Acts: Chapter 09

Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
9:1 SAul yet brethynge out threatnyngſ and slaughter agaynst the disciples of the lorde/ went vnto the hye preste/ ANd Saul yet brethynge oute threatnynges & slaughter agaynst ye disciples of the lorde/ went vnto ye hye preste/ ANd Saul yet brethinge oute threatninges & slaughter agaynst the disciples of the Lorde/ wēt onto the hye preste/ SAul was yet breathinge out threatnynges and slaughter agaynst the disciples of the LORDE. And wente vnto ye hye preste,
9:2 and desired of hym letters to damascō/ to the sinagoges: that yf he founde eny of this waye whether they wer men or wemen/ he myght brynge them bounde vnto Ierusalem. & desyred of him letters to Damasco/ to ye synagoges: that yf he founde eny of this waye/ whether they were men or wemen/ he myght bringe them bounde vnto Ierusalem. & desyred of him lettres to Damasco/ to the synagoges: that yf he founde eny of this waye whether they were men or wemen/ he myght bringe them bounde vnto Ierusalem. and desyred of him letters to Damascon vnto the synagoges, that yf he foūde eny of this waye (whether they were men or wemen) he mighte brynge thē bounde vnto Ierusalem.
9:3 As he went on his iorney/ hit fortuned that he drue neye to damascō/ and sodenly there shyned rounde about hym a lyght from heven. But as he went on his iorney/ it fortuned yt he drue nye to Damasco/ and sodenly ther shyned rounde about him a lyght frō heven. But as he iorneyed & was come nye to Damasco/ sodenly ther shyned rounde about him a lyght from heauen/ And as he was goinge on his iourney, it fortuned, that he came nye vnto Damascō, and sodenly there shyned rounde aboute hī a light frō heauē,
9:4 And he fell to the erth/ and herde a voyce saynge to hym: Saul/ Saul/ why persecutest thou me? And he fell to ye erth/ & hearde a voyce sayinge to him: Saul/ Saul/ why persecutest thou me? and he fell to the erth/ & hearde a voyce sayinge to him: Saul/ Saul/ why persecutest thou me? and he fell to the earth, and herde a voyce, which sayde vnto him: Saul Saul why persecutest thou me?
9:5 And he sayde what arte thou Lorde? The lorde sayd/ I am Iesus whom thou persecutest/ it shalbe harde for the to kycke agaīst the pricke. And he sayde/ what arte thou lorde? And the lorde sayd/ I am Iesus whom thou persecutest/ it shalbe harde for ye to kycke agaynst ye pricke. And he sayd: what arte thou Lorde? And the Lorde sayd: I am Iesus whō thou persecutest/ it shalbe harde for the to kycke agaynst the pricke. He sayde: LORDE, who art thou? The LORDE sayde: I am Iesus, whō thou persecutest. It shalbe harde for ye to kycke agaynst the prycke.
9:6 He bothe tremblynge and astonyed sayde: Lorde what wilt thou have me to do? And the lorde sayde vnto hym: Aryse and goo into the cite/ and ytt shalbe tolde the what thou shalt do. And he bothe tremblynge and astonyed sayde: Lorde what wilt thou have me to do? And ye Lorde sayde vnto him: aryse and goo into the cite/ and it shalbe tolde the what thou shalt do. And he bothe tremblinge and astonyed sayde: Lorde what wilt thou haue me to do? And the Lorde sayd vnto him: aryse and go into the cite/ and it shalbe tolde the what thou shalt do. And he both tremblinge and astonnyed, sayde: LORDE what wilt thou that I shal do? The LORDE sayde vnto him: Aryse, aud go into the cite, there shal it be tolde the what thou shalt do.
9:7 The men which acompanyed him on his waye stode amased/ for they herde a voyce/ butt sawe no man. The men which iornayed with him/ stode amased/ for they herde a voyce/ but sawe no man. The men which iornayed with him/ stode amased/ for they hearde a voyce/ but sawe no man. As for ye mē that iourneyed wt him, they stode and were amased: for they herde a voyce, but sawe noman.
