Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
6:1 | ANd he departed thēs/ and cā in to his awne coūtre/ and his disciples folowed hym. | ANd he departed thence/ & cam into his awne countre/ & his disciples folowed him. | ANd he departed thence/ & cam into his awne countre/ & his disciples folowed him. | ANd he departed thence, and came in to his awne countre, and his disciples folowed him. |
6:2 | And when the saboth daye was come/ he began to teache in the synagoge. And many thatt herde hym were astonyed/ ād sayde: Frō whens hath he these thīgſ? ād what wysdō is this that is geven vnto hī? ād suche vertues that are wrought by his hōdſ? | And whē the saboth daye was come/ he beganne to teache in ye synagsge. And many that hearde him were astonyed/ & sayde: From whens hath he these thinges? & what wysdō is this that is gevē vnto him? & suche vertues yt are wrought by his hondſ? | And when the Saboth daye was come/ he beganne to teache in the synagoge. And many that hearde him were astonyed/ & sayde: From whens hath he these thinges? and what wysdom is this that is geuen vnto him: & suche vertues that are wrought by his hondes? | And whā ye Sabbath came, he begāne to teach in their synagoge. And many that herde it, marueled at his lernynge, and sayde: From whēce hath he these thinges? And what wyssdome is this, yt is geuē him: & soch actes as are done by his handes? |
6:3 | Ys not this that carpēter Marys sōne/ the brother off Iames/ ād Ioses ād Iuda and Simō? ād are not his sisters here with vs? And they were hurt by the reason of hī. | Is not this that carpēter Maryes sonne/ ye brother of Iames & Ioses and of Iuda & Simon? & are not his systers here with vs? And they were offended by him. | Is not this that carpenter Maryes sonne the brother of Iames & Ioses & of Iuda & Simon? & are not his systers here with vs? And they were offended by him. | Is not this the Carpenter the sonne of Mary, and the brother of Iames and Ioses, and of Iude and Symon? Are not his sisters here with vs also? And they were offended at him. |
6:4 | And Iesus sayde vnto thē: a prophet is not despysed but in his awne countre/ ād amonge his awne kynne/ and amonge them that are of the same houssholde. | And Iesus sayde vnto thē: a prophet is not despysed but in his awne coūtre/ & amonge his awne kynne/ & amonge thē that are of the same housholde. | And Iesus sayde vnto them: a Prophet is not despysed but in his awne countre/ & amōge his awne kynne/ & amonge them that are of the same housholde. | But Iesus saide vnto thē: A prophet is nowhere lesse set by, thē in his awne countre, & at home amonge his awne. |
6:5 | And he coulde there shewe no myracles butt leyd his hondſ apon a feawe sicke foolke ād healed thē. | And he coulde there shewe no miracles/ but leyd his hondes apon a feawe sicke foolke and healed thē. | And he coulde there shewe no myracles/ but layde his hondes vpon a feawe sicke foolke and healed them. | And he coude not shew one miracle there, but layed his handes vpon a few sicke, and healed them. |
6:6 | And he merveyled at their vnbelefe. And he went aboute by the tounes that lye in circuite/ teachynge. | And he merveyled at their vnbelefe. And he went aboute by ye tounes yt laye on every syde/ teachynge. | And he merueyled at their vnbelefe. And he wēt aboute by the tounes that laye on euery syde/ teachinge. | And he marueyled at their vnbeleue. And he wente aboute in the townes on euery syde, and taught them. |
6:7 | And he called the twelve/ and began to sende them/ two and two/ ād gave them power over vnclene spretſ. | And he called ye twelve & beganne to sende them/ two and two/ & gave them power over vnclene spretes. | And he called the twelue/ & beganne to sende them two & two/ & gaue them power ouer vnclene spretes. | And called the twolue, and begāne to sende them two and two, and gaue them power ouer the vncleane spretes. |
