Acts: Chapter 26

Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
26:1 AGrippa sayde vnto Paul: Thou arte permitted to speake for thy silfe. Thē Paul stretched forth his honde/ ād answered for hym silfe: AGrippa sayde vnto Paul: thou arte permitted to speake for thy selfe. Then Paul stretched forth the honde/ & answered for him selfe. AGrippa sayde vnto Paul: thou arte permitted to speake for thy selfe. Then Paul stretched forth the honde/ and answered for him selfe. AGrippa sayde vnto Paul: Thou hast leue to speake for thy selfe. Thē Paul stretched forth the hande, and answered for himselfe:
26:2 I thynke my silfe happy kynge Agrippa/ be cause I shall answere this daye before the of all the thyngſ where of I am accused of the iewes/ I thynke my selfe happy kynge Agrippa/ because I shall answere this daye before the/ of all the thinges wherof I am accused of ye Iewes/ I thinke my selfe happy kynge Agrippa/ because I shall answere this daye before the/ of all the thinges wherof I am accused of the Iewes I thinke my selfe happye (O kynge Agrippa) because I shal answere this daye before the, of all the thinges wherof I am accused of the Iewes:
26:3 namly be cause thou arte experte ī all customes/ ād questions/ which are amonge the iewes. wheerfore I besethe the to heare me paciently. namely because thou arte experte in all customes and questions/ which are amonge the Iewes. Wherfore I beseche the to heare me paciently. namely because thou arte experte in all customes & questions/ which are amonge the Iewes. Wherfore I beseche the to heare me paciently. specially for so moch as thou art experte in all customes and questions, which are amonge the Iewes. Wherfore I beseche the, to heare me paciently.
26:4 My livynge off a chylde/ which was at the fyrst amonge myne awne nacion att Ierusalem knowe all the iewes My lyvynge of a chylde/ which was at the fyrst amōge myne awne nacion at Ierusalem knowe all the Iewes My liuinge of a chylde/ which was at the fyrst amōge myne awne nacion at Ierusalem knowe all the Iewes My lyuynge truly from youth vp (how it was led from the begynnynge amonge this people at Ierusalē) knowe all the Iewes
26:5 which knew me from the begynnynge/ yf they wolde testifye it. For after the most straytest secte of oure laye lived I a pharisaye which knew me from ye beginnynge/ yf they wolde testifie it. For after the most straytest secte of oure laye/ lyved I a pharisaye. which knew me frō the beginninge/ yf they wolde testifie it. For after the most straytest secte of oure laye/ lyued I a Pharisaye. which knewe me afore at the first, yf they wolde testifye, for after the most strayte secte of oure Iewysh lawe, I lyued a Pharise.
26:6  ād nowe I stōd ād am iudged for the hope off the promes made off God vnto oure fathers And now I stond & am iudged for the hope of the promes made of God vnto oure fathers: And now I stond & am iudged for the hope of the promes made of God vnto oure fathers: And now stonde I, and am iudged because of the hope of the promes, that was made of God vnto oure fathers,
26:7 vnto which promes/ oure .xij. tribes instantly servynge God daye and nyght/ hope to come. For which hopes sake/ kynge Agrippa am I accused off the iewes. vnto which promes/ oure .xii. tribes instantly servynge God daye & nyght/ hope to come. For which hopes sake/ kynge Agrippa/ am I accused of the Iewes. vnto which promes oure .xij. tribes instantly seruinge God daye & nyght hope to come. For which hopes sake/ kynge Agrippa/ am I accused of the Iewes. vnto the which (promes) oure twolue trybes hope to come, seruynge God instātly daye and nighte. For the which hopes sake (O kynge Agrippa) I am accused of the Iewes.
26:8 why shulde itt be thought a thynge vncredible vnto you/ if God rayse agayne the deed? Why shuld it be thought a thinge vncredible vnto you/ that god shuld rayse agayne the deed? Why shuld it be thought a thinge vncredible vnto you/ that God shuld rayse agayne the deed? Wherfore is this iudged amonge you not to be beleued, that God rayseth vp the deed?
