Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
2:1 | WHen the fyftith daye was come/ they were all with one accorde gaddered togedder in won place. | VVhē the fyftith daye was come/ they were all with one accorde togeder in one place. | VVhen the fyftith daye was come/ they were all with one accorde to geder in one place. | ANd whan the Whit sondaye was fulfylled, they were all with one acorde together in one place. |
2:2 | And sodenly there cā a sounde from heven as it had bene the commynge off a myghty wynde/ and it filled all the housse where they sate. | And sodenly ther cam a sounde from heaven/ as it had bene the comminge of a myghty wynde/ & it filled all the housse where they sate. | And sodenly ther came a sounde from heauen/ as it had bene the commynge of a myghty wynde/ and it filled all the housse where they sate. | And sodenly there came a sounde from heauen, as it had bene the cōmynge of a mightie wynde, and it fylled the whole house where they sat. |
2:3 | And there apered vnto thē cloven tonges/ as they had bene fyre/ and it sate apon eache off them: | And ther appered vnto them cloven tonges/ lyke as they had bene fyre/ and it sate vpon eache of them: | And ther appered vnto them clouen tonges/ lyke as they had bene fyer/ and it sate vpon eache of them: | And there appeared vnto them clouen tunges, like as they had bene of fyre. And he sat vpon ech one of them, |
2:4 | and they were all filled wiith the holy goost/ and began to speake with other tonges/ even as the sprete gave them vtteraunce. | and they were all filled with the holy goost/ and beganne to speake with other tonges/ even as the sprete gave them vtteraunce. | and they were all filled with the holy Goost/ and beganne to speake with other tonges/ euen as the sprete gaue them vtteraunce: | and they were all fylled with the holy goost. And they beganne to preach with other tunges, euen as the sprete gaue them vtteraunce. |
2:5 | There were dwellynge at Ierusalem iewes/ devoute men/ which were off all nacions vnder heven. | And ther were dwellinge at Ierusalem Iewes/ devoute men/ which were of all nacions vnder heaven. | And ther were dwellinge at Ierusalem/ Iewes/ deuoute men which were of all nacions vnder heauen. | There were dwellinge at Ierusalem Iewes, men that feared God, out of euery nacion that is vnder heauen. |
2:6 | When this was noysed aboute/ the multitude cam togedder and were astonyed/ be cause that every man herde them speake ī his awne tounge. | When this was noysed aboute/ the multitude came to gether & were astonyed/ because that every man hearde thē speake his awne toūge. | When this was noysed aboute/ the multitude came to gether and were astonyed/ because that euery man hearde them speake his awne tounge. | Now whan this voyce came to passe, the multitude came together, and were astōnyed: For euery one herde, that they spake with his awne tunge. |
2:7 | They wondred all/ and marveylled sayinge amōge them selves: Loke/ are not all these which speake off galile? | They wondred all & marveyled sayinge amōge them selves: Beholde/ are not all these which speake/ of Galile? | They wondred all & marveyled sayinge amonge them selues: Beholde/ are not all these which speake/ of Galile? | They wondred all and marueyled, and sayde amonge them selues: Beholde, are not all these which speake, of Galile? |
2:8 | And howe heare we every mā his awne tounge wherein we were boren? | And how heare we every man his awne toūge wherein we were boren? | And how heare we euery man his awne tounge wherein we were boren? | How heare we thē euery one his awne tunge, wherin we were borne? |
2:9 | Parthians/ Medes/ and Elamytſ and the inhabiters of Mesopotamia/ off Iury/ Capadocia/ Ponthus/ ād of Asia/ | Parthians/ Medes and Elamytes/ and the inhabiters of Mesopotamia/ of Iury/ and of Capadocia/ of Ponthus and Asia/ | Parthians/ Medes and Elamytes and the inhabiters of Mesopotamia/ of Iury/ & of Capadocia/ of Ponthus and Asia/ | Parthians and Medes, and Elamites, and we that dwell in Mesopotamia, and in Iewry and Capadocia, Pontus, and Asia, |
2:10 | Phrigia/ Pamphlia/ and of Egipte/ and off the parties off Libia/ which is besyde Syrene/ And straungers off Rome/ Iewes and Proselites/ | Phrigia/ Pamphilia/ and of Egypte/ and of the parties of Libia which is besyde Syrene/ and straungers of Rome/ Iewes & convertes/ | Phrigia/ Pamphilia/ and of Egypte/ and of the parties of Lybia which is besyde Syrene/ and straungers of Rome/ Iewes and conuertes/ | Phrigia and Pamphilia, Egipte, and in the partes of Lybia by Cyren, and straungers of Rome, Iewes and Proselytes, |
