Matthew: Chapter 13

Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
13:1 THe same daye wēt Iesus out off the housse/ ād sat by the see syde/ THe same daye wēt Iesus out of ye house/ & sat by the see syde/ THe same daye went Iesus out of the house/ and sat by the see syde/ THe same daye wente Iesus out of ye house, and sat by the see syde,
13:2 ād moch people resorted vnto hī/ so gretly that he wēt and sat in a shyppe/ ād all the people stode on the shoore. & moch people resorted vnto him/ so gretly yt he wēt & sat in a shippe/ & all the people stode on ye shoore. and moch people resorted vnto him/ so gretly that he went/ & sat in a shippe/ and all the people stode on the shoore. & moch people resorted vnto him: so yt he wēte in to a shyppe and satt him downe, and all the people stode vpō the shore.
13:3 And he spake many thyngſ to them in similitudſ/ sayinge: Beholde/ the sower wentt forth to sowe/ And he spake many thynges to thē in similitudes/ sayinge: Beholde/ ye sower wēt forth to sowe. And he spake many thynges to them in similitudes/ sayinge: Beholde/ the sower went forth to sowe. And he spake many thinges vnto thē in symilitudes, sayenge: Beholde, The sower wente forth to sowe:
13:4 And as he sowed/ some fell by the wayes syde/ and the fowllſ cam/ ād devoured it vppe. And as he sowed/ some fell by ye wayes syde/ & the fowllſ came & devoured it vp. And as he sowed/ some fell by the wayes syde/ & the fowles came and deuoured it vp. and as he sowed, some fell by the waye syde: Then came the foules, & ate it vp.
13:5 Some fell apō stony groūde where it had not moche erth/ and a non it sprōge vppe/ because it had no depht off erth: Some fell apō stony groūde where it had not moche erth/ & a nōne it sprōge vp/ because it had no depth of erth: Some fell apon stony grounde where it had not moche erth/ & anone it spronge vp/ because it had no depth of erth: Some fell vpon stony grounde, & anone it spronge vp, because it had no depth of earth:
13:6 and when the sun was vppe/ hitt cauth heet/ and for lake off rotynge wyddred awaye. & when ye sunne was vp/ it cauht heet/ & for lake of rotynge wyddred awaye. & when the sunne was vp it caught heet/ and for lake of rotynge wyddred awaye. But whan the Sonne arose, it caught heate: and for so moch as it had no rote, it withred awaye.
13:7 Some fell amōge thornes/ and the thornes arose and chooked it. Some fell amōge thornes/ & the thornes sprōge vp & chooked it. Some fell amonge thornes/ & the thornes spronge vp & chooked it. Some fell amōge the thornes, & the thornes grewe vp, and choked it.
13:8 Parte fell in good grūde/ and broght forth good frute: some an hūdred fold/ some fifty fold/ some thyrty folde. Parte fell in good groūd/ & brought forth good frute: some anhūdred fold/ some sixtie fold/ some thyrty folde. Parte fell in good ground/ and brought forth good frute: some an hundred fold some sixtie fold/ some thyrty folde. Some fell vpō good groūde, & gaue frute: some an hundreth folde, some sixtie folde, some thirtie folde.
13:9 Whosoever hath eares to heare/ let him heare. Whosoever hath eares to heare/ let him heare. Whosoeuer hath eares to heare/ let him heare. Who so hath eares to heare, let hī heare.
13:10 And hys disciples cā/ and sayde to him: Why speakest thou to them in parables? And the disciples came and sayde to him: Why speakest thou to thē in parables? And the disciples came and sayde to him: Why speakest thou to thē in parables? And the disciples came vnto him, and sayde: Why speakest thou to thē by parables?
13:11 he answered and sayde vnto them: Hit is geven vnto you to knowe the secrettſ off the kyngdom of hevē/ but to thē it is not gevē. He answered & sayde vnto them: it is gevē vnto you to knowe ye secretſ of the kyngdome of hevē/ but to thē it is not gevē He answered and sayde vnto them: it is geuen vnto you to knowe the secretes of the kyngdome of heuen/ but to them it is not geuen. He answered and sayde vnto thē: Vnto you it is geuen to knowe the mystery of the kingdome of heauen, but vnto them it is not geuen.
