Mark: Chapter 07

Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
7:1 ANd the pharises cam togedder vnto hym/ and dyvers off the scribſ which cam from Ierusalem. ANd ye pharises came togedder vnto him & dyvers of ye scribes which came from Ierusalem. ANd the Pharises came to gedder vnto him/ & diuers of the Scribes which came frō Ierusalē. ANd there came vnto him the Pharises, and certayne of the scrybes, that were come from Ierusalē.
7:2 And whē they sawe certayne of hys disciples eate breed with cōmen handes (that is to saye/ with vnwesshen hondſ) they complayned. And whē they sawe certayne of his disciples eate breed wt cōmen hondſ (that is to saye/ wt vnwesshen hondſ) they cōplayned. And when they sawe certayne of his disciples eate breed with commen hondes (that is to saye/ with vnwesshen hondes) they complayned. And whā they sawe certayne of his disciples eate bred with comon (that is, with vnwashen) handes, they complayned.
7:3 For the pharises/ ād all the Iewes/ excepte they washe their hādes ofte/ eate not/ observinge the tradicions of the seniours. For the pharises and all the Iewes/ excepte they washe their hondſ ofte/ eate not observinge the tradicions of the elders. For the Pharises & all the Iewes/ excepte they wasshe their hondes ofte/ eate not/ obseruinge the tradicions of the elders. For the Pharises & all the Iewes eate not, excepte they wash their handes oft tymes: obseruynge so the tradicions of the elders.
7:4 And whē they come from the markett/ except they washe them selves they eate not. And many other thīgſ there be/ which they have taken apon them to observe/ as the wasshīge of cuppes and cruses/ ād of brasen vessels/ and of tables. And whē they come from the market/ except they washe/ they eate not. And many other thingſ ther be/ which they have taken apon them to observe/ as the wasshinge of cuppes and cruses/ and of brasen vessels/ and of tables. And when they come from the market/ except they washe/ they eate not. And many other thinges ther be/ which they haue taken vpon them to obserue/ as the wasshinge of cuppes and cruses/ and of brasen vessels and of tables. And whan they come from the market, they eate not, excepte they wasshe. And many other thynges there be, which they haue taken vpon them to obserue, as the washinge of cuppes and cruses, and brasen vessels and tables.
7:5 Then axed hym the pharises and scribſ: why walke not thy disciples accordinge to the tradicions of the seniours/ butt eate breede with vnwesshē hondſ? Then axed him the pharises & scribſ/ why walke not thy disciples accordinge to ye tradicions of the elders/ but eate breede with vnweshen hondes? Then axed him the Pharises and scribes/ why walke not thy disciples according to the tradicions of the elders/ but eate breed with vnwesshen hondes? Then the Pharises and scrybes axed him: Why walke not thy disciples after the tradicions of the elders, but eate bred with vnwasshen handes?
7:6 He answered and sayde vnto thē well prophesied hath Esayas of you ypocrytſ as it is writtē: This people honoreth me with their lyppes/ but their hert is farre frō me: He answered and sayde vnto them: well prophesied Esaias of you ypocrites/ as it is writtē: This people honoreth me with their lyppes/ but their hert is farre from me: He answered & sayd vnto them: well prophesied Esayas of you ypocrites/ as it is wrytten: This people honoreth me with their lyppes/ but their herte is farre frō me: But he answered & sayde vnto them: Full well hath Esay prophecied of you Ypocrytes, as it is wryttē: This people honoureth me wt their lippes, but their hert is farre fro me.
7:7 In vayne they worshippe me/ teachinge doctryns which are nothinge but the commandementſ off mē/ In vayne they worshippe me/ teachinge doctryns which are nothinge but ye cōmaundementes of men. In vayne they worshippe me/ teaching doctryns which are nothinge but the cōmaundemētes of men. But in vayne do they serue me, whyle they teach soch doctrynes as are nothinge but the commaundemētes of mē.
7:8 for ye laye the commandement of God aparte/ and ye observe the tradicions of men as the wessinge off cruses and off cuppes/ and many other suche lyke thinges ye do. For ye laye the commaundement of God aparte/ & observe the tradicions of men/ as the wesshinge of cruses and of cuppes/ and many other suche lyke thingſ ye do. For ye laye the commaundement of God aparte/ & obserue the tradiciōs of men/ as the wesshinge of cruses and of cuppes/ & many other suche lyke thinges ye do. Ye leaue the cōmaundement of God and kepe the tradicions of men, as the wasshynge of cruses and cuppes, & many soch thinges do ye.
