Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
13:1 | VHere were at antioche/ in the congregacion/ prophetſ ād doctours/ as Barnabas and Symon/ called Nyger/ And lucius of cerene/ and Manahen Herode the tetrarkſ norsfelowe/ and Saul. | THere were at Antioche/ in the congregacion certayne Prophetes & teachers: as Barnabas & Simon called Niger/ & Lucius of Cerene/ & Manahen Herode the Tetrarkes norsfelowe/ & Saul. | THere were at Antioche/ in the congregacion certayne prophetes and teachers: as Barnabas and Simon called Niger/ and Lucius of Cerene/ and Manahen Herode the Tetrarkes norsfelowe/ and Saul. | THere were at Antioche in the congregacion, prophetes and teachers, as Barnabas, and Simon called Niger, and Lucius of Cyren, and Manahen Herodes the Tetrachas norsfelowe, and Saul. |
13:2 | As they served God/ and fasted/ The holy gost sayd: seperat me Barnabas ād Saul/ for the worke where vnto I have called them. | As they mynistred to the Lorde & fasted/ the holy goost sayde: separate me Barnabas & Saul/ for ye worke where vnto I have called them. | As they ministred to the Lorde and fasted/ the holy gost sayde: separate me Barnabas & Saul/ for the worke where vnto I haue called them. | As they serued ye LORDE, and fasted, the holy goost sayde: Separate me out Barnabas and Saul for the worke, where vnto I haue called them. |
13:3 | Then fasted they and prayed/ and put their hondes on them/ and let them goo. | Then fasted they and prayed/ and put their hondes on them/ and let them goo. | Then fasted they and prayed/ & put their hondes on them/ & let them go. | Then fasted they and prayed, and layed the handes on them, and let them go. |
13:4 | And they after they wer sent of the holy gost/ cam vnto seleutia/ and from thence they sayled to cyprus. | And they after they were sent of the holy goost/ came vnto Seleutia/ & from thence they sayled to Cyprus. | And they after they were sent of the holy goost/ came vnto Seleutia/ and from thence they sayled to Cyprus. | And they beynge sent of the holy goost, came vnto Seleucia, from thence they sayled vnto Cypers. |
13:5 | And when they wer come to salamine/ they shewed the worde off god in the sinagogſ/ vnto the iewes. And they had Ihon to their minister. | And when they were come to Salamine/ they shewed ye worde of God in ye synagoges/ of ye Iewes. And they had Iohn to their minister. | And when they were come to Solamine/ they shewed the worde of God in the synagoges of the Iewes. And they had Iohn to their minister | And whan they were come in to the cite Salamin, they shewed the worde of God in the synagoges of ye Iewes. And they had Ihon to their mynister. |
13:6 | When they had gone over all the yle vnto the cite of Paphos/ they founde a certayne sorserer/ a falce prophet which was a iewe/ named Bariesu/ | When they had gone thorowout ye yle vnto ye cite of Paphos/ they foūde a certayne sorserer/ a falce prophet which was a Iewe/ named Bariesu/ | When they had gone thorowout the yle vnto the cite of Paphos/ they founde a certayne sorcerer/ a falce prophet which was a Iewe/ named Bariesu/ | And whan they had gone thorow out the yle vnto the cyte of Paphos, they founde a certayne Sorcerer and false prophete, a Iewe (whose name was Bariesu) |
13:7 | which was with the rueler off the countre won Sergius Paulus a prudent man. the same ruler called vnto hym Barnabas and Saul/ and desired to heare the worde of god | which was with ye ruler of the countre won Sergius Paulus a prudēt man. The same ruler called vnto him Barnabas & Saul/ & desyred to heare the worde of God. | which was with the ruler of the countre one Sergius Paulus a prudent man. The same ruler called vnto him Barnabas and Saul/ and desyred to heare the worde of God. | which was with Sergius Paulus the ruler of the countre, a mā of vnderstondinge. The same called Barnabas and Saul vnto him, and desyred to heare ye worde of God. |