13:12 For whosumever hath to hī shall hit begevē: and he shall have aboūdance. But whosoever hath not: frō hī shalbe takyn a waye evē that same that he hath. For whosoever hath to him shall begeven: and he shall have aboundance. But whosoever hath not: frō hym shalbe takyn a waye even that he hath. For whosoeuer hath to him shall be geuen: and he shall haue aboundance. But whosoeuer hath not: frō him shalbe takyn awaye euen that he hath. For whoso hath, vnto him shal be geuē, and he shal haue abundaunce. But who so hath not, from him shalbe taken awaye, euē that he hath.
13:13 Therfore speake y to thē ī similitudſ. For though they se/ they se not: and hearinge they heare not: nether vnderstonde. Therfore speake I to them in similitudes: for though they se/ they se not: & hearinge they heare not: nether vnderstonde. Therfore speake I to them in similitudes: for though they se/ they se not: and hearinge they heare not: nether vnderstonde. Therfore speake I vnto thē by parables, for with seynge eyes they se not, & with hearinge eares they heare not, for they vnderstonde it not.
13:14 And in thē ys fulfylled the prophesy of Esay/ which prophesi sayth: with youre eares ye shall heare and shall not vnðstōde/ and with youre eyes ye shall se/ ād shall not perceave. And in thē is fulfilled ye Prophesie of Esayas/ which prophesie sayth: with the eares ye shall heare and shall not vnderstonde/ and with the eyes ye shall se/ and shall not perceave. And in them is fulfilled the Prophecie of Esayas/ which prophesie sayth: with the eares ye shall heare & shall not vnderstonde/ and with the eyes ye shall se/ and shall not perceaue. And in them is fulfilled ye prophecie of Esay, which sayeth: Ye shal heare in dede, and shal not vnderstonde: and with seinge eyes shal ye se, and not perceaue.
13:15 For this peoples hert ys wexed grosse. And their eares were dull of herynge/ ād their eyes have they closed/ lest they shulde se with their eyes/ and heare with their eares/ ād shuld vnðstōde with their hertſ/ ād shulde tourne/ that y myght heale them. For this peoples hertes are wexed grosse/ & their eares were dull of herynge/ & their eyes have they closed/ lest they shulde se with their eyes/ & heare with their eares/ & shuld vnderstonde with their hertſ/ & shuld tourne/ that I myght heale them. For this peoples hertes are wexed grosse/ and their eares were dull of herynge/ & their eyes haue they closed lest they shulde se with their eyes/ and heare with their eares/ and shuld vnderstonde with their hertes/ and shuld tourne/ that I myght heale thē. For ye hert of this people is waxed grosse, & their eares are thick of hearīge, & their eyes haue they closed, lest they shulde once se wt ye eyes, & heare wt the eares, & vnderstōde wt the hert, & turne, that I might heale them.
13:16 But blessed are youre eyes/ for they se/ and youre eares/ for they heare. But blessed are youre eyes/ for they se: & youre eares/ for they heare. But blessed are youre eyes/ for they se: & youre eares/ for they heare. But blessed are youre eyes, for they se: & youre eares, for they heare.
13:17 Verely y say vnto you/ that many prophetſ and perfaicte mē have desired to se tho thingſ which ye se/ and have not sene thē: ād to heare tho thīgſ which ye heare/ ād have not herde thē. Verely I say vnto you/ that many Prophetſ & perfaicte mē have desired to se tho thingſ which ye se/ & have not sene thē: & to heare tho thingſ which ye heare/ & have not herde thē. Verely I saye vnto you/ that many prophetes & perfayct mē haue desyred to se tho thinges which ye se/ and haue not sene them: & to heare tho thinges which ye heare/ & haue not herde them. Verely I saye vnto you: Many prophetes & righteous men haue desyred to se ye thinges that ye se, and haue not sene thē: and to heare the thinges that ye heare, and haue not herde thē.
13:18 Heare ye therfore the similitude off the sower. Heare ye therfore ye similitude of the sower. Heare ye therfore the similitude of the sower. Heare ye therfore the parable of the sower.
