Acts: Chapter 16

Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
16:1 THen cam he to Derba and to Listra/ And beholde a certayne dyscyple was there named Thimotheus a womans sonne whych was a iewas and beleved/ but his father was a greke THen came he to Derba and to Lystra. And beholde a certayne disciple was there named Timotheus/ a womans sonne which was a Iewas and beleved: but his father was a Greke. THen came he to Derba and to Lystra. And beholde a certayne disciple was there named Timotheus/ a womans sonne which was a Iewes and beleued: but his father was a Greke. HE came vnto Derba and to Lystra, and beholde, a certayne disciple was there named Timotheus, the sonne of a Iewish woman, which beleued, but his father was a Greke:
16:2 of whom reported well the brethrē of Listra/ ād Iconium. Of whom reported well/ the brethren of Lystra and of Iconium. Of whom reported well/ the brethren of Lystra and of Iconium. ye same had a good reporte amonge the brethrē of Lystra and at Iconium.
16:3 Paul wolde thatt he shulde goo forth with hym/ and toke and circumcised hym because of the iewes which were in those quarters/ for they knewe all thatt his father was a greke. The same Paul wolde yt he shuld goo forth with him/ & toke and circumcised him because of the Iewes which were in those quarters: for they knewe all that his father was a Greke. The same Paul wolde that he shuld go forth with him/ and toke and circumcised him because of the Iewes which were in those quarters: for they knewe all/ that his father was a Greke. Paul wolde that the same shulde go forth with him, and toke and circumcysed him because of the Iewes that were in those quarters. For they knewe all, that his father was a Greke.
16:4 As they went thorow the cites/ they delivered them the decrees for to kepe/ ordeyned off the apostles and seniours which were at Ierusalem. As they went thorow ye cities/ they delyvered thē the decrees for to kepe/ ordeyned of the Apostles & elders which were at Ierusalem. As they went thorow the cities/ they deliuered them the decrees for to kepe/ ordeyned of the Apostles and elders/ which were at Ierusalem. But as they wente thorow the cities, they delyuered them the sentence to kepe, which was concluded of the Apostles and Elders at Ierusalem.
16:5 So were the congregacions stablisshed in the faith/ ād encreased in noumbre dayly. And so were the congregacions stablisshed in the fayth/ and encreased in noumbre dayly. And so were the congregacions stablysshed in the fayth/ and encreased in noumbre dayly. Thē were the congregacions stablyshed in the faith, and increased in nombre daylie.
16:6 When they had goone thorowe out Phrigia/ and the region of Galacia/ and were forbidden off the holy goost to preach in Asia/ When they had goone thorow out Phrigia/ & the region of Galacia/ & were forbyddē of the holy gost to preach the worde in Asia/ When they had goone thorow out Phrigia/ & the region of Galacia/ and were forbydden of the holy goost to preach the worde in Asia/ But as they wente thorow Phrygia and the londe of Galacia, they were forbydden of the holy goost, to preache the worde in Asia.
16:7 they cam to Misia/ and sought to goo into Bethinia/ ād the sprete soffered thē not. they came to Misia/ & sought to goo into Bethinia. But the sprete soffered thē not. they came to Mysia/ & sought to go into Bethynia. But the sprete soffred them not. Howbeit as they came in to Mysia, they proued to take their iourney in to Bithinia, and the sprete suffred them not.
16:8 Whē they had gone over Misia/ they cā doune to Troada Then they went over Misia/ & cam doune to Troada. Then they went ouer Mysia/ and came doune to Troada. Neuertheles whan they had passed thorow Mysia, they came downe to Troada,
16:9 and a vision apered to Paul ī the nyght. There stode a man off Macedonia and prayed hym saynge: Come into Macedonia and helpe vs. And a vision appered to Paul in ye nyght. There stode a man of Macedonia and prayed him sayinge: come into Macedonia & helpe vs. And a vision appered to Paul in the nyght. There stode a man of Macedonia and prayed him sayinge: come into Macedonia & helpe vs. and there appeared a vision vnto Paul by night, that there was a man of Macedonia which stode and prayed him, and sayde: Come downe to Macedonia, and helpe vs.