13:8 | The Sorserar Elemas (for so was his name by interpretacion) with stode them/ and sought to turne awaye the rueler from the faith. | But Elemas the sorcerar (for so was his name by interpretacion) wt stode them/ & sought to turne awaye the ruler frō the fayth. | But Elemas the sorcerar (for so was his name by interpretacion) withstode them/ & sought to turne awaye the ruler from the fayth. | Then the Sorcerer Elimas (for so was his name by interpretacion) withstode thē, and soughte to turne awaye the ruler frō the faith. |
13:9 | Then Saule which also is called Paul beinge full off the holy goost/ set hys eyes on hym/ | Then Saul which also is called Paul beinge full of the holy goost/ set his eyes on him/ | Then Saul which also is called Paul beinge full of the holy goost set his eyes on him/ | But Saul which is also called Paul, beynge full of the holy goost, loked vpon him, |
13:10 | and sayde: O full off all sutelte and disseytfulnes the chylde off the devyll/ ād the enemye of all righteousnes thou ceasest not to pervert the strayght wayes off the lorde. | & sayde: O full of all sutteltie & disseytfulnes/ the chylde of the devyll/ & ye enemye of all righteousnes/ thou ceasest not to pervert the strayght wayes of the Lorde. | and sayde: O full of all sutteltie and disseytfulnes/ the chylde of the deuyll/ & the enemye of all ryghteousnes/ thou ceasest not to peruert the strayght wayes of the Lorde. | and sayde: O thou childe of the deuell, full of all suttyltie and all disceatfulnesse, and enemye of all righteousnes, thou ceassest not to peruerte the straight wayes of ye LORDE. |
13:11 | And nowe beholde the honde off the lorde is apon the/ and thou shalt be blīde ād not se the sūne for a season. And immediatly fell on hym a myste and a darknes/ And he went aboute sekynge/ them thatt shulde leade hym by the honde. | And now beholde the honde of the Lorde is vpon the/ & thou shalt be blinde & not se the sunne for a season. And immediatly ther fell on him a myste & a darcknes/ & he went aboute sekinge them that shuld leade him by the honde. | And now beholde the honde of the Lorde is vpon the/ and thou shalt be blynde and not se the sunne for a season And immediatly ther fell on him a myste and a darcknes/ & he went aboute sekinge them that shuld leade him by the honde. | And now beholde, the hāde of the LORDE commeth vpon the, and thou shalt be blynde, and not se the Sonne for a season, And immediatly there fell on him a myst and darknesse, and he wente aboute, and soughte them that shulde lede him by the hande. |
13:12 | Then the rueler when he sawe what had hapened/ beleved/ ād wondred at the doctryne of the lorde. | Then the rular when he sawe what had happened/ beleved/ & wōdred at the doctryne of the Lorde. | Then the rular when he sawe what had happened/ beleued/ and wondred at the doctrine of the Lorde. | Whan the ruler sawe what was done, he beleued, and wōdred at the doctryne of the LORDE. |
13:13 | When Paule and they that were with hym/ had shypped from Paphus/ they cā to Perga a cite of Pamphilia. There departed Ihon from them/ and returned to Ierusalem. | When they that were with Paule/ were departed by shyppe frō Paphſ/ they cam to Perga a cite of Pamphilia: & there Iohn departed from them/ and returned to Ierusalem. | When they that were with Paule/ were departed by shippe from Paphus/ they came to Perga a cite of Pamphilia: and there Iohn departed from them/ and returned to Ierusalem. | Whan Paul and they that were with him, were departed by shippe frō Paphos, they came to Perga in the londe of Pamphilia. But Ihon departed from them, and wente agayne to Ierusalem. |
13:14 | Butt they wandred thorowe the countres/ from Perga to Antioche a cite in the countre of Pisidia/ ād went in to the synagoge on the saboth daye/ and sate doune. | But they wandred thorowe the countres/ frō Perga to Antioche a cite of the coūtre of Pisidia/ & wēt in to the synagoge on the saboth daye/ & sate doune. | But they wandred thorowe the countres/ from Perga to Antioche a cite of the countre of Pisidia/ and went into the synagoge on the Saboth daye and sate doune. | Neuertheles they wandred thorow from Perga, and came to Antioche in the londe of Pisidia, and wēte in to the synagoge vpon the Sabbath daye, and sat downe. |