9:8 Saul arose from the erth/ And whē he had openned his eyes he sawe noo man. Then ledde they hym by the honde/ ād brought him into damascon. And Saul arose from the erth/ and opened his eyes/ but sawe no man. Then ledde they him by the honde/ and brought him into Damasco. And Saul arose from the erth/ and opened his eyes/ but sawe no man. Then ledde they him by the honde/ and brought him into Damasco. Saul rose from the earth, and whan he had opened his eyes, he sawe noman. Neuertheles they toke him by the honde, & broughte him to Damascō:
9:9 And he was iij. dayes wyth out sight/ and nether ate nor dranke. And he was .iii. dayes with out syght/ & nether ate nor dranke. And he was .iij. dayes without syght/ & nether ate nor drancke. and he was thre dayes without sighte, and nether ate ner dranke.
9:10 There was a certayne disciple att Damascon named ananias/ to hym spake the lorde in a vision: Ananias. And he sayde: I am here lorde. And ther was a certayne disciple at Damasco named Ananias/ & to him sayde the lorde in a vision: Ananias. And the he sayde: beholde I am here lorde. And ther was a certayne disciple at Damasco named Ananias/ & to him sayde the Lorde in a visiō: Ananias? And he sayde: beholde I am here Lorde. At Damascon there was a disciple named Ananias, and vnto him sayde the LORDE in a vision: Ananias And he sayde: beholde, here am I LORDE.
9:11 And the lorde sayde vnto hym: aryse and goo into the strete whych ys called strayght/ and seke in the housse off Iudas after one called Saul of the cite of Tharsus. For beholde he prayeth/ And the lorde sayde to him: aryse & goo into the strete which is called strayght and seke in the housse of Iudas/ after one called Saul of Tharsus. For beholde he prayeth/ And the Lorde sayde vnto him: aryse & go into the strete which is called strayght/ and seke in the housse of Iudas/ after one called Saul of Tharsus. For beholde he prayeth/ The LORDE sayde vnto him: Aryse, and go in to the strete which is called straight, and axe in the house of Iuda after one called Saul of Tharsis: for beholde, he prayeth,
9:12 And hath sene in a vision a man named Ananias commynge in vnto hym/ And puttynge hys hondes on hym/ thatt he myght receave hys sight. & hath sene in a vision a man named Ananias comynge in to him/ & puttynge his hondes on him/ that he myght receave his syght. and hath sene in a vision a man named Ananias cominge into him/ and puttinge his hondes on him/ that he myght receaue his syght. & hath sene in a vision a mā named Ananias cōmynge vnto him, & layenge the hāde vpō him, that he mighte receaue his sighte.
9:13 Ananias answered: Lorde I have herde by many off thys man/ howe moche hurte he hath done to thy sanctes att Iherusalem/ Then Ananias answered: Lorde I have hearde by many of this man/ how moche evell he hath done to thy sainctes at Ierusalem/ Then Ananias answered: Lorde/ I haue hearde by many of this man/ how moche euyll he hath done to thy sainctes at Ierusalem Ananias answered: LORDE, I haue herde by many of this mau, how moch euell he hath done to thy sayntes at Ierusalē.
9:14 and in thys place he hath auctorite off the hye prestes to bynde all that call on thy name. & here he hath auctorite of the hye prestes to bynde all that call on thy name. & here he hath auctorite of the hye prestes to bynde all that call on thy name. And here hath he auctorite of the hye prestes, to bynde all those yt call vpon thy name.
9:15 The lorde sayde vnto him: Goo thy wayes: for he is a chosen vessell vnto me/ to beare my name before the gentyls/ and kyngſ/ ād the chyldren off israhel. The lorde sayde vnto him: Goo thy wayes: for he is a chosen vessell vnto me/ to beare my name before the gentyls & kynges/ & the chyldren of Israel. The Lorde sayde vnto him: go thy wayes: for he is a chosen vessell vnto me/ to beare my name before the gentyls & kynges/ and the chyldren of Israel. The LORDE sayde vnto him: Go thy waye, for this man is a chosen vessell vnto me, that he maye beare my name before the Heythen, and before kynges, and before the children of Israel.
9:16 For I wyll shewe hym howe grett thynges he must suffre for my names sake. For I will shewe him how great thinges he must suffre for my names sake. For I will shewe him how great thinges he must suffre for my names sake. I wil shewe him, how greate thinges he must suffre for my names sake.