2:11 | Grekes and Arabians: We have herde them speake with oure awne tounges the greate workes off god. | Grekes and Arabians: we have herde them speake with oure awne tonges the greate workes of God. | Grekes & Arabians: we haue herde them speake with oure awne tonges the greate workes of God. | Cretes and Arabians: we heare them speake with oure awne tunges the greate workes of God. |
2:12 | They were all amased/ and wondred sayinge won to another: what meaneth this? | They were all amased/ and wondred sayinge one to another: what meaneth this? | They were all amased/ & wondred sayinge one to another: what meaneth this? | They were all amased, and wondred, and sayde one to another: What wil this be? |
2:13 | Other mocked them sayinge: They are full of new wyne. | Other mocked thē sayinge: they are full of newe wyne. | Other mocked them sayinge: they are full of newe wyne. | But other mocked them, and sayde: They are full of swete wyne. |
2:14 | Peter stepped forth with the eleven/ and lift vp his voyce/ and sayde vnto them: Ye men off Iewry/ ād all ye that inhabit Ierusalem: be this knowē vnto you/ and with youre eares heare my wordes. | But Peter stepped forth with the elevē/ & lift vp his voyce/ and sayde vnto them: Ye men of Iewrye/ & all ye that inhabite Ierusalem: be this knowē vnto you/ and with youre eares heare my wordes. | But Peter stepped forth with the eleuen/ and lyft vp his voyce/ and sayde vnto them: Ye men of Iewrye/ & all ye that inhabite Ierusalem: be this knowen vnto you and with youre eares heare my wordes. | Then stode Peter vp with the eleuen, and lift vp his voyce, and sayde vnto them: Ye men of Iewry, and all ye that dwell at Ierusalē, be this knowne vnto you, and let my wordes entre in at youre eares. |
2:15 | these are nott dronken/ as ye wene/ For itt is yet butt the thyrde houre off the daye: | These are not dronken/ as ye suppose: for it is yet but the thyrde houre of ye daye. | These are not dronken/ as ye suppose: for it is yet but the thyrde houre of the daye. | For these are not dronken, as ye suppose, for it is yet but the thirde houre of ye daye: |
2:16 | but this is that which was spokē by the prophet Iohell: | But this is that which was spoken by ye Prophete Iohel: | But this is that which was spoken by the prophete Iohel: | but this is it, that was spokē before by the prophet Ioel: |
2:17 | Hit shalbe ī the last dayes (sayth God) of my sprete I will poure out apō all flesshe. And youre sonnes/ ād youre doughters shall prophesy/ youre yonge men shall se visions. And youre olde men shall dreme dremes. | It shalbe in the last dayes sayth God: of my sprete I will powre out vpon all flesshe. And youre sonnes & youre doughters shall prophesy/ & youre yōge men shall se visions/ & youre olde mē shall dreme dremes. | It shalbe in the last dayes sayth God: of my sprete I will powre out vpon all flesshe. And youre sonnes & youre doughters shall prophesy & youre yonge men shall se visions/ & youre olde men shall dreme dremes. | And it shal come to passe in the last dayes, sayeth God, I will poure out of my sprete vpon all flesh, and youre sonnes and youre doughters shal prophecye, and youre yonge men shal se visions and youre olde men shall dreame dreames, |
2:18 | And on my servauntſ/ ād on my honde maydens I will poure out off my sprete in those dayes/ And they shall prophesy. | And on my servaūts/ & on my honde maydens I will powre out of my sprete in those dayes/ & they shall prophesye. | And on my seruaunts/ and on my honde maydens I will powre out of my sprete in those dayes/ and they shall prophesie. | and on my seruauntes and on my handmaydens wyll I poure out of my sprete in those dayes, & they shal prophecye. |
2:19 | And I will shewe wonders in hevē a bove/ and tokens in the erth be nethe/ bloud ād fyre/ and the vapour off smoke. | And I will shewe wonders in heaven a bove/ & tokens in the erth benethe/ bloud and fyre/ and the vapour of smoke. | And I will shewe wonders in heauen aboue/ and tokens in the erth beneth/ bloud and fyre/ and the vapour of smoke. | And I wil shewe wonders in heauen aboue, and tokens on the earth beneth, bloude and fyre, and the vapoure of smoke. |
2:20 | The sun shalbe turned into darknes/ and the mone into bloud/ before that greate/ and that notable daye of the lorde come. | The sunne shalbe turned into darknes/ & the mone into bloud before that greate & notable daye of the Lorde come. | The sunne shalbe turned into darcknes/ and the mone in to bloud before that greate and notable daye of the Lorde come. | The Sonne shalbe turned in to darknesse, and the Moone in to bloude, before that greate and notable daye of the LORDE come. |
