Romans: Chapter 04

Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
4:1 WHat shall we saye then/ that Abraham oure father as pertayninge to the flesshe dyd fynde? VVhat shall we saye then/ that Abraham oure father as pertayninge to ye flesshe/ dyd finde? VVhat shall we saye then/ that Abraham oure father as pertayninge to the flesshe/ dyd finde? WHat shal we saye thē, that Abrahā or father as pertayninge to ye flesh dyd fynde?
4:2 Yff Abraham were iustifyed by dedes/ then hath he wher in to reioyce: butt nott with god. If Abraham were iustified by dedes/ thē hath he wherin to reioyce: but not with god. If Abrahā were iustified by dedes/ then hath he wherin to reioyce: but no with god. This we saye: Yf Abraham were made righteous thorow workes, then hath he wherin to reioyse, but not before God.
4:3 For what sayth the scripture? Abraham beleved god/ and it was counted vnto hym for rightewesnes. For what sayth the scripture? Abraham beleved god/ and it was counted vnto him for rightewesnes. For what sayth the scripture? Abrahā beleued God/ & it was counted vnto him for rightewesnes. But what sayeth ye scripture? Abrahā beleued God, & yt was counted vnto him for righteousnes.
4:4 To hym that worketh ys the rewarde nott reckened off favour: but of duety. To him that worketh/ is the rewarde not reckened of favour: but of duty. To him that worketh/ is the rewarde not reckened of fauoure: but of dutie. Vnto hī yt goeth aboute wt workes, is the rewarde not rekened of fauoure, but of dutye:
4:5 Tho him that worketh not/ but beleveth on him that iustifieth the vngodly/ is fayth counted for rightewesnes. To him that worketh not/ but beleveth on him that iustifieth the vngodly/ is his fayth counted for rightewesnes. To him that worketh not but beleueth on him that iustifieth the vngodly/ is his fayth coūted for rightewesnes. Howbeit vnto him, yt goeth not aboute with workes, but beleueth on him yt iustifieth the vngodly, is his faith counted for righteousnes.
4:6 Even as David desscribeth the blessedfulnes of a man/ vnto whom good ascrybeth rightewesnes with out dedes: Even as David describeth the blessedfulnes of the man vnto whom god ascribeth rihgtewesnes without dedes. Euen as Dauid describeth the blessedfulnes of the man vnto whom God ascribeth rightewesnes without dedes. Euen as Dauid sayeth also, that blessednes is onely that mans, vnto whō God counteth righteousnes without addinge to of workes, where he sayeth:
4:7 Blessed are they/ whose vnrightewesnes is forgeven/ and whose synnes are covered. Blessed are they/ whose vnrightewesnes are forgeven/ & whose synnes are covered. Blessed are they/ whose vnrightewesnes are forgeuē/ and whose synnes are couered. Blessed are they, whose vnrighteousnesses are forgeuen, and whose synnes are couered.
4:8 Blessed is that man to whom the lorde imputeth not synne. Blessed is that mā to whom the Lorde imputeth not synne. Blessed is that mā to whom the Lorde imputeth not synne. Blessed is the man, vnto whom the LORDE imputeth no synne.
4:9 Cam this blessednes then apon the circumcised or apon the vncircumcised? We saye verely howe that fayth was rekened to Abraham/ for rightewesnes. Came this blessednes then vpon the circumcised or vpon the vncircūcised? We saye verely how that fayth was rekened to Abraham for rightewesnes. Came this blessednes then vpon the circumcised or vpon the vncircumcised? We saye verely how that fayth was rekened to Abrahā for rightewesnes. Now this blessednes, goeth it ouer the circūcision, or ouer the vncircumcision? We must nedes graunte, yt Abrahās faith was coūted vnto hī for righteousnes.
4:10 Howe was it reckened? ī the tyme of circumcisiō? or in the tyme before he was circumcised? Not in tyme of circumcision: but whē he was yet vncircumcised. How was it rekened? in the tyme of circumcision? or in the tyme before he was circumcised? Not in tyme of circūcision: but when he was yet vncircumcised. How was it rekened? in the tyme of circumcision? or in the tyme before he was circumcised? Not in the tyme of circumcision: but when he was yet vncircumcised. How was it thē rekened vnto him? In the circūcision, or in the vncircumcision? Doutles not in the circūcision, but in the vncircumcision.
