Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
3:1 | FOr this cause I Paul the servaūt of Iesus am in bondes/ For youre sakes which are gentyts. | FOr this cause I Paul ā in ye bōdes of Iesus christ for youre sakſ which are hethen: | FOr this cause I Paul am in the bondes of Iesus Christ for youre sakes which are hethē: | FOr this cause I Paul am a presoner of Iesus Christ for you Heythen, |
3:2 | Yf ye have herde of the ministracion of the grace of god which is gevē me to you warde: | Yf ye have hearde of the ministracion of the grace of god which is geven me to you warde. | Yf ye haue hearde of the ministracion of the grace of God which is geuē me to you warde. | acordinge as ye haue herde of ye office of the grace of God which is geuen me to you warde. |
3:3 | For by revelacion shewed he this mistery vnto me/ as I wrote above in feawe wordes/ | For by revelacion shewed he this mistery vnto me/ as I wrote above in feawe wordes/ | For by reuelacion shewed he this mistery vnto me/ as I wrote aboue in feawe wordes/ | For by reuelacion was this mystery shewed vnto me, as I wrote aboue in fewe wordes: |
3:4 | wher by/ whē ye rede ye maye knowe myne vnderstōdynge ī the ministery of Christ/ | wher by when ye rede ye maye knowe myne vnderstondynge in the mistery of Christ/ | wherby when ye rede/ ye maye knowe myne vnderstondinge in the mistery of Christ/ | wherby whan ye rede it, ye maye perceaue myne vnderstondynge in ye mystery of Christ, |
3:5 | which mistery in tymes passed was nott opened vnto the sonnes of mē as it is nowe declared vnto his holy apostles and prophetſ by the sprete: | which mistery in tymes passed was not opened vnto the sonnes of men/ as it is nowe declared vnto his holy apostles and prophetes by the sprete: | which mistery in tymes passed was opened vnto the sonnes of men/ as it is now declared vnto his holy Apostles & Prophetes by the sprete: | which (mystery) in tymes past was not opened vnto the childrē of mē as it is now declared to his holy Apostles and prophetes by the sprete: |
3:6 | that the gentyls shulde be inheritours also/ ād of the same body/ and partakers off his promis that is in Christ/ be the meanes of the gospell/ | that the gentyls shuld be inheritours also/ and of the same body/ and partakers of his promis yt is in Christ/ by ye meanes of the gospell/ | that the Gentyls shulde be in heritours also/ and of the same body/ and partetakers of his promes that is in Christ/ by the meanes of the gospell/ | namely, that the Heythen shulde be inheritours also, and of the same body, and partakers of his promes in Christ by the Gospell, |
3:7 | wherof I am made a minister/ by the gyfte of the grace of god geven vnto me/ after the workynge of his power. | whereof I am made a minister/ by the gyfte of the grace of god gevē vnto me thorow ye workynge of his power. | wherof I am made a minister/ by the gyfte of the grace of God geuen vnto me thorow the workinge of his power. | wherof I am made a mynister acordynge to the gifte of the grace of God, which is geuē me acordinge to the workynge of his power. |
3:8 | Vnto me the lest of all sayntſ is this grace geven/ thatt I shulde preache amonge the gentyls the vnsearchable ryches off Christ/ | Vnto me the lest of all sayntes is this grace geven/ that I shuld preache amonge the gentyls the vnsearchable ryches of Christ/ | Vnto me the lest of all saynctes is this grace geuē/ that I shulde preache amōge the gentyls the vnsearchable ryches of Christ/ | Vnto me the leest of all sayntes is this grace geuen, that I shulde preach amonge the Heythē ye vnsearcheable riches of Christ, |
3:9 | and to geve light to all men/ that they myght knowe what is the felyshippe of the mistery/ which from the begynnynge off the worlde hath bene hid in God which made all thyngſ thorowe Iesus Christ/ | and to make all men se what the felyshippe of the mistery is/ which from the begynnynge of the worlde hath bene hid in God which made all thynges thorow Iesus Christ/ | and to make all men se what the felyshippe of the mistery is/ which frō the beginninge of the worlde hath bene hyd in God which made all thinges thorow Iesus Christ/ | and to make all men se, what is the fellishippe of the mystery, which frō the begynnynge of the worlde hath bene hyd in God, which made all thīges thorow Iesus Christ: |
3:10 | to the intent/ that nowe vnto the ruelars ād powers in heven myght be knowen by the congregaciō the manyfolde wisdom of god/ | to the intent/ that now vnto the rulars & powers in heven myght be knowē by the cōgregacion ye manyfolde wisdome of god/ | to the intent/ that now vnto the rulers and powers in heauen myght be knowē by the cōgregacion/ the manyfolde wysdome of God/ | to the intent that now vnto the rulers and powers in heauē mighte be knowne by the congregacion the manifolde wyssdome off God, |
