Mark: Chapter 08

Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
8:1 IN those dayes when there was a very greate companye/ and had nothinge to eate/ Iesus called hys disciples to hym/ and sayd vnto them: IN those dayes whē ther was a very greate companye/ & had nothinge to eate/ Iesus called his disciples to him & sayd vnto thē: IN those dayes when ther was a very greate cōpanye/ & had nothinge to eate/ Iesus called his disciples to him & sayde vnto thē: AT the same tyme whan there was moch people there, and had nothinge to eate, Iesus called his disciples to him, and sayde vnto them:
8:2 my herte melteth on this people/ because they have nowe bene wyth me iij. dayes/ and have nothinge to eate: I have cōpassion on this people/ because they have nowe bene with me .iii. dayes & have nothinge to eate: I haue compassion on this people/ because they haue now bene with me .iij. dayes/ & haue nothinge to eate: I haue compassion vpon the people, for they haue taried wt me now thre dayes, & haue nothinge to eate.
8:3 And yf I shulde sende them awaye fastinge to their awne houses/ they shulde faynt by the waye. For dyvers of them cam from farre/ And yf I shuld sende thē awaye fastinge to their awne houses/ they shulde faynt by the waye. For dyvers of thē came from farre. And yf I shuld sende thē awaye fastinge to their awne houses/ they shuld faynt by the waye. And yf I let them go home fro me fastynge, they shulde faynte by the waye. For some of them were come from farre.
8:4 And hys disciples answered hym: from whence myght a man suffyse them with breed here in the wyldernes? And his disciples answered him: where shuld a man have breade here in the wildernes to satisfie these? For diuers of them came frō farre. And his disciples answered him: where shulde a man haue breade here in the wildernes to satisfie these? And his disciples answered him: Where shulde we get bred here in the wyldernes, to satisfie them?
8:5 And he axed them: howe many loves have ye? They sayde: seven. And he axed them: how many loves have ye? They sayde: seven. And he axed them: how many loues haue ye? They sayde/ seuē. And he axed thē: How many loaues haue ye? They sayde: Seuen.
8:6 And he cōmaunded the people to sitt doune on the grounde. And he toke the .vij. loves/ gave thankſ/ brake/ and gave to hys disciples/ to set be fore them. And they sett them before the people. And he commaunded the people to syt doune on the grounde. And he toke the .vii. loves/ gave thankes/ brake/ & gave to his disciples/ to set before them. And they dyd set thē before the people. And he cōmaunded the people to sit doune on the grounde. And he toke the .vij. loues/ gaue thankes/ brake & gaue to his disciples/ to set before them. And they dyd set them before the people. And he commaunded the people to syt downe vpon the grounde. And he toke the seuen loaues, and gaue thākes, and brake them, and gaue thē vnto his disciples to set them before the people. And they set thē before the people.
8:7 And they had a feawe smale fysshes/ and he blessed them and cōmaunded them also to be sett before them/ And they had a feawe smale fysshes. And he blessed them & cōmaunded them also to be set before them. And they had a feawe small fisshes. And he blessed thē & cōmaunded them also to be set before them. And they had a few small fyshes, and whan he had geuen thankes, he bad set the same before the people.
8:8 They ate and were suffysed/ and they toke vp off the broben meate that was lefte/ vij. basketſ full. And they ate & were suffysed: And they toke vp yf the broken meate that was lefte .vii. baskettes full. And they ate and were suffised. And they toke vp of the brokē meate that was lefte .vij. baskettes full. They ate, and were satisfied, & toke vp seuē basskettes full of ye brokē meate that was left.
8:9 They that ate were in nomber aboute fowre thousandt. And he sent them awaye. And they yt ate/ were in nomber aboute fowre thousand. And he sent them awaye. And they that ate/ were in nōber aboute fowre thousand. And they yt ate, were vpō a foure thousande. And he sent thē awaye.
8:10 And a non he toke shippe whith his disciples/ and cam in to the parties of dalmanutha. And a none he entred into a ship wt his disciples/ & came into the parties of Dalmanutha. And he sent them awaye. And a none he entred into a shyp with his disciples/ & came into the parties of Dalmanutha. And forth with he wente in to a shippe with his disciples, and came in to the coastes of Dalmanutha.