13:19 When a man heareth the worde of the kingdō/ and vnderstōdeth it not/ there cometh the evyll mā/ and catcheth awaye that which was sowne in hys hert. And thys is he which was sowne by the waye syde. Whosoever heareth the worde of ye kingdome/ & vnderstondeth it not/ ther cometh the evyll mā & catcheth awaye yt which was sowne in his hert. And this is he which was sowne by the waye syde. Whosoeuer heareth the worde of the kyngdome & vnderstondeth it not/ ther cometh the euyll man & catcheth awaye that which was sowne in his hert. And this is he which was sowne by the waye syde. Whan one heareth ye worde of the kyngdome, and vnderstondeth it not, the euell man cōmeth, and plucketh it awaye that is sowne in his hert: & this is he yt is sowne by the waye syde.
13:20 But he that was sowne in the stony grūde ys he/ which heareth the worde of God/ and anon with ioye receaveth itt/ But he yt was sowne in ye stony groūde/ is he which heareth the worde of God/ & anōne wt ioye receaveth it/ But he that was sowne in the stony grounde/ is he which heareth the worde of God/ & anōne with ioye receaueth it/ But he yt is sowne in the stonye grounde, is this: whā one heareth the worde, & anone with ioye receaueth it:
13:21 yet hath he no rottſ in him selfe/ And there fore he dureth but a season: for as sone as tribulation or persecucion aryseth because of the worde/ by and by he falleth. yet hath he no rottſ in him selfe/ & therfore dureth but a season: for assone as tribulacion or persecucion aryseth because of the worde/ by & by he falleth. yet hath he no rotes in him selfe/ & therfore dureth but a season: for assone as tribulacion or persecucion aryseth because of the worde/ by & by he falleth. neuertheles he hath no rote ī him, but endureth for a season: whā trouble & persecucion aryseth because of the worde, immediatly he his offended.
13:22 He that was sowne amonge thornes/ ys he that heareth the worde off God/ But the care off this worlde/ And the dissaytfulnes off ryches choke the worde/ and so ys he made vnfrutfull. He yt was sowne amōge thornes/ is he yt heareth ye worde of God: but the care of this worlde/ & the dissaytfulnes of ryches choke ye worde/ & so is he made vnfrutfull. He that was sowne amonge thornes/ is he that heareth the worde of God: but the care of this worlde/ & the dissaytfulnes of ryches choke the worde/ & so is he made vnfrutfull. As for him that is sowne amonge ye thornes, this is he: Whā one heareth the worde, & the carefulnes of this worlde, & the disceatfulnes of riches choke the worde, & so he becōmeth vnfrutefull.
13:23 He which is sowne in the good groūde/ ys he that heareth the worde and vnderstondeth it/ which also bereth frute/ ād brīgeth forth/ some ā hūdred folde/ some fyfty folde/ ād some thyrty folde. He which is sowne in ye good grounde/ is he yt heareth ye worde & vnderstōdeth it/ which also bereth frute & bringeth forth/ some an.C. folde/ some sixtie folde/ & some .xxx. folde. He which is sowne in the good grounde is he that heareth the worde and vnderstondeth it: which also bereth frute and bringeth forth/ some an honderd folde/ some sixtie folde/ and some thyrty folde. But he yt is sowne in the good grounde, is this: whan one heareth the worde, and vnderstondeth it, and bringeth forth frute: and some geueth an hūdreth folde, some sixtie folde, and some thirtie folde.
13:24 Another similitude put he forth/ vnto them saynge: The kyngdom off heven ys lyke vnto a man which sowed good seede in his felde. Another similitude put he forth vnto thē sayinge: The kyngdome of hevē is lyke vnto a man which sowed good seed in his felde. Another similitude put he forth vnto them sayinge: The kyngdome of heauen is lyke vnto a man which sowed good seed in his felde. Another parable put he forth vnto thē, & sayde: The kyngdome of heauē is like vnto a man, yt sowed good sede in his felde.
13:25 Butt whyll men shlepte/ ther cam his foo/ and sowed tares amonge the wheate/ and went his waye: But whyll men slepte/ ther came his foo & sowed tares amōge ye wheate/ & wēt his waye. But whyll men slepte/ ther came his foo & sowed tares amōge the wheate/ and went his waye. But whyle mē slepte, there came an enemye, and sowed tares amonge ye wheate, & wente his waye.
