Romans: Chapter 16

Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
16:1 I Cōmende vnto you Phebe oure suster (which is a minister of the cōgregacion of Chencrea) I Commēde vnto you Phebe oure sister (which is a minister of the congregacion of Chenchrea) I Commende vnto you Phebe oure syster (which is a minister of the congregacion of Cenchrea) I Commende vnto you Phebe oure sister, which is a mynister of the congregacion of Cenchrea,
16:2 that ye receave her in the lorde as it becōmeth saycntſ/ and that ye assist her/ in whatsoever busines she neadeth of youre ayde. For she hath suckered many/ and myne awne silfe also. that ye receave her in the Lorde as it becommeth saynctſ/ & that ye assist her in whatsoever busynes she neadeth of youre ayde. For she hath suckered many/ & myne awne selfe also. that ye receaue her in the Lorde as it becommeth saynctes/ and that ye assyst her in whatsoeuer busynes she neadeth of youre ayde. For she hath suckered many/ and myne awne selfe. that ye receaue her in the LORDE, as it be cōmeth the sayntes, and that ye helpe her in what soeuer busynesse she hath neade off you. For she hath succoured many, and myne awne selfe also.
16:3 Grete Prisca and Aquila my helpers in Christ Iesu: Grete Prisca and Aquila my helpers in Christ Iesu/ Grete Prisca and Aquila my helpers in Christ Iesu Grete Prisca and Aquila my helpers in Christ Iesu,
16:4 which have for my lyfe layde doune their awne neckſ. vnto whom not I only geve thankſ: but also all the congregaciōs of the gentils. which have for my lyfe layde doune their awne neckſ. Vnto which not I only geve thankes but also the congregacion of the gētyls. which haue for my lyfe layde doune their awne neckes. Vnto which not I only geue thankes/ but also the congregacion of the Gentyls. which for my life haue layed downe their awne neckes: vnto whom not I onely geue thankes, but all the congregacions of the Heythen.
16:5 Lyke wyse grete all the company that is ī their housse. Salute my welbeloved Epenetos/ which is the fyrst frute amonge them of Achaia. Lyke wyse grete all the cōpany that is in thy housse. Salute my welbeloved Epenetos/ which is the fyrst frute amōge them of Achaia. Lykewyse grete the congregacion that is in their housse. Salute my welbeloued Epenetes/ which is the fyrst frute amonge them of Achaia Grete the congregacion also in their house. Salute Epenetos my beloued, which is ye first frute amōge thē of Achaia ī Christ.
16:6 Grete Mary which bestowed moche labour ō vs. Grete Mary which bestowed moche labour on vs. Grete Mary which bestowed moche labour on vs. Grete Mary, which hath bestowed moch laboure on vs.
16:7 Salute Andronicus/ and Iunia my cosyns/ which were presoners with me also/ which are wele taken amonge the apostles/ and were in Christ before me. Salute Andronicus & Iunia my cosyns/ which were presoners with me also/ which are wele taken amōge the Apostles/ & were in Christ before me. Salute Andronycus and Iunia my cosyns/ which were presoners with me also/ which are well taken amonge the Apostles/ and were in Christ before me. Salute Andronicus & Iunia my cosens, & felowe presoners, which are awncient Apostles, & were before me in Christ.
16:8 Grete Amplias my beloved in the lorde. Grete Amplias my beloved in ye Lorde. Grete Amplias my beloued in the Lorde. Grete Amplias my beloued in ye LORDE.
16:9 Salute Vrbā oure helper in Christ/ ād Stachys my beloved. Salute Vrban oure helper in Christ/ and Stachys my beloved. Salute Vrban oure helper in Christ/ and Stachys my beloued. Salute Vrban or helper in Christ, & Stachis my beloued.
16:10 Salute Apellas approved in Christ. Salute thē which are of Aristobolus houssholde. Salute Appelles approved in Christ. Salute them which are of Aristobolus housholde. Salute Appelles approued in Christ. Salute them which are of Aristobolus housholde. Salute Apelles approued in Christ. Salute them which are of Aristobolus housholde.