4:11 And he receaved the signe of circumcisiō as a seale of that rightewesnes whych ys by fayth/ which fayth he had yett beynge vncircumcised/ that he shulde be the father of all them that beleve/ though they be nott circumcised/ that rightewesnes myght be imputed to thē also/ And he receaved the signe of circumcision/ as a seale of yt rightewesnes which is by fayth/ which fayth he had yet beynge vncircūcised: that he shuld be the father of all them that beleve/ though they be not circumcised/ that rightewesnes myght be imputed to them also: And he receaued the signe of circūcision/ as a seale of the rightewesnes which is by fayth/ which faith he had yet beīg vncircūcised: that he shulde be the father of all thē that beleue/ though they be not circumcised/ that ryghtewesnes myght be imputed to thē also: As for the tokē of circūcision he receaued it for a seale off the righteousnes off faith, which he had yet in ye vncircūsion, yt he shulde be a father of all thē yt beleue, beinge in ye vncircūcisiō, yt it might be coūted vnto thē also for righteousnes:
4:12 And that he myght be the father of the circumcised: not be cause they are circumcised only: but be cause they walke also ī the steppes of fayth/ which was in oure father Abrahā before the tyme of circumcision. and that he myght be the father of the circumcised/ not because they are circumcised only: but because they walke also in the steppes of that fayth yt was in oure father Abraham before the tyme of circumcision. & that he might be the father of the circūcised not because they are circūcised only: but because they walke also in the steppes of that fayth that was in oure father Abrahā before the tyme of circūcision. & that he might be a father of circumcision, not onely of thē that are of ye circumcision, but of them also that walke in the fotesteppes of the faith, which was in the vncircumcision of oure father Abraham.
4:13 For the promes that he shulde be the heyre of the worlde was not geven to Abrahā/ or to hys seed thorow the lawe: but thorow the rightewesnes which cometh of fayth. For the promes that he shuld be the heyre of the worlde/ was not geven to Abrahā or to his seed thorow the lawe: but thorow ye rightewesnes which cometh of fayth. For the promes that he shulde be the heyre of the worlde/ was not geuē to Abrahā or to his seed thorow the lawe: but thorow the rightewesnes which cometh of fayth. For the promes (that he shulde be ye heyre of the worlde) was not made vnto Abraham or to his sede thorow the lawe, but thorow the righteousnes of faith.
4:14 For yf they which are of the lawe be heyres/ then is fayth butt vayne/ and the promes of none effecte. For yf they which are of the lawe/ be heyres/ then is fayth but vayne/ & the promes of none effecte. For yf they which are of the lawe/ be heyres/ then is fayth but vayne/ & the promes of none effecte. For yf they which are of the lawe be heyres, thē is faith vayne, and the promes of none effecte,
4:15 Because the lawe causeth wrathe. For where no lawe is/ there is no transgression. Because the lawe causeth wrathe. For where no lawe is/ there is no trāsgression. Because the lawe causeth wrath. For where no lawe is/ there is no trāsgression. for so moch as the lawe causeth but wrath. For where the lawe is not, there is also no transgression.
4:16 Therfore by fayth is the enheritaunce geven/ that it myght come off faveour: and that the promes myght be sure to all the seed. Not to them only which are of the lawe: but also to them which are of the fayth of Abrahā/ which is the father of vs all. Therfore by fayth is the inheritaūce geven/ that it myght come of faveour: and the promes myght be sure to all the seed. Not to them only which are of the lawe: but also to them which are of the fayth of Abraham/ which is the father of vs all. Therfore by fayth is the inheritaunce geuē/ that it myght come of fauoure: & the promes myght be sure to all the seed. Not to them only which are of the lawe: but also to them which are of the fayth of Abraham/ which is the father of vs all. Therfore was the promes made thorow fayth, that it myght come off fauoure, wherby the promesse myghte be made sure vnto all the sede: not onely vnto him which is off the lawe, but also vnto him that is of the faith of Abrahā which is the father of vs all.
