Ephesians: Chapter 05

Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
5:1 BE ye counterfeters of god as dere children/ BE ye folowers of god as dere children/ BE ye folowers of God as dere chyldrē/ BE ye the folowers therfore of God as deare children,
5:2 and walke in love even as Christ loved vs/ and gave hym silfe for vs/ an offerynge ād a sacrifyce of a swete saver to god. and walke in love even as Christ loved vs & gave him silfe for vs/ an offerynge and a sacrifyce of a swete saver to god. and walke in loue euen as Christ loued vs/ & gaue him selfe for vs/ an offeringe & a sacrifice of a swete sauer to God. and walke in loue, euen as Christ loued vs, and gaue him selfe for vs an offerynge and sacrifice of a swete sauoure vnto God.
5:3 So that fornicicion/ ād all vnclēnes/ or coveteousnes/ be not once/ named amonge you/ as it be cōmeth saynctſ: So that fornicacion and all vnclennes/ or coveteousnes be not once named amonge you/ as it be commeth saynctes: So that fornicacion & all vnclennes/ or coueteousnes be not once named amōge you as it becommeth saynctes: As for whordome and all vnclennes, or couetousnes, let it not be named amōge you, as it becommeth sayntes:
5:4 nether filthynes/ nether folishe talkyng/ nether gestīge/ which are not comly: but rather gevynge of thākſ. nether filthynes/ nether folishe talkyng/ nether gestinge which are not comly: but rather gevynge of thankes nether filthynes/ nether folysshe talkinge/ nether gestinge which are not comly: but rather geuinge of thankes. nether fylthines, ner folish talkynge, ner ieastynge (which are not comly) but rather geuynge of thākes.
5:5 For this ye knowe/ that no whormonger/ other vnclene person/ or coveteous persō (which is the worshipper off ymages) hath any īheritaūce in the kyngdom of Christ/ ād of god. For this ye knowe/ yt no whormonger/ other vnclene person/ or coveteous person which is the worshipper of ymages/ hath eny inheritaunce in the kyngdome of Christ & of God. For this ye knowe that no whormonger/ ether vnclene person/ or coueteous person/ which is the worshypper of ymages/ hath eny inheritaunce in the kyngdome of Christ and of God. For be sure, that no whore monger, or vncleane person, or couetous person (which is a worshipper off ymages) hath inheritaunce in the kyngdome of Christ and of God.
5:6 Lett no man deceave you with vayne wordſ. For thorowe soche thyngſ cōmeth the wrath off god apon the chyldren of vnbelefe. Let no mā deceave you with vayne wordes. For thorow soche thinges cōmeth the wrath of God vpon the chyldrē of vnbelefe. Let no mā deceaue you with vayne wordes. For thorow soche thinges cōmeth the wrath of God vpon the chyldrē of vnbelefe. (Let no man disceaue you with vayne wordes) for because of these commeth the wrath of God vpon the children of vnbeleue.
5:7 Be not therfore companious with them. Be not therfore companions with them. Be not therfore companions with them. Be not ye therfore companions with them.
5:8 Ye were once dercknes/ but are nowe light in the lorde. Walke as Children of light. Ye were once dercknes/ but are now light in the Lorde. Walke as chyldren of light. Ye were once dercknes/ but are now lyght in the Lorde. Walke as chyldren of light. For sometyme ye were darknesse, but now are ye lighte in the LORDE. Walke as the children of lighte.
5:9 For the frute off the sprete is/ in all goodnes/ rightewesnes/ and trueth. For the frute of the sprete is in all goodnes/ rightewesnes & trueth. For the frute of the sprete is in all goodnes/ rightewesnes & trueth. (For the frute of the sprete is all maner of goodnes, and righteousnes and trueth:)
5:10 Accept thatt which is pleasynge to the lorde: Accept that which is pleasinge to the Lorde: Accept that which is pleasinge to to the Lorde: and proue what is pleasinge vnto the LORDE,
5:11 and have no fellishippe with the vnfrutfull workes of dercknes: butt rather rebuke thē. and have no fellishippe with the vnfrutfull workes of dercknes: but rather rebuke them. and haue no fellyshippe with the vnfrutfull workes of dercknes: but rather rebuke them. and haue no fellishippe with ye vnfrutefull workes of darknes, but rather rebuke thē.