8:11 And the pharises cā forth/ and began to dispute whith hym/ and sought of hym a signe from heven temptinge him/ And the pharises cam forth/ & begane to dispute with him/ sekinge of him a signe frō heven and temptinge him. And the Pharises came forth/ & begāne to dispute with him/ sekinge of him a signe from heauē and temptinge him. And the Pharises wente out, and begāne to dispute with him, and tempted him, and desyred a token of him from heauē.
8:12 and he syghed in his sprete and sayde: why doth thys generacion seke a signe? Verely I saye vnto you/ there shall no signe be geven vnto thys generacion. And he sygthed in his sprete and sayde: why doth this generacion seke a signe? Verely I saye vnto you/ ther shall no signe be geven vnto this generacion. And he syghthed in his sprete & sayde: why doth this generacion seke a signe? Verely I saye vnto you/ ther shall no signe be geuen vnto this generacion. And he sighed in his sprete, and sayde: Why doth this generacion seke a token? Verely I saye vnto you: There shal no tokē be geuē vnto this generacion.
8:13 And he lefte them and went into the shippe agayne/ and departed over the water. And he lefte thē and went into the ship agayne/ and departed over the water. And he lefte them and went into the shyp agayne/ and departed ouer the water. And he left them, and wēte againe in to the shippe, and passed ouer.
8:14 And they had forgottē to take breed with thē/ nether had they ī the shippe with them more thē one loofe. And they had forgottē to take breed wt thē/ nether had they in the ship with them more then one loofe. And they had forgottē to take breed with thē/ nether had they in the shyp with thē more then one loofe. And they forgat to take bred with them, and had nomore with them in the shippe but one loaf.
8:15 And he charged them sayinge: take hede/ beware of the leven of the pharises/ and the leven of Herode. And he charged thē sayinge. Take hede/ & beware of ye leven of ye pharises/ & of ye levē of Herode. And he charged them sayinge. Take hede/ & beware of the leuē of the pharises/ & of the leuē of Herode. And he cōmaunded them, and sayde: Take hede, and bewarre of the leuen of the Pharises, and of the leuen of Herode.
8:16 And they reasoned amonge thē selves saynge: we have no breed. And they reasoned amonge thē selves sayinge: we have no breed And they reasoned amonge them selues sayinge: we haue no breed. And their myndes wauered here and there, and sayde amonge them selues: This is it, that we haue no bred.
8:17 And when Iesus knewe that he sayde vnto them: why take ye thought be cause ye have no bread? perceave ye not yet/ nether vnderstonde? Have ye your herttſ yett blynded? And whē Iesus knewe yt/ he sayde vnto thē: why take ye thought because ye have no bread? perceave ye not yet/ nether vnderstonde? Have ye youre hertes yet blynded? And when Iesus knewe that/ he sayde vnto them: why take ye thought because ye haue no bread? perceaue ye not yet/ nether vnderstonde? Haue ye youre hertes yet blynded? And Iesus vnderstode that, and sayde vnto them: Why trouble ye youre selues, that ye haue no bred? Are ye yet without vnderstondinge? Haue ye yet a blynded hert in you?
8:18 Have ye eyes and se nott? and have ye eares and heare not? Do ye nott remēber? Have ye eyes & se not? & have ye eares and heare not? Do ye not remember? Haue ye eyes and se not? & haue ye eares and heare not? Do ye not remember? Haue ye eyes, & se not? and haue ye eares, and heare not? and remēbre ye not,
8:19 When I brake v. loves a monge .v. M. men/ Howe many baskettſ full of broken meate toke ye vpp? They sayde vnto him xij. When I brake v. loves a monge .v.M. How many baskettes full of brokē meate toke ye vp? They sayde vnto him twelve. When I brake .v. loues amonge .v.M. How many baskettes full of brokē meate toke ye vp? They sayde vnto him/ twelue. that I brake fyue loaues amonge fyue thousande, how many basskettes full of broken meate toke ye then vp? They sayde: twolue.
8:20 When I brake vij a mōge iiij M. howe many baskettſ of the levingſ of broken meate toke ye vp? They sayde vij. When I brake .vii. a monge .iiii. M. How many basketſ of the levingſ of broken meate toke ye vp? they sayde .vii. When I brake .vij. amōge .iiij.M. How many baskettes of the leuinges of broken meate toke ye vp? They sayde/ seuen. And whan I brake the seuen amonge the foure thousande, how many baskettes full of broken meate toke ye then vp? They sayde: Seuen.
