Acts: Chapter 07

Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
7:1 THen spake the chefe prest: ys ytt even soo? THen sayde ye chefe prest: is it even so? THen sayde the chefe prest: is it euen so? Then sayde the hye prest: Is it euē so?
7:2 And he sayde: ye men/ brethren/ and fathers/ harken to. The God off glory apered vnto oure father Abraham whill he was yet in mesopotamia/ before he dwelt in charran/ And he sayde: ye men/ brethren and fathers/ harken to. The God of glory appered vnto oure father Abrahā whyll he was yet in Mesopotamia/ before he dwelt in Charran/ And he sayde: ye men/ brethren and fathers/ harkē to. The God of glory appered vnto oure father Abrahā whyll he was yet in Mesopotamia/ before he dwelt in Charran/ He sayde: Deare brethren and fathers, herken to, The God of glorye appeared vnto or father Abrahā, whyle he was yet in Mesopotamia, before he dwelt in Haran,
7:3 and sayd vnto hym: come out of thy contre/ and from thy kynred/ and come into the londe whych I shall shewe vnto the. & sayd vnto him: come out of thy contre/ and from thy kynred/ & come into the londe/ which I shall shewe the. & sayd vnto him: come out of thy contre/ & from thy kynred/ & come into the londe/ which I shall shewe the. and sayde vnto him: Get ye out of thy coūtre, and frō thy kynred, and come in to a londe which I wil shewe ye.
7:4 Then cam he out off the londe of caldey/ and dwelt in charrā. And after that as sone as his father was deed/ he brought him into this lande/ where in ye nowe dwell/ Then came he out of the londe of Chaldey/ & dwelt in Charran. And after that/ assone as his father was deed/ he brought him into this lande/ in which ye now dwell/ Then came he out of the londe of Chaldey/ & dwelt in Charrā. And after that/ assone as his father was deed/ he brought him into this lande/ in which ye now dwell/ Thē wente he out of the lande of the Caldees, and dwelt in Haran. And from thēce, whan his father was deed, he brought him ouer in to this londe (where ye dwell now)
7:5 and he gave him none inheritaunce in it/ no not one fote of grounde. And promised that he wolde geve it to hym and to hys seed after hym/ when as yet he had no chylde. & he gave him none inheritaunce in it/ no not the bredeth of a fote: but promised yt he wolde geve it to him to possesse & to his seed after him/ when as yet he had no chylde. & he gaue him none inheritaunce in it/ no not the bredeth of a fote: but promised that he wolde geue it to him to possesse & to his seed after him/ when as yet he had no chylde. and gaue him no enheritaūce therin, no not ye bredth of a fote: and promysed him, that he wolde geue it him to possesse, and to his sede after him, whan as yet he had no childe.
7:6 God verele spake on thys wyse/ thy seed shall be a dweller in a straunge londe/ and they shall put them in bondage/ and shall entreate them evyll .iiij.C. yeares. God verely spake on this wyse that his seade shulde be a dweller in a straunge londe and that they shulde kepe them in bondage and entreate them evyll .iiii.C. yeares. God verely spake on this wyse/ that his seade shuld be a dweller in a straūge londe & that they shuld kepe thē in bondage & entreate thē euill .iiij.C. yeares. But thus sayde God vnto him: Thy sede shalbe a straunger in a straunge londe, and they shal make bonde men of them, and intreate thē euell foure hundreth yeares:
7:7 And the nacion to whom they shalbe in bondage/ will I iudge (sayde god) and after that shall they come forthe/ and serve me in this place. But the nacion to whom they shalbe in bondage will I iudge/ sayde God. And after that shall they come forthe and serve me in this place. But the nacion to whom they shalbe in bondage will I iudge/ sayde God. And after that shall they come forth and serue me in this place. and ye people whom they shal serue, wil I iudge, sayde God. And after that shal they go forth, and serue me in this place.
7:8 And gave hym the testament of circumcision/ and he begat Isaac/ and circumcised hym the viij. daye/ ād Isaac begat Iacob. and Iacob the twelve patriarkſ. And he gave him the covenaunt of circumcision. And he begat Isaac/ and circumcised him the viii. daye/ and Isaac begat Iacob/ and Iacob the twelve patriarkes And he gaue him the couenaūt of circumcision. And he begat Isaac/ & circumcised him the .viij. daye/ & Isaac begat lacob/ and lacob the twelue Patriarkes. And he gaue him the couenaūt of circūcision. And he begat Isaac, and circūcised him the eight daye. And Isaac begat Iacob and Iacob begat the twolue Patriarkes.
