Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
14:1 | IN that tyme Herod the tetrarcha herde off the fame of Iesu/ | AT that tyme Herod the tetrarcha hearde of the fame of Iesu/ | AT that tyme Herode the Tetrarcha hearde of the fame of Iesu | AT that tyme Herode ye Tetrarcha herde of ye fame of Iesu, |
14:2 | and sayde vnto his servauntes: This is Ihon baptist. he is risen agayne from deeth/ and therfore hys power ys so greate. | and sayde vnto his servaūtes: This is Ihon ye baptist. He is risen agayne from deeth/ & therfore are soche myracles wrought by him. | & sayde vnto his seruaūtes: this is Iohn the Baptist. He is risen agayne from deeth/ and therfore are soche myracles wrought by him. | & sayde vnto his seruaūtes: This is Ihō ye baptist. He is rysen agayne frō the deed, therfore are his dedes so mightie. |
14:3 | For Herod toke Ihon and bounde hym/ and put hym in preson ffor Herodias sake/ hys brother phips wyfe. | For Herod had taken Ihon and bounde him and put him in preson for Herodias sake/ his brother Philips wyfe. | For Herode had taken Iohn/ & bound him/ & put him in preson for Herodias sake/ his brother Philips wyfe. | For Herode had takē Ihō bounde hī, & put him in preson for Herodias sake his brothers Philips wife. |
14:4 | For Ihon sayde vnto hym: hit ys not lawfull for the to have her. | For Ihon sayde vnto him: Yt is not lawfull for the to have her. | For Iohn sayd vnto him: yt is not lawfull for the to haue her. | For Ihon sayde vnto him: It is not laufull for ye to haue her. |
14:5 | And when he wold have put hym to deeth/ he feared the people/ because they counted hym as a prophet. | And when he wold have put him to deeth/ he feared the people/ because they counted him as a prophet. | And whē he wold haue put him to deeth/ he feared the people/ because they coūted him as a prophet. | And fayne wolde he haue put him to death, but he feared the people, because they helde him for a Prophet. |
14:6 | When Herodſ birth daye was come/ the doughter off Herodias daunsed before them/ and pleased Herod. | But when Herodſ birth daye was come/ the doughter of Herodias daunsed before them/ & pleased Herod. | But when Herodes byrth daye was come/ the doughter of Herodias daūsed before thē/ & pleased Herod. | But whan Herode helde his byrth daye, the doughter of Herodias daunsed before thē, and that pleased Herode well, |
14:7 | Wherfor he promysed with an oth/ that he wolde geve her whatsoever she wolde axe. | Wherfore he promised wt an oth/ that he wolde geve hir what soever she wolde axe. | Wherfore he promised with an oth/ that he wolde geue hir whatsoeuer she wolde axe. | wherfore he promysed her with an ooth, yt he wolde geue her, what soeuer she wolde axe. |
14:8 | And she beinge informed of her mother before/ sayde geve me here Ihon baptistſ heed ī a platter. | And she beinge informed of her mother before/ sayde: geve me here Ihon baptistſ heed in a platter. | And she beinge informed of her mother before/ sayde: geue me here Iohn baptystes heed in a platter. | And she (beynge instructe of hir mother afore) sayde: geue me Ihon baptistes heade in a platter. |
14:9 | And the kynge sorowed: neverthelesse for his othes sake/ and for their sakſ which sate also att the table/ he cōmaunded yt to be geven her. | And ye kynge sorowed. Neverthelesse for his othes sake/ and for their sakis which sate also at ye table/ he cōmaunded yt to be geven hir: | And the kynge sorowed. Neuerthelesse for his othes sake/ and for their sakes which sate also at the table/ he cōmaunded it to be geuen hir: | And the kynge was sory. Neuertheles for ye ooth sake, & thē yt sat with him at ye table, he cōmaunded it to be geuen her, |
14:10 | And sent and behedded Ihō in the preson/ | and sent & beheeded Ihon in the preson/ | & sent & beheeded Iohn in the preson/ | and sent, & beheeded Ihon in the preson. |