9:17 Ananyas went hys waye and entryd into the housse and putt his hondes on hym and sayde: brother Saul the lorde that apperyd vnto the ī the waye as thou camst/ sent me vnto the/ that thou myghtest receve thy sight and be filled with the holy goost. Ananias went his waye and entryd into ye housse and put his hondes on him and sayde: brother Saul/ the lorde that apperyd vnto the in the waye as thou camst/ hath sent me/ that thou myghtest receave thy syght & be filled with the holy goost. Ananias wēt his waye and entred into the housse/ and put his hondes on him and sayde: brother Saul/ the lorde that apperyd vnto the in the waye as thou camst/ hath sent me/ that thou myghtest receaue they syght and be filled with the holy goost. And Ananias wente his waye, and came in to the house, and layed the handes vpon him, and sayde: Brother Saul, the LORDE which appeared vnto ye in the waye as thou camest, hath sent me, that thou mightest receaue thy sight, and be fylled with the holy goost.
9:18 And immediatly there fell frō his eyes as ytt had bene scales and he receaved his sight/ and arose and was baptised. And immediatly ther fell from his eyes as it had bene scales/ and he receaved syght/ and arose and was baptised/ And immediatly ther fell from his eyes as it had bene scales/ and he receaued sight and arose and was baptised/ And immediatly there fell from his eyes as it had bene scales, and he receaued his sighte, and rose, and was baptysed,
9:19 And receaved meate and was comforted. Then was Saul a certayne dayes wyth the disciples which wer at Damascon. and receaved meate and was comforted. Then was Saul a certayne daye wt the disciples which were at Damasco. and receaued meate and was comforted. Then was Saul a certayne dayes with the disciples which were at Damasco. and toke meate, and was conforted. Then was Saul a certayne dayes with the disciples that were at Damascon.
9:20 And streight waye he preached Christ in the Sinagogſ howe that he was the sonne off God. And streyght waye he preached Christ in the synagoges/ how that he was the sonne of God. And streyght waye he preached Christ in the Synagoges/ how that he was the sonne of God. And straight waye he preached Christ in the synagoges, how that he was ye sonne of God.
9:21 All that herde hym wer amased and sayde: ys nott this he that spoylled them whych called on this name in Ierusalem? And cam hydderfor the entent that he shulde brynge them boūde vnto the hye prestes? All that hearde him/ were amased & sayde: is not this he that spoyled thē which called on this name in Ierusalem/ & came hyther for ye entent that he shuld bringe thē bounde vnto the hye prestes? All that hearde him/ were amased & sayde: is not this he that spoyled them which called on this name in Ierusalem/ & came hyther for the entēt that he shuld bringe thē bounde vnto the hye prestes? But all they that herde him, were amased, and sayde: Is not this he, which at Ierusalem spoyled all those that called on his name? and came hither to the intent that he shulde brynge them bounde vnto the hye prestes?
9:22 Saul encreased in strengthe/ And confounded the iewes which dwelte at damascon affirminge that this was very Christ. But Saul encreased in strēgth/ & confounded the Iewes which dwelte at Damasco/ affirminge that this was very Christ. But Saul encreased in strēgth/ & confounded the Iewes which dwelte at Damasco affirminge that this was very Christ. But Saul increased in strength, & cōfounded ye Iewes which dwelt at Damascon, and affirmed yt this was very Christ.
9:23 After a good while/ the iewes toke counsell amonge them selves to kyll hī. And after a good whyle/ ye Iewes toke counsell to gether/ to kyll him. And after a good whyle/ the Iewes toke coūsell to gether/ to kyll him. And after many dayes the Iewes helde a councell together to kyll him.
9:24 But there awayte wer knowen of Saul. And they watched att the gatſ daye and nyght to kyll hym. But their layinge awayte was knowen of Saul. And they watched at the gates daye and nyght to kyll him. But their layinge awayte was knowen of Saul. And they watched at the gates daye and nyght to kyll him. But it was tolde Saul, that they layed wayte for him. And they wayted at ye gates daye & night, that they might kyll him.
9:25 Then the disciples toke hym by nyght/ and putt hym thorowe the wall and lett hym doune in a basket. Then ye disciples toke him by night & put him thorow the wall & let him doune in a basket. Then the disciples toke hī by night & put him thorow the wall & let him doune in a basket. Then the disciples toke him by nighte, & put him thorow the wall, and let him downe in a baskett.
9:26 When Saul cam to Ierusalem he assayde to cople hym silfe with the apostles/ and they wer all afrayde of hym and beleved not that he was a disciple. And when Saul was come to Ierusalem/ he assayde to cople him silfe with ye discyples and they were all afrayde of hym and beleued not that he was a disciple. And when Saul was come to Ierusalem/ he assayde to cople him selfe with the disciples and they were all afrayde of him/ and beleued not that he was a disciple. But whan Saul came to Ierusalem, he assayed to ioyne himself to ye disciples. And they were all afrayed of him, and beleued not, yt he was a disciple.