7:9 Aud the patriarkſ havinge indignacion solde Ioseph into Egipte/ and God was wit hym And the patriarkes havinge indignaciō solde Ioseph into Egipte. And God was with him And the Patriakes hauinge indignaciō solde Ioseph into Egypte. And God was with him/ And the Patriarkes had indignacion at Ioseph, and solde hī in to Egipte. And God was with him,
7:10 and delivered hym out off all his adversites. ād gave hym faveour and wisdom in the sight off Pharao kynge off Egipte/ And Pharao made hym governer over Egipte/ and over all his housholde. and delivered him out of all his adversities. And gave him faveour and wisdome in the sight of Pharao kynge of Egipte which made him governer over Egipte/ and over all his housholde. and deliuered him out of all his aduersities/ and gaue him fauoure and wysdome in the sight of Pharao kynge of Egypte which made him gouerner ouer Egypte/ and ouer all his housholde. and delyuered him out of all his troubles, and gaue him fauoure ād wyssdome ī the sight of Pharao kynge of Egipte which made him prynce ouer Egipte and ouer all his house.
7:11 Then cam there a derth over all Egipt/ and Canaan/ and grett affliccion/ and our fathers founde no sustenaunce. Then came ther a derth over all the londe of Egipt & Canaan/ & great affliccion/ that our fathers founde no sustenaūce. Then came there a derth ouer all the londe of Egypt & Canaan/ and great affliccion/ that our fathers founde no sustenaunce. But there came a derth ouer all the londe of Egipte and Canaan, and a greate trouble, and oure fathers founde no sustenaunce.
7:12 When Iacob herde that there was corne in Egipte/ he sent oure fathers fyrst/ But when Iacob hearde that ther was corne in Egipte/ he sent oure fathers fyrst/ But when Iacob hearde that ther was corne in Egypte/ he sent oure fathers fyrst. But Iacob herde that there was corne in Egipte, and sent oure fathers out the first tyme.
7:13 ād when he had sent them the secounde tyme/ Ioseph was knowen off his brethren/ and Iosephs kynred was made knowne vnto Pharao. and at the seconde tyme/ Ioseph was knowen of his brethren/ and Iosephs kynred was made knowne vnto Pharao. And at the seconde tyme/ Ioseph was knowen of his brethren/ & Iosephs kinred was made knowne vnto Pharao And at the seconde tyme was Ioseph knowne of his brethren, and Iosephs kynred was made knowne vnto Pharao.
7:14 Then sent Ioseph and caused his father to be brought and all his kynne/ thre score and .xv. soules. Then sent Ioseph & caused his father to be brought and all his kynne/ thre score and xv. soules. Then sent Ioseph & caused his father to be brought and all his kynne/ thre score and xv. soules. But Ioseph sent out, and caused his father and all his kynred to be broughte, euē thre score and fyftene soules.
7:15 And Iacob descended into Egipte/ and deyed bothe he and oure fathers/ And Iacob descended into Egipte and dyed bothe he and oure fathers/ And Iacob descended into Egypt/ and dyed both he and oure fathers/ And Iacob wente downe in to Egipte, and dyed, both he and oure fathers
7:16 and were translated into Sichem/ and were put in the sepulcre that Abraham bought for money of the sonnes of Emor/ at Sichem. and were translated into Sichem/ ond were put in ye sepulcre that Abraham bought for money of the sonnes of Emor/ at Sichem. and were translated into Sichem/ & were put in the sepulcre that Abraham bought for money of the sonnes of Emor/ at Sichem. and were brought ouer vnto Sichē, and layed in the sepulcre, that Abraham boughte for money of the children of Hemor at Sichem.
7:17 When the tyme off the promes drue nye (which God had promysed with an othe to Abraham) the people grewe and multiplied in Egipte When ye tyme of ye promes drue nye (which God had sworme to Abraham) the people grewe and multiplied in Egipte/ When the tyme of the promes drue nye (which God had sworne to Abraham) the people grewe & multiplied in Egypte/ Now whā the tyme of the promes drue nye (which God had sworne vnto Abrahā) the people grewe and multiplied in Egipte,
7:18 till another kynge arose which knewe nott off Ioseph. till another kynge arose which knewe not of Ioseph. till another kynge arose which knewe not of Ioseph. tyll there rose another kynge, which knewe not of Ioseph.