3:11 | accordynge to the eternall purpose/ which he purposed in Christ Iesu oure lorde/ | accordinge to ye eternall purpose/ which he purposed in Christ Iesu oure lorde/ | accordinge to the eternall purpose/ which he purposed in Christ Iesu oure Lorde/ | acordinge to ye eternall purpose, which he hath shewed in Christ Iesu oure LORDE |
3:12 | by whom we are bolde to drawe neye in that trust/ whiche we have by fayth on hym. | by whō we are bolde to drawe nye in ye trust/ which we have by faith on hī | by whom we are bolde to drawe nye in that trust/ which we haue by fayth on him. | by whom we haue boldnesse and intraunce in all confidēce thorow faith on him. |
3:13 | Wherfore I desire/ that ye faynt not because of myne adversities which I suffre for you: which is youre prayse. | Wherfore I desire yt ye faynt not because of my trybulaciōs for youre sakes: which is youre prayse. | Wherfore I desyre that ye faynt not because of my tribulacions for youre sakes: which is youre prayse. | Wherfore I desyre that ye faynte not because of my tribulacions, yt I suffre for you, which is youre prayse. |
3:14 | For this cause I bowe my knees vnto the father of oure lorde Iesus Christ/ | For this cause I bowe my knees vnto the father of oure lorde Iesus Christ/ | For this cause I bowe my knees vnto the father of oure Lorde Iesus Christ/ | For this cause I bowe my knees vnto the father of oure LORDE Iesus Christ, |
3:15 | which is father over all thatt ys called father In heven and in erth/ | which is father over all that ys called father In heven & in erth/ | which is father ouer all that is called father in heauen & in erth/ | which is the true father, ouer all that is called father in heauen and in earth, |
3:16 | that he wolde graunt you acordynge to the ryches of his glory/ thatt ye maye be strenghted with myght by his sprete in the inner man/ | that he wolde graunt you acordynge to the ryches of his glory/ that ye maye be strenghted with myght by his sprete in the inner man/ | that he wolde graunt you accordinge to the riches of his glorye/ that ye maye be strenghted with myght by his sprete in the inner man | that he graunte you (acordinge to ye riches of his glory) to be strengthed with power by his sprete in ye inwarde mā, |
3:17 | that Christ maye dwell in youre hertes by fayth/ that ye beynge roted and grounded in lowe/ | yt Christ maye dwell in youre hertes by fayth/ yt ye beynge roted & grounded in loue/ | that Christ maye dwell in youre hertes by fayth/ that ye beinge roted & grounded in loue/ | that Christ maye dwell in youre hertes by faith, that ye beynge roted and grounded in loue, |
3:18 | myght be able to comprehende wyth all sayntſ/ what ys thatt bredth and length/ deepth and heyth: | myght be able to comprehende with all sayntes/ what ys that bredth aud length/ deepth and heyth: | myght be able to cōprehende with all saynctes/ what is that bredth & length/ deepth and heyth: | maye be able to cōprehende with all sayntes, what is the bredth, and the length, and the deepth, and the heyth: |
3:19 | and to knowe what is the love off Christ/ which love passeth knowledge: that ye might be fulfilled with all manner off fulnes which cōmeth off God. | and to knowe what is the love of Christ/ which love passeth knowledge: that ye might be fulfilled with all manner of fulnes which commeth of God. | and to knowe what is the loue of Christ/ which loue passeth knowledge: that ye myght be fulfilled with all maner of fulnes which commeth of God. | and to knowe the loue of Christ, which loue yet passeth all knowlege: that ye maye be fylled with all maner of fulnesse of God. |
3:20 | Vnto hym that ys able to do excedynge aboundantly/ above all that we axe or thynke/ accordynge to the power thatt worketh in vs/ | Vnto him that is able to do excedynge aboūdantly above all that we axe or thynke/ accordynge to the power that worketh in vs/ | Vnto him that is able to do excedinge aboūdantly aboue all that we axe or thinke according to the power that worketh in vs | Vnto him that is able to do exceadinge abundauntly, aboue all that we axe or vnderstonde (acordinge to ye power that worketh in vs) |
3:21 | be prayse in the congregacion by Iesus Christ/ thorowe out all generacions from tyme to tyme Amen. | be prayse in the congregacion by Iesus Christ/ thorowout all generaciōs from tyme to tyme Amen. | be prayse in the cōgregacion by Iesus Christ/ thorowout all generaciōs frō tyme to tyme. Amē | be prayse in the congregacion, which is in Christ Iesu, at all tymes for euer and euer, Amen. |