6:8 | And cōmaunded them/ that they shulde take notthinge vnto their Iorney/ save a rodde ōly: Nether scrippe/ nether breed/ nether mony ī their pourses: | And cōmaunded thē/ that they shuld take nothinge vnto their Iorney/ save a rodde only: Nether scrippe/ nether breed/ nether mony in their pourses: | And commaunded them/ that they shuld take nothinge vnto their iorney saue a rodde only: nether scrippe/ nether breed/ nether mony in their pourses/ | And commaunded thē, that they shulde take nothinge with them towarde their iourney, saue onely a rodde: no scrippe, no bred, no money in the gerdell, |
6:9 | butt shoulde be shood with sandals. And that they shulde not put on two coottſ. | but shuld be shood with sandals. And that they shuld not put on two coottes. | but shuld be shood with sandals. And that they shuld not put on two cootes. | but shulde be shod with sandales, and that they shulde not put on two cotes. |
6:10 | And sayd vnto thē: whersoever ye entre into an housse/ there abyde tyll ye departe thens. | And he sayd vnto thē: whersoever ye entre in to an house/ there abyde tyll ye departe thence | And he sayde vnto them: whersoeuer ye entre in to an housse/ there abyde tyll ye departe thence. | And he sayde vnto them: Where so euer ye shal entre in to an house, there abyde, tyll ye go thence. |
6:11 | And whosoever shall nott receave you/ nor heare you/ when ye departe thens/ shake of the duste that is vnder youre fete/ for a remembraūce vnto them. I saye verely vnto you/ itt shalbe easyer for Zodom and Gomor/ att the daye off iudgemēt/ thē for that cite. | And whosoever shall not receave you/ nor heare you/ when ye departe thence/ shake of the duste that is vnder youre fete/ for a witnesse vnto them. I saye verely vnto you/ it shalbe easyer for zodom and Gomor at the daye of iudgement/ then for that cite. | And whosoeuer shall not receaue you/ nor heare you/ when ye departe thence/ shake of the duste that is vnder youre fete/ for a witnesse vnto them. I saye verely vnto you/ it shalbe easier for zodom & Gomor at the daye of iudgement/ then for that cite. | And who so euer wyll not receaue you, ner heare you, departe out from thence, and shake of the dust from youre fete, for a wytnesse vnto them. I saye vnto you verely: It shal be easyer for Sodome and Gomorra in the daye of iudgment, then for that cite. |
6:12 | And they went out and preached/ that they shulde repent: | And they went out and preached/ that they shuld repent: | And they wēt out and preached/ that they shuld repent: | And they wēte forth, and preached, that men shulde amēde them selues, |
6:13 | and they caste out many devyllſ. And they annoynted/ many that were sicke with oyle and healed them. | and they caste out many devylles. And they annoynted many that were sicke/ with oyle and healed them. | and they cast out many deuyls. And they annoynted many that were sicke/ with oyle and healed them. | and they cast out many deuyls: and many that were sicke anoynted they with oyle, and healed thē. |
6:14 | And kynge Herode herde of him/ for his name was spreed abroade/ And he said: Ihō baptiste is risen agayne frō deeth/ and therfore myracles worke in hym. | And kynge Herode herde of him (for his name was spreed abroade) and sayd: Iohn Baptiste is rysen agayne from deeth/ & therfore miracles are wrought by him. | And kynge Herode herde of him (for his name was spreed abroade) & sayde: Iohn Baptiste is rysen agayne from deeth/ & therfore myracles are wrought by him. | And it came to kynge Herods eares (for his name was now knowne) and he sayde: Ihon the baptist is rysen agayne from the deed, and therfore are his dedes so mightie. |
6:15 | Wother sayd/ it is helyas: and some sayde: it is a prophet/ or as won of the prophettſ. | Wother sayd/ it is Helyas: and some sayde: it is a Prophet or as one of ye Prophetes. | Wother sayde it is Helyas: and some sayde: it is a Prophet or as one of the Prophetes. | But some sayde: It is Elias. Some sayde: It is a prophet, or one of ye prophetes. |
