Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
6:1 | IN those dayes as the nombre of the disciples grewe/ there arose a grodge amonge the grekes agaynste the ebrues/ because theyr wyddowes wer despysed in the dayly mynystracion. | IN those dayes as the nombre of the disciples grewe/ ther arose a grudge amonge the Grekes agaynst the Ebrues/ be cause their wyddowes were despysed in the dayly mynystracion. | IN those dayes as the nombre of the disciples grewe/ ther arose a grudge amōge the Grekes agaynst the Hebrues/ because their wyddowes were despysed in the dayly ministrīge. | IN those dayes whan the nombre of the disciples increased, there arose a grudge amōge the Grekes agaynst the Hebrues, because their wyddowes were not loked vpon in the daylie handreachinge. |
6:2 | Thē the twelve called the multitude of the disciples to gedder and sayde: it is nott mete that we shulde leave the worde of god ād serve at the tables/ | Then the twelve called the multitude of the disciples to gether & sayde: it is not mete that we shuld leave the worde of God & serve at the tables. | Thē the twelue called the multitude of the disciples to gether & sayde: it is not mete that we shuld leaue the worde of God and serue at the tables. | Then the twolue called the multitude of the disciples together, and sayde: It is not mete that we shulde leaue the worde of God, and to serue at the tables. |
6:3 | wherfore brethren loke ye out amonge you seven mē of honest reporte/ full of the holy goost and wisdō/ which we maye apoynte to this nedfull busines: | Wherfore brethren/ loke ye out amōge you seven men of honest reporte/ & full of the holy goost & wysdome/ which we maye apoynte to this nedfull busynes. | Wherfore brethren loke ye out amōge you seuen men of honest reporte & full of the holy goost & wysdome/ which we maye apoynte to this nedfull busynes. | Wherfore brethren, loke out amonge you seuē men, that are of honeste reporte, and full of the holy goost and wyssdome, whom we maye appoynte to this nedefull busynes. |
6:4 | but we woll geve oure selves continually to prayer/ and to the ministracion off the worde. | But we will geve oure selves cōtinually to prayer/ & to the ministracion of ye worde. | But we will geue oure selues cōtinually to prayer & to the ministraciō of the worde. | But we wil geue oure selues vnto prayer, and to the mynistracion of the worde of God. |
6:5 | And the sayīge pleased the whoale multitude wele. And they chose Stevē a man full off fayth/ and off the holy goost/ and Philip/ and Prochorus/ and Nichanor/ and Timon/ and Permenas/ ād Nicholas a proselite of antioche/ | And the sayinge pleased the whoale multitude. And they chose Steven a man full of fayth & of the holy goost/ & Philip/ & Prochorus/ and Nichanor/ and Timon/ and Permenas/ and Nicholas a converte of Antioche. | And the sayinge pleased the whoale multitude. And they chose Steuen a man full of fayth & of the holy goost/ & Philip/ & Prochorus/ and Nichanor/ and Timon/ and Permenas/ and Nicholas a conuerte of Antioche. | And the sayenge pleased the whole multitude. And they chose Steuen, a man full of fayth and of the holy goost, and Philippe, and Procorus, and Nicanor, and Thimon, and Parmenas, and Nicolas the Proselite of Antioche. |
6:6 | which they sett before the apostles/ ād they prayed and layde their hondes on them. | Which they set before the Apostles/ and they prayed and layde their hondes on them. | Which they set before the Apostles/ and they prayed and layde their hondes on them. | These they set before ye Apostles, and they prayed, and layed their handes vpon them. |
6:7 | And the worde of god encreasyd/ and the noumbre of the disciples multiplied in Ierusalem greatly/ And a grett company of the prestes were obedient to the faythe. | And the worde of God encreased/ & the noūbre of the disciples multiplied in Ierusalem greatly/ and a great company of the prestes were obedient to the faythe. | And the worde of God encreased/ & the noūbre of the disciples multiplied in Ierusalem greatly/ and a great company of the prestes were obedient to the fayth. | And the worde of God increased, and the nombre of the disciples multiplied greatly at Ierusalem. And there were many prestes also obedient vnto the fayth. |