14:11 | and his heed was brought in a platter and gevē to the damsell/ and she brought it to her mother. | and his heed was brought in a platter & geven to the damsell/ & she brought it to her mother. | & his heed was brought in a platter and geuen to the damsell/ and she brought it to her mother. | And his heed was brought in a platter, and geuen to the damsell, & she brought it vnto her mother. |
14:12 | And his disciples cam and toke vp his body/ ād buryed it. and went and tolde Iesus. | And his disciples came & toke vp his body/ & buryed it: and went and tolde Iesus. | And his disciples came and toke vp his body/ and buryed it: & went and tolde Iesus. | Then came his disciples, and toke his body, and buried it, and wente and tolde Iesus. |
14:13 | When Iesus had herde that/ he departed thence by shippe into a desert place out of the way. And when the people had herde therof/ they folowed hī a fote out of there cites. | When Iesus hearde that/ he departed thence by shippe in to a desert place out of ye waye. And when the people had hearde ther of/ they folowed him a fote out of their cities. | When Iesus hearde that/ he departed thence by shyppe into a desert place out of the waye. And when the people had hearde ther of/ they folowed him a fote out of their cyties. | Whan Iesus hetde yt, he departed thence by shippe in to a desert place alone. And whā the people herde therof, they folowed him on fote out of ye cities. |
14:14 | And Iesus wēt forth and sawe moche people: and his herte dyde melte vppon them/ and he healed off thē those that were sicke. | And Iesus went forth & sawe moche people/ & his herte did melte vpon them/ and he healed of them those that were sicke. | And Iesus went forth & sawe moche people/ & his herte dyd melte vpon them/ & he healed of them those that were sicke. | And Iesus wēte forth, and sawe moch people, and had pytie vpon them, and healed their sicke. |
14:15 | Whē evē was come/ his disciples cā to hī saynge. This ys a deserte place/ and the daye is spent/ let the people departe that they maye go in to the tounes/ and bey thē vytayllſ. | When even was come/ his disciples came to him sayinge. This is a deserte place/ & the daye is spent: let the people departe/ yt they maye go in to ye tounes/ & bye them vytayllis. | When euē was come/ his disciples came to him sayinge: this is a deserte place/ & the daye is spent: let the people departe/ that they maye go into the tounes/ & bye them vytalles. | But at euen his disciples came vnto him, & saide: This is a deserte place, and ye night falleth on: let ye people departe from the, that they maye go in to the townes, and bye them vytayles. |
14:16 | But Iesus sayde vnto them: They have no neade to go awaye: Geve ye them to eate. | But Iesus sayde vnto them. They have no neade to go awaye. Geve ye thē to eate. | But Iesus sayde to thē: They haue no neade to go awaye. Geue ye them to eate. | But Iesus sayde vnto them: They nede not go awaye, geue ye thē to eate. |
14:17 | Thē sayde they vnto hī: we have here but .v. loves and two fysshes. | Then sayde they vnto him: we have here but .v. loves & two fysshes. | Then sayde they vnto him: we haue here but .v. loues & two fysshes. | Thē saide they vnto him: We haue here but fyue loaues and two fyshes. |
14:18 | He saide: bringe thē hydther to me. | And he sayde: bringe thē hyther to me. | And he sayd: bringe them hyther. | And he sayde: bringe thē hither. |
14:19 | And he comaūded the people to syt downe ō the grasse And toke the .v. loves/ and the .ij. fysshes ād loked vp to heven and blessed/ and brake and gave the loves to his disciples/ and the disciples gave them to the people. | And he cōmaunded ye people to syt downe on ye grasse: & toke ye .v. loves/ & the .ii. fysshes & loked vp to heven & blessed/ & brake and gave the loves to his disciples/ & the disciples gave them to ye people. | And he commaūded the people to sit downe on the grasse: & toke the .v. loues & the .ij. fisshes/ & loked vp to heauen and blessed/ & brake and gaue the loues to his disciples/ & the disciples gaue thē to the people. | And he cōmaunded ye people to syt downe vpon the grasse, and toke ye fyue loaues and two fisshes, and loked vp towarde heauen, and gaue thankes, and brake and gaue the loaues vnto the disciples, and the disciples gaue them to the people. |