2:21 | And the tyme shall come that whosoever shall call on the name of the lorde/ shalbe saved. | And it shalbe/ that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lorde shalbe saved. | And it shalbe/ that whosoeuer shall call on the name of the Lorde/ shalbe saued. | And it shall come to passe, Who so euer shal call vpō the name of the LORDE, shalbe saued. |
2:22 | Ye men off Israhel/ heare these wordſ. Iesus of Nazareth/ a man a pproved off God amonge you with myracles and wondres/ and signes which God did by hym in the myddes off you/ as ye youre selves knowe: | Ye men of Israel heare these wordes. Iesus of Nazareth/ a mā approved of God amōge you with myracles/ wondres and signes which God dyd by him in ye myddes of you/ as ye youre selves knowe: | Ye men of Israel heare these wordes. Iesus of Nazareth a man approued of God amonge you with miracles/ wondres and signes which God dyd by him in the myddes of you/ as ye youre selues knowe: | Ye men of Israel, heare these wordes: Iesus of Nazareth, ye man approued of God amonge you with miracles, and wonders and tokens, which God dyd by him in the myddes amonge you, as ye yor selues knowe also, |
2:23 | hym have ye taken by the hondes of vnrightewes persones/ after he was delivered by the determinat counsell and fore knoweledge of God/ and have crucified and slayne hym/ | him have ye taken by the hondes of vnrightewes persones/ after he was delivered by the determinat counsell & foreknoweledge of God/ & have crucified & slayne: | him haue ye taken by the hondes of vnryghtewes persones/ after he was deliuered by the determinat counsell and foreknoweledge of God/ and haue crucified and slayne: | him (after that he was delyuered by the determinate councell and foreknowlege of God) haue ye taken by the handes of vnrighteous personnes, and crucifyed him, & slayne him, |
2:24 | whom god hath raysed vpp and lowsed the sorowes of deeth/ be cause it was vnpossible that he shulde be holden of it. | whom God hath raysed vp & lowsed the sorowes of deeth/ because it was vnpossible that he shuld be holden of it. | whom God hath raysed vp & lowsed the sorowes of deeth/ because it was vnpossible that he shuld be holden of it. | whō God hath raysed vp, and lowsed the sorowes of death, for so moch as it was vnpossyble that he shulde be holden of it. |
2:25 | David speaketh of hym: Afore honde/ sawe I God alwayes before me: For he is on my right honde/ that I shulde nott be moved. | For David speaketh of him: Afore honde I sawe God alwayes before me: For he is on my ryght honde/ that I shuld not be moved. | For David speaketh of him: Afore honde I sawe God alwayes before me: For he is on my ryght honde/ that I shuld not be moued. | For Dauid speaketh of him: Afore honde haue I set the LORDE allwayes before me, for he is on my right hōde, that I shulde not be moued. |
2:26 | Therfore did my hert reioyce/ and my tonge was glad. Morover also/ my flesshe shall rest ī hope | Therfore dyd my hert reioyce/ & my tonge was glad. Moreover/ also my flesshe shall rest in hope/ | Therfore dyd my hert reioyce/ and my tonge was glad. More ouer also my flesshe shall rest in hope/ | Therfore dyd my hert reioyse, and my tunge was glad: For my flesh also shal rest in hope. |
2:27 | be cause thou shalt not leve my soul ī hell/ nether shalt suffre thy saynt to se corrupcion. | because thou wilt not leve my soul in hell/ nether wilt suffre thyne holye to se corrupciō. | because thou wilt not leue my soule in hell/ nether wilt suffre thyne holye/ to se corrupcion. | For thou shalt not leaue my soule in hell, nether shalt thou suffer yi Holy to se corrupcion. |
2:28 | Thou hast shewed me the wayes of lyfe/ Thou shalt make me full off ioye with thy countenaunce. | Thou hast shewed me the wayes of lyfe/ & shalt make me full of ioye with thy countenaunce. | Thou hast shewed me the wayes of lyfe/ and shalt make me full of ioye with thy countenaunce: | Thou hast shewed me the wayes of life, thou shalt make me full of ioye with thy countenaunce. |
2:29 | Men and brethren/ lett me frely speake vnto you of the patriarke David: For he is both deed and buryed/ and his sepulcre remayneth with vs vnto this daye. | Men & brethren/ let me frely speake vnto you of the partriarke David: For he is both deed & buryed/ & his sepulcre remayneth with vs vnto this daye. | Men and brethren/ let me frely speake vnto you of the patriarke Dauid: For he is both deed and buryed/ & his sepulcre remayneth with vs vnto this daye. | Ye men and brethren, let me frely speake vnto you of the Patryarke Dauid: For he is deed and buried, and his sepulcre is with vs vnto this daye. |