8:21 And he sayde vnto them: howe is it that ye vnderstonde not? And he sayde vnto thē: how is it yt ye vnderstonde not? And he sayde vnto them: how is it that ye vnderstonde not? And he sayde vnto thē: Why are ye then without vnderstondinge?
8:22 And he cam to bethsayda/ and they brought a blynde man vnto him and desyred hym/ to touche hī. And he came to Bethsaida/ & they brought a blynde man vnto him and desyred him to touche him. And he came to Bethsaida/ & they brought a blinde man vnto him/ and desyred him to touche him. And he came to Bethsaida, & they brought one blynde vnto him, and prayed him to touch him.
8:23 And he caught the blinde by the honde/ and ledd hym out off the toune/ and spat in hys eyes and put hys hondſ apon hym/ and axed hī yf he sawe eny thinge/ And he caught the blynde by the honde/ and leade him out of the toune/ & spat in his eyes and put his hondes apon him/ and axed him whether he saw ought. And he caught the blinde by the honde/ and leade him out of the toune/ & spat in his eyes and put his hondes vpon him/ and axed him whether he saw ought. And he toke the blynde by the hande, aud led him out of the towne, and spat in his eyes, and layed his handes vpon him, and axed him whether he sawe ought.
8:24 and he loked vp ād sayde: I se mē/ For I se them walke as they were trees. And he loked vp and sayde: I se ye men: For I se thē walke/ as they were trees. And he loked vp & sayde: I se the men: for I se them walke/ as they were trees. And he loked vp, and sayde: I se men goynge as yf I sawe trees.
8:25 After that he put his hondſ agayne apon his eyes/ and made hym see. And he was restored to his sight/ and sawe every mā clerly. After that he put his hondſ agayne apon his eyes & made him see. And he was restored to his sight/ and sawe every mā clerly. After that he put his hondes agayne vpon his eyes/ & made him see. And he was restored to his sight/ & sawe euery man clerly. After this he layed his handes vpon his eyes ageyne, and made him to se. And he was brought to right againe, and sawe all clearly.
8:26 And he sent hym home to his awne housse sayīge: nether goo into the toune/ nor tell it to eny in the toune. And he sent him home to his housse sayinge: nether goo into the toune/ nor tell it to eny in the toune. And he sent him home to his housse sayinge: nether go into the toune/ nor tell it to eny in the toune. And he sent him home, and sayde: Go not in to ye towne, and tell it also vnto noman therin.
8:27 And Iesus wēt out and his disciples into the tounes that longe to the cite called Cesarea Philippi/ and by the waye he axed his disciples sayinge: whom do mē saye that y am? And Iesus went out and his disciples into the tounes that longe to the cite called Cesarea Philippi. Aud by the waye he axed his disciples sayinge: whom do men saye yt I am? And Iesus went out and his disciples into the tounes that longe to the cite called Cesarea Philippi. And by the waye he axed his disciples sayinge: whō do men saye that I am? And Iesus wente out and his disciples into the townes of the cite Cesarea Philippi, And in ye waye he axed his disciples and sayde vnto them: What do men saye, that I am?
8:28 They answered: some saye that thou arte Ihon Baptiste: some saye Helyas/ and some one off the prophetſ. And they answered: some saye that thou arte Iohn Baptiste: some saye Helyas: and some/ one of the Prophetes. And they answered: some saye that thou arte Iohn Baptist: some saye Helyas: and some/ one of the Prophetes. They answered: They saye, thou art Ihon the baptist: Some saye thou art Elias, some that thou art one of the prophetes.
8:29 And he sayde ūto thē: But whō saye ye that I am? Peter answered and sayd vnto hym: Thou arte very Christe. And he sayde vnto thē: But whom saye ye that I am? Peter answered & sayd vnto him: Thou arte very Christe. And he sayde vnto thē: But whom saye ye that I am? Peter answered & sayde vnto him: Thou arte very Christ. And he sayde vnto them: But whom saye ye that I am? Then answered Peter and sayde vnto him: Thou art very Christ.
8:30 And he charged thē/ that they shulde tell no man off it. And he charged them/ that they shuld tell no man of it. And he charged them/ that they shuld tell no man of it. And he charged them strately, that they shulde tell no man of him.