7:19 The same dealte suttelly with oure kynred/ and evyll intreated oure fathers/ and made them to cast awaye their chyldren/ that they shulde not remayne alyve. The same dealte suttelly with oure kynred/ & evyll intreated oure fathers/ and made them to cast oute their younge chyldren/ that they shuld not remayne alyve. The same dealte suttely with oure kynred & euyll intreated oure fathers and made them to cast oute their younge chyldren/ that they shulde not remayne alyue. The same dealte suttely wt oure kynred, and intreated oure fathers euell and made them to cast out the yonge children, that they shulde not remayne alyue.
7:20 The same tyme was Moses borne/ and was a propper childe in the sight of God/ which was norisshed vp in his fathers housse thre monethes. The same tyme was Moses borne/ and was a proper childe in ye sight of God/ which was norisshed vp in his fathers housse thre monethes. The same tyme was Moses borne/ and was a proper chylde in the sight of God/ which was norisshed vp in his fathers housse thre monethes. At the same tyme was Moses borne, and was a proper childe before God, and was norished thre monethes in his fathers house.
7:21 When he was cast out Pharoes doughter toke hym vp/ and norisshed hym vp for her awne sonne. When he was cast out/ Pharoes doughter toke him vp/ and norisshed him vp for her awne sonne. When he was cast out/ Pharoes doughter toke him vp/ and norisshed him vp for her awne sonne. But whan he was cast out, Pharaos doughter toke him vp, and norished him vp for hir awne sonne.
7:22 And Moses was learned in all manner off wisdom of the Egipcians/ and was mighty in dedes and in wordes. And Moses was learned in all maner wisdome of the Egipcians/ and was mighty in dedes & in wordes. And Moses was learned in all maner wysdome of the Egypcians/ and was mighty in dedes and in wordes. And Moses was learned in all maner wyssdome of the Egipcians, and was mightie in dedes & wordes.
7:23 When he was full forty yeare olde/ it cam into his hert to visit his brethren/ the chyldren off Israhel. And when he was full forty yeare olde/ it came into his hert to visit his brethren/ the chyldren of Israhel. And when he was full forty yeare olde/ it came into his hert to viset his brethren/ the chyldren of Israel. But whan he was fourtye yeare olde, it came in to his mynde to vyset his brethren the children of Israel.
7:24 And when he sawe one off them suffre wronge/ he defended hym/ and avenged his quarell that had the harme done to hym/ and smote the egipcian. And when he sawe one of them suffre wronge/ he defended him/ and avenged his quarell that had the harme done to him/ and smote the Egypcian. And when he sawe one of them suffre wronge/ he defended him & auenged his quarell that had the harme done to him/ and smote the Egypcian. And whan he sawe one of them suffre wrōge, he helped him, and delyuered him, that had the harme done vnto him, and slewe the Egipcian.
7:25 For he supposed hys brethren wolde have vnderstonde howe that God by his hondes shulde geve them health: butt they vnderstode nott. For he supposed hys brethren wolde have vnderstonde how yt God by his hondes shuld save them But they vnderstode not. For he supposed his brethren wolde haue vnderstonde/ how that God by his hōdes shulde saue them. But they vnderstode not. But he thoughte that his brethren shulde haue vnderstonde, how that God by his hande shulde saue thē, howbeit they vnderstode it not.
7:26 And the next daye he shewed hym silfe vnto them as they strove/ and wolde have sett them atone agayne saynge: Syrs ye are brethrē why hurte ye won another? And the next daye he shewed him selfe vnto thē as they strove/ and wolde have set thē at one agayne sayinge: Syrs/ ye are brethren/ why hurte ye one another? And the next daye he shewed him selfe vnto thē as they stroue/ & wolde haue set them at one agayne sayinge: Syrs/ ye are brethren/ why hurte ye one another? And on the nexte daye he shewed himself vnto them as they stroue together, and wolde haue set them at one agayne, and sayde: Syrs, ye are brethren, why hurte ye one another?
