power vnto the beest/ & they worshipped the beest sayinge: who is lyke vnto the beast? who is able to warre with him? and they worshypped the dragon which gaue power vnto the beest/ and they worshypped the beest sayinge: who is lyke vnto the beast? who is able to warre with him? and they worshipped the dragon which gaue power vnto the beest, and they worshipped the beest, sayenge: who is like vnto the beest? who is able to warre with him?
13:5 And there was a mowth geven vnto hym that spake grett thynges/ and blasphemyes/ and power was geven vnto hī/ to continue xlij monethes. And ther was a mouth gevē vnto him that spake great thinges and blasphemies/ and power was gevē vnto him/ to do xlii. monethes And ther was geuen vnto him a mouth/ that spake great thinges and blasphemies/ and power was geuen vnto him/ to do .xlij. monethes. And there was geuen vnto him a mouth to speake greate thinges & blasphemies, and power was geuen vnto him, to do xlij. monethes.
13:6 And he opened his mowth vnto blasphemy agaynste God/ to blaspheme hys name/ ād his tabernacle/ and them that dwell in heven. And he opened his mowth vnto blasphemy agaynst God/ to blaspheme hys name/ and his tabernacle and them that dwell in heven. And he opened his mouth vnto blasphemy agaynst God/ to blaspheme his name/ and his tabernacle and them that dwell in heauen. And he opened his mouth vnto blasphemy agaynst God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle and them that dwell in heauen.
13:7 And hit was geven vnto hym to make warre with the saynctſ/ and to overcome them. And power was geven hym over all kynred/ tōge/ and nacion: And it was geven vnto him to make warre with the saynctes/ & to overcome them. And power was geven him over all kynred/ tonge/ and nacion: And it was geuen vnto him to make warre with the Saynctes/ and to ouercome them. And power was geuen him ouer all kynred/ tonge/ and nacion: And it was geuen vnto him to make warre with the sayntes, and to ouercome them. And power was geuen him ouer all kynred, tonge, and nacion:
13:8 and all that dwell apon the erth worshept hym: whose names are not written in the boke of lyfe off the lambe/ which was kylled from the begynnynge of the worlde. and all that dwell apon the erth worshipt him: whose names are not written in the boke of lyfe of the lambe/ which was kylled from the begynnynge of the worlde. and all that dwell apon the erth worshipt him: whose names are not written in the boke of lyfe of the lambe/ which was kylled from the beginnynge of the worlde. and all that dwell vpon the earth worshipt him: whose names are not wrytten in the boke of life of the lambe, which was kylled from the beginnynge of the worlde.
13:9 Yff eny man have an eare/ lett hym heare. Yf eny man have an eare/ lett him heare. Yf eny man haue an eare/ let him heare. Yf eny man haue an eare, let him heare.
13:10 He that leadeth into captivite/ shall goo into captivite: he that kylleth with a swearde/ must be kylled with a swearde. Heare is the pacience/ and the fayght off the saynctſ. He that leadeth into captivite/ shall goo into captivite: he that kylleth with a swearde/ must be kylled with a swearde. Heare is the pacience/ and the fayth of the saynctes. He that leadeth into captiuite/ shall go into captiuite: he that kylleth with a swearde/ must be kylled with a swearde. Heare is the pacience/ and the fayth of the saynctes. He that leadeth in to captiuite, shal go in to captiuite: he that killeth with a swearde, must be killed with ye swearde. Heare is the pacience, and the faith of the saynctes.
13:11 And I behelde another best commynge vpp oute off the erth/ and he had two hornes lyke a lambe/ and he spake as dyd the dragon. And I behelde another best commynge vp oute of the erth/ and he had two hornes like a lambe/ and he spake as dyd the dragon. And I behelde a nother best commynge vp oute of the erth/ and he had two hornes lyke a lambe/ and he spake as dyd the dragon. And I behelde another beest commynge vp out of the earth, and he had two hornes like a lambe, and he spake as dyd the dragō.