26:9 I also verely thought ī my silfe/ that I ought to do many contrary thyngſ/ clene agaynst the name off Iesus off Nazareth: I also verely thought in my selfe/ that I ought to do many cōtrary thinges/ clene agaynst the name of Iesus of Nazareth: I also verely thought in my selfe/ that I ought to do many contrary thinges/ clene agaynst the name of Iesus of Nazareth: I also verely thoughte by my selfe, that I oughte to do many cōtrary thinges cleane agaynst the name off Iesus off Nazareth,
26:10 which thynge I alsoo did in Ierusalem. And many of the saynctſ shut I ī presō. morover I receaved auctorite off the hye prestes: And when they were putt to deeth I gave the sentence. which thinge I also dyd in Ierusalem. Where many of the sainctes I shut vp in preson/ & had receaved auctorite of ye hye prestes. And whē they were put to deeth/ I gave the sentence. which thinge I also dyd in Ierusalem. Where many of the saynctes I shut vp in preson/ & had receaued auctorite of the hye prestes. And when they were put to deeth/ I gaue the sentence. which I dyd at Ierusalem, whan I shut vp many sayntes in preson, whervpon I receaued auctorite of ye hye prestes. And whā they shulde be put to death, I broughte the sentence.
26:11 And I punnysshed them oftē ī every sinagoge/ and compelled them to blaspheme. and was yett more mad apon thē and persecuted them/ even vnto straunge cites. And I punysshed them ofte in every synagoge/ and compelled them to blaspheme: & was yet more mad apon them/ and persecuted thē/ even vnto straunge cities. And I punisshed them ofte in euery synagoge/ and compelled them to blaspheme: & was yet more mad vpon them/ & persecuted them/ euē vnto straūge cities. And thorow all the synagoges I punyshed them oft, and compelled thē to blaspheme, and was exceadinge mad vpon them, and persecuted them euen vnto straunge cities.
26:12 About the which thynges as I went to Damascon whith auctorite/ and commission from the hye prestes/ About the which thinges as I went to Damasco with auctorite and licence of the hye Prestes/ About which thinges as I went to Damasco with auctorite & licence of the hye prestes/ Aboute which thinges as I wente towarde Damascon with auctorite and lycence of the hye prestes,
26:13 even at myd daye (kynge Agrippa) I sawe in the waye a lyght from heven/ above the brightnes of the sunne/ shyne rounde about me and them/ which iorneyed with me. even at myddaye (o kynge) I sawe in ye waye a lyght from heven/ above the brightnes of the sunne/ shyne rounde about me and them which iorneyed with me. euē at middaye (o kinge) I sawe in the waye a light from heauen/ aboue the brightnes of the sunne/ shyne roūde about me and them which iorneyed with me. euen at myddaye (O kynge) I sawe in the waye, that a lighte from heauē (clearer then the brightnesse of the Sonne) shyned rounde aboute me, and them that iourneyed with me.
26:14 When we wer all fallen to the erth/ I herde a voyce speakynge vnto me/ and sayinge in the ebrue tonge: Saul/ Saul/ why persecutest thou me? Hit is harde for the to kicke agaynste the pricke. When we were all fallen to the erth/ I hearde a voyce speakynge vnto me/ & sayinge in ye Hebrue tonge: Saul/ Saul/ why persecutest thou me? It is harde for the to kicke agaynste the pricke. When we were all fallen to the erth/ I hearde a voyce speakinge vnto me & sayinge in the Hebrue tonge: Saul/ Saul/ why persecutest thou me? It is harde for the to kicke agaynst the pricke. But whan we were all fallen downe to the earth, I herde a voyce speakynge vnto me, and sayēge in Hebrue: Saul Saul, why persecutest thou me? It shalbe harde for the to kycke agaynst the prycke.
26:15 And I sayde: Who arte thou lorde? And he sayde: I am Iesus whom thou persecutest: And I sayde: Who arte thou lorde? And he sayde I am Iesus whom thou persecutest. And I sayde: Who arte thou Lorde? And he sayde I am Iesus whom thou persecutest/ But I sayde: LORDE, who art thou? He sayde: I am Iesus, whom thou persecutest.
26:16 But ryse and stond vppe on thy fete. For I have apered vnto the for this purpose/ to make the a mynister/ and a witnes both off tho thynges which thou hast sene/ and off tho thynges in the which I will apere vnto the/ But ryse & stond vp on thy fete. For I have apered vnto the for this purpose/ to make the a minister & a witnes/ both of tho thinges which thou hast sene/ and of tho thinges in the which I will appere vnto the/ but ryse & stond vp on thy fete. For I haue apered vnto the for this purpose/ to make the a minister & a witnes/ both of tho thinges which thou hast sene/ & of tho thinges in the which I will appere vnto the/ But ryse vp, and stonde vpon thy fete, for therfore haue I appeared vnto the, that I mighte ordeyne the to be a mynister and witnesse of it that thou hast sene, and that I wyll yet cause to appeare vnto the.