14:20 | And they all ate/ ād wer suffised. And they gadered vp of the gobbetſ thatt remained/ xij basketſ full. | And they dyd all eate/ and were suffised. And they gadered vp of ye gobbetſ that remayned xii. basketſ full. | And they dyd all eate/ and were suffised. And they gadered vp of the gobets that remayned xij. baskets full. | And they all ate, and were suffised. And they gathered vp of the broken meate that remayned ouer, twolue basskettes full. |
14:21 | They that ate were in nōbre about v.M. mē/ besyde wemē ād childrē. | And they yt ate/ werein nōbre about .v.M. men/ besyde wemen & chyldren. | And they that ate/ were in nombre about .v. M. men/ besyde wemen and chyldren. | And they yt ate, were aboute a fyue thousande men, besyde wemen and children. |
14:22 | And strayght way Iesus made his desciples enter into a shippe/ and to goo over before him/ whill he sent the peple away. | And strayght waye Iesus made his disciples enter into a shippe/ and to goo over before him/ whill he sent ye people awaye. | And strayght waye Iesus made his disciples enter into a shyppe/ & to goo ouer before him/ whill he sent the people awaye. | And straight waye Iesus made his disciples to entre in to a shippe, & to go ouer before hī, tyll he had sent ye people awaye. |
14:23 | And as sone as he had sent the peple away/ he went vp into a moūtayne alone to praye. Aud whē nyght was come he was there hym silf alone. | And assone as he had sent the people awaye/ he went vp into a moūtayne alone to praye. And when nyght was come/ he was there him silf alone. | And assone as he had sent the people awaye/ he wēt vp into a mountayne alone to praye. And when nyght was come/ he was there him self alone. | And whan he had sent the people awaye, he wēte vp in to a mountayne alone, to make his prayer. And at euen he was there him self alone. |
14:24 | and the shippe was in the middes of the see/ and was toost with waves/ for it was a contrary wynde. | And the shippe was now in the middes of the see/ and was toost with waves/ for it was a cōtrary wynde. | And the shyppe was now in the middes of the see/ & was toost with waues/ for it was a contrary wynde. | And ye shippe was allready in ye myddest of the see, & was tost wt wawes, for the winde was cōtrary. |
14:25 | In the fourthe watche of the night Iesus cam vnto thē walkynge on the see: | In the fourthe watche of ye night Iesus came vnto them walkynge on the see. | In the fourth watche of the nyght Iesus cam vnto them walkinge on the see. | But in ye fourth watch of ye night Iesus came vnto thē, walkinge vpon the see. |
14:26 | and when hys disciples sawe hī walkynge on the see/ they were amased/ sayinge: it is some spirite/ ād cryed out for feare. | And when his disciples sawe him walkynge on the see/ they were troubled/ sayinge: it is some spirite/ & cryed out for feare. | And when his disciples sawe him walkinge on the see/ they were troubled/ sayinge: it is some sprite/ and cryed oute for feare. | And whan his disciples sawe him goinge vpon the see, they were afrayed, sayenge: It is some sprete, and cried out for feare. |
14:27 | And streyght waye Iesus spake vnto them saynge: be of good cheare/ it is y/ be not afrayed. | And streyght waye Iesus spake vnto them sayinge: be of god cheare/ it is I/ be not a frayed. | And streyght waye Iesus spake vnto them sayinge: be of good cheare/ it is I/ be not afrayed. | But straight waye Iesus spake vnto them, and sayde: Be of good cheare, it is I, be not afrayed. |