16:10 After he had sene the visiō immediatly we prepared to goo īto Macedonia certified that the lorde had called vs forto preache the gospell vnto them. After he had sene ye vision/ immediatly we prepared to goo into Macedonia/ certified yt the lorde had called vs for to preache the gospell vnto them. After he had sene the vision/ immediatly we prepared to go into Macedonia/ certified that the lorde had called vs/ for to preache the gospell vnto them. Whan he had sene ye vision, we soughte immediatly to go, vnto Macedonia, beynge certified, that ye LORDE had called vs thither, to preach the Gospell vnto them.
16:11 Thē losed we forth from Troada/ ād with a strayght course cam we to Samothracia/ the nexte daye to Neapolim/ Then lowsed we forth from Troada/ & with a strayght course came to Samothracia/ and the nexte daye to Neapolim/ Then lowsed we forth from Troada/ and with a strayght course came to Samothracia/ and the nexte daye to Neapolim/ Thē departed we from Troada, and came the straight course vnto Samothracia, on the nexte daye to Neapolis,
16:12 and frō thēce to Philippos/ which is the chefest ite ī the parttes of Macedonia and a fre cite. We were in that cite abidinge a certayne dayes/ & from thence to Philippos/ which is the chefest citie in ye partſ of Macedonia/ & a fre cite. We were in that cite abydynge a certayne dayes. and from thence to Philippos/ which is the chefe citie in the partes of Macedonia/ and a fre cite. We were in that cite abydynge a certayne dayes. and from thence to Philippis, which is the chefe cite of the londe of Macedonia, and a fre cite. In this cite abode we certayne dayes.
16:13 and on the saboth dayes we went out of the cite besydes a river where men were wont to praye/ and we sate doune and spake vnto the women which thither resorted. And on the saboth dayes we went out of the cite besydes a ryver where men were wont to praye/ & we sate doune and spake vnto the wemen which resorted thyther. And on the Saboth dayes we went out of the cite besydes a ryuer where men were wont to praye. And we sate doune and spake vnto the wemen which resorted thyther. On the daye of the Sabbathes wēte we out of the cite besyde the water, where men were wonte to praye, and we sat downe, and spake vnto the wemen that resorted thither.
16:14 And a certayne woman named Lidia/ a seller off purple/ of the cite off Thiatira which worshypped God/ gave vs audience/ whose hert god openned that she attēded vnto tho thynges which Paul spake. And a certayne woman named Lydia/ a seller of purple/ of the cite of Thiatira/ which worshipped God/ gave vs audience. Whose hert the Lorde opened that she attended vnto the thinges which Paul spake. And a certayne woman named Lydia a seller of purple/ of the cite of Thyatira/ which worshipped God/ gaue vs audience. Whose hert the Lorde opened that she attended vnto the thinges/ which Paul spake. And a deuoute woman (named Lydia) a seller of purple, out of the cite of Thiatira, herkened to, whose hert the LORDE opened that she gaue hede vnto the thinges that Paul spake.
16:15 When she was baptised/ and her houssolde/ she besought vs sayinge: Yf ye thynke thatt I beleve on the lorde come into my housse/ and abide there. And she constrayned vs. When she was baptised and her housholde/ she besought vs sayinge: Yf ye thinke that I beleve on the Lorde/ come into my housse/ and abyde there. And she constrayned vs. When she was baptised and her housholde/ she besought vs sayinge: Yf ye thinke that I beleue on the Lorde/ come into my housse/ and abyde there. And she cōstrayned vs. Whan she was baptysed and hir housholde, she besoughte vs, and sayde: Yf ye thynke that I beleue on the LORDE, then come in to my house, and a byde there. And she constrayned vs.