2:30 | Therfore sence he was a prophet/ and knewe that God had sworne with an othe to hym/ that the frute of his loynes shulde sit on his seate: | Therfore seinge he was a Prophet/ & knewe that God had sworne with an othe to him/ that the frute of his loynes shuld sit on his seat (in that Christ shulde ryse agayne in the flesshe) | Therfore seinge he was a Prophet/ and knewe that God had sworne with an othe to him/ that the frute of his loynes shuld syt on his seat (in that Christ shulde ryse agayne in the flesshe) | Wherfore now seinge yt he was a prophet, and knewe that God had promised him with an ooth, that the frute of his loynes shulde syt on his seate, |
2:31 | He sawe before/ and spake of the resurreccion of Christ/ that his soule shulde not be lefte in hell: nether his flesshe shulde se corrupcion. | he sawe before: and spake in the resurreccion of Christ/ that his soule shulde not be left in hell: nether his flesse shuld se corrupciō. | he sawe before: and spake of the resurreccion of Christ/ that his soule shulde not be left in hell: nether his flesshe shuld se corrupcion. | he sawe it before, and spake of the resurreccion of Christ: for his soule was not left in hell, nether hath his flesh sene corrupcion. |
2:32 | This Iesus hath God raysyd vppe/ where of we all are witnesses. | This Iesus hath God raysyd vp/ wher of we all are witnesses. | This Iesus hath God raysyd vp/ wherof we all are witnesses. | This Iesus hath God raysed vp, wherof we all are witnesses. |
2:33 | Sence nowe that he by the right honde of god exalted is/ and hath receaved off the father the promys off the holy goost/ he hath sheedforthe that which ye nowe se and heare. | Sence now that he by the right honde of God exalted is/ & hath receaved of the father the promyse of the holy goost/ he hath sheed forthe that which ye nowe se and heare. | Sence now that he by the ryght honde of God exalted is/ and hath receaued of the father the promyse of the holy Goost/ he hath sheed forth that which ye now and heare. | Seynge now that he by the right hande of God is exalted, and hath receaued of ye father ye promyse of the holy goost, he hath shed forth this, that ye se and heare. |
2:34 | For David is not ascendid into heven/ but he sayde: The lorde sayde to my lorde sit on my right honde/ | For David is not ascendyd into heavē: but he sayde. The Lorde sayde to my Lorde sit on my right honde/ | For Dauid is not ascendyd into heuen: but he sayde. The Lorde sayde to my Lorde syt on my rygh honde/ | For Dauid is not ascended in to heauen, but he sayde: The LORDE sayde vnto my LORDE: Syt thou on my righte hande, |
2:35 | vntill I make thy fooes/ thy fote stole. | vntill I make thy fooes thy fote stole. | vntyl I make thy fooes thy fote stole. | vntyll I make thine enemies yi fote stole. |
2:36 | So therfore lett all the housse of Israhel knowe for a suerty/ that God hath made the same Iesus whome ye have crucifyed/ Lorde and Christ. | So therfore let all the housse of Israel knowe for a suerty/ yt God hath made ye same Iesus whom ye have crucified lorde & Christ. | So therfore let all the housse of Israel knowe for a suerty/ that God hath made the same Iesus whom ye haue crucified/ Lorde and Christ. | So therfore let all the house of Israel knowe for a suertye, yt God hath made this same Iesus (whom ye haue crucified) LORDE and Christ. |
2:37 | When they herde this/ they were pricked in their hertes/ and sayd vnto Peter/ and vnto the other apostles: Ye men and brethren/ what shall we do? | When they hearde this/ they were pricked in their hertes/ & sayd vnto Peter & vnto the other Apostles: Ye men & brethrē/ what shall we do? | When they hearde this/ they were pricked in their hertes/ and sayd vnto Peter and vnto the other Apostles: Ye men and brethren/ what shall we do? | Whan they herde this, their hert pricked them, and they sayde vnto Peter and to the other Apostles: Ye men and brethrē, What shal we do? |