7:27 but he that did his neghbour wronge/ thrust hym awaye sayinge: Who made the a ruelar ād a iudge amonge vs? But he that dyd his neghbour wronge/ thrust him awaye sayinge: who made ye a rular & a iudge amonge vs? But he that dyd his neighbour wronge/ thrust him awaye sayinge: who made the a ruler & a iudge amonge vs? But he that dyd his neghboure wronge, thrust him awaye, and sayde: Who made the a ruler and iudge ouer vs?
7:28 What wilt thou kill me/ as thou diddest the egipciā yester daye? What/ wilt thou kyll me/ as thou dyddest the Egyptian yester daye? What/ wilt thou kyll me/ as thou dyddest the Egypcian yester daye? Wilt thou slaye me also, as thou slewest the Egipcian yesterdaye?
7:29 Then fleed Moses at that worde/ and was a stranger in the londe off Madian/ Where he begat two sonnes. Then fleed Moses at that sayenge/ & was a stranger in the londe of Madian/ where he begat two sonnes. Then fleed Moses at that sayinge/ & was a stranger in the londe of Madian/ where he begat two sonnes. But Moses fled at that sayenge, and was a straunger in the lande of Madian, where he begat two sonnes.
7:30 When .xl. yeares were expired/ there apered to hym in the wildernes of mounte Sina the angell off the Lorde in a flam off fyre in a busshe. And when .xl. yeares were expired/ ther appered to him in the wyldernes of mounte Syna an angell of the Lorde in a flamme of fyre in a busshe. And when .xl. yeares were expired/ ther appered to him in the wyldernes of mounte Syna/ an angell of the Lorde in a flamme of fyre in a busshe. And after fourtye yeares, the angell of ye LORDE appeared vnto him vpon mount Sina, in a flamme of fyre in a busshe.
7:31 When Moses sawe itt he wondred at the sight/ and drue neare to beholde it. And the voyce off the Lorde spake vnto hym: When Moses sawe it/ he wondred at the syght. And as he drue neare to beholde/ the voyce of the Lorde came vnto him: When Moses sawe it/ he wondred at the sight. And as he drue neare to beholde/ the voyce of the Lorde came vnto him: Whā Moses sawe it, he wondred at the sighte. But as he drue nye to beholde, ye voyce of ye LORDE came vnto him:
7:32 I am the God of thy fathers/ the God of Abrahā/ the God of Isaac and the God off Iacob. Moses trempled and durst not beholde. I am ye God of thy fathers/ the God of Abraham/ the God of Isaac/ & the God of Iacob. Moses trembled & durst not beholde. I am the God of thy fathers/ the God of Abraham/ the God of Isaac/ & the God of Iacob. Moses trembled & durst not beholde. I am the God of thy fathers, the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Iacob. Howbeit Moses trēbled, and durst not beholde.
7:33 Then sayde the Lorde to hym Putt off thy shewes from thy fete/ for the place where thou stondest is holy grounde. Then sayde ye Lorde to him: Put of thy showes from thy fete/ for the place where thou stondest/ is holy grounde. Then sayde the Lorde to him: Put of thy showes from thy fete/ for the place where thou stondest is holy grounde. But ye LORDE sayde vnto hī: Put of thy shues from thy fete, for ye place where thou stondest, is an holy grounde.
7:34 I have perfectly sene the affliccion off my people whych is in Egipte/ and I have herde theyr gronynge/ and am come doune to deliver them. And nowe come and I will sende the into Egipte. I have perfectly sene the affliccion of my people which is in Egypte/ and I have hearde their gronynge/ and am come doune to delyver them. And now come and I will sende the into Egypte. I haue perfectly sene the affliccion of my people which is in Egypte and I haue hearde their groninge/ and am come doune to deliuer them. And now come and I will sende the into Egypte. I haue well sene the trouble of my people in Egipte, and haue herde their gronynge, and am come downe to delyuer them. And now come, I wil sende the in to Egipte.
7:35 The same Moses whom they forsoke sayinge: who made the a ruelar and a iudge: God sent bothe a ruelar and a deliverer/ by the hondes of the angell which apered to hym in the bousshe This Moses whom they forsoke sayinge: who made the a ruelar and a iudge: the same God sent bothe a ruler & delyverer/ by ye hondes of the angell which appered to him in the busshe. This Moses whom they forsoke sayinge: who made the a ruler and a iudge: the same God sent bothe a ruler and a deliuerer/ by the hondes of the angell which appered to him in the busshe. This Moses, whom they refused, and sayde: Who made ye a ruler and iudge ouer vs? him had God sent to be a ruler & delyuerer by the hande of the angell, that appeared vnto him in the busshe.