13:26 Whē the blade was sprōge vp/ ād had brought forth frute/ thē appered the tares also. When ye blade was sprōge vp & had brought forth frute/ thē appered ye tares also. When the blade was spronge vp & had brought forth frute/ then appered the tares also. Now whā the blade was sprōge vp & brought forth frute, thē ye tares appeared also.
13:27 The servauntſ cam to the householder/ and sayde vnto him: Syr sowedest not thou good seed ī thy closse/ from whence then hath it tares? The servauntſ came to the housholder/ & sayde vnto him: Syr sowedest not thou good seed in thy closse/ frō whēce thē hath it tares? The seruauntes came to the housholder/ & sayde vnto him: Syr sowedest not thou good seed in thy closse/ from whence then hath it tares? Then came the seruaūtes to ye housholder, & sayde vnto him: Syr, sowdest not thou good sede in yi felde? Frō whēce thē hath it tares?
13:28 He sayde to them/ the ēvious man hath done this. Then the servauntſ sayde vnto hym: wylt thou then that we go ād gader it? He sayde to thē/ the envious mā hath done this. Then ye servauntſ sayde vnto him: wilt thou then yt we go & gader them? He sayde to them: the enuious man hath done this. Then the seruauntes sayde vnto him: wilt thou then that we go & gader thē? He sayde vnto thē: that hath the enemye done. Thē sayde ye seruaūtes: wilt thou then yt we go & wede thē out?
13:29 and he sayde/ nay/ lest whyll ye go aboute to wede out the tares/ ye plucke vppe also with them the wheate by the rottſ: But he sayde/ nay/ lest whill ye go aboute to wede out ye tares/ ye plucke vppe also wt them ye wheate by ye rottſ: But he sayde/ nay/ lest whill ye go aboute to wede out the tares/ ye plucke vppe also with them the wheate by the rottes: He sayde: No, lest whyle ye wede out ye tares, ye plucke vp the wheate also wt thē.
13:30 let bothe growe to gether tyll harvest come/ and in time of harvest/ I wyll saye vnto my repers/ gadther ye fyrst the tares/ ād bynd them in sheves to be brēt: but gadther the wheete ī to my barne. let bothe growe to gether tyll harvest come/ & in tyme of harvest/ I wyll saye to the repers/ gather ye fyrst ye tares/ & bind thē in sheves to be brēt: but gather the wheete into my barne. let bothe growe to gether tyll haruest come/ and in tyme of haruest/ I wyll saye to the repers/ gather ye fyrst the tares/ and bind them in sheues to be brēt: but gather the wheete into my barne Let thē both growe together tyll the haruest, and in tyme of haruest I wil saye vnto the reapers: Gather ye tares first, & bynde thē in sheeues to be brēt: but gather the wheate in to my barne.
13:31 Another parable he putt forthe vnto them saynge. The kyngedō of hevē ys lyke vnto a grayne of mustard seede/ whych a man taketh ād soweth in his felde/ Another parable he put forthe vnto thē sayinge. The kyngdome of hevē is lyke vnto a grayne of mustard seed/ which a mā taketh & soweth in his felde/ Another parable he put forth vnto them sayinge: The kyngdome of heauen is lyke vnto a grayne of mustard seed/ which a man taketh & soweth in his felde/ Another parable put he forth vnto thē, and sayde: The kyngdome of heauen is like vnto a grane of mustarde sede, which a man toke, and sowed it in his felde.
13:32 whych ys the leest of all seedes. But when it is growne/ it is the greatest amōge yerbes/ ād is a tree: so that the bryddes of the aier come/ ād bylde in te braunches of it. which is ye leest of all seedes. But when it is groune/ it is the greatest amōge yerbes/ & it is a tree: so yt the bryddes of the ayer come & bylde in the braūches of it. which is the leest of all seedes. But when it is groune/ it is the greatest amonge yerbes/ & it is a tree: so that the bryddes of the ayer come and bylde in the braunches of it. Which is the leest amonge all sedes. But whan it is growne, it is the greatest amonge herbes, and is a tre: so that the byrdes vnder the heauen come and dwell in the braunches of it.