9:27 But Bernabas toke hym ād brought hym to the apostles and tolde them howe he had sene the lorde in the waye and had spoken wyth hym: and how he had done boldely at damascō in the name off Iesu/ But Bernabas toke hym & brought hym to ye apostles & declared to thē how he had sene ye Lorde in ye waye & had spokē wyth hym: and how he had done boldely at damasco in the name of Iesu. But Barnabas toke him & brought him to the Apostles & declared to them how he had sene the Lorde in the waye/ & had spokē with him: & how he had done boldely at Damasco in the name of Iesu. Neuertheles Barnabas toke him, and broughte him to the Apostles, and tolde them how he had sene the LORDE in the waye, and how he spake to him, & how he had done boldly at Damascon in the name of Iesu.
9:28 And he had his conversacion with them att Iherusalem/ And he had his conuersacion with them at Ierusalem/ And he had his conuersaciō with them at Ierusalem/ And he was with them, and wente out and in at Ierusalē,
9:29 and quitt hym silfe boldly in the name off the lorde Iesu. And he spake and disputed wyth the grekſ and they went aboute to slee hym. and quit hym silfe boldly in the name of the lorde Iesu. And he spake and disputed wyth the grekes: and they went aboute to slee hym. & quit him selfe boldly in the name of the Lorde Iesu. And he spake and disputed with the Grekes: and they went about to slee him. and quyte him selfe boldly in ye name of ye LORDE Iesu. He spake also, and disputed with ye Grekes. But they wēte aboute to slaye him.
9:30 When the brethren knew of that/ they brought hym to cesarea/ and sent hym forth to tharsus. But when the brethren knew of that/ they brought hym to cesarea/ and sent hym forth to Tharsus. But when the brethren knewe of that/ they brought him to Cesarea/ and sent him forth to Tharsus. Whan the brethren knewe yt, they brought him to Cesarea, and sent him forth to Tharsis.
9:31 Then had the congregacions rest thorowoute all iewry and galile ād samary/ and wer edified/ and walked in the feare of the lorde/ And multiplied by the comforte of the holy gost. Then had ye congregaciōs rest thorowoute all Iewry and galile and Samary/ and were edified/ and walked in the feare of the lorde/ and multiplied by the comforte of the holy gost. Then had the congregaciōs rest thorowoute all Iewry and Galile and Samary/ and were edified/ and walked in the feare of the Lorde/ and multiplied by the cōforte of the holy goost. So the congregacions had rest thorow out all Iewry, and Galile, and Samaria, & were edified, and walked in the feare of the LORDE, and were fylled with the comforte of the holy goost.
9:32 Hit chaūsed that as Peter walked throughoute all quarters/ he cā to the sainctſ which dwelt at lydda And it chaunsed yt as Peter walked throughoute all quarters/ he cā to ye saynctes which dwelt at Lydda And it chaunsed as Peter walked throughoute all quarters/ he cam to the saynctes which dwelt at Lydda. It chaunced that as Peter walked thorow all quarters, he came also vnto ye sayntes which dwelt at Lydda.
9:33 and there he founde a certaine man namyd Eneas/ whych had kepte hys bed viij. yere sicke of the palsey. and there he foūde a certayne mā namyd Eneas/ whych had kepte hys bed viii. yere sicke of the palsie. And there he founde a certayne man named Eneas/ which had kepte his beed .viij. yeres sicke of the palsie. There founde he a man named Eneas, which had lyen vpon his bedd eight yeares sicke of ye palsye.
9:34 Then sayde Peter vnto hym: Eneas/ the lorde Iesus Christ make the whole. Aryse and make thy beed. And he arose immedyatly. Then sayde Peter vnto hym: Eneas Iesus Christ make ye whole. Aryse and make thy beed. And he arose immedyatly. Then sayde Peter vnto him: Eneas/ Iesus Christ make the whole: aryse and make thy beed. And he arose immediatly. And Peter sayde vnto him: Eneas, Iesus Christ make the whole, aryse, and make thy bedd for yi self. And he arose immediatly.
9:35 And all that dwelt at lydda and assarō/ sawe hym/ and tourned to the lorde. And all that dwelt at lydda & assaron/ sawe hym/ and tourned to the lorde. And all that dwelt at Lydda and Assaron/ sawe him/ and tourned to the Lorde. And all they that dwelt at Lydda and at Sarona, sawe him, and turned vnto the LORDE.