5:12 For it is shame even to name those thynges which are done of them in secrete: For it is shame even to name those thinges which are done of them in secrete: For it is shame euen to name those thinges which are done of them in secrete: For it is shame euen to name those thinges, which are done of them in secrete.
5:13 but all thīgſ/ whē they are rebuked of the light/ are manifest. For what soever is manifest/ that same is light. but all thinges/ when they are rebuked of the light/ are manifest. For whatsoever is manifest/ that same is light. but all thinges/ when they are rebuked of the light/ are manifest. For whatsoeuer is manifest/ that same is lyght. But all thinges are manifest, whan they are rebuked of the lighte. For what so euer is manifest, that same is lighte.
5:14 Wherfore he sayth: awake thou that slepest/ ād stōd vppe from deeth/ ād Christ shall geve the light. Wherfore he sayth: awake thou that slepest/ and stond vp from deeth/ and Christ shall geve the light. Wherfore he sayth: awake thou that slepest/ and stonde vp from deeth/ and Christ shall geue the lyght. Therfore sayeth he: Awake thou that slepest, and stonde vp frō the deed, and Christ shal geue the lighte.
5:15 Take hede therfore that ye walke circumspectly: not as foles: but as wyse/ Take hede therfore that ye walke circūspectly: not as foles: but as wyse Take hede therfore that ye walke circumspectly: not as foles: but as wyse Take hede therfore how ye walke circumspectly, not as the vnwyse, but as ye wyse,
5:16 redemynge the tyme: for the dayes are evyll: redemynge the tyme: for ye dayes are evyll. redeminge the tyme: for the dayes are euyll. and redeme the tyme, for it is a miserable tyme.
5:17 wherfore/ be ye nott vnwyse/ but vnderstōd what the will of the lorde is/ Wherfore/ be ye not vnwyse/ but vnderstonde what the will of the Lorde is/ Wherfore/ be ye not vnwyse/ but vnderstonde what the will of the Lorde is/ Wherfore be not ye vnwyse, but vnderstonde what the wil of the LORDE is,
5:18 and be not dronke with wyne/ wherī is excesse: but be fulfilled with the sprete/ & be not dronke with wyne/ wherin is excesse: but be fulfilled with the sprete/ & be not droncke with wyne/ wherin is excesse: but be fulfilled with the sprete/ and be not dronken with wyne, wherin is excesse: but be full of the sprete
5:19 speakynge vnto youre selves in psalmes/ and ymmes/ and spretuall songes/ syngynge and playinge to the lorde in youre hertes/ speakynge vnto youre selves in psalmes/ & ymnes/ & spretuall songes/ synginge & makinge melodie to ye Lorde in youre hertes/ speakinge vnto youre selues in psalmes and ymnes/ and spretuall songes/ singinge & making melodie to the Lorde in youre hertes/ and talke amōge youre selues of Psalmes, and ymnes, and spirituall songes, synginge and makynge melody vnto the LORDE in youre hertes
5:20 gevynge thankſ all ways for all thyngſ ī the name of oure lorde Iesu Christ to god the father: gevinge thankes all wayes for all thinges vnto God the father/ in the name of oure Lorde Iesu Christ: giuinge thankes all wayes for all thinges vnto God the father/ in the name of oure Lorde Iesus Christ: geuynge thankes alwayes for all thinges vnto God the father, in the name of oure LORDE Iesus Christ,
5:21 submittynge youre selves one to another in the feare of god. submittinge youre selves one to another in the feare of God. submitting youre selues one to another in the feare of God. submyttinge youreselues one to another in the feare of God.
5:22 Wemē submit youre selves vnto youre awne husbandes/ as vnto the lorde: Wemen submit youre selves vnto youre awne husbandes/ as vnto the Lorde. Wemen submit youre selues vnto youre awne husbandes/ as vnto the Lorde. Let the wemen submytte them selues vnto their hussbandes, as vnto the LORDE.
5:23 For the husbāde is the wyves heed/ even as Christ is the heed off the congregacion/ and the same is the saveoure off the body. For the husbande is the wyves heed/ even as Christ is the heed of the congregacion/ & the same is the saveoure of the body. For the husbande is the wyues heed euē as Christ is the heed of the cōgregacion/ & the same is the saueoure of the body. For the hussbande is the wyues heade, euē as Christ also is the heade of the congregacion, and he is the Sauioure of his body.
