Titus: Chapter 01

Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
TITLE The pistle of paul vnto Titus. The pistle of S. Paul vnto Titus. The epistle of saynct Paul vnto Titus. The Epistle of the Apostle S. Paul vnto Titus.
1:1 PAul the servaunt of god and an Apostle of Iesu Christ/ to preache the fayth of goddis electe/ and the knowledge off the trueth/ which trueth is in servynge god PAul the seruaunt of God/ & an Apostle of Iesu Christ/ to preache the fayth of goddis electe/ & ye knowledge of that trueth/ which is after godlynes PAul the seruaunt of God/ & an Apostle of Iesu Christ/ to preache the fayth of goddis electe/ & the knowledge of that trueth/ which is after godlynes PAVL the seruaunt of God, and an Apostle off Iesus Christ, to preach the faith off Gods electe, and the knowlege of ye trueth, which ledeth vnto godlynes,
1:2 in hope of eternall lyfe/ which lyfe god that cānot lye/ hath promysed before the worlde began: vpon the hope of eternall lyfe/ which lyfe God that cannot lye/ hath promised before the worlde begāne: vpon the hope of eternall lyfe/ which lyfe God that cannot lye hath promised before the worlde beganne: vpon the hope of eternall life: which God that can not lye hath promysed before the tymes of the worlde:
1:3 but hath at the tyme apoynted opēned his worde by preachynge/ which preachynge is committed vnto me/ by the comaūdement of god oure saveoure. but hath opened his worde at ye tyme apoynted thorow preachynge/ which preachynge is committed vnto me/ by the commaundement of god oure saveoure. but hath opened his worde at the tyme apoynted thorow preachynge/ which preachynge is committed vnto me/ by the commaundement of God oure saueoure. but at his tyme hath opened his worde thorow preachinge, which is commytted vnto me acordinge to the commaundemēt of God oure Sauioure.
1:4 To Titus his naturall sonne in the commen fayth. Grace mercie and peace from God the father/ and from the lorde Iesu Christ oure saveoure. To Titus his naturall sonne in the commen fayth. Grace mercie and peace from God the father/ and from the lord Iesu Christ oure saveoure. To Titus his naturall sonne in the commen fayth. Grace mercye and peace from God the father and from the Lorde Iesu Christ oure saueoure. Vnto Titus my naturall sonne after ye comen faith. Grace, mercy, and peace from God the father, and frō the LORDE Iesu Christ oure Sauioure.
1:5 For this cause left I the in Creta/ that thou shuldest performe that which was lackynge ād shuldest ordeyne seniours in every citie as I apoynted the. For this cause left I ye in Creta/ that thou shuldest performe that which was lackynge/ and shuldest ordeyne elders in every citie as I apoynted the. For this cause left I the in Crete/ that thou shuldest performe that which was lackynge/ and shuldest ordeyne elders in euery cite as I apoynted the. For this cause left I the in Creta, that thou shuldest perfourme that which was lackynge, and shuldest ordeyne Elders in euery cite, as I appoynted ye.
1:6 Yf eny be soche as no man can complayne on/ the husbāde of one wyfe/ havynge faythfull children/ which are not sclandred off royote/ nether are disobediēt. Yf eny be fautelesse/ the husbande of one wyfe/ havynge faythfull childrē/ which are not sclandred of royote/ nether are disobediēt. Yf eny be fautelesse/ the husbande of one wyfe/ hauynge faythfull chyldren/ which are not sclandred of royote/ nether are disobediēt. Yf eny be blamelesse, the hussbande of one wife, hauynge faithfull children, which are not slaundred of ryote, nether are dishobedient.