6:16 | But whē Herode herde of hī he sayd: it is Ihō whō I beheded/ he ys risen from deeth agayne. | But when Herode hearde of him/ he sayd: it is Iohn whom I beheded/ he is rysen from deeth agayne. | But when Herode hearde of him/ he sayde: it is Iohn whom I behedded/ he is rysen from deeth agayne. | But when Herode herde it, he sayde: It is Ihon whom I beheeded, he is rysen againe from the deed. |
6:17 | For Herode him silfe/ had sent forth/ ād had taken Ihō/ and bounde hī and cast him īto preson for Herodyas sake which was hys brother Philippſ wyfe. For he had maried her. | For Herode him sylfe/ had sent forth and had taken Iohn/ and bounde him & cast him into preson for Herodias sake which was his brother Philippes wyfe. For he had maried her. | For Herode him selfe had sent forth and had taken Iohn/ & bounde him & cast him into preson for Herodias sake/ which was his brother Philippes wyfe. For he had maryed her. | This Herode had sent forth, and taken Ihon, and put him in preson, because of Herodias his brother Philippes wife, for he had maried her. |
6:18 | Ihō said vnto herode: It is not laufull for the to have thy brothers wyfe. | Iohn sayd vnto Herode: It is not laufull for the to have thy brothers wyfe. | Iohn sayde vnto Herode: It is not lawfull for the to haue thy brothers wyfe. | Neuertheles Ihon sayde vnto Herode It is not laufull for the to haue yi brothers wife. |
6:19 | Herodias layd waite for hī/ and wolde have killed him/ butt she coulde not. | Herodias layd wayte for him/ & wolde have killed him/ but she coulde not. | Herodias layd wayte for him/ & wolde haue killed him/ but she coulde not. | But Herodias layed wayte for him, and wolde haue slayne him, and coude not. |
6:20 | For Herode feared Ihō/ knowynge that he was iuste and holy/ and gave hī reverēce/ And whē he herde hī he did many thīges/ ād herde hī gladly. | For Herode feared Iohn/ knowynge yt he was a iuste man and an holy: & gave him reverence: & when he hearde him/ he dyd many thingſ/ and hearde him gladly. | For Herode feared Iohn/ knowinge that he was a iust man and an holy: and gaue him reuerence: and when he hearde him/ he dyd many thinges/ & hearde him gladly. | Notwithstōdinge Herode feared Ihō, for he knew that he was a iust and holy man: and he kepte him, and herkened vnto him in many thinges, and herde him gladly. |
6:21 | And when a convenyent daye was come. Herode ō hys birth daye made a supper to the lordes/ captayns/ ād chefe estatſ of galile. | But when a cōuenient daye was come: Herode on his birth daye made a supper to ye lordes/ captayns/ & chefe estatſ of Galile. | But when a conueniēt daye was come: Herode on his byrth daye made a supper to the lordes/ captayns & chefe estates of Galile. | And there came a conuenient daye, that Herode on his byrth daye made a supper to the lordes, captaynes and chefe estates of Galile. |
6:22 | And the doughter of the same Herodias cā in and daunsed/ and pleased Herode and them that sate att bourde also/ Thē the kīge sayd vnto the maydē: axe of me what thou wilt/ ād I will geve it the. | And ye doughter of ye sayde Herodias came in & daūsed/ and pleased Herode and them that sate at bourde also. Then ye kynge sayd vnto ye mayden: axe of me what thou wilt/ & I will geve it ye. | And the doughter of the sayde Herodias came in & daunsed/ & pleased Herode & them that sate at bourde also. Then the kynge sayde vnto the mayde: axe of me what that thou wilt/ & I wyll geue it the. | Then the daughter of Herodias came in, and daunsed, and pleased Herode, and them that sat at the table. Then sayde the kynge vnto ye damsel: Axe of me what thou wilt, I wil geue it the. |
6:23 | And he sware vnto her what soever thou shalt axe of me/ I will geve it the/ even vnto the one halfe of my kyngdom. | And he sware vnto hyr/ whatsoever thou shalt axe of me/ I will geve it ye/ even vnto ye one halfe of my kyngdome. | And he sware vnto hyr/ whatsoeuer thou shalt axe of me/ I will geue it the/ euen vnto the one halfe of my kyngdome. | And he sware vnto her: Whatsoeuer thou shalt axe of me, I wil geue it the, euen vnto ye one half of my kyngdome. |