16:16 Hit fortuned as we went to prayer/ a certayn damsell possessed with a sprete that prophesyed met vs/ which brought her master and mastres moche vauntage with prophesyinge. And it fortuned as we went to prayer/ a certayn damsell possessed with a sprete that prophesied/ met vs/ which brought her master and mastres moche vauntage with prophesyinge. And it fortuned as we went to prayer/ a certayn damsell possessed with a sprete that prophesied/ met vs/ which brought her master and masters moche vauntage with prophesyinge. It fortuned whan we wente to prayer, yt there met vs a damsel, which had a sprete of soythsayenge, and broughte hir master and mastresse greate vauntage with soyth sayenge:
16:17 The same folowed Paul and vs sayinge: These men are the servauntſ of the most hye god/ which shewe vnto vs the waye of helth. The same folowed Paul and vs and cryed sayinge: these men are the servauntes of the most hye God/ which shewe vnto vs the waye of salvacion. The same folowed Paul and vs and cryed sayinge: these men are the seruauntes of the most hye God/ which shewe vnto vs the waye of saluacion. ye same folowed Paul and vs, and cryed, and sayde: These men are the seruauntes of the most hye God, which shewe vs ye waye of saluacion.
16:18 And this did she many deyes. Butt Paul nott content turned about and sayd to the sprete: I cōmaunde the in the name off Iesu Christ that thou come out off her. and he cam out the same houre. And this dyd she many dayes. But Paul not cōtent/ turned about and sayd to the sprete: I commaunde the in the name of Iesu Christ/ that thou come out of her. And he came out the same houre. And this dyd she many dayes. But Paul not content/ turned about and sayd to the sprete. I commaunde the in the name of Iesu Christ/ that thou come out of her. And he came out the same houre. This dyd she many dayes. But Paul was not content with it, and turned him aboute, and sayde vnto the sprete: I cōmaunde the in the name of Iesu Christ, that thou departe out of her. And he departed out at the same houre.
16:19 When her master and mastres sawe that the hope of their gaynes was gone/ they caught Paul and Silas/ and brought them into the market place vnto the ruelars/ And when her master & mastres sawe yt the hope of their gaynes was gone/ they caught Paul & Sylas/ & drue thē into the market place vnto the rulars/ And when her master and mastres sawe that the hope of their gaynes was gone/ they caught Paul and Sylas/ and drue them into the market place vnto the rulars/ But whā hir master and mastresse sawe that the hope of their vauntage was gone, they toke Paul and Sylas, drue them in to the market place before ye rulers,
16:20 and delivered them to the officers sayinge: These men trouble oure cite/ which are iewes & brought them to the officers sayinge: These men trouble oure cite/ which are Iewes and brought them to the officers sayinge: These men trouble oure cite/ which are Iewes and preache ordinaunces/ & broughte thē vnto the officers, and sayde: These men trouble oure cyte, & are Iewes,
16:21 and shewe newe decrees/ which are nott laufull for vs to receave/ nether to observe seinge we are romains. and preache ordinaunces/ which are not laufull for vs to receave/ nether to observe/ seinge we are Romayns. which are not laufull for vs to receaue/ nether to obserue/ seinge we are Romayns. and preach an ordynaunce, which is not laufull for vs to receaue, ner to obserue, seynge we are Romaynes.
16:22 And the people ranne on them/ ād the officers rent their clothes/ ād commaunded them to be beaten with roddes/ And the people ranne on them/ and the officers rent their clothes/ and cōmaunded them to be beaten with roddes. And the people ranne on them/ and the officers rent their clothes/ and cōmaunded them to be beaten with roddes. And the people rāne on them, and the officers rente their clothes, and cōmaunded them to be beaten with roddes.
16:23 and when they hadde beaten them sore/ they cast them into preson commaundynge the ioyler to kepe them surely. And when they had beaten them sore/ they cast them into preson/cōmaundynge the iayler to kepe them surely. And when they had beaten them sore/ they cast them into preson/ commaundynge the iayler to kepe them surely. And whan they had beaten them sore, they cast thē in preson, and commaunded the iayler, to kepe them diligētly.