16:11 Salute Herodiō my kynsmā. Grete them of the housholde of Narcissus which are ī the lorde. Salute Herodion my kynsmā. Grete them of the housholde of Narcissus which are in the Lorde. Salute Herodion my kynsman. Grete them of the housholde of Narcyssus which are in the Lorde. Salute Herodion my kynssman. Grete thē which are of Narcissus housholde in the LORDE
16:12 Salute Triphena ād Triphosa/ which wemen labour in the lorde. Salute the beloved Persis/ which laboured moch in the lorde. Salute Triphena & Triphosa/ which wemen dyd labour in ye Lorde. Salute ye beloved Persis/ which laboured in the Lorde. Salute Triphena and Triphosa/ which wemen dyd labour in the Lorde. Salute the beloued Persis/ which laboured moche in the Lorde. Salute Tryphena & Tryphosa, which haue laboured in ye LORDE. Salute my beloued Persida, which hath laboured moch & ye LORDE.
16:13 Salute Rufus chosen in the lorde/ and his mother and myne. Salute Rufus chosen tn the Lorde/ & his mother & myne. Salute Rufus chosen in the Lorde/ and his mother and myne. Salute Ruffus ye chosen in ye LORDE: & his mother & myne.
16:14 Grete Asincritus/ Phlegon/ Hermas/ Patrobas/ Mercurius/ and the brethren which are with them. Grete Asincritus/ Phlegon/ Herman/ Patrobas/ Hermen/ & the brethren which are wt them. Grete Asincritus/ Phlegon/ Herman/ Patrobas/ Hermen/ and the brethren which are with them. Grete Asyncritus, Phlegō, Herman, Patrobas, Hermen, & ye brethrē wt thē.
16:15 Salute Philologus and Iulia/ Nereus and his sister/ and Olimpha/ and all the saynctſ which are with them. Salute Philologus & Iulia/ Nereus & his sister/ & Olimpha/ & all the saynctes which are with them. Salute Philologus and Iulia/ Nereus and his syster/ & Olimpha/ and all the saynctes which are with them. Salute Philologus & Iulia, Nerius & his sister, & Olympa, & all the sayntes. wt thē
16:16 Salute won another amonge youre selves with an holy kysse. The congregacions of Christ salute you. Salute one another with an holy kysse. The congregacions of Christ salute you. Salute one another with an holy kysse. The congregacions of Christ salute you. Salute one another wt an holy kysse. The cōgregacions of Christ salute you.
16:17 I beseche you brethrē marke them which cause division/ and geve occasions of evill contrary to the doctryne which ye have learned: and avoyde them. I beseche you brethrē/ marke them which cause division & geve occasions of evyll/ contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned: & avoyde them. I beseche you brethren/ marke them which cause diuision and geue occasions of euyll/ contrary to the doctrine which ye haue learned: and auoyde them. I beseke you brethren, marke them which cause deuysion & geue occasions of euell, contrary to ye doctryne which ye haue learned, & avoyde them.
16:18 For they that are suche serve nott the lorde Iesus Christ: but their one bellyes. And by swete preachyngſ ād flatterynge wordes deceave the hertes of the innocētes: For they yt are suche serve not ye Lorde Iesus Christ: but their awne bellyes/ & with swete preachingſ & flatteringe wordes deceave the hertes of the innocētes. For they that are suche/ serue not the Lorde Iesus Christ: but their awne bellyes/ & with swete preachinges and flatteringe wordes deceaue the hertes of the innocentes. For they yt are soch, serue not the LORDE Iesu Christ, but their awne belly: & thorow swete preachinges & flateringe wordes, they disceaue ye hertes of ye innocentes.
16:19 for youre obedience ys spoken off amonge all men. I am glad no dout off you. But yet I wolde have you wyse vnto that which is good. And to be innocent as concernynge evyll. For youre obedience extendeth to all men. I am glad no dout of you. But yet I wolde have you wyse vnto yt which is good/ & to be innocētes concerninge evyll. For youre obedience extendeth to all men. I am glad no dout of you. But yet I wolde have you wyse vnto that which is good/ & to be innocente as cōcerninge euyll. For youre obedience is published amonge all men, therfore am I glad of you. But yet I wolde haue you wyse in that which is good, & symple in euell.