7:9 And he sayde vnto them: well/ ye putt awaye the commandement of God/ to mayntayne youre owne tradecions. And he sayde vnto them: well/ ye cast a syde the cōmaundement of God/ to mayntayne youre owne tradiciōs. And he sayde vnto them: well/ ye cast a syde the commaundement of God/ to mayntayne youre awne tradiciōs. And he saide vnto thē: How goodly haue ye cast asyde the cōmaundement of God, to manteyne youre owne tradicions?
7:10 For Moses sayde: Honoure thy father ād thy mother: and whosoever sayeth evyll to his father or mother/ let hym dey for it. For Moses sayde: Honoure thy father & thy mother: & whosoever cursseth father or mother/ let him dye for it. For Moses sayde: Honoure thy father & thy mother: & whosoeuer cursseth father or mother/ let him dye for it. For Moses sayde: Honoure father & mother. Who so curseth father and mother, shal dye the death.
7:11 But ye saye: a man shall saye to his father or mother Corban/ that is/ whatsoever thynge I offer/ that same doeth proffit the. But ye saye: a man shall saye to father or mother Corban: which is: that thou desyrest of me to helpe the with/ is geven God. But ye saye: a man shall saye to father or mother Corban: which is: that thou desyrest of me to helpe the with is geuen God But ye saye: A mā shal saye to father or mother: Corban, that is, The thinge yt I shulde helpe the withall, is geuē vnto God.
7:12 And ye soffre no more that a man do eny thynge for his father or mother/ And so ye soffre him no more to do ought for his father or his mother/ And so ye soffre him no more to do ought for his father or his mother And thus ye suffre him nomore to do ought for his father or his mother,
7:13 and thus have ye made the cōmaundement off God off none effecte through youre awne tradicions which ye have ordeyned. And many soche thynges ye do. makinge the worde of God of none effecte/ through youre awne tradicions which ye have ordeyned. And many soche thinges ye do. makinge the worde of God of none effecte/ through youre awne tradicions which ye haue ordeyned. And many soche thinges do ye. & make Gods worde of none effecte, thorow youre owne tradicions that ye haue set vp. And many soch thinges do ye.
7:14 And he called all the people vnto hym/ ād sayde vnto them: Herkē vnto me every one off you and vnderstonde: And he called all the people vnto him/ & sayde vnto them: Herken vnto me/ every one of you & vnderstonde. And he called all the people vnto him/ & sayde vnto them: Herken vnto me/ euery one of you & vnderstonde. And he called vnto him all the people, and sayde vnto them: Herken vnto me ye all, and vnderstonde me.
7:15 there is no thynge with outt a man that can diffyle hym when hitt entreth in to hym/ but thoo thyngſ which procede out of a mā are those which defyle a mā. There is no thinge with out a man that can defyle him when it entreth into him: but thoo thinges which procede out of him are those which defyle ye man. There is nothinge with out a mā that can defyle him when it entreth into him: but thoo thinges which procede out of him/ are those wich defyle the mā. There is nothinge without a man, that can defyle him, whan it entreth in to him. But that goeth out of him, that is it that maketh the man vncleane.
7:16 Yf eny man have eares to heare/ let hym heare. If eny man have eares to heare/ let him heare If eny man haue eares to heare/ let him heare. Yf eny man haue eares to heare, let him heare.
7:17 And whē he cā into a housse awaye frō the people/ his disciples axed hī of the similitude/ And whē he came to house awaye frō the people/ his disciples axed him of the similitude. And whē he came to house awaye frō the people/ his disciples axed him of the similitude. And whan he came from the people in to ye house, his disciples axed him of this symilitude.
7:18 ād he sayd vnto thē: Do ye thē lacke vnderstōdīge: Do ye not yet perceave/ that whatsoever thinge frō with out ētreth into a mā/ hit can not defyle hym/ And he sayd vnto thē: Are ye so without vnderstondinge? Do ye not yet perceave/ yt what soever thinge from wt out entreth into a man/ it can not defyle him/ And he sayde vnto them: are ye so without vnderstondinge? Do ye not yet perceaue/ that whatsoeuer thinge from without/ entreth in to a mā/ it cānot defile him/ And he sayde vnto them: Are ye so then without vnderstondinge? Perceaue ye not yet, yt euery thinge which is without, and goeth in to the mā, can not defyle him?