7:36 This man brought them outt shewynge wonders and signes in Egipte/ and in the reed see/ and in the wildernes xl. yeares. And the same brought them out shewynge wonders & signes in Egypte/ & in the reed see & in the wyldernes .xl. yeares. And the same brought them out/ shewinge wondres & signes in Egypt/ & in the reed see & in the wyldernes .xl. yeares. The same broughte them out, and dyd wonders and tokens in Egipte, and in the reed see, and in ye wyldernesse fourtye yeares.
7:37 This is that Moses which sayde vnto the chyldren off Israhell: A prophet shall youre lorde God rayse vp vnto you of youre brethren lyke vnto me/ hym shall ye heare. This is that Moses which sayde vnto the chyldrē of Israel: A Prophet shall the Lorde youre God rayse vp vnto you of youre brethren lyke vnto me/ him shall ye heare. This is that Moses which sayde vnto the chyldrē of Israel: A Prophet shall the Lorde youre God rayse vp vnto you of youre brethren/ lyke vnto me/ him shall ye heare. This is that Moses, which sayde vnto the children of Israel: A prophet shal the LORDE youre God rayse vp vnto you euen from amonge youre brethren, like vnto me. Him shal ye heare.
7:38 This is he that was in the cōgregacion/ in the wildernes with the angell which spake to him in the mounte Syna. and with oure fathers. Thys man receaved the worde of lyfe to geve vnto vs/ This is he that was in ye congregacion/ in the wyldernes with the angell which spake to him in ye moūte Syna/ & with oure fathers. This man receaved the worde of lyfe to geve vnto vs/ This is he that was in the congregaciō/ in the wyldernes with the angell which spake to him in the mounte Syna/ and with oure fathers. This mā receaued the worde of lyfe to geue vnto vs/ This is he, that was in the congregacion in the wyldernesse with the angell, which talked with him, vpō mount Sina, and with oure fathers. This man receaued the worde of life to geue vnto vs,
7:39 to whom oure fathers wolde not obeye: But cast it from them/ and in their hertes turned backe agayne into Egypte/ to whō oure fathers wolde not obeye but cast it from them/ & in their hertes turned backe agayne into Egypte/ to whō oure fathers coulde not obeye/ but cast it frō thē/ & in their hertes turned backe agayne into Egypte/ vnto whom oure fathers wolde not be obediēt, but thrust him frō thē, and in their hertes turned backe agayne in to Egipte,
7:40 sayinge vnto Aaron: Make vs goddes to goo before vs. For we wote nott what is be come of this Moses that brought vs out of the londe off Egipte. sayinge vnto Aaron: Make vs goddes to goo before vs. For this Moses that brought vs out of the londe of Egypte/ we wote not what is become of him. sayinge vnto aAron: Make vs goddes to go before vs. For this Moses that brought vs out of the londe of Egypte/ we wote not wat is become of him. and sayde vnto Aaron: Make vs goddes to go before vs, for we can not tell what is become of this Moses, yt broughte vs out of the lande of Egipte.
7:41 And they made a calfe in those dayes/ and offered sacrifice vnto the ymage/ and reioysed in the workes of theyr awne hondes. And they made a calfe in those dayes/ & offered sacrifice vnto the ymage/ and reioysed in the workes of their awne hondes. And they made a calfe in those dayes/ & offered sacrifice vnto the ymage/ and reioysed in the workes of their awne hondes. And they made a calfe at the same tyme, and offred sacrifice vnto the ymage, and reioysed in the workes of their awne handes.
7:42 Then God turned hym silfe/ and gave them vp/ that they shulde worshipp the starres of the skye/ as it is written in the boke of the prophetſ: O ye off the housse off Israhell: have ye geven vnto me offerynges or sacrifice/ by the space off xl. yeares in the wildernes? Then God turned him selfe/ & gave them vp/ that they shuld worship the starres of the skye/ as it is written in the boke of the prophetes. O ye of ye housse of Israel/ gave ye to me sacrefices & meate offerynges/ by the space of xl. yeares in the wildernes? Then God turned him selfe & gaue them vp/ that they shulde worship the starres of the skye/ as it is written in the boke of the Prophetes. O ye of the housse of Israel/ gaue ye to me sacrifices & meate offeringes by the space of .xl. yeares in the wyldernes? But God turned himselfe, & gaue them vp, so that they worshipped the hooste of heauē, as it is wrytten in the boke of the prophetes: O ye house of Israel, gaue ye me sacrifices and catel those fortye yeares in the wyldernesse?
