Acts: Chapter 20

Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
20:1 AFter the rage was ceased/ Paul called the disciples vnto hym/ and toke his leave off them/ and departed for to goo into Macedonia. AFter the rage was ceased/ Paul called the disciples vnto him/ & toke his leave of them/ & departed for to goo into Macedonia. AFter the rage was ceased/ Paul called the disciples vnto him/ & toke his leaue of thē/ & departed for to go into Macedonia. NOw whan the vproure was ceassed, Paul called the disciples vnto him, and toke his leue of them, and departed to go in to Macedonia.
20:2 And whē he had gone over those parties/ ād geven them large exhortacions/ he cam into grece And when he had gone over those parties/ and geven them large exhortacions/ he came into Grece/ And when he had gone ouer those parties/ & geuē them large exhortacions/ he came into Grece/ And whan he had gone thorow those partes, and exhorted them with many wordes, he came in to Grekelonde,
20:3 And there abode .iij. monethes. When the iewes layde wayte for hym as he was aboutt to sayle into Syria/ He purposed to returne therowe Macedonia. and there abode .iii. monethes. And when the Iewes layde wayte for him as he was about to sayle into Syria/ he purposed to returne thorowe Macedonia. & there abode .iij. monethes. And when the Iewes layde wayte for him as he was about to sayle into Syria he purposed to returne thorowe Macedonia. and there abode thre monethes. But whan the Iewes layed wayte for him, as he was aboute to sayle in to Syria, he purposed to turne agayne thorow Macedonia.
20:4 There acompanied hym into Asia Sopater of Beroen: And of Tessalonia Aristarcus and Secundus/ and Gaius of Derba/ and Timotheus: Out of Asia Tichicus/ ād Trophimos. Ther acompanied him into Asia/ Sopater of Berrea/ and of Thessalonia Aristarcus & Secundus/ & Gayus of Derba/ & Timotheus: and out of Asia Tychicus and Trophimos. Ther acōpanied him into Asia/ Sopater of Berrea/ and of Thessalonia Aristarcus and Secundus/ & Gayus of Derba/ and Timotheus: and out of Asia Tychicus and Trophimos. There accompanied him in to Asia, Sopater of Berrea: and of Thessalonica, Aristarchus and Secundus: and Gaius of Derba, and Timotheus: but of Asia, Tychicus and Trophimus.
20:5 These went before/ ād taried vs at Troas These went before/ and taryed vs at Troas. These went before/ and taried vs at Troas. These wente before, and taried for vs at Troada:
20:6 We sayled awaye from Philippos after the ester holidayes/ and cam vnto them to Troas in five dayes/ and there abode seven dayes. And we sayled awaye frō Philippos after the ester holydayes/ & came vnto them to Troas in five dayes/ where we abode seven dayes. And we sayled awaye from Philippos after the ester holydayes/ and came vnto them to Troas in fyue dayes/ where we abode seuen dayes. but we sayled after the Easter dayes from Philippos, vnto ye fyfth daye, and came to them vnto Troada, and taried there seuen dayes.
20:7 On a saboth daye the disciples cam to gedger forto breake breed/ and Paul preached vnto them (redy to departe on the morowe) and continued his preachynge vnto mydnyght. And on the morowe after the saboth daye the disciples came to geder for to breake breed and Paul preached vnto them (redy to departe on the morowe) & cōtinued the preachynge vnto mydnyght. And on the morowe after the Saboth daye the Disciples came to gether for to breake breed/ & Paul preached vnto them (redy to departe on the morowe) & cōtinued the preachinge vnto midnyght. Vpon one of the Sabbathes, whan the disciples came together to breake bred, Paul preached vnto them, wyllinge to departe on the morow, and contynued the preachinge vnto mydnight.
20:8 There were many lightes in the chamber where we were gaddered to gedder/ And there were many lyghtes in the chamber where thy were gaddered to geder/ And ther were many lightes in the chamber where thy were gaddered to gether/ And there were many lightes in the chamber, where they were gathered together.
20:9 and there sate in a wyndowe a certayne yonge man named Eutichos/ fallen into a depe slepe. And as Paul declared he was moare overcome with slepe/ and fell doune from the thyrde lofte/ and was taken vp deed. and there sate in a wyndowe a certayne yonge man named Eutichos/ fallen into a depe slepe. And as Paul declared/ he was the moare overcome with slepe/ & fell doune from the thyrde lofte/ and was taken vp deed. and ther sate in a wyndowe a certayne yonge man named Eutichos/ fallen into a depe slepe. And as Paul declared/ he was the moare ouercome with slepe/ and fell doune frō the thyrde lofte/ & was taken vp deed. There sat a yonge man named Eutychos, in a wyndow, and fell in to a depe slepe (whyle Paul was speakinge) and was ouercome with slepe, and fell downe from the thirde lofte, and was taken vp deed.