16:24 Which when he had receaved suche commaundment thrust them into the inner preson/ and made their fete fast in the stockes. Which iayler when he had receaved suche cōmaundment/ thrust them into the ynner preson/ & made their fete fast in the stockes. Which iayler when he had receaued suche commnundement/ thrust them into the ynner preson/ and made their fete fast in the stockes. Which whan he had receaued soch commaundement, he cast thē in to the ynner preson, and put their fete in the stockes.
16:25 At mydnyght Paul and Silas prayed/ and lauded god. and the presoners herde them. At mydnyght Paul & Sylas prayed/ & lauded God. And the presoners hearde them. At mydnyght Paul & Sylas prayed/ & lauded God. And the presoners hearde them. But at mydnight prayed Paul and Sylas, and praysed God. And the presoners herde them.
16:26 Sodenly there was a greate erth quake/ soo that the foundaciō of the preson was shaken/ and by ād by all the dores opened/ and every mannes bōdes were lowsed. And sodenly ther was a greate erth quake/ so that ye fonndacion of the preson was shaken/ and by and by all the dores opened/ & every mannes bondes were lowsed. And sodenly ther was a greate erthquake/ so that the foundacion of the preson was shaken/ & by & by all the dores opened/ & euery mannes bondes were lowsed. Sodenly was there a greate earth quake, so that the foundacions of the preson were shaken. And immediatly were all the dores open, & all their bondes lowsed
16:27 When de keper off the preson wakede out off hys slepe/ and sawe the preson dores open/ he drue outt his swearde and wolde have killed hym silfe supposynge the presoners had bene fledde. When the keper of ye preson waked out of his slepe & sawe the preson dores open/ he drue out his swearde and wolde have kylled him selfe/ supposynge the presoners had bene fledde. When the keper of the preson waked out of his slepe & sawe the preson dores opē he drue out his swearde & wolde haue kylled him selfe/ supposinge the presoners had bene fledde. Whā the keper of the preson waked out of slepe, and sawe the preson dores open, he drue out his swerde, and wolde haue kylled him selfe: for he thoughte ye presoners had bene fled.
16:28 Paul cryed with a lowde voyce sayinge: Do thy silfe no harme for we are all heare. But Paul cryed with a lowde voyce sayinge: Do thy selfe no harme/ for we are all heare. But Paul cried with a lude voice saying: Do thy selfe no harme/ for we are all heare But Paul cryed loude, and sayde: Do thy self no harme, for we are all here.
16:29 He called for a light and sprange in/ and cam tremblynge/ ād fell doune before Paule ād Silas/ Then he called for a lyght and sprange in/ and came tremblynge/ and fell doune before Paul and Sylas/ Then he called for a lyght & sprāge in & came trēblinge/ & fell doune before Paul & Sylas/ He called for a lighte, and sprange in, and trembled, and fell at the fete of Paul and Sylas,
16:30 and brought them out and sayde/ Syrs what must I do to be saved? & brought them out & sayde: Syrs/ what must I do to be saved? & brought them out & sayde: Syrs what must I do to be saued? and broughte them out, and sayde: Syrs, what must I do, to be saued?
16:31 And they sayde: beleve on the lorde Iesus/ and thou shalt be saved and thy houssolde. And they sayde: beleve on the Lorde Iesus/ & thou shalt be saved and thy housholde. And they sayde: beleue on the Lorde Iesus/ & thou shalt be saued & they housholde. They sayde: Beleue on the LORDE Iesus, and so shalt thou and thy housholde be saued.
16:32 And they preached vnto hym the worde of the lorde/ ād to all that were in his housse. And they preached vnto him the worde of the Lorde/ and to all that were in his housse. And they preached vnto him the worde of the Lorde/ & to all that were in his housse. And they preached the worde of the LORDE vnto him, and to all that were in his house.