13:12 And he dyd all that the fyrste beest coulde do in his presence/ and he caused the erth/ ād them wich dwell therin/ to worshippe the fyrst beest/ whose dedly wonde was healed. And he dyd all that the fyrste beest coulde do in his presence/ and he caused the erth/ and them which dwell therin/ to worshippe the fyrst beest/ whose dedly woūde was healed. And he dyd all that the fyrste beest coulde do in his presence/ and he caused the erth/ and them which dwell therin/ to worshyppe the fyrst beest/ whose dedly wounde was healed. And he dyd all that the first beest coulde do in his presence, and he caused the earth, and them which dwell therin, to worshippe the fyrst beest, whose deedly woūde was healed.
13:13 And he dyd grett wonders/ so that he made fyre come doune from heven in the syght off men. And he dyd grett wonders/ so that he made fyre come doune from heven in the syght of men. And he dyd grett wonders/ so that he made fyre come doune from heauen in the syght of men. And he dyd greate wonders, so that he made fyre come downe from heauē in the sight of men.
13:14 And deceaved them that dwelt on the erth/ by the meanes of those signes which he had power to doo in the sight off the beest/ sayinge to them that dwelt on the erth: that they shulde make an ymage vnto the beest/ which had the wonde off a swearde/ and dyd lyve. And deceaved them that dwelt on the erth by the meanes of those signes which he had power to doo in the sight of the beest/ sayinge to thē that dwelt on the erth: that they shuld make an ymage vnto the beest/ which had the woūde of a swearde/ and dyd lyve. And deceaued them that dwelt on the erth by the meanes of those signes which he had power to do in the syght of the beest/ sayinge to them that dwelt on the erth: that they shuld make an ymage vnto the beest/ which had the wounde of a swearde/ and dyd lyue. And deceaued them that dwelt on the earth by ye meanes of those signes which he had power to do in the sight of the beest, sayenge to them that dwelt on the earth: that they shulde make an ymage vnto the beest, which had the wounde of a swearde and dyd liue.
13:15 And he had power to geve a sprete vnto the ymage off the beest/ and that the ymage off the beest shulde speake/ ād shulde cause that as many as wolde not worshyppe the ymage of the beest/ shulde be kylled. And he had power to geve a sprete vnto the ymage of the beest/ and that the ymage of the beest shuld speake/ and shuld cause that as many as wolde not worshyppe the ymage of the beest/ shuld be kylled. And he had power to geue a sprete vnto the ymage of the beest/ and that the ymage of the beest shuld speake/ and shuld cause that as many as wolde not worshyppe the ymage of the beest/ shuld be kylled. And he had power to geue a sprete vnto the ymage of the beest, and that the ymage of the beest shulde speake, and shulde cause, that as many as wolde not worshippe the ymage of the beest, shulde be kylled.
13:16 And he made all men/ smale and grett/ ryche and povre/ fre and bond/ to receave a marke in their right hondes/ or in their forheddſ. And he made all bothe smale and grett/ ryche and poore/ fre and bond/ to receave a marke in their right hondes/ or in their forheddes. And he made all bothe smale and gret/ ryche and poore/ fre & bond/ to receaue a marke in their ryght hondes or in their forheddes. And he made all bothe smale and greate, ryche and poore, fre and bond, to receaue a marke in their right hondes, or in their forheades.
13:17 And that no man myght by or sell/ save he that had the marke/ or the name off the beest/ other the nombre off his name. And that no mā myght by or sell/ save he that had the marke/ or the name of the beest/ other the nombre of his name. And that no man myght by or sell/ saue he that had the marke/ or the name of the beest/ other the nombre of his name. And that no man might by or sell, saue he yt had ye marke, or the name of the beest, ether the nombre of his name.
13:18 Here is wisdome. Let hym that hath wytt count the nombre off the beest. For hit is the nombre off a man/ and his nombre is sixe hondred/ threscore and sixe. Here is wisdome. Let him that hath wytt count the nombre of the beest. For it is the nombre of a man/ and his nombre is sixe hondred/ threscore and sixe. Here is wysdome. Let him that hath wytt count the nombre of the beest. For it is the nombre of a man/ and his nombre is sixe hondred/ threscore and sixe. Here is wissdome. Let him that hath wyt, count the nombre of the beest. For it is the nombre of a man, and his nombre is sixe hondred, thre score and sixe.