1:7 For a bisshoppe must be soche as no man can complayne on/ as it be commeth the minister off God not stubborne/ not angrye/ no dronkarde/ no fyghter/ not gevē to filthy lucre: For a bisshoppe must be fautelesse/ as it be commeth the minister of God: not stubborne/ not angrye/ no dronkarde/ no fyghter/ not geven to filthy lucre: For a bisshoppe must be fautelesse/ as it be cōmeth the minister of God: not stubborne/ not angrye/ no dronckarde/ no fyghter/ not geuen to filthy lucre: For a Bisshoppe must be blamelesse, as the stewarde of God: not wylfull, not angrye, not geuen vnto moch wyne, no fyghter, not gredye of filthye lucre:
1:8 butt herberous/ one that loveth goodnes/ of honest behaveour/ righteous/ holy temperat/ but herberous/ one that loveth goodnes/ sobre mynded righteous/ holy/ temperat/ but herberous/ one that loueth goodnes/ sobre mynded ryghteous holy/ temperat but harbarous, one that loueth goodnes, sober mynded, righteous, holy, temperate,
1:9 ād suche as cleaveth vnto the true worde of doctryne/ thatt he maye be able to exhorte wtth wholsom learnynge/ and to improve them that saye agaynst it. and suche as cleveth vnto the true worde of doctryne/ that he maye be able to exhorte with wholsom learnynge/ and to improve them that saye agaynst it. and suche as cleueth vnto the true worde of doctryne/ that he maye be able to exhorte with wholsome learnynge/ and to improue them that saye agaynst it. and soch one as cleueth vnto the true worde of doctryne: that he maye be able to exhorte with wholsome lernynge, & to improue them that saye agaynst it.
1:10 For there are many disobedient and talkers off vanitie/ and disceavers off myndes/ namly they off the circumcision/ For ther are many disobedient and talkers of vanite and disceavers of myndes/ namely they of the circumcisiō/ For ther are many disodebient & talkers of vanite & disceauers of myndes/ namely they of the circumcision/ For there are many dishobedient, and talkers of vanite, and disceauers of myndes: namely they of the circūcision,
1:11 whose mouthes must be stopped/ which pervert whole houses/ teachynge thyngſ which they ought nott/ be cause off filthy lucre. whose mouthes must be stopped/ which pervert whole houses teachinge thinges which they ought not/ because of filthy lucre. whose mouthes must be stopped/ which peruert whole housses/ teachynge thinges which they ought not because of filthy lucre. whose mouthes must be stopped: which peruerte whole houses, teachinge thinges which they oughte not, because of filthye lucre.
1:12 Won beynge of them selves/ which was a poyet of their owne sayde: The Cretayns are alwayes lyars/ evyll beastes/ and slowe belies. One beynge of thē selves/ which was a poyet of their awne/ sayde: The Cretayns are all wayes lyars/ evyll beastes/ and slowe belies. One beynge of them selues/ which was a poyet of their awne/ sayde: The Cretayns are all wayes lyars euyll beastes/ & slowe belyes. One of them selues euen their awne prophet, sayde: The Cretayns are alwayes lyars, euell beestes, and slowe belies.
1:13 This witnes is true/ wherfore rebuke them sharply/ that they maye be sounde in the fayth/ This witnes is true/ wherfore rebuke them sharply/ that they maye be sounde in the fayth/ This witnes is true/ wherfore rebuke them sharply that they maye be sounde in the fayth/ This witnesse is true. Wherfore rebuke them sharply, yt they maye be sounde in the faith,
1:14 and not takynge hede to iewes fables/ and commaundmentſ of men/ which turne from the trueth. and not takynge hede to Iewes fables and commaūdmentes of men that turne from the trueth. and not takynge hede to Iewes fables and cōmaundmentes of men that turne from the trueth. and not to take hede vnto Iewes fables and commaundementes of men, which turne them awaye from the trueth.
1:15 Vnto the pure/ are all thyngſ pure: but vnto them that are defiled/ ād vnbelevvnge/ is nothynge pure: but even the very myndes and consciences off them are defiled. Vnto the pure/ are all thynges pure: but vnto them that are defiled and vnbelevynge/ is nothynge pure: but even the very myndes and consciences of them are defiled. Vnto the pure/ are all thinges pure: but vnto them that are defiled and vnbeleuynge/ is nothinge pure: but euen the very myndes and consciences of them are defiled. Vnto ye cleane are all thinges cleane: but. to the vncleane & vnbeleuers, there is nothinge cleane, but both their mynde & conscience is defyled.
1:16 They confesse that they knowe god: but with dedes they denye hym and are abhominable/ and disobedient/ ād vnto all good workes discommendable. They confesse that they knowe god: but with the dedes they denye hym/ and are abhominable and disobedient/ and vnto all good workes discommendable. They confesse that they knowe God: but with the dedes they denye him/ and are abominable and disobedient/ and vnto all good workes discommendable. They saye that they knowe God, but with the dedes they denye him: for so moch as they are abhominable and dishobedient, and vnmete to all good workes.