Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
6:1 | CHyldren obey youre fathers and mothers in the lorde: for so is it right. | CHyldren obey youre fathers & mothers in the Lorde: for so is it right. | CHyldren obey youre fathers & mothers in the Lorde: for so is it right. | YE children, obey youre elders in the LORDE, for that is righte. |
6:2 | Honoure father and mother/ that is the fyrst cōmaundemēt that hath eny promes/ | Honoure thy father & mother/ that is the fyrst commaundement that hath eny promes/ | Honoure thy father & mother/ that is the fyrst cōmaundemēt that hath eny promes/ | Honoure thy father and thy mother (That is the first commaundement, that hath eny promes) |
6:3 | that thou mayst be ī goode estate/ and live longe on the erthe. | that thou mayst be in good estate/ & lyve longe on the erthe. | that thou mayst be in good estate/ and lyue longe on the erthe. | that thou mayest prospere, and lyue longe vpon earth. |
6:4 | Fathers/ move not youre chyldren to wrath: butt brynge thē vppe with the norter ād informaciō off the lorde. | And ye fathers/ move not youre children to wrath: but bringe thē vp wt the norter & informaciō of ye Lorde. | And ye fathers moue not youre chyldren to wrath: but brynge them vp with the norter and informacion of the Lorde. | And ye fathers, prouoke not youre children vnto wrath, but brynge thē vp in the nourtoure and informacion of the LORDE. |
6:5 | Servaūtſ be obediēt vnto youre carnall masters/ with feare and trymblynge/ in synglenes of youre hertſ/ as vnto Christ: | Servaūtes be obedient vnto youre carnall masters/ with feare & trimblinge/ in singlenes of youre hertſ/ as vnto Christ: | Seruauntes be obedient vnto youre carnall masters/ with feare and tremblinge in singlenes of youre hertes/ as vnto Christ: | Ye seruauntes, obey youre bodely masters, with feare and tremblynge, in synglenes of youre hert, euen as vnto Christ, |
6:6 | not with service in the eye sight as men pleasars: butt as the servauntſ of Christ/ doynge the wyll off god frō the herte | not wt service in ye eye sight/ as men pleasars: but as the servaūtes of Christ/ doynge ye will of God frō the herte | not with seruice in the eye sight/ as men pleasers: but as the seruauntes of Christ/ doynge the will of God from the herte | not with seruyce onely in the eye sighte, as men pleasers: but as the seruauntes off Christ, doynge the wyll off God from the hert |
6:7 | with good will/ even as though ye served the lorde/ and not men. | with good will servinge ye Lorde/ & not men. | with good will/ seruinge the Lorde/ and not men. | with good wyll. Thynke that ye serue the LORDE and not mē: |
6:8 | And remember that what soever good thynge eny man doeth/ thatt shall he receave agayne off the lorde/ whether he be bonde or fre. | And remember that whatsoever good thinge eny man doeth/ that shall he receave agayne of the Lorde/ whether he be bonde or fre. | And remēber that whatsoeuer good thinge eny man doeth that shall he receaue agayne of the Lorde/ whether he be bonde or fre. | and be sure, that what good soeuer a man doth, he shal reaceaue it agayne of the LORDE, whether he be bonde or fre. |
6:9 | and ye masters/ do evē the same thyngſ vnto them/ puttynge awaye threatenyngſ: and remember thatt even youre master also is in heven/ nether is there eny respecte off persone with hym. | And ye masters/ do evē the same thinges vnto them/ puttinge awaye threateninges: and remember that even youre master also is in heven/ nether is ther eny respecte of person with him. | And ye masters/ do euē the same thinges vnto them/ puttinge awaye threateninges: and remember that euē youre master also is in heauen/ nether is ther eny respecte of person with him. | And ye masters, do euen the same vnto thē, puttynge awaye threatenynges, and knowe that euen youre master also is in heauen, nether is there eny respecte of personnes with him. |
6:10 | Finally/ my brethren be stronge in the lorde/ and in the power of his myght. | Finally my brethrē/ be stronge in the Lorde/ & in the power of his myght. | Finally my brethren/ be stronge in the Lorde/ & in the power of his might. | Fynally my brethren, be stronge in the LORDE, and in the power of his mighte: |
6:11 | Put on the armour of god/ that ye maye stonde stedfast agaynst the crafty assautes off the devyll. | Put on ye armour of God/ that ye maye stonde stedfast agaynst ye crafty assautes of the devyll. | Put on the armour of God/ that ye maye stonde stedfast agaynst the crafty assautes of the deuyll. | put on the armor of God, that ye maye stonde stedfast agaynst the craftie assautes off the deuell. |
6:12 | For we wrestle not agaynst flesshe and bloud: but agaynst ruele/ agaynst power/ and agaynst worldy ruelars of the darcknes of this worlde/ agaynst spretuall wickednes in hevenly thyngſ. | For we wrestle not agaynst flesshe and bloud: but agaynst rule/ agaynst power/ & agaynst worldy rulars of ye darckenes of this worlde/ agaynst spretuall wickednes for hevenly thinges. | For we wrestle not agaynst fiesshe and bloud: but agaynst rule/ agaynst power/ & agaynst worldly rulers of the dercknes of this worlde/ agaynst spretuall wickednes/ for heauenly thinges. | For we wrestle not agaynst flesh and bloude, but agaynst rule, agaynst power namely, agaynst the rulers of the worlde, of the darknesse of this worlde, agaynst ye spretes of wickednes vnder the heauen. |