6:24 | And she went forth and sayde to her mother: what shall I axe? And she sayde: Ihon baptistſ heed. | And she wēt forth and sayde to her mother: what shall I axe? And she sayde: Iohn Baptistes heed. | And she went forth and sayde to her mother: what shall I axe? And she sayde: Iohn Baptistes heed. | She wente forth, and sayde vnto hir mother: what shal I axe? She sayde: Ihon baptistes heade. |
6:25 | And she cā ī streight waye with haste vnto the kinge/ ād axed sayīge: I wyll/ that thou geve me by ād by in a charger the heed of Ihō baptist. | And she cam in streygth waye with haste vnto ye kynge/ & axed sayinge: I will/ that thou geve me by & by in a charger ye heed of Iohn Baptist. | And she cam in streygth waye with haste vnto the kynge/ & axed sayinge: I will/ that thou geue me by & by in a charger the heed of Iohn Baptist. | And immediatly she wēte in to the kinge with haist, and sayde: I will that thou geue me straight waye in a platter the heed of Ihon the baptist. |
6:26 | And the kīge was sory: yet for hys othes sake/ and for their sakſ which sate att supper also/ he wolde not put her besyde her purpost. | And ye kynge was sory: howbe it for his othes sake/ and for their sakes which sate at supper also/ he wolde not put her besyde her purpose. | And the kynge was sory: howbeit for his othes sake/ & for their sakes which sate at supper also/ he wolde not put her besyde her purpose. | Then the kynge was sory: Yet for the oothes sake and thē that sat at the table, he wolde not saye her nay. |
6:27 | And immediatly the kynge sent the hangman and cōmaūded his heed to be brought in. And he went and beheeded him ī the preson/ | And immediatly ye kynge sent ye hangmā and cōmaunded his heed to be brought in. And he went and beheeded him in the preson/ | And immediatly the kynge sent the hangmā & cōmaunded his heed to be brought in. And he wēt & beheeded him in the preson | And immediatly he sent the hangman, and commaunded his heade to be brought in. So he wēte, and heeded him in the preson, |
6:28 | and brought his heedde in a charger and gave hit to the mayden/ and the maydē gave it to her mother. | and brought his heed in a charger/ & gave it to the mayden/ & the mayden gave it to her mother. | and brought his heed in a charger/ & gaue it to the mayden and the mayden gaue it to her mother. | and brought his heade in a platter, and gaue it vnto the damsell, and the damsell gaue it vnto hir mother. |
6:29 | Whē his disciples herde of it/ they cam and toke vppe his body/ and put it in a toumbe. | And when his disciples hearde of it/ they came & toke vp his body/ & put it in a toumbe. | And when his disciples hearde of it/ they came & toke vp his body/ and put it in a toumbe. | And whan his disciples herde that, they came and toke his body, & layed it in a graue. |
6:30 | And the apostles gaddered thē selves to geddre to Iesus/ ād tolde hī all thyngſ/ booth what they had done/ and what they had taught. | And the apostels gaddered them selves to geddre to Iesus/ & tolde him all thingſ/ booth what they had done/ & what they had taught. | And the Apostles gaddered them selues to gether to Iesus/ & told him all thinges/ booth what they had done/ & what they had taught. | And the Apostles came together vnto Iesus, and tolde hī all, and what they had done and taught. |
6:31 | And he sayd vnto them: come ye aparte in to the wyldernes/ and rest a whyle. For there were many cōmers ād goers. And they hade no leasur wōs for to eate. | And he sayd vnto them: come ye aparte into the wyldernes/ & rest a whyle. For there were many cōmers and goers/ that they had no leasure so moche as to eate. | And he sayde vnto them: come aparte into the wyldernes/ & rest a whyle For there were many cōmers and goers/ that they had no leasure so moche as to eate. | And he sayde vnto them: Let vs go out of the waye in to the wyldernes, and rest a litle. For there were many cōmers and goers, and they had not tyme ynough to eate. |