8:31 And he began to declare vnto them/ howe that the sonne of man muste suffre many thyngſ/ and shulde be reproved off the seniours and off the hye prestes ād scrybes/ and shulde be kylled/ and after thre dayes aryse agayne. And he beganne to teache them/ how that the sonne of man must suffre many thinges/ and shuld be reproved of the elders and of the hye prestes and scribes/ and be kylled/ and after thre dayes aryse agayne. And he begāne to teache them/ how that the sonne of man must suffre many thinges/ and shulde be reproued of the elders and of the hye Prestes and Scribes/ & be kylled/ and after thre dayes aryse agayne. And he begāne to teach them: The sonne of man must suffre many thinges, and be cast out of the elders & hye prestes and scrybes, and be put to death, and after thre dayes ryse agayne.
8:32 And he spake that sayinge openly. And Peter toke hym a syde/ and began to chyde hym. And he spake that sayinge openly. And Peter toke him a syde/ and began to chyde him. And he spake that sayinge openly. And Peter toke him a syde/ and began to chyde him. And that worde spake he fre openly. And Peter toke him vnto him, and beganne to rebuke him.
8:33 He tourned a boute/ and loked on his disciples/ and rebuked Peter sayinge: Goo after me Satā. For thou saverest not the thynges off God: But the thynges off men. Then he tourned aboute and looked on his disciples/ & rebuked Peter sayinge: Goo after me Satan. For thou saverest not ye thinges of God but the thinges of men. Then he tourned aboute/ and loked on his disciples/ & rebuked Peter sayinge. Go after me Satan. For thou sauerest not the thinges of God but the thinges of men. But he turned him aboute, and loked vpon his disciples, and reproued Peter, and sayde: Go after me thou Sathan, for thou sauourest not the thinges that be of God, but of men.
8:34 And he called the people vnto hym/ with his disciples also/ and sayd vnto them: Whosoever wyll folowe me/ lett hym forsake hym silfe/ and take vp his crosse/ and folowe me. And he called the people vnto him/ with his disciples also/ and sayd vnto them: Whosoever will folowe me/ let him forsake him sylfe/ and take vp his crosse/ and folowe me. And he called the people vnto him/ with his disciples also/ & sayde vnto them: Whosoeuer will folowe me/ let him forsake him selfe/ & take vp his crosse/ & folowe me. And he called vnto him the people with his disciples, and sayde vnto them: Who so euer wyl folowe me, let him denye himself, and take vp his crosse, and folowe me.
8:35 For whosoever wyll save his lyfe/ shall lose it. But whosoever shall loso his lyfe for my sake ād the gospels/ the same shall save it. For whosoever will save his lyfe/ shall lose it But whosoever shall lose his lyfe for my sake & ye gospels/ ye same shall save it. For whosoeuer will saue his lyfe/ shall lose it. But whosoeuer shall lose his lyfe for my sake & the gospels/ the same shall saue it. For who so euer wyl saue his life, shal lose it: and who so euer loseth his life for my sake and ye gospels, ye same shal saue it.
8:36 What shal it profet a mā/ yf he shulde wyn all the worlde/ and loose his awne soule? What shall it profet a mā/ yf he shuld wynne all ye worlde & loose his awne soule? What shall it profet a mā/ yf he shuld wynne all the worlde & loose his awne soule? What helpeth it a mā though he wāne the whole worlde, and yet toke harme in his soule?
8:37 or els what shall a mā geve/ to redeme his soule agayne? or els what shall a mā geve/ to redeme his soule agayne? or els what shall a mā geue/ to redeme his soule agayne? Or, what can a man geue, to redeme his soule withall?
8:38 Whosoever therfore shall be asshamed off me and off my wordſ/ amonge this advoutrous and sinfull generacion: of hym shall the sonne of man be ashamed/ when he cōmeth in the glory of his father with the holy angels. Whosoever therfore shall be asshamed of me & of my wordſ/ amonge this advoutrous and sinfull generacion: of him shall the sonne of man be ashamed/ when he cometh in the glory of his father wt the holy angels. Whosoeuer therfore shall be asshamed of me & of my wordes/ amonge this aduoutrous & sinfull generacion: of him shall the sonne of man be ashamed/ when he cometh in the glorye of his father with the holy angels. Who so euer is ashamed of me and of my wordes amonge this aduouterous and synfull generacion, of him shal the sonne of man also be ashamed, whan he commeth in the glory of his father with the holy angels.