6:13 | For this cause take vnto you the armoure off god/ that ye maye be able to resist in the evyll daye/ and to stonde perfect in all thingſ. | For this cause take vnto you the armoure of God/ yt ye maye be able to resist in the evyll daye/ and to stonde perfect in all thinges. | For this cause take vnto you the armoure of God/ that ye maye be able to resist in the euyll daye/ & stonde perfect in all thinges. | For this cause take ye the armoure of God, yt ye maye be able to resiste in the euell daye, and stonde perfecte in all thinges. |
6:14 | Stonde therfore and youre loynes gyrd aboute with veritie/ havynge on the brest plate of rightewesnes/ | Stonde therfore & youre loynes gyrd aboute with veritie/ havinge on the brest plate of rightewesnes/ | Stōde therfore/ & youre loynes gyrd about with veritie/ hauinge on the brest plate of rightewesnes/ | Stonde therfore, and youre loynes gyrde aboute with the trueth, hauynge on the brest plate of righteousnes, |
6:15 | and shood with shewes prepared by the gospell of peace. | and shood with showes prepared by the gospell of peace. | and shood with showes prepared by the gospell of peace. | and shod vpō yor fete with the gospell of peace, that ye maye be prepared: |
6:16 | Above all take to you the shelde off fayth/ wherwith ye maye quenche all the fyrie dartes of the wicked. | Above all take to you the shelde of fayth/ wherwith ye maye quenche all ye fyrie dartes of the wicked. | Aboue all take to you the shelde of fayth/ wherwith ye maye quēche all the fyrie dartes of the wicked. | Aboue all thinges take holde of the shylde of faith, wherwith ye maye quenche all the fyrie dartes of the wicked. |
6:17 | and take the helmet off heelth/ and the swearde of the sprete/ which is the worde of god/ | And take the helmet of salvaciō/ & the swearde of the sprete/ which is the worde of God. | And take the helmet of saluacion/ & the swearde of the sprete/ which is the worde of God. | And take the helmet of saluacion, & the swerde of the sprete, which is the worde of God. |
6:18 | and praye all wayes with all manner prayer and supplicacion: and that in the sprete: and watch thervnto with all instance and supplicacion for all saynctſ/ | And praye all wayes with all māner prayer & supplicaciō: & yt in the sprete: & watch thervnto wt all instance & supplicaciō for all saynctes/ | And praye all wayes with all māner prayer & supplicacion: & that in the sprete: & watch therunto with all instance & supplicaciō for all saynctes | And praye allwayes with all maner of prayer and supplicacion in the sprete, and watch there vnto with all instaunce and supplicacion for all sayntes |
6:19 | and for me/ that vttraunce maye be geven vnto me/ that I maye open my mought boldly/ to vtter the secretſ of the gospell/ | and for me/ that vttraunce maye be gevē vnto me/ that I maye open my mouth boldly/ to vtter the secretes of the gospell/ | & for me/ that vttraunce maye be geuē vnto me/ that I maye opē my mouth boldly/ to vtter the secretes of the gospell/ | and for me, that the worde maye be geuen me, that I maye open my mouth boldly, to vtter the secretes of the Gospell, |
6:20 | wherof I am a messenger in bondes/ that there in I maye speake frely/ as it becommeth me to speake. | whereof I am a messenger in bondes/ that therin I maye speake frely/ as it becommeth me to speake. | wherof I am messenger in bondes/ that therin I maye speake frely/ as it becommeth me to speake. | wherof I am a messaunger in bondes, that I maye speake therin frely, as it becommeth me to speake. |
6:21 | But that ye maye also knowe what condicion I am in/ and what I do/ Tichicus my deare brother and faythfull minister in the lorde/ shall shewe you off all thyngſ/ | But that ye maye also knowe what condicion I am in & what I do/ Tichicus my deare brother and faythfull minister in the Lorde/ shall shewe you of all thinges/ | But that ye maye also knowe what condicion I am in & what I do/ Tichicus my deare brother and faythfull minister in the Lorde/ shall shewe you of all thinges/ | But that ye maye also knowe, what case I am in, and what I do, Tichicus my deare brother and faithfull mynister in the LORDE, shal shewe you all: |
6:22 | whom I sent vnto you for the same purpose/ that ye myght knowe what case I stonde in/ and that he myght comfort youre hertes. | whom I sent vnto you for the same purpose/ that ye myght knowe what case I stonde in/ & that he myght comfort youre hertes. | whom I sent vnto you for the same purpose/ that ye myght knowe what case I stonde in/ & that he myght comfort youre hertes. | whom I haue sent vnto you for the same cause, that ye mighte knowe what case I stonde in, and that he mighte comforte youre hertes. |
6:23 | Peace be with the brethren/ and love with fayth from god the father/ and from the lorde Iesu Christ. | Peace be with the brethren/ and love with fayth/ from God the father & from the Lorde Iesu Christ. | Peace be with the brethren/ and loue with fayth/ from God the father & from the Lorde Iesu Christ. | Peace be vnto the brethrē, and loue with faith, from God the father, & from the LORDE Iesu Christ. |
6:24 | Grace be with all them which love oure lorde Iesus Christ in puernes/ Amen. | Grace be with all them which love oure lorde Iesus Christ in puernes. Amē | Grace be with all them which loue oure Lorde Iesus Christ in purenes. Amē | Grace be with all them that loue oure LORDE Iesus Christ vnfaynedly. Amen. |
END | Sent from Rome vnto the Ephesyans by Tichicus. | Sent from Rome vnto the Ephesyans by Tichicus. | Sent from Rome vnto the Ephesyans by Tichicus. | Sent from Rome vnto the Ephesians, by Tichicus. |