6:32 | And he went by shippe asyde out off the waye īto a desertt place. | And he wēt by ship out of the waye into a deserte place. | And he went by shyp out of the waye into a deserte place. | And there he passed by shippe out of ye waye in to a deserte place. |
6:33 | And the people spyed them when they departed: and many knewe hī/ and they hasted afote thether out of every cite/ and cā thyther before them/ And cam togedder vnto hym. | But the people spyed them when they departed: and many knewe him/ & ranne afote thyther out of all cities/ and cam thyther before them/ & came togedder vnto him. | But the people spyed them when they departed: and many knewe him/ and rāne afote thither out of all cities/ and cam thither before them/ and came togedder vnto him. | And the people sawe thē departynge awaye, and many knewe of it, & ranne thither together of fote out of all cities, & came before thē, & came vnto him. |
6:34 | And Iesus went out and sawe moche people/ ād had cōpassiō on them/ be cause they were lyke shepe whych had no sheppherde. And he began to teache them many thingſ. | And Iesus went out and sawe moche people/ and had compassion on them/ because they were lyke shepe which had no shepeherde. And he beganne to teache them many thinges. | And Iesus wēt out and sawe moche people/ and had compassion on them/ because they were lyke shepe which had no shepherde. And he beganne to teache them many thinges. | And Iesus wente out, and sawe moch people, and had cōpassion vpon them: for they were as the shepe, that haue no shepherde, and he begāne a lōge sermon. |
6:35 | And whē the daye was nowe farre spent/ his disciples cam vnto him sayinge: thys ys a desert place/ ād nowe the daye ys farre passed/ | And when ye daye was nowe farre spēt/ his disciples came vnto him sayinge: this is a desert place/ and now the daye is farre passed/ | And when the daye was now farre spēt/ his disciples came vnto him sayinge: this is a desert place/ & now the daye is farre passed/ | Now whan the daye was farre past, his disciples came vnto him, and sayde: This is a deserte place, |
6:36 | lett thē departe/ that they maye goo ī to the countrey rounde about/ and in to the tounes/ and bye them breed: for they have nothinge to eate. | let thē departe/ that they maye goo into the countrey rounde about/ & into the tounes/ & bye thē breed: for they have nothinge to eate. | let them departe/ that they maye go into the coūtrey roundabout & into the tounes/ & by thē breed: for they haue nothinge to eate. | let them departe, that they maye go in to the vyllagies and townes rounde aboute, and bye them selues bred, for they haue nothinge to eate. |
6:37 | He answered and sayde vnto them: geve ye them to eate. And they sayde vnto hym: shall we goo and bye ij. C. penyworth of breed/ ād geve them to eate? | He answered & sayde vnto them: geve ye thē to eate. And they sayde vnto him: shall we goo & bye ii.C. penyworth of breed/ & geve thē to eate? | He answered & sayd vnto them: geue ye thē to eate. And they sayde vnto him: shall we goo & bye ij. C. penyworth of breed/ & geue thē to eate? | But Iesus answered and sayde vnto them: geue ye them to eate. And they sayde vnto him: Shal we go then, and bye two hundreth peny worth of bred, and geue them to eate? |
6:38 | He sayde vnto them: howe many loves have ye? Goo and loke. And when they had serched/ they sayde: v. and .ij. fysshes. | He sayde vnto thē: how many loves have ye? Goo and loke. And when they had serched/ they sayde: v. & .ii. fysshes. | He sayde vnto thē: how many loues haue ye? Go & loke. And when they had serched/ they sayde .v. & two fisshes. | He sayde vnto them: How many loaues haue ye? Go and se. And when they had searched, they sayde: Fyue, and two fisshes. |