13:15 | After the lectur of the lawe and the prophetſ/ the ruelers of the synagoge sent vnto thē saynge: Ye men ād brethren/ yf ye have eny sermon to exhorte the people/ saye on. | And after the lawe & ye Prophetes were redde/ ye rulers of the synagoge sent vnto them sayinge: Ye men & brethren/ yf ye have eny sermō to exhorte ye people/ saye on. | And after the lawe and the Prophetes were redde/ the rulers of the synagoge sent vnto them sayinge: Ye men and brethren/ yf ye haue eny sermon to exhorte the people/ saye on. | But after the lecture of the lawe and of the prophetes, the rulers of the synagoge sent vnto them, sayenge: Good brethren, yf ye haue eny sermon to exorte the people, saye on. |
13:16 | Paul stode vppe and beckened with his honde and sayde: Men off Israhel/ and ye that feare God/ geve audience. | Then Paul stode vp & beckened with the honde/ & sayde: Men of Israel/ & ye that feare God/ geve audiēce. | Then Paul stode vp and beckened with the honde/ & sayde: Men of Israel/ and ye that feare God/ geue audience. | Then stode Paul vp, and beckened with the hande (that they shulde holde their peace) and sayde: Ye men of Israel, and ye that feare God, herkē to: |
13:17 | The God off this people chose oure fathers/ and exalted the people/ whē they dwelt as strawngers in the londe of Egypt/ and with a mighty arme brought them outt off it/ | The God of this people chose oure fathers/ & exalted the people whē they dwelt as straūgers in ye londe of Egypt/ & with a mighty arme brought them oute of it/ | The God of this people chose oure fathers/ & exalted the people when they dwelt as straungers in the londe of Egygt/ & with a myghty arme brought them oute of it/ | The God of this people chose oure fathers, and exalted the people, whan they were straungers in the lōde of Egipte, and with a mightie arme broughte he them out of it. |
13:18 | and aboute the tyme off .xl. yeares suffred he their maners in the wildernes. | and aboute the tyme of .xl. yeares suffred he their maners in the wyldernes. | & aboute the tyme of .xl. yeares suffred he their maners in the wildernes. | And by the space of fortye yeares suffred he their maners in the wyldernesse, |
13:19 | And destroyed vij. nacions ī the londe of Canaan/ and devided their londe to them by Lott. | And he destroyed .vii. naciōs in the londe of Canaan/ & devided their londe to them by lot. | And he destroyed .vij. nacions in the londe of Canaan/ and deuided their londe to them by lot. | and destroyed seuen nacions in the lande of Canaan, and parted their londe amonge them by lott. |
13:20 | And afterwarde he gave voto thē iudges aboute the space of .iiij.C. and .l. yeres vnto the tyme off Samuel the prophet. | And after warde he gave vnto them iudges aboute the space of .iiii.C. & .l. yeres vnto the tyme of Samuel ye Prophet. | And after warde he gaue vnto them iudges aboute the space of .iiij.C. and .l. yeres vnto the tyme of Samuel the prophet. | After that gaue he them iudges by the space of foure hundreth and fiftye yeares, vnto the prophet Samuel. |
13:21 | And after that they desyred a kynge/ and God gave vnto them Saul the sonne off Cis/ a man off the tribe of Beniamin/ by the space off xl. yeres. | And after that they desyred a kinge/ & God gave vnto them Saul the sonne of Cis/ a man of the tribe of Beniamin/ by the space of .xl. yeres. | And after that/ they desyred a kynge/ and God gaue vnto them Saul the sonne of Cis/ a man of the tribe of Beniamin/ by the space of .xl. yeres. | And after that they desyred a kynge, and God gaue vnto them Saul the sonne of Cis, a man of the trybe of BenIamin, fortye yeares longe. |