20:10 Paul wentt doune and fell on hym/ and embrased hym/ and sayde: Make nothynge a do. For his lyfe is in hym. Paul went doune and fell on him/ and embrased him/ and sayde: make nothinge a do/ for his lyfe is in him. Paul went doune and fell on him/ & embrased him/ and sayde: make nothinge a do for his lyfe is in him. But Paul wente downe, and fell on him, and enbraced him, and sayde: Make nothinge a doo, for his soule is in hī.
20:11 When he was come vp agayne/ he brake breed/ and tasted/ and commened a longe whyle evē till the mornynge/ ād soo departed. When he was come vp agayne/ he brake breed/ and tasted/ and comened a longe whyle even tyll the mornynge/ and so departed. When he was come vp agayne/ he brake breed/ and tasted/ and comened a longe while euen tyll the morninge/ and so departed. Then wente he vp, and brake the bred, and ate, and talked moch with thē, tyll the daye brake, and so departed.
20:12 They brought the yonge man a live/ and were nott alitell conforted. And they brought the yoūge man a lyve/ and were not alytell comforted. And thy brought the younge man a lyue/ and were not a lytell comforted. As for the yōge man, they broughte him alyue, and were not a litle conforted.
20:13 Then toke we shippynge/ and departed vnto Asson/ there to receave Paul. For soo had he apoynted/ and wolde hym silfe goo be londe. And we went a fore to shippe and lowsed vnto Asson/ there to receave Paul. For so had he apoynted/ and wolde him selfe goo a fote. And we went a fore to shyppe/ and lowsed vnto Asson there to receaue Paul. For so had he apoynted/ and wolde him selfe go a fote. But we wente afore in to the shippe, and sayled towarde Asson, wyllinge there to receaue Paul. For so had he appoynted, and wolde himselfe go on fote.
20:14 Whē he was come to vs vnto Assō/ we toke hym in/ and cam to Mittilenes. When he was come to vs vnto Asson/ we toke him in/ & came to Mytelenes. When he was come vnto vs to Asson/ we toke him in/ & came to Mytilenes. Whan he was come to vs vnto Asson, we toke him in, and came to Mitylenes,
20:15 and sayled thence/ and cam the nexte day over agaynst Chios. And the day folowynge we aryved at Samos/ and taryed at Trogiliō. The nexte daye we cam to Mileton. And we sayled thence/ and came the nexte daye over agaynst Chios. And the nexte daye we aryved at Samos/ and taryed at Trogilion. The nexte daye we came to Myleton: And we sayled thence/ and came the nexte daye ouer agaynst Chios. And the nexte daye we ariued at Samos/ & taryed at Trogilion. The nexte daye we came to Myleton: and sayled from thence, and came on the nexte daye ouer agaynst Chios, and on the daye folowinge we aryued at Samos, and taried at Tragilion, and on the nexte daye came we to Mileton:
20:16 For Paul had determined to leave Ephesus as they sayled/ because he wolde not spende the tyme in Asia. For he hasted to be (yff itt were possible) at Ierusalē in the feaste off pentecoste. for Paul had determined to leave Ephesus as they sayled/ because he wolde not spende ye tyme in Asia. For he hasted to be (yf he coulde possible) at Ierusalem at the daye of pentecoste. for Paul had determined to leaue Ephesus as they sayled/ because he wolde not spende the tyme in Asia. For he hasted to be (yf he coulde possible) at Ierusalem at the daye of Pentecoste. for Paul had determed to sayle ouer by Ephesus, that he nede not to spende the tyme in Asia: for he haisted to be at Ierusalem vpō the Whitsondaye, yf it were possible for him.
20:17 From Mileton he sent to Ephesus/ and called the seniours off the congregacion. Wherfore from Myleton he sent to Ephesus/ & called the elders of the cōgregacion. Wherfore from Myleton he sent to Ephesus/ and called the elders of the congregacion. But from Mileton he sent vnto Ephesus, and called for the Elders of the congregacion.