13:33 Anothere similitude sayde he to them. The kyngdom̃ of heven ys lyke vnto levē which a woman toke and hyd in iij peckes off meele/ tyll all was levended. A nother similitude sayde he to them. The kyngdome of heven is lyke vnto levē which a woman taketh and hydeth in .iii. peckes of meele/ tyll all be levended. Another similitude sayde he to them. The kyngdome of heauen is lyke vnto leuē which a woman taketh and hydeth in .iij. peckes of meele/ tyll all be leuended. Another parable spake he vnto thē: The kyngdome of heauē is like vnto leuē, which a woman toke, and myxte it amonge thre peckes of meele, tyll all was leuended.
13:34 All these thyngſ spake Iesus vnto the people by similitudſ/ and with oute similitudſ spake he nothinge to them/ All these thyngſ spake Iesus vnto the people by similitudes/ & with oute similitudes spake he nothinge to them/ All these thinges spake Iesus vnto the people by similitudes/ and with oute similitudes spake he nothinge to them/ All soch thinges spake Iesus vnto ye people by parables, & without parables spake he nothinge vnto thē:
13:35 to fulfyll that which was spokē by the prophet sayinge: I wyll opē my mouth in similitudſ/ ād wyll speake forth thingſ whych have bene kepte secrete from the begynnynge off the worlde. to fulfyll that which was spokē by the Prophet sayinge: I wyll opē my mouth in similitudſ/ and wyll speake forth thinges which have bene kepte secrete from the begynninge of the worlde. to fulfill that which was spoken by the Prophet sayinge: I will open my mouth in similitudes/ and will speake forth thinges which haue bene kepte secrete from the begynninge of the worlde yt the thinge might be fulfilled, which was spokē by ye prophet, sayenge: I wil open my mouth in parables, and wil speake out the secretes from the begynnynge of the worlde.
13:36 Then sent Iesus the people awaye/ and cam to housse/ ād hys disciples cam vnto hym/ saynge: declare vnto vs the similitude of the tares off the felde: Then sent Iesus ye people awaye/ & came to housse. And his disciples came vnto him/ sayinge: declare vnto vs the similitude of the tares of the felde. Then sent Iesus the people awaye/ & came to housse. And his disciples came vnto him/ sayinge: declare vnto vs the similitude of the tares of the felde. Then sent Iesus the people awaye, and came home. And his disciples came vnto hī, and sayde: Declare vnto us ye parable of ye tares of ye felde.
13:37 Then answered he and sayde to them. He that soweth the good seed/ ys the sōne of mā/ Then answered he & sayde to them. He that soweth the good seed/ is the sonne of man. Then answered he & sayde to them. He that soweth the good seed/ is the sonne of man. Iesus answered, and sayde vnto them: He that soweth the good sede, is the sonne of man:
13:38 the felde ys the worlde. The children off the kyngdom are the good seed. The evyll mans chyldrē are the tares. And ye felde is the worlde. And the chyldrē of the kingdome/ they are ye good seed. And the tares are the chyldren of ye wicked. And the felde is the worlde. And the chyldrē of the kingdome/ they are the good seed. And the tares are the chyldren of the wycked. the felde is the worlde: ye good sede are the childrē of the kyngdome: The tares are the children of wickednes:
13:39 But the enemy which soweth thē/ is the devill. The harvest is the end of the world and the repers be the angels. And the enemye that soweth thē/ is ye devell. The harvest is ye end of the worlde. And the repers be ye angels. And the enemye that soweth them/ is the deuyll. The haruest is the ende of the worlde. And the repers be the angels. ye enemye that soweth thē, is the deuell: ye haruest is the ende of the worlde: ye reapers are ye angels.
13:40 For even as the tares are gaddred/ and brent in the fyre: so shall it be in the ende off this worlde. For evē as the tares are gaddred & brēt in ye fyre: so shall it be in ye ende of this worlde. For euen as the tares are gaddred and brent in the fyre: so shall it be in the ende of this worlde. For like as ye tares are weded out, and brent in the fyre, euē so shal it go in ye ende of this worlde.
