Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
13:1 | LEt every soule submitt hym sylfe vnto the auctoritie off the hyer powers. There is no power but of God. | LEt every soule submit him selfe vnto the auctorite of ye hyer powers. For there is no power but of God. | LEt euery soule submyt him selfe vnto the auctorite of the hyer powers. For there is no power but of God. | LEt euery soule submytte him selfe to the auctorite off the hyer powers. For there is no power but of God. |
13:2 | The powers that be/ are ordeyned off God. Whosoever therfore resysteth power/ resisteth the ordinaunce off God. They that resist/ shall receave to them silfe damnacion. | The powers that be/ are ordeyned of God. Whosoever therfore resysteth power/ resisteth the ordinaunce of God. And they that resist/ shall receave to thē selfe damnaciō. | The powers that be/ are ordeyned of God. Who soeuer therfore resisteth power/ resisteth the ordinaunce of God. And they that resist/ shall receaue to them selfe damnacion. | The powers that be, are ordeyned of God: so that who so euer resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinaunce of God. And they that resiste, shal receaue to them selues dānacion. |
13:3 | For ruelars are nott to be feared for good workſ but for evyll. Wilt thou be with out feare of the power? Do wele then: and so shalt thou be praysed off the same. | For rulars are not to be feared for good workes/ but for evyll Wilt thou be with out feare of the power? Do well then: and so shalt thou be praysed of the same. | For rulers are not to be feared for good workes/ but for euyll. Wilt thou be with out feare of the power? Do well then: & so shalt thou be praysed of the same. | For rulers are not to be feared for good workes, but for euell. Yf thou wilt be without feare off the power, do well then, and thou shalt haue prayse of the same: |
13:4 | For he is the minister of god/ for thy welth. Butt and yff thou do evyll/ then feare. for he beareth not a swearde for nought. for he is the minister off god/ to take vengeaunce on them that do evyll. | For he is the minister of God/ for thy welth. But & yf thou do evyll/ then feare: for he beareth not a swearde for nought: but is the minister of God/ to take vengeaunce on them that do evyll. | For he is the minister of God/ for thy welth. But & yf thou do euyll/ then feare: for he beareth not a swearde for nought: but is the minister of God/ to take vengeaunce on them that do euyll. | for he is the minister off God for thy wealth. But yff thou do euell, then feare, for he beareth not the swerde for naughte. For he is the mynister of God, a taker of vengeaunce, to punyshe him that doth euell. |
13:5 | Wherfore ye must nedes obey/ nott for feare off vengeaunce only: but also be cause of cōscience. | Wherfore ye must nedes obeye/ not for feare of vengeaunce only: but also because of conscience. | Wherfore ye must nedes obeye/ not for feare of vengeaunce only: but also because of conscience. | Wherfore ye must nedes obeye, not onely for punyshmēt, but also because of conscience. |
13:6 | Even for this cause paye ye tribute. For they are goddes ministers/ servynge for the same purpose. | And even for this cause paye ye tribute. For they are goddſ ministers/ servynge for the same purpose. | And euē for this cause paye ye tribute. For they are Goddes ministers/ seruinge for the same purpose. | For this cause must ye geue trybute also. For they are Gods mynisters, which māteyne ye same defence. |
13:7 | Geve to every man therfore his duetie: Tribute to whom tribute belongeth: Custom to whō custom is due: feare to whom feare belongeth: honoure to whō honoure pertayneth. | Geve to every man therfore his duetie: Tribute to whom tribute belongeth: Custome to whom custome is due: feare to whom feare belongeth: Honoure to whō honoure pertayneth | Geue to euery man therfore his duetie: Tribute to whom tribute belongeth: Custome to whom custome is due: feare to whom feare belongeth: honoure to whō honoure pertayneth. | Geue to euery man therfore his dutye: tribute, to whom tribute belongeth: custome, to whom custome is due: feare, to whom feare belongeth: honoure, to whom honoure pertayneth. |