20:18 When they were cōe to hym/ he sayde vnto them: Ye knowe frō the fyrst daye that I cā vnto Asia/ after what maner I have bene wyth you at all ceasons/ And when they were come to him/ he sayde vnto thē: Ye knowe frō the fyrst daye yt I came vnto Asia/ after what maner I have bene wt you at all ceasons/ And when they were come to him/ he sayd vnto them: Ye knowe from the fyrst daye that I came into Asia/ after what maner I haue bene with you at all ceasons/ Whan they were come to him, he sayde vnto them: Ye knowe sence the first daye that I came in to Asia, after what maner I haue bene with you at all tyme,
20:19 servynge God with all humblenes off mynde/ and with many teares/ and temtacions/ whiche happened vnto me by the layingſ awayte off the iewes/ servynge the lorde with all humblenes of mynde/ & with many teares/ & temptacions which happened vnto me by the layinges awayte of the Ieues/ seruinge the Lorde with all humblenes of mynde/ & with many teares/ & temptaciōs which happened vnto me by the layinges awayte of the Iewes/ and serued ye LORDE with all humblenesse of mynde, and with many teares and tentacions, which happened vnto me by ye layenges of wayte of the Iewes,
20:20 and howe I kept backe nothynge thatt myght be for youre proffet: but that I have shewed you/ and taught you openly and at home in youre houses/ & how I kept backe no thinge that was profitable: but that I have shewed you & taught you openly and at home in youre houses/ & how I kept backe no thinge that was profitable: but that I haue shewed you & taught you openly and at home in youre houses/ how yt I haue kepte backe nothinge yt was profitable, but that I haue shewed you, and taughte you openly, and priuately from house to house.
20:21 witnessynge bothe to the iewes/ and also to the grekes/ the repentaunce taward god/ and faith tawarde oure lorde Iesu. witnessinge bothe to the Iewes/ & also to the Grekes/ the repentaunce toward God/ & faith towarde oure Lorde Iesu. witnessinge bothe to the Iewes/ & also to the Grekes/ the repentaunce toward God/ & fayth toward oure lorde Iesus. And haue testifyed both vnto the Iewes & to the Grekes the repentaunce towarde God, and faith towarde oure LORDE Iesus.
20:22 And nowe beholde I goo bounde in the sprete vnto Ierusalem/ and knowe nott what shall come off me there/ And now beholde I goo bounde in the sprete vnto Ierusalem/ & knowe not what shall come on me there/ And now beholde I go bounde in the sprete vnto Ierusalem/ & knowe not what shall come on me there/ And now beholde, I go bounde in ye sprete vnto Ierusalē, not knowinge what shal happen there vnto me,
20:23 butt that the holy gost witnesseth in every cite sayinge: that bondes and trouble abyde me: but that the holy goost witnesseth in every cite sayinge: yt bondes & trouble abyde me. but that the holy goost witnesseth in euery cite sayinge: that bondes and trouble abyde me. but yt the holy goost witnesseth in euery cite, and sayeth, that bondes and troubles abyde me there.
20:24 but none of tho thinges move me. Nether is my lyfe dere vnto my silfe/ that I myght fulfill my course with ioye/ ād the ministracion which I have receaved of the lorde Iesu to testify the gospell of the grace of god. But none of tho thinges move me: nether is my lyfe dere vnto my selfe/ that I myght fulfill my course wt ioye/ & the ministraciō which I have receaved of ye Lorde Iesu/ to testify the gospell of ye grace of god. But none of those thinges moue me: nether is my lyfe dere vnto my selfe/ that I myght fulfill my course with ioye/ and the ministracion which I haue receaued of the Lorde Iesu/ to testifye the gospell of the grace of God. But I regarde none of them, nether counte I my life dearer then my selfe, that I maye fulfyll my course with ioye, and the office yt I haue receaued of the LORDE Iesu, to testifye the Gospell of the grace of God.
20:25 And nowe beholde/ I am sure that hēceforth ye all (thorow whom I have gone preachynge the kyngdom of god) shall se my face noo moore. And now beholde/ I am sure yt hence forth ye all (thorow whō I have gone preachinge ye kyngdome of God) shall se my face no moore. And now beholde/ I am sure that hēce forth ye all (thorow whom I haue gone preachinge the kyngdome of God) shall se my face no more. And now beholde, I knowe that ye shal se my face nomore, all ye, thorow whom I haue gone, and preached the kyngdome of God.
20:26 Wherfore I take you to recorde this same daye/ that I am pure from the bloud of all men. Wherfore I take you to recorde this same daye/ that I am pure frō the bloude of all mē. Wherfore I take you to recorde this same daye/ that I am pure frō the bloude of all mē. Wherfore I take you to recorde this daye, that I am pure from the bloude of all men:
20:27 For I have kepte nothynge backe: butt have shewed you all the counsell off god. For I have kepte nothinge backe: but have shewed you all the counsell of God. For I haue kepte nothinge backe: but haue shewed you all the counsell of God. For I haue kepte nothinge backe, but haue shewed you all the councell off God.
20:28 Take hede therfore vnto youre selves/ and to all the flocke/ wher of the holy gost hath made you oversears/ to rule the congregaciō of god/ which he hath purchased with his bloud. Take hede therfore vnto youre selves/ & to all the flocke/ wherof the holy goost hath made you oversears/ to rule the congregacion of God/ which he hath purchased with his bloud. Take hede therfore vnto youre selues & to all the flocke/ where of the holy goost hath made you ouer sears/ to rule the cōgregaciō of god/ which he hath purchased with his bloud. Take hede therfore vnto youre selues, and to all the flocke, amonge the which the holy goost hath set you to be Bishoppes, to fede the congregacion of God, which he hath purchaced thorow his owne bloude.