16:33 And he toke them the same houre off the nyght and wasshed their wondes/ and was baptised with all that belonged vnto hym straight waye. And he toke them the same houre of the nyght & wasshed their woundes/ & was baptised with all that belonged vnto him strayght waye. And he toke thē the same houre of the nyght & wasshed their woūdes/ & was baptised with all that belōged vnto him strayght waye. And he toke them to him in the same houre of the night, and wasshed their strypes. And immediatly was he baptysed, and all his.
16:34 When he had brought them into his housse/ he sett meate before them/ and ioyed that he with all his houssholde beleved on God. Whē he had brought them into his housse/ he set meate before them/ and ioyed that he with all his housholde/ boleved on God. When he had brought thē into his housse/ he set meate before them/ & ioyed that he with all his housholde/ beleued on God. And he broughte them in to his house, and set them a table, and reioysed with all his housholde, that he was become a beleuer on God.
16:35 And whē it was daye the officers sent the ministers sayinge: Lett those men goo. And when it was daye/ the officers sent the ministres sayinge: Let those men goo. And when it was daye/ the officers sent the ministers sayinge: let those men go. And whan it was daye, the officers of the cite sent mynisters, and sayde: Let those men go.
16:36 The keper off the preson tolde this sayinge to Paul: the officers have sent worde to lose you. Now therfore gett you hence ād goo in peace. The keper of ye preson tolde this sayinge to Paul/ the officiers have sent worde to lowse you. Now therfore get you hence & goo in peace. The keper of the preson tolde this sayinge to Paul/ the officiers haue sent worde to lowse you. Now therfore get you hēce & go in peace. And the keper of the preson tolde this sayenge vnto Paul: The officers haue sent hither, that ye shulde be lowse. Now therfore get you hēce, and go in peace.
16:37 Thē sayde Paul vnto them: They have beaten vs openly vncondempned/ for all that we are Romans/ and have cast vs into preson: and nowe wolde they sende vs awaye prevely? Naye nott so/ butt lett them come them selves and fett vs out. Then sayde Paul vnto them: they have beaten vs openly vncomdempned/ for all yt we are Romayns/ & have cast vs into preson: and now wolde they sende vs awaye prevely? Naye not so/ but let them come thē selves & fet vs out. Then sayd Paul vnto them: they haue beaten vs openly vncondēpned/ for all that we are Romayns/ & haue cast vs into preson: & now wolde they sende vs awaye preuely? Naye not so/ but let them come thē selues & fet vs out. But Paul sayde vnto them: They haue beaten vs openly vncondempned (where as we are yet Romaynes) and haue cast vs in preson, and shulde they now thrust vs out preuely? Not so, but let them come them selues, and brynge vs out.
16:38 The ministers tolde these wordſ vnto the officers and they feared when they herde that they were Romans/ When the ministres tolde these wordes vnto the officers/ they feared when they hearde that they were Romayns/ When the ministers tolde these wordes vnto the officers/ they feared when they hearde that they were Romayns/ The mynisters tolde these wordes vnto the officers. And they feared, whan they herde that they were Romaynes,
16:39 and cam and besought them ād brought them out/ and desired them to departe out of the cite. & came & besought them/ & brought them out/ & desyred them to departe out of the cite. & came & besought them/ and brought them out/ & desyred them to departe out of the cite. and came and besoughte them, and prayed thē to departe out of the cite.
16:40 They went out of the preson and entred into the housse of Lidia/ and when they had sene the brethren/ they comforted them and departed. And they wēt out of ye preson & entred into the housse of Lidia/ & whē they had sene the brethren/ they comforted them & departed. And they went out of the preson & entred in to the housse of Lidia/ & when they had sene the brethren/ they comforted them & departed. Then wente they out of the preson, and entred in to the house of Lydia. And whan they had sene the brethren and comforted them, they departed.