7:19 because hit ētrith not into his hert/ but into the belly: ād goeth out into the draught that porgeth oute all meates. because it entrith not in to his hert/ but into ye belly: and goeth out into the draught that porgeth oute all meates. because it entreth not into his hert/ but in the belly: & goeth out into the draught that porgeth out all meates? For it entreth not in to his hert, but in to ye bely, and goeth out in to the draught, that purgeth all meates.
7:20 And he sayde that defileth a man whiche cometh oute of a man. And he sayde: yt defileth a mā which cometh oute of a man. And he sayde: that defileth a man which cometh oute of a man. And he sayde: The thinge that goeth out of the man, that defyleth the man.
7:21 For from with in even oute off the herte off men/ proceade evyll thoughtes: advoutry/ fornicacion/ murder/ For frō wt in/ even oute of the herte of men/ proceade evill thoughtes: advontry/ fornicacion/ murder/ For frō with in euē oute of the herte of mē proceade euyll thoughtes aduoutry/ fornicaciō/ murder/ theeft/ For from within out of the hert of man proceade euell thoughtes, aduoutrye, whordome, murthur,
7:22 theeft/ coveteousnes/ wickednes/ diceyte/ vnclēnes/ ād a wicked eye/ blasphemy/ pryde/ folisshnes: theeft/ coveteousnes/ wickednes/ diceyte/ vnclennes/ & a wicked eye/ blasphemy/ pryde/ folysshnes: couetousnes/ wyckednes/ deceyte/ vnclēnes/ & a wicked eye/ blasphemy/ pryde/ folishnes: theft, coueteousnes, wickednes, disceate, vnclennes, a wicked eye, blasphemy, pryde, foolishnes.
7:23 All these evyll thynges/ cō from with in/ ād defile a man. all these evyll thinges come from with in/ and defile a man. all these euyll thinges come frō with in/ & defile a mā. All these euell thinges go from within, and defyle the man.
7:24 And from thence he rose and wēt into the borders off Tire and Sidō/ and entred into ā housse/ and wolde that no man shulde have knowen off hym: Butt he culde nott be hid. And from thence he rose & went into ye borders of Tyre & Sidon/ & entred into an housse/ & wolde that no man shnld have knowen: But he coulde not be hyd. And from thence he rose & wēt into the borders of Tyre & Sidō/ & entred into an housse/ & wolde that no man shuld haue knowē. But he coulde not be hyd. And he arose, and wente from thence in to the borders of Tyre and Sydon, & entred in to an house, and wolde let no man knowe of it, and yet coude he not be hyd:
7:25 For a certayne woman whose doughter had a foule sprete when she herde off hym/ cam and fell doune att hys fete. For a certayne womā whose doughter had a foule sprete hearde of him/ & came & fell at his fete. For a certayne woman whose doughter had a foule sprite hearde of him & came & fell at his fete. For a certayne woman (whose doughter had a foule sprete) herde of him, and came and fell downe at his fete
7:26 The woman was a greke out off sirophenicia/ and she besought hym that he wolde caste out the devyll out off her doughter. The woman was a Greke oute of Syrophenicia/ & she besought him yt he wolde caste out ye devyll oute of her doughter. The womā was a Greke oute of Syrophenicia/ & she besought him that he wolde cast out the deuyll oute of her doughter. (and it was in Heithē woman of Syrophenices) and she besought him, that he wolde dryue out the deuell from hir doughter.
7:27 Iesus sayde vnto her: lett the chyldren fyrst be feed. It ys nott mete/ to take the chyldrens breed/ and to caste itt vnto whelppſ. And Iesus sayde vnto her: let the chyldren fyrst be feed. For it is not mete/ to take the chyldrēs breed/ & to caste it vnto whelppſ. And Iesus sayde vnto her: let the chyldren fyrst be feed. For it is not mete to take the chyldrēs breed/ & to caste it vnto whelppes. But Iesus sayde vnto her: Let the children be fed first: It is not mete to take the childrēs bred, and to cast it vnto dogges.