4:17 As hit is written: I have ordeyned the a father to many nacions/ before God whom thou hast beleved/ which quyckeneth the deed and calleth those thyngſ which be not as though they were. As it is wrytten: I have made the a father to many nacions/ even before god whom thou hast beleved/ which quyckeneth the deed/ and called those thinges which be not/ as though they were. As it is wrytten: I haue made the a father to many nacions/ euē before God whom thou hast beleued/ which quickeneth the deed/ and called those thinges which be not/ as though they were. As it is wrytten: I haue made the a father of many Heythē before God, whom thou hast beleued: which quyckeneth the deed, and calleth it which is not, that it maye be.
4:18 Which Abraham/ contrary to hope/ beleved ī hope/ that he shulde be the father of many nacions accordynge to thatt whych was spoken: So shall thy seed be/ Which Abraham/ contrary to hope/ beleved in hope/ that he shuld be the father of many nacions/ accordynge to that which was spoken: Which Abraham/ contrary to hope/ beleued in hope/ that he shulde be the father of many nacions/ accordinge to that which was spokē: So shall thy seed be. And he beleued vpō hope, where nothinge was to hope, that he shulde be a father of many Heythen. Acordinge as it was sayde vnto him:
4:19 and he faynted nott in the fayth/ nor yet consydered hys awne boddy/ which was nowe deed/ even when he was almost an hondred yeare olde. Nether considered he the barenes off Sara. So shall thy seed be. And he faynted not in the fayth/ nor yet consydered hys awne body which was now deed/ even when he was almost an hondred yeare olde: nether yet that Sara was past chyldeberinge. And he faynted not in the fayth/ nor yet considered his awne body which was now deed/ euen when he was almost an hondred yeare olde: nether yet that Sara was past childeberinge. Euen so shal thy sede be. And he was not faynte in faith, nether cōsidred his awne body, which was deed allready, whyle he was almost an hundreth yeare olde, nether the deed wombe of Sara.
4:20 He stackered nott at the promes off God thorowe vnbelefe: Butt was made stronge in the fayth/ and gave honour to God He stackered not at the promes of God thorow vnbelefe: but was made stronge in the fayth/ and gave honour to God/ He stackered not at the promes of God thorow vnbelefe: but was made stronge in the fayth/ and gaue honour to God/ For he douted not in the promes of God thorow vnbeleue, but was strōge in faith, and gaue God the prayse:
4:21 and stedfastly beleved/ that he whych had made the promes was able also to make it good. full certifyed/ that what he had promised that he was able to make good. full certified/ that what he had promised that he was able to make good. & was sure, that loke what God promyseth, he is able to make it good.
4:22 and therfore was it reckened to hym for rightewesnes. And therfore was it reckened to him for rightewesnes. And therfore was it reckened to him for rightewesnes. And therfore was it rekened vnto him for righteousnes.
4:23 Hit is nott written for hym only/ that it was reckened to hym for rightewesnes: It is not written for him only/ that it was reckened to him for rightewesnes: It is not written for him only/ that it was reckened to him for ryghtewesnes: But this is not wryttē onely for his sake, yt it was counted vnto him,
4:24 butt also for vs/ to whom ytt shalbe counted for rightewesnes so we beleve on hym thatt raysed/ vppe Iesus oure lorde from deeth. but also for vs/ to whom it shalbe counted for rightewesnes/ so we beleve on him that raysed vp Iesus oure Lorde from deeth. but also for vs/ to whom it shalbe counted for rightewesnes/ so we beleue on him that raysed vp Iesus oure Lorde from deeth. but also for oure sakes: vnto whō it shalbe counted, yf we beleue on him, that raysed vp oure LORDE Iesus from the deed.
4:25 Which was delivered for oure synnes/ and rose agayne forto iustifye vs. Which was delivered for oure synnes/ and rose agayne forto iustifie vs. Which was deliuered for oure synnes/ and rose agayne for to iustifie vs. Which was geuen for oure synnes, and raysed vp for oure righteousnesse sake.