7:43 And ye toke vnto you the tabernacle off Moloch/ and the starre off youre god Remphan/ figures which ye made to worshippe them. And I will translate you beyonde Babilon. And ye toke vnto you the tabernacle of Moloch/ and the starre of youre god Remphan/ figures which ye made to worshippe them. And I will translate you beyonde Babylon. And ye toke vnto you the tabernacle of Moloch/ & the starre of youre god Remphan/ figures which ye made to worshippe them. And I will translate you beyonde Babylon. And ye toke vnto you ye tabernacle of Moloch, and the starre of youre god Remphan, ymages which ye youre selues made to worshippe thē. And I wil cast you out beyonde Babilon.
7:44 Oure fathers had the tabernacle of testimony in wildernes/ as he had apoynted them speakynge vnto Moses/ that he shulde make it acordynge to the fassion that he had sene/ Oure fathers had the tabernacle of witnes in ye wyldernes/ as he had apoynted thē speakynge vnto Moses/ that he shuld make it acordynge to the fassion that he had sene. Oure fathers had the tabernacle of witnes in the wyldernes/ as he had apoynted them speakinge vnto Moses/ that he shuld make it accordinge to the fassion that he had sene. Oure fathers had the tabernacle of witnesse in ye wyldernesse, like as he appoynted them, whan he spake vnto Moses, that he shulde make it (acordinge to the patrone, yt he had sene.)
7:45 which tabernacle oure fathers receaved/ and brought it in with Iosue into the possession of the gentyls/ which gentyls god drave out before the face of oure fathers vnto the tyme of David/ Which tabernacle oure fathers receaved/ & brought it in with Iosue into the possession of the gentyls which God drave out before the face of oure fathers vnto the tyme of David/ Which tabernacle oure fathers receaued/ and brought it in with Iosue into the possession of the Gentyls which God drawe out before the face of oure fathers vnto the tyme of Dauid. which oure fathers also receaued, and brought it with Iosue into the londe that the Heythē had in possession, whom God droue out before the face of oure fathers, vntyll the tyme of Dauid,
7:46 which founde favour before god/ ād desired that he myght fynde a tabernacle for the God off Iacob. which founde favour before God/ & desyred that he myght fynde a tabernacle for the God of Iacob. Which founde fauour before God/ & wolde fayne haue made a tabernacle for the God of Iacob. which founde fauoure with God, and desyred that he might fynde a tabernacle for the God of Iacob.
7:47 And Solomon bylt hym an housse. But Salomon bylt him an housse. But Salomon bylt him an house. But Salomon buylte hī an house.
7:48 But he that is hyest of all dweleth not in temples made with hondes/ as sayth the prophete: How be it he that is hyest of all/ dwelleth not in tēple made with hondes/ as saith the Prophete: How be it he that is hyest of all/ dwelleth not in tēples made with hondes/ as sayth the Prophete: Howbeit ye Hyest of all dwelleth not in temples that are made with handes: As he sayeth by the prophete:
7:49 Heven is my seate/ and erth is my fote stole/ what housse will ye bylde for me sayth the lorde? or what is my restynge place? Heven is my seate/ and erth is my fote stole/ what housse will ye bylde for me sayth the Lorde? or what place is it that I shuld rest in? Heauē is my seate/ and erth is my fote stole/ what housse will ye bylde for me sayth the Lorde? or what place is it that I shulde rest in? Heauē is my seate, and the earth is my fote stole. What house then wil ye buylde vnto me? sayeth the LORDE: Or which is the place of my rest?
7:50 hath nott my honde made all these thynges? hath not my honde made all these thinges? hath not my honde made all these thinges? Hath not my hande made all these thinges?
7:51 Ye stiffenecked ād of vncircumcised hertes ād eares: ye have all wayes resisted agaynste the holy goost: as youre fathers did/ so do ye. Ye stiffenecked & of vncircumcised hertes and eares: ye have all wayes resisted the holy goost: as youre fathers dyd/ so do ye. Ye stiffenecked & of vncircumcised hertes and eares: ye haue all wayes resisted the holy goost: as youre fathers dyd/ so do ye. Ye styffnecked & of vncircumcysed hertes and eares, ye allwaye resiste the holy goost: Euē as yor fathers dyd, so do ye also.