26:17 delyverynge the from the people/ and frō the gentyls/ vnto the which nowe I sende the/ delyverynge the from the people/ and from ye gentyls vnto which nowe I sende the/ delyueringe the frō the people/ & frō the gentyls/ vnto which nowe I sende the/ And I wil delyuer the from the people, and from the Heythen, amonge whō I wil now sende the,
26:18 to open their eyes that they myght turne ffrom darcknes vnto lyght/ and ffrom the power of Satan vnto God/ that they maye receave forgevenes of synnes/ and inheritaunce amonge them which are sanctyfyed by fayth in me. to open their eyes that they myght turne from darcknes vnto lyght/ & from the power of Satan vnto God/ that they maye receave forgevenes of synnes and inheritaūce amonge thē which are sanctified by fayth in me. to opē their eyes/ that they myght turne frō darcknes to lyght/ & frō the power of Satā vnto God/ that they maye receaue forgeuenes of synnes and inheritaūce amōge thē which are sanctified by faith in me. to opē their eyes, that they maye turne from the darknesse vnto the lighte, and from the power of ye deuell vnto God, that they maye receaue forgeuenesse of synnes, and the enheritaunce with them that are sanctified by faith in me.
26:19 Wherfore kynge Agrippa I was not disobedient vnto the hevenly vysion: Wherfore kynge Agrippa/ I was not disobedient vnto the hevenly vision: Wherfore kynge Agrippa/ I was not disobedient vnto the heauenly vision: Wherfore (O kynge Agrippa) I was not faithlesse vnto ye heauēly vision,
26:20 butt shewed fyrst vnto them off Damascon/ and att Ierusalem/ and thorow out all the costes off Iewry/ and to the gentyls/ that they shulde repent/ and turne to God/ and do the right werkes off repentaunce. but shewed fyrst vnto them of Damasco/ and at Ierusalem/ and thorow out all the costes of Iewry/ and to the gentyls/ that they shuld repent/ & turne to God/ and do the ryght workes of repentaunce. but shewed fyrst vnto them of Damasco/ and at Ierusalem/ & thorowout all the costes of Iewry/ & to the gētyls/ that they shuld repēt/ & tourne to God/ & do the ryght workes of repentaūce but shewed it first vnto them at Damascon, and at Ierusalē, and in all the coastes of Iewry, and to the Heythen, that they shulde do pennaunce, and turne vnto God, and to do the righte workes of pennaunce.
26:21 For this cause the iewes caught me in the temple/ ād wēt about to kill me. For this cause the Iewes caught me in the temple/ and went about to kyll me. For this cause the Iewes caught me in the tēple & wēt about to kyll me. For this cause the Iewes toke me in the temple, and wente aboute to kyll me.
26:22 Neverthelesse I obtayned helpe off God/ and stond vnto this daye witnessyng bothe to smale and to greate/ saying none other thynges/ thē those which the prophetſ and Moses did saye shulde come/ Neverthelesse I obtayned helpe of God/ & cōtynew vnto this daye witnessyng bothe to small and to greate saying none other thinges/ then those which the prophetes and Moses dyd saye shuld come/ Neuerthelesse I obtayned helpe of God & cōtynew vnto this daye witnessing bothe to small & to greate sayinge none other thinges/ then those which the prophetes & Moses dyd saye shuld come/ But thorow the helpe of God lent vnto me, I stonde vnto this daye, and testifye both vnto small and greate, and saye no other thinge, thē that ye prophetes haue sayde (that it shulde come to passe) and Moses,
26:23 that Christ shulde suffre/ and that he shuld be the fyrst that shulde ryse from deeth/ and shulde shewe lightt vnto the people/ and to the gentyls. that Christ shulde suffre/ & that he shuld be the fyrst that shulde ryse from deeth/ and shuld shewe lyght vnto the people/ and the gentyls. that Christ shulde suffre/ and that he shuld be the fyrst that shulde ryse from deeth/ and shulde shewe lyght vnto the people/ & to the gentyls. that Christ shulde suffre, and be the first of the resurreccion from the deed, and shew light vnto the people, and to the Heythen.