13:22 | And after he had putt hym doune/ he set vppe David to be their kynge/ to whome he gave witnes/ saynge: I have founde David the sonne of Iesse/ a man after myne awne hert/ he he shall fullfyll all my will. | And after he had put him doune/ he set vp David to be their kynge/ of whome he reported sayinge: I have founde David the sonne of Iesse/ a man after myne awne hert/ he shall fulfill all my will. | And after he had put him doune/ he set vp Dauid to be their kynge/ of whome he reported sayinge: I haue founde Dauid the sonne of Iesse/ a man after myne awne hert/ he shall fulfill all my will. | And whan he had put him downe, he set vp Dauid to be their kynge, of whom he reported, sayenge: I haue founde Dauid the sonne of Iesse, a man after my hert, he shal fulfyll all my wyll. |
13:23 | Of this manes sede hath God (accordinge to his promes) brought forth to the people off Israel a savour/ wō Iesus/ | Of this mānes seed hath God (accordinge to his promes) brought forth to the people of Israel a saviour/ one Iesus/ | Of this mannes seed hath God (accordynge to his promes) brought forth to the people of Israel/ a sauiour/ one Iesus/ | Of this mans sede hath God (acordinge to the promesse) broughte forth vnto the people of Israel, ye Sauioure Iesus: |
13:24 | when Ihon bad fyrst preached before his cōmynge the baptim off repentaūce to Israhel. | when Iohn had fyrst preached before his cōminge the baptyme of repentaūce to Israel. | when Iohn had fyrst preached before his commynge the baptime of repentaunce to Israel. | whan Ihon had first preached before his cōmynge the baptyme of repentaunce vnto Israel. |
13:25 | When Ihon had fulfylled his course/ he sayde: Whome ye thynke that I am? the same am I not/ but beholde there cometh won after me/ whose shewes of his fete I am not worthy to lose. | And when Iohn had fulfylled his course/ he sayde: whome ye thinke that I am/ the same am I not. But beholde ther cometh one after me/ whose shewes of his fete I am not worthy to lowse. | And when Iohn had fulfilled his course/ he sayde: whome ye thinke that I am/ the same am I not. But beholde ther cometh one after me/ whose shewes of his fete I am not worthy to lowse. | But whan Ihon had fulfylled his course, he sayde: I am not he, that ye take me for. But beholde, there commeth one after me, whose shues of his fete I am not worthy to lowse. |
13:26 | Ye men and brethren/ childeren off the generacion of Abraham/ and whosoever amonge you feareth God/ to you is this worde of helth sent. | Ye men & brethren/ chyldren of the generacion of Abraham/ & whosoever amōge you feareth God/ to you is this worde of salvaciō sent. | Ye men and brethren/ chyldren of the generacion of Abraham/ & whosoeuer amonge you feareth God/ to you is this worde of saluacion sent. | Ye men and brethren, ye children of the generacion of Abraham, and they that feare God amonge you, vnto you is ye worde of this saluacion sent. |
13:27 | The inhabiters of Ierusalem/ and their ruelers because they knewe hym nott/ nor yet the voycſ of the prophetſ which are redde every saboth daye/ have fulfylled them in condempnynge hym | The inhabiters of Ierusalem & their rulers/ because they knewe him not/ nor yet the voyces of the Prophetes which are redde every Saboth daye/ they have fulfilled them in condēpninge him. | The inhabiters of Ierusalem and their rulers/ because they knewe him not/ nor yet the voyces of the prophetes which are redde euery Saboth daye/ they haue fulfilled them in condempnynge him. | For the inhabiters of Ierusalem, and their rulers, for somoch as they knewe him not, ner yet the voyces of the prophetes (which are red euery Sabbath) haue fulfylled them in condemnynge him. |
13:28 | And when they founde no cause of deeth in hym/ yet desired they Pilate to kyll hī. | And when they founde no cause of deeth in him/ yet desyred they Pylate to kyll him. | And when they founde no cause of deeth in him/ yet desyred they Pylate to kyll him. | And though they founde no cause of death in him, yet desyred they Pilate to kyll him. |