5:24 Therfore as the congregacion is in subieccion to Christ/ lykwyse let the wyves be in subieccion to their husbandſ in all thīgſ. Therfore as the cōgregacion is in subieccion to Christ/ lykwyse let the wyves be in subieccion to their husbandes in all thinges. Therfore as the cōgregacion is in subiecciō to Christ/ lykewyse let the wyues be in subiecciō to their husbandes in all thinges. Therfore as the congregacion is in subieccion to Christ, likewyse let the wyues be in subieccion to their hussbandes in all thinges.
5:25 Husbandſ love youre wyves/ even as Christ loved the congregacion/ and gave hī silfe for it/ Husbandes love youre wyves/ even as Christ loved the congregacion/ & gave him silfe for it/ Husbandes loue youre wiues/ euē as Christ loued the congregacion/ & gaue him selfe for it/ Ye hussbandes loue youre wyues, euen as Christ loued the congregacion, and gaue himselfe for it,
5:26 to sanctifie it/ and clensed it in the fountayne of water thorowe the worde/ to sanctifie it/ and clensed it in the fountayne of water thorow the worde/ to sanctifie it/ & clensed it in the foūtayne of water thorow the worde/ to sanctifye it, and clensed it in the fountayne of water by the worde,
5:27 to make it vnto hym silfe/ a glorious congregacion with oute spot/ or wrynckle or eny soch thynge: but that it shulde be holy and with out blame. to make it vnto him selfe/ a glorious congregacion with oute spot or wrynckle/ or eny soche thinge: but that it shuld be holy and with out blame. to make it vnto him selfe/ a glorious congregacion with out spot or wrinckle/ or eny soche thinge: but that it shuld be holy & with out blame. to make it vnto himselfe a glorious congregacion, hauynge no spot ner wrynkle, ner eny soch thinge, but that it shulde be holy and without blame.
5:28 So ought men to love their wyves/ as their awne bodies. He that loveth his wyfe/ loveth hym sylfe. So ought men to love their wyves/ as their awne bodyes. He that loveth his wyfe/ loveth him sylfe. So ought mē to loue their wyues/ as their awne bodyes. He that loueth his wyfe/ loueth him selfe. So oughte men also to loue their wyues, euen as their awne bodyes. He that loueth his wife, loueth himselfe.
5:29 For no man ever yet/ hated his awne flesshe: Butt norysshith/ and cherisith itt: even as the lorde doth the congregacion: For no mā ever yet/ hated his awne flesshe: but norissheth and cherisseth it even as the lorde doth the congregacion. For no man euer yet hated his awne flesshe: but norissheth & cherissheth it/ euen as the Lorde doth the congregacion. For no mā euer yet hated his awne flesshe, but norisheth and cherissheth it, euen as the LORDE doth also the congregacion.
5:30 for we ar members of hys body/ off his flesshe/ and of his bones. For we are members of his body/ of his flesshe/ & of his bones. For we are members of his body/ of his flesshe/ & of his bones. For we are membres of his body, of his flesh and of his bones.
5:31 For this cause shall a man leave father and mother/ and shall continue with hys wyfe/ and two shalbe made one flesshe. For this cause shall a man leave father and mother/ and shall cōtinue with his wyfe/ and two shalbe made one flesshe. For this cause shall a man leaue father and mother/ and shall continue with his wyfe/ & two shalbe made one flesshe. For this cause shal a man leaue father and mother, and cleue vnto his wife, and they two shal be one flesh:
5:32 This is a grett secrete/ but I speake bitwene Christ and the cōgregacion. This is a great secrete/ but I speake bitwene Christ and the cōgregacion. This is a great secrete/ but I speake bitwene Christ and the congregacion. This is a greate secrete: but I speake of Christ and the congregacion.
5:33 Neverthelesse do ye so that every one off you love hys wyfe truely even as hym sylfe: And lett the wyfe se that she feare her husbande. Neverthelesse do ye so that every one of you love his wyfe truely even as him silfe. And let ye wyfe se that she feare her husbāde. Neuerthelesse do ye so that euery one of you loue his wyfe truely euen as him selfe. And let the wyfe se that she feare her husbande. Neuertheles do ye so, that euery one of you loue his wife euen as himselfe: but let the wife feare hir hussbande.