6:8 | Steven full off faythe and power did grett wonders/ and myracles amonge the people. | And Steven full of faythe and power/ dyd great wondres & myracles amōge ye people. | And Steuen full of fayth and power/ dyd great wondres & myracles amōge the people. | Steuen full of faith and power, dyd wonders and greate tokens amonge the people. |
6:9 | Thē there arose certayne off the Sinagoge/ which are called lebertines/ and Sirenens/ and Alexandrians/ and Cicilians/ and Asians/ and disputed with Steven. | Then ther arose certayne of the synagoge/ which are called Lybertines & Syrenites/ & of Alexandria/ and of Cilicia/ and Asia/ and disputed with Steven. | Then ther arose certayne of the synagoge/ which are called Lybertines & Syrenites/ & of Alexandria/ and of Cilicia and Asia and disputed with Steuen. | Then arose there certayne of the synagoge, which is called (the synagoge) of ye Libertynes, & of the Cyrenites, and of the Alexādrines, and of thē yt were of Celicia and Asia, & disputed with Steuē, |
6:10 | And they coulde not resist the wisdom/ ād the sprete/ with which sprete he spake. | And they coulde not resist the wysdome/ & the sprete/ with which he spake. | And they coulde not resist the wysdome/ & the sprete/ with which he spake. | and they coulde not resiste the wyssdome and the sprete, out of the which he spake. |
6:11 | Then sent they ī men which sayd: we have herde hym speake blasphemous wordes agaynst Moses/ ād against god/ | Then sent they in men/ which sayd: we have hearde him speake blasphemous wordes agaynst Moses/ & agaynst God. | Then sent they in men/ which sayde: we haue hearde him speake blasphemous wordes agaynst Moses/ and agaynst God. | Then sent they in certayne men, that sayde: We haue herde him speake blasphemous wordes agaynst Moses, and agaynst God. |
6:12 | and they moved the people/ and the seniours/ and the scribes: and they cam apon hym and caught hym/ and brought him to the counsell/ | And they moved ye people & the elders & the scribes: and came apon him and caught him/ and brought him to the counsell/ | And they moued the people & the elders & the scribes: and came vpon him and caught him/ and brought him to the counsell/ | And they moued the people, and the Elders and the scrybes, and came vpon him, & caught him, |
6:13 | and brought forth falce witnesses whych sayde: This man ceasith not to speake blasphemous wordes agaynst thys holy place and the lawe/ | & brought forth falce witnesses which sayde. This mā ceasith not to speake blasphemous wordes agaynst this holy place & the lawe: | & brought forth false witnesses which sayde. This mā ceasith not to speake blasphemous wordes agaynst this holy place & the lawe: | and brought him before the councell, and set false witnesses there, which sayde: This man ceasseth not to speake blasphemous wordes agaynst this holy place and the lawe. |
6:14 | for we herde hym saye/ This Iesus off Nazareth shall destroye this place/ and shall chaunge the ordinances whych Moses gave vnto vs. | for we hearde him saye: this Iesus of Nazareth shall destroye this place/ & shall chaunge the ordinaunces which Moses gave vs. | for we hearde him saye: this Iesus of Nazareth shall destroye this place/ and shall chaunge the ordinaunces which Moses gaue vs. | For we herde him saye: Iesus of Nazareth shall destroye this place, and chaunge the ordinaunces which Moses gaue vs. |
6:15 | And all that sate ī the counsell loked stedfastly on hī/ and sawe hys face as it had bene the face off an angell. | And all that sate in ye counsell loked stedfastly on him/ & sawe his face as it had bene the face of an angell. | And all that sate in the coūsell/ loked stedfastly on him/ and sawe his face as it had bene the face of an angell. | And all they that sat in the councell, loked vpō him and sawe his face as the face of an angell. |