13:41 The sonne off man shall send forth his āgels/ and they shall gadther out off his kyngdom all thingſ that do hurte/ and all thē which do iniquite/ The sonne of man shall send forth his angels/ & they shall gather out of his kyngdome all thingſ that offende/ and them which do iniquite/ The sonne of man shall sende forth his angels/ and they shall gather out of his kyngdome all thinges that offende/ & them which do iniquite/ The sonne of man shal sende forth his angels, & they shal gather out of his kingdome all thinges yt offende, & thē yt do iniquyte,
13:42 and shall cast thē into a furnes of fyre. There shalbe waylynge ād gnasshyng off teth. and shall cast them into a furnes of fyre. There shalbe waylynge and gnasshing of teth. and shall cast them into a furnes of fyre. There shalbe waylinge and gnasshinge of teth. & shal cast thē in to a fornace of fyre, there shalbe waylinge and gnasshinge of teth.
13:43 Thē shall the iuste mē shyne as bryght as the sun in the kyngdom of their father. wosoever hath eares to heare/ let hī heare. Then shall the iuste men shyne as bryght as the sunne in ye kyngdome of their father. Whosoever hath eares to heare/ let him heare. Then shall the iuste men shyne as bryght as the sunne in the kingdome of their father. Whosoeuer hath eares to heare/ let him heare. Thē shal the righteous shyne as the Sonne, in the kyngdome of their father. Who so hath eares to heare, let him heare.
13:44 Agayne the kyngdom off heven is lyke vnto treasure hidde in the felde/ the which a mā founde and hidde it: and ffor ioy there of goeth and selleth all that he hath/ and byeth that felde. Agayne ye kyngdome of hevē is lyke vnto treasure hidde in the felde/ ye which a man fyndeth & hideth: and for ioy therof goeth & selleth all that he hath/ & byeth that felde. Agayne the kyngdome of heauen is lyke vnto treasure hydde in the felde/ the which a man fyndeth and hydeth: and for ioye therof goeth and selleth all that he hath/ and byeth that felde. Agayne, the kingdome of heauen is like vnto a treasure hyd in the felde, which a mā founde and hid it, and for ioye therof he wēte & solde all yt he had, and bought yt felde.
13:45 Agayne the kyngdom off heven is lyke vnto a marchaūt/ sekynge after good pearles/ Agayne ye kyngdome of hevē is lyke vnto a marchaunt that seketh good pearles/ Agayne the kyngdome of heauen is lyke to a marchaunt that seketh good pearles/ Agayne, the kyngdome of heauen is like vnto a marchaūt, yt sought good pearles:
13:46 which when he had founde one precious pearle/ wentt and solde all that he had/ and bought it. which when he had founde one precious pearle/ wēt and solde all that he had/ and bought it. which when he had founde one precious pearle/ wēt and solde all that he had/ and bought it. & whā he had founde a precious pearle, he wēte and solde all that he had, & bought it.
13:47 Agayne the kyngdom̃ off heven is lyke vnto a neet cast in to the see/ that gadereth off all kyndſ of fysshes: Agayne the kyngdome of hevē is lyke vnto a neet cast into ye see/ yt gadereth of all kyndſ of fysshes: Agayne the kyngdome of heauen is lyke vnto a neet cast into the see/ that gadereth of all kyndes of fisshes: Agayne, ye kyngdome of heauē is like vnto a nett cast in to ye see, wherwith are takē all maner of fyshes:
13:48 which when it is full/ mē drawe to lōde/ and sitt and gadre the good in to their vessels ād cast the bad awaye. which whē it is full/ men drawe to londe/ & sitte & gadre the good in to vessels/ & cast the bad awaye. which when it is full/ men drawe to londe/ & sitte & gadre the good into vessels/ & cast the bad awaye. & whā it is ful, mē drawe it out vnto ye shore, & sytt & gather ye good ī to the vessels, but cast the bad awaye.