14:28 | Peter answered/ and sayde: master/ ād thou be he/ bidde me come vnto the on the water. | Peter answered him/ & sayde: master/ if thou be he/ bid me come vnto the on the water. | Peter answered him/ and sayde: master/ yf thou be he/ byd me to come vnto the on the water. | Peter answered him, & saide: LORDE, yf it be thou, byd me come vnto the vpon ye water. |
14:29 | and he sayde come. And whē Peter was come doune out of the shyppe/ he walked on the water/ to go to Iesus. | And he sayde/ come. And when Peter was come doune out of ye shippe/ he walked on ye water/ to go to Iesus. | And he sayd/ come. And when Peter was come doune out of the shippe/ he walked on the water/ to go to Iesus. | And he sayde: come on yi waye. And Peter stepte out of the shippe, & wēte vpon the water, to come vnto Iesus. |
14:30 | But when he sawe a myghty wīde/ he was afrayed. And as he began to synke/ he cryed sayīge: master save me. | But when he sawe a myghty wynde/ he was afrayed. And as he beganne to synke/ he cryed sayinge: master save me. | But when he sawe a myghty wynde/ he was afrayed. And as he beganne to synke/ he cryed sayinge: master saue me. | But whan he sawe a mightie wynde, he was afrayed, & begāne to synke, & cried, sayenge: LORDE, helpe me. |
14:31 | And immediatly Iesus stretched forth his honde/ and caught him/ ād saide to hym: O thou of lytell fayth: wherfore diddest thou dout? | And immediatly Iesus stretched forth his hōde/ & caught him/ & sayde to him: O thou of lytell faith/ wherfore diddest thou dout? | And immediatly Iesus stretched forth his honde/ & caught him/ & sayd to him: O thou of litell fayth/ wherfore diddest thou dout? | And īmediatly Iesus stretched forth his hande, & caught him, & sayde vnto him: O thou of litle faith, wherfore doutest thou? |
14:32 | And as soone as they were come ī to the shippe/ the winde ceassed. | And assone as they were come in to ye shippe/ ye wynde ceassed. | And assone as they were come into the shyppe/ the wynde ceased. | And they wente in to the shippe, & the wynde ceased. |
14:33 | Thē they that were in the shyppe cā ād worshypped him/ sayinge: of a truth thou arte the sonne off God. | Then they that were in the shippe/ came and worshipped him/ sayinge: of a truth thou arte ye sonne of God. | Then they that were in the shyppe/ came and worshipped him/ sayinge: of a truth thou arte the sonne of God. | Then they that were in ye shippe, came & fell downe before him, & sayde: Of a trueth thou art ye sonne of God. |
14:34 | And when they were come over/ they wēt ī to the lōde of genazareth. | And when they were come over/ they went in to ye londe of Genazareth. | And when they were come ouer/ they went into the londe of Genazareth. | And they shipped ouer, & came in to the lōde of Genazereth. |
14:35 | And whē the mē of that place had knowledge of hī/ they sent out ī to all that countre rounde about/ ād brought vnto him all that were sicke/ | And when ye men of yt place had knowledge of him/ they sent out in to all yt countre rounde about/ & brought vnto him all that were sicke/ | And whē the men of that place had knowledge of him/ they sent out into all that countre rounde about/ and brought vnto him all that were sicke/ | And whā ye mē of yt place had knowlege of hī, they sent out in to all that coūtre rounde aboute, & brought vnto him all that were sicke, |
14:36 | ād besought him/ that they myght touche the border of hys vesture only. And as many as touched hytt/ were made safe. | & besought him/ that they myght touche the hemme of his vesture only. And as many as touched it were made safe. | and besought him/ that they might touche the hemme of his vesture only. And as many as touched it were made safe. | & besought him, that they might but touch the hemme of his vesture onely: & as many as touched it, were made whole. |