Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
12:1 | ANd there appered a gret wonder in heven. A woman clothed with the sunne/ and the mone vnder her fete/ and apon her heed a croune off xij. starres. | ANd ther appered a gret wonder in hevē A woman clothed with the sunne/ and the mone vnder her fete/ and apon her heed a croune of xii. starres. | ANd ther appered a gret wonder in heaven: A woman clothed with the sunne/ and the mone vnder her fete/ and apon her heed a croune of .xij. starres. | And there appeared a greate token in heauen. A woman clothed with the Sonne, and the mone vnder her fete, and vpon her heed a crowne of twolue starres. |
12:2 | And she was with chylde and cryed travallinge in byrth/ and payned redy to be delyvered. | And she was wt chylde and cryed travayllinge in byrth/ & payned redy to be delyvered. | And she was with chylde & cryed trauayllinge in byrth/ and payned redy to be deliuered. | And she was with childe, and cryed trauaillinge in byrth, and payned redy to be delyuered. |
12:3 | And there appered another wonder in heven/ and beholde a grett red dragon/ havynge vij. heddes/ and ten hornes/ and seven crounes on his heddes: | And ther appered a nother wonder in heven/ for beholde a gret red dragō/ havynge .vii. heddes/ & ten hornes and crounes vpō his heddes: | And ther appered another wonder in heauen/ for beholde a gret Red dragon/ hauynge .vij. heddes/ and ten hornes and crounes vpon his heddes: | And there appeared another token in heauen, and beholde a greate reed dragon, hauinge seuen heades, and ten hornes and seuē crownes vpō his heades: |
12:4 | and his tayle drue the thyrde parte of the starres/ and cast them to the erth. And the dragon stode before the woman which was reddy to be delyvred: forto devoure her chylde as sone as hitt were borne. | & his tayle drue the thyrde parte of the starres/ and cast them to the erth. And the dragon stode before the woman which was reddy to be delyvred: for to devoure her chylde as sone as it were borne. | and his tayle drue the thyrde parte of the starres/ and cast them to the erth. And the dragon stode before the woman/ which was reddy to be deliuered: for to deuoure her chylde as sone as it were borne. | and his tayle drue the thyrde parte of the starres, and cast them to the earth. And the dragon stode before the womā, which was ready to be delyuered: for to devoure her childe as sone as it were borne. |
12:5 | And she brought forth a man chylde/ which shulde rule all nacions with a rodde off yeron. And her sonne was taken vppe vnto God/ and to his seate. | And she brought forth a man chylde/ which shulde rule all nacions with a rode of yron And her sonne was taken vp vnto God/ and to his seate. | And she brought forth a man chylde/ which shulde rule all nacions with a rode of yron. And her sonne was taken vp vnto God/ and to his seate. | And she brought forth a man childe, which shulde rule all nacions with a rod of yron. And her sonne was taken vp vnto God, and to his seate. |
12:6 | And the womā fleed into wyldernes/ where she had a place/ prepared off God/ that they shulde fede her there/ M. and xxvj. dayes. | And the woman fleed into wyldernes/ where she had a place/ prepared of god/ that they shulde fede her there a M.ii.C and lx. dayes. | And the woman fleed into wildernes/ where she had a place/ prepared of God/ that they shulde fede her there a M.ij. hundred & .lx. dayes. | And the woman fled in to wyldernes, where she had a place prepared off God, that they shulde fede her there a M.ij.C. and lx. dayes. |
12:7 | And there was grett battayll in heven/ Michael and his angelles fowght with the dragon and the dragon fowght and his angelles/ | And ther was grett battayll in heven/ Michael & his angells fowght with the dragon and the dragon fowght and his angelles/ | And ther was a gret battayll in heauen/ Michael and his angels fought with the dragon/ and the dragon fought and his angelles/ | And there was a greate batayll in heauē Michael and his angels foughte with the dragon, and the dragon fought and his angels, |
12:8 | and prevaylled not: nether was their place founde eny more in heven. | and prevaylled not: nether was their place founde eny more in heven. | and preuayled not: nether was their place founde eny more in heauen. | and preuayled not, nether was their place founde eny more in heauen. |
12:9 | And the grett dragon/ thatt olde serpent called the devyll and Sathanas/ Was cast out. which desceaveth all the worlde/ And he was cast into the erth/ and his angelles were cast out also. | And the grett dragon/ that olde serpent called the devyll and Sathanas was cast out. Which desceaveth all the worlde. And he was cast into the erth/ & his angelles were cast out also. | And the gret dragon/ that olde serpent called the deuyll and Sathanas was cast out. Which deceaueth all the worlde. And he was cast into the erth/ and his angelles were cast out also. | And the greate dragon that olde serpent (called the deuell and Sathanas) was cast out. Which disceaued all the worlde. And he was cast in to the earth, and his angelles were cast out with him also. |