2:38 | Peter sayde vnto them: Repent and be baptised every one off you in the name of Iesus Christ/ For the remission off synnes/ and ye shall receave the gyfte off the holy goost. | Peter sayde vnto them: repent & be baptised every one of you in the name of Iesus Christ/ for the remission of synnes/ & ye shall receave the gyfte of the holy goost. | Peter sayde vnto them: repent and be baptised euery one of you in the name of Iesus Christ for the remission of synnes/ and ye shall receaue the gyfte of the holy goost. | Peter sayde onto them: Amēde youre selues, and let euery one of you be baptysed in the name of Iesus Christ, for the remyssion of synnes, and ye shal receaue the gifte of the holy goost. |
2:39 | For the promys was made vnto you/ and to youre chyldren/ and to all that are afarre/ even as many as oure lorde God shall call. | For ye promyse was made vnto you & to youre chyldrē/ & to all that are afarre/ even as many as ye Lorde oure God shall call. | For the promyse was made vnto you and to youre chyldren/ & to all that are afarre/ euen as many as the lorde oure God shall call. | For this promyse was made vnto you and youre children, and to all that are farre of, whō so euer the LORDE oure God shal call. |
2:40 | And with many other wordes bare he witnes/ and exhorted them saying: Save youre selves from this vntowarde generacion. | And with many other wordes bare he witnes & exhorted them sayinge: Save youre selves from this vntowarde generacion. | And with many other wordes bare he witnes and exhorted them sayinge: Saue youre selues from this vntowarde generacion. | And wt many other wordes bare he witnesse, and exorted them, and sayde: Saue youre selues from this vntowarde generacion. |
2:41 | They that gladly receaved hys preachynge were baptised/ And the same daye/ there were added vnto them aboute a thre thousande soules. | Then they that gladly receaved his preachynge/ were baptised: and the same daye/ ther were added vnto them aboute thre thousande soules. | Then they that gladly receaued his preachynge/ were baptised: and the same daye/ ther were added vnto them aboute thre thousande soules. | They that gladly receaued his preachinge, were baptysed, & the same daye there were added vnto them aboute thre thousande soules. |
2:42 | And they continued in the Apostles doctrine and fellyshippe/ and in breakynge of breed/ and in prayer. | And they continued in the Apostles doctrine & felloushippe/ & in breakinge of breed/ & in prayer. | And they contynued in the Apostles doctrine and felloushippe/ and in breakynge of breed/ & in prayer. | They contynued in the Apostles doctryne, and in the felashippe, and in breakynge of bred, and in prayer. |
2:43 | And feare cam over every soule. And many wondres and signes were shewed by the apostles. | And feare came over every soule. And many wondres & signes were shewed by the Apostles. | And feare came ouer euery soule. And many wondres and signes were shewed by the Apostles. | And feare came vpō euery soule, and many wonders and tokens were done by ye Apostles. |
2:44 | All that beleved gaddered thē togedder/ and had all thynges cōmen. | And all that beleved kept them selves to gedder/ & had all thinges cōmen/ | And all that beleued kept them selues to geder/ and had thinges commen/ | But all they that beleued, were together, and had all thinges commen. |
2:45 | And solde their possessions and goddes/ and parted them to all men/ as every man had nede. | and solde their possessions and goodes/ & departed them to all men/ as every man had nede. | and solde their possessions and goodes/ & departed them to all men/ as euery man had nede. | They solde their goodes and possessions, and parted them out amonge all, acordinge as euery mā had nede. |
2:46 | And they continued dayly with one acorde in the temple/ and brake breed in every housse/ and ate their meate to gedder with gladnes/ and singlenes of hert | And they continued dayly with one acorde in the tēple/ & brake breed in every housse/ & dyd eate their meate to gedder/ with gladnes & singlenes of hert | And they cōtynued dayly with one accorde in the temple/ and brake breed in euery housse/ & dyd eate their meate to gether/ with gladnes and singlenes of hert | And they contynued daylie with one acorde in the tēple, and brake bred in euery house: they toke their meate with ioye & synglenesse of hert, |
2:47 | praysynge god/ and had faveour with all people/ and the lorde added to the congregacion dayly them that shulde be saved. | praysinge God/ and had faveour with all the people. And the Lorde added to ye congregacion dayly soche as shuld be saved. | praysinge God/ and had faueour with all the people. And the Lorde added to the congregacion dayly soche as shuld be saued. | praysinge God, and had fauoure with all ye people. And the LORDE added to the congregacion daylie soch as shulde be saued. |