13:49 So shall it be at th ēde of the worlde. The angels shall come and sever the bad from the good/ So shall it be at the ende of the worlde. The angels shall come oute/ & sever the bad from the good/ So shall it be at the ende of the worlde. The angels shall come oute & seuer the bad from the good/ So shal it be also in ye ende of ye worlde. The angels shal go out, & seuer the bad frō the righteous,
13:50 ād shall cast them ī to a furnes of fyre/ there shalbe waylinge ād gnasshynge of teth. & shall cast them in to a furnes of fyre: there shalbe waylinge and gnasshynge of teth. & shall cast thē into a furnes of fyre: there shalbe waylinge and gnasshinge of teth. & shal cast thē in to a fornace of fyre, there shalbe waylinge & gnasshinge of teth.
13:51 Iesus sayde vnto them: have ye vnderstonde all these thyngſ: they sayde/ ye syr. Iesus sayde vnto them: vnderstonde ye all these thyngſ? They sayde/ ye Lorde. Iesus sayde vnto them: vnderstonde ye all these thinges? They sayde: ye Lorde. And Iesus sayde vnto them: Haue ye vnderstōde all these thinges? They sayde: Yee LORDE.
13:52 Thē sayde he vnto them: Therfore every scrybe which is conīge vnto the kyngdō of heven/ is lyke an housholder/ which bryngeth forth/ out of his treasure/ thyngſ bothe newe and olde. Thē sayde he vnto them: Therfore every scribe which is taught vnto the kyngdome of hevē/ is lyke an housholder/ which bryngeth forth/ out of hys treasure/ thyngſ bothe new and olde. Then sayde he vnto them: Therfore euery Scribe which is taught vnto the kyngdome of heuen is lyke an housholder/ which bringeth forth/ out of his treasure/ thinges bothe new and olde. Then sayde he vnto thē: Therfore euery scribe taught vnto ye kingdome of heauen, is like an houssholder, which bryngeth out of his treasure thinges new and olde.
13:53 And hyt cam to passe whē Iesus had fynnesshed these similitudſ that he departed thence/ And it came to passe when Iesus had finisshed these similitudſ/ yt he departed thēce/ And it came to passe when Iesus had finisshed these similitudes/ that he departed thence/ And it came to passe whā Iesus had ended these parables, he departed thence,
13:54 ād cam in to his awne countre/ and taught in there synagoggſ/ in so moche that they were astunyed and saide: whence cā all thys wysdon ād power vnto him? & came in to his awne coūtre/ & taught them in their synagogſ/ in so moche yt they were astonyed & sayde: whēce cometh all this wysdome & power vnto him? and came in to his awne countre/ & taught thē in their synagoges/ in so moche that they were astonyed and sayde: whence cometh all this wysdome & power vnto him? and came in to his owne coūtre, and taught thē in their synagoges: in so moch, that they were astonnyed and sayde: Whēce cōmeth soch wyssdome & power vnto him?
13:55 is not thys the carpēters soñe? is not hys mother called mary? ād hys brethrē be calleg/ Iames ād Ioses and Symon and Iudas? Is not this the carpēters sonne? Is not his mother called Mary? & his brethrē be called Iames & Ioses & Simō & Iudas? Is not this the carpenters sonne? Is not his mother called Mary? & his brethrē be called Iames and Ioses & Simon & Iudas? Is not this the carpēters sonne? Is not his mother called Mary? and his brethrē Iames & Ioses, and Symon and Iude?
13:56 and are not hys systers all here with vs? Whēce hath he all these thyugſ? And are not his susters all here wt vs? Whēce hath he all these thyngſ. And are not his susters all here with vs? Whence hath he all these thinges. And are not all his sisters here with us? Whence hath he thē all these thinges?
13:57 And they wer hurte by him. Then Iesus sayde vnto them: there is no prophet with out honoure/ save ī hys awne coñtre/ ād amōge his awne kynne. And they were offended by him. Thē Iesus sayd to thē a Prophet is not wt out honoure/ save in hys awne countre/ & amōge his awne kynne. And they were offended by him. Then Iesus sayde to them/ a Prophet is not without honoure/ saue in his awne countre/ & amonge his awne kynne. And they were offended at him. But Iesus sayde vnto thē: A prophet is nowhere lesse sett by, thē at home & amonge his owne.
13:58 And he dyd not many myracles there/ for there vnbelefes sake. And he dyd not many miracles there/ for there vnbelefes sake. And he dyd not many miracles there/ for there vnbelefes sake. And he dyd not many miracles there, because of their vnbeleue.