12:10 | And I harde a lowde voyce sayinge: in heven is nowe made helth ād strengthe/ and the kyngdom of oure God/ and the power of his Christ: For he is cast doune which accused them before god daye and nyght: | And I harde a lowde voyce sayinge: in hevē is nowe made salvaciō & strengthe & ye kyngdome of oure God/ & the power of his Christ For he is cast doune which accused them before god daye and nyght. | And I harde a lowde voyce sayinge: in heuen is nowe made saluacion and strengthe and the kyngdome of oure God/ and the power of his Christ. For he is cast doune which accused them before God daye and nyght. | And I harde a lowde voyce, which sayde in heauen: Now is saluacion, and strength and the kyngdome become oure Gods, and ye power his Christes: For he is cast downe, which accused them before God daye and night. |
12:11 | And they overcam hym by the bloudde off the lambe/ and by the worde off their testimony/ and they loved nott their lyves vnto the deeth. | And they overcame him by the bloude of the lambe/ and by the worde of their testimony/ and they loved not their lyves vnto the deeth. | And they ouercame him by the bloude of the lambe/ and by the worde of their testimony/ and they loued not their lyues vnto the deeth. | And they ouercame him by the bloude of the lambe, and by the worde of their testimony, and they loued not their lyues vnto the deeth. |
12:12 | Therfore reioyce hevens/ ād ye that dwell in them. Woo to the inhabiters off the erth/ and of the see: for the devyll is come doune vnto you which hath grett wrath/ be cause he knoweth that he hath but a shortt tyme. | Therfore reioyce hevens/ and ye that dwell in them. Woo to the inhabiters of the erth/ and of the see: for ye devyll is come doune vnto you which hath greet wrath/ because he knoweth that he hath but a short tyme. | Therfore reioyce heuens/ and ye that dwell in them. Woo to the inhabiters of the erth/ and of the see: for the deuyll is come doune vnto you which hath greet wrath/ because he knoweth that he hath but a short tyme. | Therfore reioyce ye heauens, and ye that dwell in them. Wo to the inhabiters of the earth, and of the see: for the deuell is come downe vnto you, which hath greate wrath, because he knoweth, that he hath but a short tyme. |
12:13 | And when that the dragonde sawe thatt he was caste vnto the erth/ he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man chylde. | And when the dragon sawe/ that he was caste vnto the erth/ he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man chylde. | And when the dragon sawe/ that he was caste vnto the erth/ he persecuted the woman/ which brought forth the man chylde. | And when the dragon sawe, that he was cast vnto the earth, he persecuted the woman, which brought forth the man childe. |
12:14 | And to the woman were geven two wyges off a grett egle/ that she myght flye into the wyldrenes/ into her place/ where she is norysshed for a tyme/ tymes/ and halffe a tyme/ from the presence of the dragon. | And to the woman were geven two wynges of a great egle/ that she myght flye into the wyldrenes/ into her place/ where she is norysshed for a tyme/ tymes/ and halffe a tyme/ from the presence of the sarpent. | And to the woman were geuen two wynges of a great egle/ that she myght flye into the wildernes/ into her place/ where she is norysshed for a tyme/ tymes/ and halffe a tyme/ from the presence of the serpent. | And to the woman were geuē two wynges of a greate egle that she might flye in to the wyldernes, in to her place, where she is norysshed for a tyme, two tymes, and halffe a tyme, from the presence of the serpēt. |
12:15 | And the serpent cast out of his mought water affter the woman as hit hat bene a ryver be cause she hulde have bene caught of the floud | And the dragon cast out of his mouth water after the woman as it had bene a ryver because she hulde have bene caught of the floud. | And the dragon cast out of his mouth water after the woman as it had bene a ryuer/ because she hulde haue bene caught of the floud. | And the dragon cast out of his mouth water after the womā, as it had bene a ryuer, that he might cause her to be caught of ye floud. |
12:16 | And the erth holppe the woman/ and the erth opened her mought/ and swalowed vppe the rever which the dragon cast out off hys mowth. | And the erth holpe the woman/ and the erth opened her mouth/ and swalowed vp the rever which the dragon cast out of hys mouth. | And the erth holpe the woman/ and the erth opened her mouth and swalowed vp the reuer which the dragon cast out of his mouth. | And the earth holpe the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swalowed vp the ryuer which the dragon cast out of his mouth. |
12:17 | And the dragon was wroth with the woman: and went and made warre with the remnaunt off hyr sede/ which kepe the commaundmentſ of god/ and have the testimony off Iesus Christe. | And the dragon was wroth with the woman: and went and made warre with the remnaunt of hyr sede/ which kepe the commaundmentes of god/ and have the testimony of Iesus Christe. | And the dragon was wroth with the woman: and went and made warre with the remnaunt of hyr sede/ which kepe the commaundementes of God/ and haue the testimony of Iesus Christe. | And the dragon was wroth with the womā: and went and made warre with the remnaunt of hyr sede, which kepe the cōmaundementes of God, and haue the testimony of Iesus Christ. |