6:39 | And he cōmaunded thē to make them all sytt doune/ by companyes apō the grene grasse. | And he cōmaunded them to make them all syt doune by companyes apon the grene grasse. | And he cōmaunded thē to make thē all syt doune by companies vpon the grene grasse. | And he commaunded them all to syt downe by table fulles vpon the grene grasse. |
6:40 | And they sate doune here a rowe and there arowe/ by houndredſ and by fyfties. | Aud they sate doune here a rowe and there arowe/ by houndredſ & by fyfties. | And they sate doune here a rowe & there arowe/ by houndredes & by fyftyes. | And they sat downe here a rowe and there a rowe by hundreds and by fifties. |
6:41 | And he toke the v. loves and the .ij. fysshes and loked vppe to heven ād blest/ and brake the loves/ and gave them to hys disciples to put before them/ and the ij. fysshes he devyded a mon them all. | And he toke ye .v. loves & ye ii. fysshes/ & loked vp to heven & blessed & brake the loves/ & gave them to his disciples to put before thē: & the .ii. fysshes he devyded a monge them all. | And he toke the .v. loues & the two fysshes/ & loked vp to heauē & blessed & brake the loues/ & gaue them to his disciples to put before them: & the two fysshes he diuided amōge them all. | And he toke the fyue loaues and two fisshes, and loked vp vnto heauen, and gaue thankes, and brake the loaues, and gaue to the disciples, to set before them. And the two fisshes parted he amonge them all. |
6:42 | And they all ate/ and were satisfyed. | And they all dyd eate/ & were satisfied. | And they all dyd eate/ & were satisfied. | And they all ate, and were satisfied. |
6:43 | And they toke vppe twelve basketſ full off the gobbettſ and of the fysshes. | And they toke vp twelve baskettes full of the gobbettes & of ye fysshes. | And they toke vp twelue baskettes full of the gobettes and of the fisshes. | And they toke vp twolue baskettes full of ye broken peces and of the fisshes. |
6:44 | And they that ate were about fyve thousand men. | And they that ate were about fyve thousand men. | And they that att were about fiue thousand men. | And they that ate, were aboute fyue thousande men. |
6:45 | And streyght waye he caused hys disciples to goo into a shippe/ and to goo over the water before vnto bethsaida/ whill he sent awaye the people. | And streyght waye he caused his disciples to goo into the shipe/ & to goo over the water before vnto Bethsaida/ whyll he sent awaye the people. | And streyght waye he caused his disciples to go into the shyppe/ & to go ouer the water before vnto Bethsaida/ whyll he sent awaye the people. | And anone he caused his disciples to go in to the shippe, and to passe ouer before him vnto Bethsaida, whyle he sent awaye the people. |
6:46 | And as sone as he had sent them awey/ he departed into a mountaine to praye. | And assone as he had sent them away/ he departed into a moūtayne to praye. | And assone as he had sent them awaye/ he departed into a moūtayne to praye | |
6:47 | And when even was come/ the shippe was in the myddſ of the see/ and he alone on the londe/ | And when even was come/ the ship was in the middſ of the see/ & he alone on the londe/ | And when euen was come the shyppe was in the middes of the see/ & he alone on the londe/ | And at euen was the shippe in the myddest of the see, and he alone vpon the londe. |
6:48 | and he sawe thē troubled in rowinge/ for the wynde was cōtrary vnto them. And aboute the fourth quartre of the nyght/ he cam vnto them/ walkinge apon the see/ and wolde have passed by thē. | and he sawe thē troubled in rowynge/ for the wynde was cōtrary vnto them. And aboute ye fourth quartre of ye nyght/ he came vnto thē/ walkinge apon the see/ and wolde have passed by thē. | & he sawe thē troubled in rowinge for the wynde was cōtrary vnto thē. And aboute the fourth quarter of the nyght/ he came vnto them/ walkinge vpō the see/ & wolde haue passed by them. | And he sawe that they were in parell with rowynge, for the wynde was agaynst them. And aboute the fourth watch of ye night he came vnto them, and walked vpon the see, and wolde haue gone ouer by thē. |