16:20 The God off peace shall treade Satan vnder youre fete in shorte tyme. The grace off oure lorde Iesu Christ be with you. The God of peace treade Satan vnder youre fete shortly. The grace of oure Lorde Iesu Christ be with you. The God of peace treade Satan vnder youre fete shortly. The grace of oure Lorde Iesu Christ be with you. The God of peace treade Sathan vnder yor fete shortly. The grace of or LORDE Iesu Christ be with you
16:21 Thimotheus my worke felow/ and Lucius/ and Iason/ and Sopater/ my kynsmen salute you. Thimotheus my worke felow/ & Lucius & Iason & Sopater my kynsmen/ salute you. Timotheus my worke felow/ and Lucius and Iason and Sopater my kynsmen/ salute you. Timotheus my helper, & Lucius, & Iason, & Sopater my kynsmē salute you.
16:22 I Tercius salute you/ which wrote thys epistle in the lorde. I Tertius salute you/ which wrote this epistle in the Lorde. I Tertius salute you/ which wrote this epistle in the Lorde. I Tertius which haue writtē this epistle in ye LORDE, salute you
16:23 Gaius myn hoste and the hoste off all the congregacions/ saluteth you. Erastus saluteth you/ the chamberlayne off the cite. And Quartus a brother/ saluteth you. Gaius myne hoste & the hoste of all the congregacions/ saluteth you. Erastus the chamberlayne of ye cite saluteth you. And Quartus a brother saluteth you. Gayus myne hoste and the hoste of all the congregacions/ saluteth you. Erastus the chamberlayne of the cite saluteth you. And Quartus a brother saluteth you. Gaius myne ooste & ye oost of ye whole cōgregacion saluteth you. Erastus ye chāberlaine of ye cite saluteth you & Quartus a brother saluteth you.
16:24 The grace off oure lorde Iesu Christ be wyth you all Amen. The grace of oure Lorde Iesu Christ be wt you all. Amē The grace of oure Lorde Iesu Christ be with you all: Amen. The grace of or LORDE Iesu Christ be wt you all Amē,
16:25 To hym thatt is off power to stablysshe you accordynge to my gospell/ wher with I preache Iesus Christ/ in openynge off the mistery which was kept closse sence the worloe began/ To him that is of power to stablisshe you accordinge to my gospell & preachinge of Iesus Christ/ in vtteringe of the mistery which was kept secret sence the worlde begāne/ To him that is of power to stablisshe you accordynge to my gospell and preachynge of Iesus Christ/ in vtteringe of the mystery which was kept secret sence the worlde beganne/ To him yt is of power to stablyshe you, acordinge to my Gospell & preachinge of Iesu Christ, wherby is vttered ye mystery which hath bene kepte secrete, sence ye worlde begāne,
16:26 and nowe is openned at thys tyme ād declared in the scripturs of prophesy/ by the commaundemēt of the everlastynge god/ to stere vppe obedience to the faythe publisshed amōge all naciōs: but now is opened by ye scriptures of prophesie/ at the commaundement of the everlastinge god/ to stere vp obedience to the faith publisshed amonge all nacions: but now is opened by the scriptures of prophesie/ at the commaundement of the euerlastynge God/ to stere vp obedience to the fayth/ publisshed amonge all nacions: but now is opened, & shewed by the scriptures of ye prophetes, at the cōmaundemēt of the euerlastinge God, to set vp ye obediēce of the faith amonge all Heythen:
16:27 To the same god/ whych alone is wise/ be prayse thorowe Iesus Christ for ever Amē. To the same God/ which alone is wyse/ be prayse thorowe Iesus Christ for ever. Amen. To the same God/ which alone is wyse/ be prayse thorowe Iesus Christ for euer. Amen. to the same God, which alone is wyse, be prayse thorow Iesus Christ for euer, Amen.
END To the Romayns. Sent from Chorinthum by Phebe/ she thatt was the minister vnto the congregacion at Chenchrea. To the Romayns. Sent from Chorinthum by Phebe/ she that was the minister vnto the congregacion at Chenchrea. To the Romayns. Sent from Corinthum by Phebe/ she that was the minister vnto the congregacion at Cenchrea. To the Romaynes. Sent from Corinthum, by Phebe, which was a mynister of the congregacion at Cenchrea.