9:36 Ther was at Ioppa a certayne woman (which was a disciple named Tabitha/ which by interpretacion is called dorcas) she was full off good warkſ ād almes dedes/ which she did. Ther was at Ioppe a certayne womā (whiche was a disciple named Tabitha/ which by interpretacion is called dorcas) the same was full of good workes and almes dedes/ which she did. Ther was at Ioppe a certayne womā (whiche was a disciple named Tabitha/ which by interpretaciō is called Dorcas) the same was full of good workes and almes dedes/ which she dyd. At Ioppa there was a certayne woman that was a disciple, named Tabitha, which by interpretacion is called Dorcas: ye same was full of good workes and almesse dedes, which she dyd.
9:37 Hit chaunsed in those dayes thatt she was sicke and dyed. When they had wesshed her and layd her in a chamber: And it chaunsed in those dayes that she was sicke and dyed. When they had wesshed her and layd her in a chamber: And it chaunsed in those dayes/ that she was sicke and dyed. When they had wesshed her and layd her in a chamber: But it chaunced at the same tyme, that she was sicke, and dyed. Then wasshed they her, and layed her in a chāber.
9:38 Be cause lydda was nye too Ioppa/ and the disciples had herde that Peter was there/ they sēt vnto hym/ desyrynge him that he wolde not be greved to come vnto them. Because Lydda was nye to Ioppa/ & the disciples had hearde that Peter was there/ they sent vnto hym/ desyrynge him that he wolde not be greved to come vnto them. Because Lydda was nye to Ioppa/ & the disciples had hearde that Peter was there/ they sent vnto him/ desiringe him that he wolde not be greued to come vnto them. But for so moch as Lydda was nye vnto Ioppa, and the disciples herde that Peter was there, they sent two men vnto him, and desyred him, yt he wolde take it for no grefe to come vnto them.
9:39 Peter arose and cam with them: when he was come they brought hym in to the chamber/ and all the widdoos stode roūde aboute hym wepynge ād shewynge the coottſ and garmentſ whych dorcas made whill she was with thē. Peter arose and came with them & when he was come/ they brought him in to ye chamber. And all ye wydowes stode roūde aboute hym wepynge & shewynge the cotes & garmentes which Dorcas made whill she was with thē. Peter arose & came with them. And when he was come/ they brought him in to the chamber. And all the wyddowes stode round about him wepinge & shewinge the cotes & garmentes which Dorcas made whill she was with thē. Peter rose, and came with thē. And whā he was come, they broughte him in to the chamber, and all the wyddowes stode rounde aboute him, wepynge, and shewed him the cotes and garmētes, which Dorcas made whyle she was with them.
9:40 Peter putt them all forth and kneled doune and prayde ād turned hym to the body/ and sayde: Tabitha aryse. She opened her eyes/ ād whē she sawe Peter she sat vppe/ And Peter put thē all forth & kneled doune & prayde & turned him to ye body/ & sayde: Tabitha aryse. And she opened her eyes/ & whē she sawe Peter she sat vp. And Peter put thē all forth & kneled doune & prayde & turned him to the body & sayde: Tabitha/ arise. And she opened her eyes/ and when she sawe Peter/ sat vp. And whā Peter had put them all forth, he kneled downe, made his prayer, and turned him vnto the body, and sayde: Tabitha, ryse vp. And she opened hir eyes: and whan she sawe Peter she sat hir downe agayne.
9:41 And he gave her his honde and lyft her vppe/ and called the sainctſ and wyddooes and shewed her alyve. And he gave her ye honde and lyft her vp/ and called the sainctes & wydowes/ and shewed her alyve. And he gaue her the honde & lyft her vp/ & called the saynctes & wydowes/ and shewed her alyue. But he gaue her the hande, and lifte her vp, and called the sayntes and the wedowes, and shewed her there alyue.
9:42 And hit was knowne throwout all Ioppa/ and many beleved on the lorde. And it was knowne throwout all Ioppa/ and many beleved on the Lorde. And it was knowne thorowout all Ioppa/ & many beleued on the Lorde. And it was knowne thorow out all Ioppa, & many beleued on ye LORDE.
9:43 And hit fortuned that he taryed many days in Ioppa with one Simon a tanner. And it fortuned that he taryed many dayes in Ioppa with one Simon a tanner. And it fortuned that he taryed many dayes in Ioppa with one Simon a tanner. And it fortuned, yt he taried a lōge season at Ioppa by one Simō, which was a tanner.