13:8 | Owe no thinge to eny man: but to lowe one another. For he that loveth anotber/ fulfilleth the lawe. | Owe nothinge to eny man: but to love one another. For he that loveth another/ fulfylleth the lawe. | Owe nothinge to eny man: but to loue one another. For he that loueth another/ fulfilleth the lawe. For these commaundementes: | Owe nothinge to eny man, but to loue one another. For he that loueth another, hath fulfylled the lawe. |
13:9 | For these cōmaundementſ: Thou shalt not committ advoutry: Thou shalt nott kill: Thou shalt nott steale: Thou shalt not beare falce witnes: Thou shalt nott desyre: and so forth yf there be eny other commaundement/ are all comprehended in this sayinge: Love thyne neghbour as thy silfe. | For these commaundementes: Thou shalt not cōmit advoutry: Thou shalt not kyll: Thou shalt not steale: Thou shalt not beare false witnes: Thou shalt not desyre and so forth (yf there be eny other cōmaundement) they are all comprehended in this sayinge: Love thyne neghbour as thy selfe. | Thou shalt not cōmit aduoutry: Thou shalt not kyll: Thou shalt not steale: Thou shalt not beare false witnes: Thou shalt not desyre and so forth (yf there be eny other cōmaundement) they are all comprehended in this sayinge: Loue thyne neighbour as thy selfe. | For where it is sayde: (Thou shalt not breake wedlocke: thou shalt not kyll: thou shalt not steale: thou shalt not beare false witnesse: thou shalt not lust) and yf there be eny other commaundement, it is comprehēded in this worde: Thou shalt loue thy neghboure as thy selfe. |
13:10 | Love hurteth nott his neghbour: therfore is love the fulfillynge off the lawe. | Love hurteth not his neghbour. Therfore is love the fulfillynge of the lawe. | Loue hurteth not his neigbour. Therfore is loue the fulfillinge of the lawe. | Loue doth his neghboure no euell. Therfore is loue ye fulfillynge of the lawe. |
13:11 | This also we knowe/ I meā the season/ howe that it is tyme that we shulde nowe awake oute off slepe. For nowe is oure helth nerre thē when we beleved. | This also we knowe/ I mean the season/ howe that it is tyme that we shuld now awake oute of slepe. For now is oure salvacion nearer then when we beleved. | This also we knowe/ I meane the season/ howe that it is tyme that we shuld now awake oute of slepe. For now is oure saluacion nearer then when we beleued. | And for so moch as we know this, namely the tyme that the houre is now for vs to ryse from slepe (For now is oure saluacion nearer, then whan we beleued: |
13:12 | The nyght is passed and the daye is come nye. Lett vs therfore cast awaye the dedes off darcknes/ and lett vs put on the armour off light. | The nyght is passed & the daye is come nye. Let vs therfore cast awaye the dedes of darcknes/ & let vs put on the (Armoure) of lyght. | The nyght is passed and the daye is come nye. Let vs therfore cast awaye the dedes of darcknes/ and let vs put on the (Armoure) of lyght. | the nighte is past, but the daye is come nye.) Let vs therfore cast awaye ye workes of darknesse, and put on the armoure of lighte. |
13:13 | lett vs walke honestly as it were in the daye light: nott in eatynge and drynkynge: nether in chamburynge ād wantannes: nether in stryfe ād envyinge: | Let vs walke honestly as it were in the daye lyght: not in eatynge and drinkynge: nether in chamburynge and wantannes: nether in stryfe & envyinge: | Let vs walke honestly as it were in the daye lyght: not in eatynge and drinkynge: nether in chamburynge and wantānes/ nether in stryfe & enuyinge: | Let vs walke honestly as in the daye, not in excesse off eatinge aud in dronkennesse, not in chamburynge and wantonnesse, not in stryfe and enuyenge: |
13:14 | but put ye on the lorde Iesus Christ. And make not provision for the flesshe/ to fulfill the lustes off hit. | but put ye on the Lorde Iesus Christ. And make not provision for the flesshe/ to fulfyll ye lustes of it. | but put ye on the Lorde Iesus Christ. And make not prouision for the flesshe/ to fulfyll the lustes of it. | but put ye on the LORDE Iesus Christ, and make not prouysion for ye flesh, to fulfill the lustes of it. |