13:29 | And when they had fulfylled all that were written of hym/ they toke hym doune from the tree and putt hym in a sepulcre: | And when they had fulfilled all that were written of him/ they toke him doune from the tree and put him in a sepulcre. | And when they had fulfilled all that were written of him/ they toke him doune from the tree and put him in a sepulcre. | And whan they had fulfylled all that was wrytten of him, they toke him downe from the tre, and layed him in a sepulcre. |
13:30 | But God raysed hym agayne from deeth/ | But God raysed him agayne from deeth/ | But God raysed him agayne from deeth/ | But on ye thirde daye God raysed him vp from the deed, |
13:31 | ād he was sene many dayes of them/ which cam with hym from galile to Ierusalem which are his witnesses vnto the people. | and he was sene many dayes of them which came wt him frō Galile to Ierusalem. Which are his witnesses vnto the people. | and he was sene many dayes of them which came with him from Galile to Ierusalem. Which are his witnesses vnto the people. | and he appeared many dayes vnto thē, that wente vp with him from Galile vnto Ierusalem, which are his witnesses vnto the people. |
13:32 | And we declare vnto you/ howe that the promes made vnto the fathers/ | And we declare vnto you/ how that ye promes made vnto the fathers/ | And we declare vnto you/ how that the promes made vnto the fathers/ | And we also declare vnto you ye promes, which was made vnto oure fathers, |
13:33 | god hath nowe fulfylled vnto vs the children/ in that he reysed vppe Iesus agayne/ evē as it is written ī the fyrste psalme: Thou arte my sonne/ this same daye begat I the. | God hath fulfilled vnto vs their chyldrē/ in that he reysed vp Iesus agayne evē as it is written in the fyrste psalme: Thou arte my sonne/ this same daye begat I the. | God hath fulfilled vnto vs their chyldren/ in that he reysed vp Iesus agayne euen as it is written in the fyrste psalme: Thou arte my sonne/ this same daye begat I the. | how that God hath fulfylled the same vnto vs their children, in yt he raysed vp Iesus agayne. As it is wrytten in the seconde Psalme: Thou art my sonne, this daye haue I begotten the. |
13:34 | As concernynge that he so reysed hym vppe from deeth/ nowe no more to returne to corrupcion/ he sayd ō this wyse: The holy promyses made to David I will kepe faithfully. | As concernynge that he reysed him vp from deeth/ now no more to returne to corrupcion/ he sayde on this wyse: The holy promyses made to David I will geve them faithfully to you. | As cōcernynge that he reysed him vp from deeth/ now no more to returne to corrupcion/ he sayde on this wyse: The holy promyses made to Dauid/ I will geue them faythfully to you. | But that he hath raysed him vp frō the deed, now nomore to returne to corrupcion, he sayde on this wyse: The grace promysed to Dauid, wyl I faithfully kepe vnto you. |
13:35 | Wherfore he saith also ī another place: Thou shallt not soffre thy sanicte to se corrupciō. | Wherfore he saith also in another place: Thou shalt not soffre thyne holye to se corrupcion. | Wherfore he saith also in another place: Thou shalt not soffre thyne holye to se corrupcion. | Therfore sayeth he also in another place: Thou shalt not suffre thy Holy to se corrupcion. |
13:36 | For David after he had in his tyme fulfilled the will of god/ he slepte/ and was layd with hys fathers/ and sawe corrupciō. | Howbe it David after he had in his tyme fulfilled the will of God/ he slepte/ and was layde with his fathers/ & sawe corrupcion. | Howbeit Dauid after he had in his tyme fulfilled the will of God he slepte/ & was layde with his fathers/ and sawe corrupcion. | For Dauid, whan he in his tyme had serued the wyll of God, he fell a slepe, and was layed by his fathers, & sawe corrupcion. |
13:37 | Butt he whom god reysed agayne/ sawe no corrupcion. | But he whom God reysed agayne/ sawe no corrupcion. | But he whom God reysed agayne/ sawe no corrupcion. | But he whō God raysed vp agayne, sawe no corrupcion. |