7:28 She answered and sayde vnto hym: even soo master/ neverthelesse/ the whelppſ also eate vnder the table off the chyldrens cromes. She answered and sayde vnto him: even soo master/ neverthelesse/ the whelppes also eate vnder the table of the chyldrens cromes. She answered and sayd vnto him: euē so master/ neuerthelesse/ the whelppes also eate vnder the table of the chyldrēs cromes. She answered and sayde vnto him: Yee LORDE, neuertheles the whelpes also eate vnder ye table, of ye childrēs crōmes.
7:29 And he sayde vnto her: for thys sayinge goo thy waye/ the devyll ys gon out off thy doughter. And he sayde vnto her: for this sayinge goo thy waye/ the devyll is gone out of thy doughter. And he sayde vnto her: for this sayinge go thy waye/ the deuyll is gone out of thy doughter. And he sayde vnto her: Because of this sayenge go thy waye, the deuell is departed out of thy doughter.
7:30 And when she was come home to her housse she founde the devylll departed/ and her doughter lyinge on the beed. And when she was come home to her housse/ she founde the devyll departed/ and her doughter lyinge on the beed. And when she was come home to her housse/ she founde the deuyll departed/ & her doughter lyinge on the beed. And she wente vnto her house, & founde that the deuell was departed, and hir doughter lyenge on the bed.
7:31 And he departed agayne from the coostes off Tyre and Sydon/ and cam vnto the see of Galile throwe the myddſ off the coostſ off the .x. cites/ And he departed agayne from the coostes of Tyre & Sidon/ & came vnto the see of Galile thorowe ye middſ of the coostes of ye .x. cities. And he departed agayne frō the costes of Tyre and Sydon/ & came vnto the see of Galile thorow the myddes of the costes of the .x. cities. And whan he wente out agayne from the coastes of Tyre and Sydon, he came vnto the see of Galile, thorw the myddes of ye coastes of the tē cities.
7:32 And they brought vnto him won that was deffe/ and stambred in hys speche/ and prayde hym to laye hys honde apon hym. And they brought vnto him one yt was deffe & stambred in his speche/ & prayde him to laye his honde apon him. And they brought vnto him one that was deffe & stambred in his speche/ & prayde him to put his honde vpon him. And they brought vnto him one that was deaf, and had impediment in his speach. And they prayed him, that he wolde laye his hande vpon him.
7:33 And he toke hym a syde from the people/ and putt hys fyngers in hys eares/ and did spet/ and touched his tounge/ And he toke him a syde from ye people/ & put his fyngers in his eares/ & dyd spyt & touched his tounge/ And he toke him a syde from the people/ & put his fingers in his eares & dyd spyt & touched his tounge/ And he toke him a syde from the people, and put his fyngers in his eares, and dyd spyt, and touched his tonge,
7:34 and loked vp to heven/ and syghed/ ād sayde vnto hym: ephatha that ys to saye/ be openned. and loked vp to heven and sygthed/ and sayde vnto him: ephatha/ that is to saye/ be openned. & loked vp to heauē & sighthed/ and sayd vnto him: Ephatha/ that is to saye/ be opened. and loked vp vnto heauen, sighed, and sayde vnto him: Ephatha, that is, be opened.
7:35 And streyght waye hys eares were openned/ and the stringe off hys toūge was loosed/ and he spake playne. And streyght waye his eares were openned/ and the stringe of his tounge was loosed/ & he spake playne. And streyght waye his eares were opēned/ and the stringe of his tounge was loosed/ and he spake playne. And immediatly his eares were opened, and the bonde of his tōge was lowsed, and he spake right.
7:36 And he commaūded them that they shulde tell no man. Butt the more he forbad them/ soo moche the more a greate deale they pubblessed it. And he cōmaunded them that they shuld tell no man. But the more he forbad them/ soo moche the more a greate deale they publesshed it: And he cōmaunded them that they shulde tell no man. But the more he forbad them/ so moche the moare a greate deale they publisshed it: And he charged them, that they shulde tell noman. But the more he forbad them, the more they published it,
7:37 And were beyonde measure astonyed/ sayinge: He hath done all thingſ well/ ād hath made booth the deffe to heare/ and the dom to speake. and were beyonde measure astonyed/ sayinge: He hath done all thingſ well/ and hath made booth the deffe to heare/ & the dōme to speake. and were beyonde measure astonyed/ sayinge: He hath done all thinges well/ and hath made booth the deffe to heare and the domme to speake. & marueyled out of measure, and sayde: He hath done all thinges well. The deaf hath he made to heare, and the domme to speake.