6:49 | Whē they sawe hī walkīge apō the see/ they supposed yt had bene a sprete/ and cryed oute: | When they sawe him walkinge apon the see/ they supposed it had bene a sprete/ & cryed oute: | When they sawe him walkinge vpō the see/ they supposed it had bene a sprite/ and cryed oute: | And whan they sawe him walkinge vpon the see, they thought it had bene a sprete, and cried out, |
6:50 | For they all sawe hym/ and they were a frayed. And a non he talked with them/ and sayde vnto them: be of good chere/ it is I/ be not afrayed. | For they all sawe him/ and were a frayed. And anon he talked with them/ & sayde vnto them: be of good chere/ it is I/ be not a frayed. | for they all sawe him/ & were afrayed. And anon he talked with them & sayde vnto them: be of good chere/ it is I/ be not afrayed. | for they sawe him all, and were afrayed. But immediatly he talked with them, and sayde vnto them: Be of good comforte, it is I, be not afrayed. |
6:51 | And he went vnto them into the shippe/ and the wynde ceased/ and they were sore amased in them selves beyonde measure/ and marveyled. | And he went vp vnto them into the shippe/ & the wynde ceased/ and they were sore amased in them selves beyonde measure/ & marveyled. | And he went vp vnto them into the shyppe/ & the winde ceased/ and they were sore amased in them selues beyonde measure/ and marueyled. | And he wēte vnto them in to the shippe, and the wynde ceassed. And they were astonnyed, and marueled exceadingly: |
6:52 | For they remembred nott off the loves/ because their hertſ were blynded. | For they remembred not/ of the loves/ because their hertes were blynded. | For they remembred not/ of the loues/ because their hertes were blinded. | for they had forgotten the loaues, and their hert was blynded. |
6:53 | And they cam over/ and went into the londe off genazareth/ and drue vp into the haven. | And they came over/ & went into the londe of Genezareth/ and drue vp into the haven. | And they came ouer/ & went into the londe of Genezareth/ & drue vp into the hauen. | And whan they were passed ouer, they came in to lande of Genezareth, and drue vp in to the hauen. |
6:54 | And as sone as they were come out off the shippe/ streyght they knewe hym/ | And assone as they were come out of ye shippe/ streyght they knewe him/ | And assone as they were come out of the shyppe/ streyght they knewe him/ | And whan thy were come out of the shippe, immediatly they knewe him, |
6:55 | and ran forth through out all the region rounde a about/ and began to cary aboute in beeddſ all that were sicke/ when they herde tell that he was there. | and ran forth throughout all ye region rounde about/ and began to cary aboute in beeddſ all yt were sicke/ to the place where they heard tell yt he was. | & ran forth throughout all the region rounde about/ & began to cary aboute in beddes all that were sicke/ to the place where they hearde tell that he was. | and ranne thorow out all the region aboute, and beganne on euery syde to brynge vnto him in beddes soch as were sicke, where they herde that he was. |
6:56 | And whither soever he entred into the tounes/ or cites/ or vyllages/ they leyde their sicke in the stretes/ and prayed hyme/ thatt they myght touche and hit wer but the edge off hys vesture. And as many as touched hym were safe. | And whyther soever he entred into tounes/ cities or villages/ they layde their sicke in the stretes/ and prayed him/ that they myght touche/ and it were but the edge of his vesture. And as many as touched him were safe. | And whither soeuer he ētred into tounes/ cities or villages/ they layde their sicke in the stretes/ & prayed him that they myght touche/ & it were but the edge of his vesture. And as many as touched him/ were safe. | And whither so euer he entred in to townes, cities or vyllagies, there layed they the sicke in the market place, and prayed him, that they might but touch the hemme of his garment. And as many as touched him, were made whole. |