13:38 | Be hit knowne vnto you therfore ye men and brethrē/ that thorowe this man is preached vnto you the foryevenes of sinnes/ | Be it knowne vnto you therfore ye men & brethrē/ that thorow this man is preached vnto you the forgevenes of synnes/ | Be it knowne vnto you therfore ye men and brethren/ that thorow this man is preached vnto you the forgeuenes of synnes/ | Be it knowne vnto you therfore ye men and brethrē, yt thorow this man is preached vnto you ye forgeuenesse of synnes, |
13:39 | And by him are all that beleve iustified from all thyngſ from the which ye coulde nott be iustified by the lawe off Moses. | & yt by him are all yt beleve iustified frō all thinges frō the which ye coulde not be iustified by ye lawe of Moses. | and that by him/ all that beleue/ are iustified from all thinges from which ye coulde not be iustified by the lawe of Moses. | and frō all ye thinges, wherby ye mighte not be iustifyed in the lawe of Moses. But whosoeuer beleueth on this man, is iustifyed. |
13:40 | Be ware therfore lest that fall on you/ which is spoken off in the prophetſ: | Beware therfore lest that fall on you/ which is spoken of in the Prophetſ: | Beware therfore lest that fall on you/ which is spoke of in the prophetes: | Bewarre therfore, that it come not vpon you, which is spoken in the prophetes: |
13:41 | Beholde ye despisers/ and wonder/ and perishe ye: for I do a worke in youre dayes/ which ye shall not beleve/ yf a man wolde declare it you. | Beholde ye despisers and wonder/ & perishe ye: for I do a worke in youre dayes/ which ye shall not beleve/ yf a mā wolde declare it you. | Beholde ye despysers and wonder/ & perysshe ye: for I do a worke in youre dayes/ which ye shall not beleue/ yf a man wolde declare it you. | Beholde ye despysers, and wonder at it, and perishe, for I do a worke in youre tyme, which ye shal not beleue, yf eny man tell it you. |
13:42 | When the Iewes wer gone oute of the Sinagog/ the gentyls besought them that they wolde preache the worde of god to them bitwene the saboth dayes. | When they were come out of the Synagoge of the Iewes/ the gētyls besought yt they wolde preache the worde to them bitwene the Saboth dayes. | When they were come out of the Synagoge of the Iewes/ the Gentyls besought that they wolde preache the worde to them bitwene the Saboth dayes. | Whan the Iewes were gone out of the synagoge, the Heythen besoughte them, yt they wolde speake ye worde vnto them betwene the Sabbath dayes. |
13:43 | When the congregacion was broken vppe/ many of the iewes and verteous proselitſ folowed Paul ād Barnabas/ which spake to them and exhorted them to continue in the grace off God. | When the congregacion was broken vp/ many of the Iewes & verteous cōvertes folowed Paul & Barnabas/ which spake to them & exhorted them to cōtinue in the grace of God. | When the congregacion was broken vp/ many of the Iewes and verteous conuertes folowed Paul and Barnabas/ which spake to them and exhorted them to contynue in the grace of God. | And whā the cōgregacion of the synagoge was broken vp, many Iewes and Proselites yt serued God, folowed Paul and Barnabas, which spake to them, and exorted them, that they shulde contynue in the grace of God. |
13:44 | And the nexte saboth daye cam Almoste the whole cite to gedder to heare the worde off God. | And ye nexte Saboth daye/ came almoste the whole cite to gether/ to heare the worde of God. | And the nexte saboth daye came almoste the whole cite to gether/ to heare the worde of God. | On ye Sabbath folowinge, came almost the whole cite together, to heare the worde of God. |