26:24 As he thus answered for hym silfe: Festus sayde with a lowde voyce: Paul/ thou arte besides thy silfe. Moche learnynge hath made the mad. As he thus answered for him selfe: Festus sayde with a lowde voyce: Paul/ thou arte besides thy selfe. Moche learnynge hath made the mad. As he thus answered for him selfe: Festus sayde with a lowde voyce. Paul/ thou arte besides thy selfe. Moche learnīge hath made the mad. Whan he thus answered for himselfe, Festus sayde with a loude voyce: Paul, thou art besydes thy selfe, moch lernynge maketh ye madd.
26:25 And Paul sayde: I am not mad most dere Festus: but speake the wordſ of trueth and sobernes And Paul sayde: I am not mad most dere Festus: but speake the wordes of trueth & sobernes. And Paul sayd: I am not mad/ most dere Festus: but speake the wordes of trueth & sobernes. But Paul sayde: I am not madd (most deare Festus) but speake the wordes of trueth and sobernesse:
26:26 The kynge knoweth of these thynges/ beforewhom I speke frely. nether thynke I that eny of these thyngſ are hidden from hym. For this thynge was not done in a corner. The kynge knoweth of these thinges/ before whom I speke frely: nether thynke I that eny of these thinges are hydden frō him. For this thinge was not done in a corner. The kinge knoweth of these thinges/ before whō I speke frely: nether thinke I that eny of these thinges are hydden frō him. For this thinge was not done in a corner. for ye kynge knoweth this well, vnto whom I speake frely. For I thinke that none off these thinges is hyd from him: for this was not done in a corner.
26:27 Kynge Agrippa belevest thou the prophetes? I wote wele thou belevest. Kynge Agrippa belevest thou ye prophetes? I wote well thou belevest. Kynge Agrippa beleuest thou the Prophetes? I wote well thou beleuest. Beleuest thou the prophetes, O kynge Agrippa? I knowe that thou beleuest.
26:28 Agrippa sayde vnto Paul: Sumwhatt thou bryngest me in mynde ffor to be come christen. Agrippa sayde vnto Paul: Sumwhat thou bringest me in mynde for to be come a Christen. Agrippa sayde vnto Paul: Sumwhat thou bringest me in mynde for to be come a Christen. Agrippa sayde vnto Paul: Thou persuadest me in a parte to become a Christen.
26:29 And Paull sayd: I wolde to God that not ōly thou: but also all that heare me to daye/ were not sumwhat only/ but altogedder soche as I am except these bondes. And Paul sayd: I wolde to God that not only thou: but also all that heare me to daye/ were/ not sumwhat only/ but altogeder soche as I am/ except these bondſ. And Paul sayde: I wolde to God that not only thou: but also all that heare me to daye/ were/ not sumwhat only but altogeder soche as I am/ except these bondes. Paul sayde: I wolde to God, that (not onely in a parte but alltogether,) I mighte persuade not the onely, but all them that heare me this daye, to be soch I am, these bondes excepte.
26:30 And when he had thus spoken/ the kynge rose vppe/ and the debite/ and Bernice/ and they that sate with them. And when he had thus spoken/ the kynge rose vp/ & the debite/ and Bernice/ and they that sate with them. And when he had thus spoken/ the kynge rose vp/ & the debite/ & Bernice/ & they that sate with them. And whan he had spoken this, the kynge rose vp, and the Debyte, and Bernice, and they that sat with them,
26:31 And when they were gone aparte/ they talked betwene them selves sayinge: This man doeth nothynge worthy of deeth/ nor of bondes. And when they were gone aparte/ they talked betwene them selves sayinge: This man doeth nothinge worthy of deeth/ nor of bondes. And when they were gone aparte/ they talked betwene them selues sayinge: This man doeth nothinge worthy of deeth/ nor of bōdes. and wente asyde, and talked together, and sayde: This man hath done nothinge that is worthy of death or of bondes.
26:32 Then sayde Agrippa vnto festus: This man myght have bene lowsed yf he had not apealed vnto Cesar. Then sayde Agrippa vnto Festus: This man myght have bene lowsed/ yf he had not appealed vnto Cesar. Then sayde Agrippa vnto Festus: This man myght haue bene lowsed/ yf he had not appealed vnto Cesar. But Agrippa sayde vnto Festus: This man mighte haue bene lowsed, yf he had not appealed vnto the Emperoure.