20:29 For I am sure off this/ that after my departynge shall greveous wolves entre in amonge you/ which will nott spare the flocke. For I am sure of this/ that after my departynge shall greveous wolves entre in amonge you/ which will not spare the flocke. For I am sure of this/ that after my departinge shall greueous wolues entre in amōge you/ which will not spare the flocke. For this I knowe, that after my departinge there shal enter in amonge you greuous wolues, which shal not spare the flocke.
20:30 And off youre awne selves shall men aryse speakynge perverse thynges/ to drawe disciples after them. Moreover of youre awne selves shall men aryse speakinge perverse thingſ/ to drawe disciples after thē. Morouer of youre awne selues shall mē aryse speakinge peruerse thinges to drawe disciples after thē. Yee euē from amonge youre awne selues shal men aryse, speakynge peruerse doctryne, to drawe disciples after them.
20:31 Therfore awake and remember/ that by the space of iij. yeares I ceased not to warne every one of you/ both nyght and daye with teares. Therfore awake & remember/ that by the space of .iii. yeares I ceased not to warne every one of you/ both nyght and daye with teares. Therfore awake & remember/ that by the space of .iij. yeares I ceased not to warne euery one of you both nyght & daye with teares. Therfore awake, and remembre, that by the space of thre yeares I ceassed not to warne euery one off you both nighte and daye with teares.
20:32 And nowe dere brethren I commende you to god and to the worde of his grace/ which is able to bylde further/ and to geve you an inheritaunce amonge all them which are sanctified. And now brethren I cōmende you to God and to the worde of his grace/ which is able to bylde further/ & to geve you an inheritaunce amōge all them which are sanctified. And now brethrē I cōmende you to God & to the worde of his grace/ which is able to bylde further/ & to geue you an inheritaūce amōge all thē which are sanctified. And now brethren I commende you vnto God, and to ye worde of his grace, which is mightie to edifye you, and to geue you the enheritaunce amōge all them that are sanctified.
20:33 I have desyred no mans silver/ golde/ or vestur/ I have desyred no mās silver/ golde/ or vesture. I haue desyred no mans siluer/ golde/ or vesture. I haue not desyred syluer, golde or rayment off eny off you.
20:34 Ye ye knowe wele that these hondes have ministred vnto my necessites/ and to them thatt were with me. Ye knowe well yt these hondes have ministred vnto my necessities/ and to them that were wt me. Ye knowe well that these hōdes haue ministred vnto my necessities/ & to thē that were with me. For ye youre selues knowe, that these handes haue mynistred vnto my necessities, and them that were with me.
20:35 I have shewed you all thyngſ/ howe that soo laborynge ye ought to receave the weake/ ād to remember the wordes off the lorde Iesu/ howe that he sayde: It is more blessed to geve/ thē to receave. I have shewed you all thingſ/ how that so laborynge ye ought to receave the weake/ & to remember the wordes of the Lorde Iesu/ howe that he sayde: It is more blessed to geve/ then to receave. I haue shewed you all thinges/ how that so laboringe ye ought to receaue the weake/ & to remēber the wordes of the Lorde Iesu/ how that he sayde: it is more blessed to geue then to receaue. I haue shewed you all thinges, how that so labouringe ye oughte to receaue the weake, and to remembre the worde of the LORDE, how that he sayde: It is more blessed to geue, then to receaue.
20:36 When he had thus spoken/ he kneled doune/ and prayed with them all. When he had thus spoken/ he kneled doune/ and prayed with them all. When he had thus spoken/ he kneled doune & prayed with thē all. And whan he had sayde this, he kneled downe, and prayed with them all.
20:37 And they wept all aboundantly/ And fell on Pauls necke/ and kissed hym And they wept all aboundantly/ and fell on Pauls necke/ & kissed him/ And they wept all aboūdantly & fell on Pauls necke/ & kissed him/ But there was moch wepynge amonge them all, and they fell aboute Pauls necke, and kyssed him,
20:38 sorowynge/ most of all/ for the wordes/ which he spake/ thatt they shulde se his face noo moore/ And they accompanied hym vnto the shippe. sorowinge most of all for the wordes which he spake/ that they shuld se his face no moore. And they acompanyed him vnto the shyppe. sorowinge most of all for the wordes which he spake/ that they shulde se his face no moore. And they acompanied him vnto the shyppe. and were sory, most of all because of the worde which he had sayde, that they shulde se his face nomore. And they accōpanied him vnto the shippe.