13:45 | When the iewes sawe the people/ they were full off indignacion ād spake agaynst those thingſ which wer spoken off Paul/ They spake agaynst it/ and dispraysed it/ raylinge on it. | When ye Iewes sawe the people/ they were full of indignacion & spake agaynst those thinges which were spoken of Paul/ spekinge agaynst it/ and raylinge on it. | When the Iewes sawe the people/ they were full of indignacion and spake agaynst those thinges which were spoken of Paul spekynge agaynst it/ and raylinge on it. | But whan the Iewes sawe the people, they were full of indignacion, and spake agaynst that which was spoken of Paul, speakinge agaynst it, & blasphemynge. |
13:46 | Thē Paul and Barnabas wexed bolde/ and sayde: it was mete that the worde off God shulde fyrst have bene preached to you/ Butt seinge ye putt it from you/ and thynke youre selfes onworthy off everlastynge lyfe/ loo/ we tourne to the gentyls. | Then Paul & Barnabas wexed bolde/ & sayde: it was mete that the worde of God shulde fyrst have bene preached to you. But seinge ye put it from you/ & thinke youre selfes onworthy of everlastinge lyfe: lo/ we turne to the gentyls. | Then Paul and Barnabas wexed bolde/ & sayde: it was mete that the worde of God shulde fyrst haue bene preached to you. But seinge ye put it from you/ and thinke youre selfes vnworthy of euerlastynge lyfe: lo/ we turne to the Gentyls. | But Paul and Barnabas waxed bolde, and sayde: It behoued first the worde of God to be spoken vnto you: but now that ye thrust it frō you, and counte youre selues vnworthy of euerlastinge life, lo, we turne to the Gentyles. |
13:47 | For so hath the lorde cōmaūded vs: I have made the a lyght to the gētyls/ that thou be helth vnto the ende of the worlde. | For so hath the Lorde cōmaunded vs: I have made ye a light to the gētyls/ yt thou be salvaciō vnto ye ende of ye worlde. | For so hath the lorde cōmaunded vs: I haue made the a lyght to the Gentyls/ that thou be saluacion vnto the ende of the worlde. | For so hath the LORDE cōmaunded vs: I haue set the to be a lighte vnto ye Gentyles, yt thou be ye Saluacion vnto the ende of the earth. |
13:48 | The gentyls herde/ ād were glad ād glorified the worde of the lorde/ and beleved even as many as wer ordened vnto eternall lyfe. | The gētyls hearde & were glad & glorified the worde of ye Lorde/ & beleved: evē as many as were ordeyned vnto eternall lyfe. | The Gentyls hearde and were glad and glorified the worde of the Lorde/ and beleued: euen as many as were ordeyned vnto eternall lyfe. | Whan the Gentyles herde that, they were glad, and praysed the worde of the LORDE, and beleued, euē as many as were ordeyned to euerlastinge life. |
13:49 | And the worde off the lorde was puplisshed thorowe oute all the region. | And ye worde of the Lorde was publisshed thorowe oute all the region. | And the worde of the Lorde was publisshed thorowe oute all the region. | And the worde of ye LORDE was spred abrode thorow out all the region. |
13:50 | Butt the iewes moved the worshypfull and honorable wemen/ and the chefe men of the cite. And reysed persecucion agaynst Paul and Barnabas/ And expelled them oute off their costſ. | But the Iewes moved ye worshypfull & honorable wemen/ and the chefe men of the cyte/ & reysed persecuciō agaynst Paul and Barnabas/ & expelled them oute of their costes. | But the Iewes moued the worshypfull and honorable wemen and the chefe men of the cite/ & reysed persecucion agaynst Paul and Barnabas and expelled them oute of their costes. | Howbeit the Iewes moued the deuoute and honorable wemen, and the chefe men of the citie, and raysed vp a persecucion agaynst Paul and Barnabas and expelled them out of their coastes. |
13:51 | But they shuke of the duste of their fete agaynst them/ and cam vnto Iconium. | And they shouke of ye duste of their fete agaynst them/ & came vnto Iconiū. | And they shouke of the duste of their fete agaynst them/ & came vnto Iconium. | But they shoke of the dust of their fete agaynst them, and came to Iconium. |
13:52 | And the disciples wer fylled with ioye and with the holy goost. | And the disciples were filled with ioye and with the holy goost. | And the disciples were filled with ioye and with the holy goost. | And the disciples were fylled with ioye and with the holy goost. |