7:52 Which off the prophetes have not youre fathers persecuted? And they have slayne them/ which shewed before off the cōmynge off that iust/ whom ye have betrayed and mordred. Which of the prophetes have not youre fathers persecuted? And they have slayne them/ which shewed before of the commynge of that iust/ whom ye have now betrayed and mordred. Which of the Prophetes haue not youre fathers persecuted? And they haue slayne them/ which shewed before of the comminge of that yust/ whom ye haue now betrayed and mordred. Which of the prophetes haue not yor fathers persecuted? And they slewe thē, which tolde before of the comynge of ye righteous, whose traytours and murthurers ye are now become.
7:53 And ye also have receaved a lawe by the ordinaunce off angels/ and have not kept itt. And ye also have receaved a lawe by the ordinaunce of angels/ and have not kept it. And ye also haue receaued a lawe by the ordinaunce of angels/ and haue not kept it. Ye receaued the lawe by the mynistracion of angels, and haue not kepte it.
7:54 When they herde these thynges/ their hertes clove a sunder/ and they gnasshed on hym with their tethe. When they hearde these thinges/ their hertes clave a sunder/ and they gnasshed on him with their tethe. When they hearde these thinges/ their hertes claue a sunder and they gnasshed on him with their tethe. Whan they herde this, it wente thorow ye hertes of thē, and they gnasshed vpō him with their tethe.
7:55 He beynge full of the holy goost loked vp with his eyes into heven and sawe the maieste off God/ and Iesus stondynge on the ryght honde of god/ But he beynge full of the holy goost/ loked vp stedfastlye with his eyes into heven & sawe the glorie of God/ & Iesus stondynge on the ryght honde of God/ But he beinge full of the holy goost/ loked vp stedfastlye with his eyes in to heauen/ & sawe the glorie of God/ & Iesus stondinge on the ryght honde of God But he beynge full of the holy goost, loked vp towarde heauen, and sawe the glorye of God, and Iesus stōdinge on the righte hande of God,
7:56 and sayde: loo/ I se the hevens open/ and the sonne off man stonde on the ryght honde of god. & sayde: beholde/ I se the hevens open/ & the sonne of man stondynge on the ryght honde of god. & sayde: beholde/ I se the heauēs open/ & the sonne of man stondinge on the ryght honde of God. and sayde: Beholde, I se the heauens open, and the sonne of mā stondinge on ye righte honde of God.
7:57 Then they gave a shute with a loude voyce/ and stopped their eares and ranne apon hym all at once/ Then they gave a shute with a loude voyce/ and stopped their eares and ranne apon him all at once/ Then they gaue a shute with a loude voyce/ & stopped their eares and ranne vpon him all at once/ But they cried out with a loude voyce, & stopped their eares, and rāne violently vpon him all at once,
7:58 and caste hym out off the cite/ and stoned hym. And the witnesses layde doune their clothes att a yonge mannes fete named Saul. and caste him out of the cite/ & stoned him. And the witnesses layde doune their clothes at a yonge mannes fete named Saul. & cast him out of the cite/ & stoned him. And the witnesses layde doune their clothes at a yonge manes fete named Saul. and thrust him out of the cite, and stoned him. And ye witnesses layed downe their clothes at the fete of a yonge man, which was called Saul.
7:59 And they stoned Steven callynge on and sayīge: Lorde Iesu receave my sprete. And they stoned Steven callynge on and sayinge: Lorde Iesu receave my sprete. And they stoned Steuen callinge on & sayinge: Lorde Iesu receaue my sprete. And they stoned Steuen, which cryed, & sayde: LORDE Iesu, receaue my sprete.
7:60 And he kneled doune and cryed with a loude voyce: lorde impute not this synne vnto them/ For they wote not what they do. And whē he had thus spoken he fell a slepe. And he kneled doune and cryed with a loude voyce: Lorde laye not this synne to their charge. And when he had thus spoken/ he fell a slepe. And he kneled doune and cryed with a loude voyce: Lorde laye not this synne to their charge. And when he had thus spoken/ he fell a slepe. And he kneled downe, & cried with a loude voyce: LORDE, laye not this synne to their charge. And whā he had thus spoken, he fell a slepe.