Mark: Chapter 04

Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
4:1 ANd he began agayne to teache then by the see syde. And there gadered to gedder vnto hym moche people/ so greatly that he entred in to a shippe/ and sate in the see/ and all the people was by the seesyde ō the shoore/ ANd he began agayne to teache by the see syde. And there gadered to gedder vnto him moche people/ so greatly yt he entred into a ship/ and sate in the see/ & all the people was by the see side on the shoore. ANd he began agayne to teache by the see syde. And there gadered to geder vnto him moche people/ so greatly that he entred into a ship/ and sate in the see/ and all the people was by the see syde on the shoore. ANd he begāne agayne to teach by ye seeside. And there gathered moch people vnto him, so that he wente in to a shippe, and sat vpon the water. And all the people stode vpon the londe by the see syde.
4:2 And he taught thē many thynges in similitudes/ and sayde vnto them in his doctrine: And he taught them many thynges in similitudes/ and sayde vnto them in his doctrine: And he taught them many thinges in similitudes and sayde vnto them in his doctrine. And he preached longe vnto thē by parables, and sayde vnto thē in his doctryne:
4:3 Herkē to. Beholde/ The sower went forth to sowe/ Herken to. Beholde/ There wēt out a sower to sowe. Herken to. Beholde/ There went out a sower to sowe. Herken to, beholde, there wente out a sower to sowe:
4:4 and it fortuned as he sowed/ that some fell by the waye syde/ and the fowles off the ayre cam and devoured it vppe. And it fortuned as he sowed/ that some fell by the waye syde/ and the fowles of the ayre came and devoured it vp. And it fortuned as he sowed/ that some fell by the waye syde/ and the fowles of the ayre came and deuoured it vp. & it happened whyle he was sowinge, that some fell by the waye syde. Then came the foules vnder the heauen, and ate it vp.
4:5 Some fell on a stony grounde: where it had not moche erth: and by and by sprāge vppe/ because it had not deepth of erth/ Some fell on stony grounde/ where it had not moche erth: and by and by sprange vp/ because it had not deepth of erth: Some fell on stony grounde/ where it had not moche erth: and by and by sprange vp/ because it had not deepth of erth: Some fell vpon stonye grounde, where it had not moch earth: and anone it came vp, because it had not depe earth.
4:6 and as sone as the sun was vppe it caught heet: and because it had nott rotynge it wyddred awaye. but assone as the sunne was vp it caught heet/ and because it had not rotynge/ wyddred awaye. but assone as the sunne was vp it caught heet/ and because it had not rotynge/ wyddred awaye. Now whā the Sonne arose, it caught heate: and in so moch as it had no rote, it wythred awaye.
4:7 And some fell amōge the thornes/ and the thornes grewe vppe and choked it/ so that it gave no frute. And some fell amonge the thornes/ and the thornes grewe vp and choked it/ so that it gave no frute. And some fell amonge the thornes/ and the thornes grewe vp and choked it/ so that it gaue no frute. And some fel amonge the thornes, & the thornes grew vp, and choked it, and it gaue no frute.
4:8 And some fell apon good grounde: ād did yelde frute that sprōge and grewe: ād brought forthe some thirty folde/ some fourty folde/ and some an hundred folde. And some fell vpon good grounde and dyd yelde frute that sprōge and grewe/ and brought forthe: some thirty folde/ some sixtie folde and some an hundred folde. And some fell vpon good grounde/ and dyd yelde frute that spronge and grewe/ and brought forthe: some thyrty folde/ some sixtee folde/ and some an hundred folde. And some fell vpon a good grounde, which gaue frute, that came vp and grew. And some bare thirtie folde, and some sixtie folde, and some an hundreth folde,
4:9 And he sayde vnto them: He that hath eares to heare/ lett hym heare. And he sayde vnto them: he that hath eares to heare/ let him heare. And he sayde vnto them: he that hath eares to heare/ let him heare. And he sayde vnto them: Who so hath eares to heare, let him heare.
4:10 When he was alone/ they that were/ aboute hym with the twelve axed hym of the similitude. And when he was alone/ they yt were aboute him with ye .xii. axed him of ye similitude. And when he was alone/ they that were aboute him with the .xij. axed him of the similitude. And whan he was alone, they that were aboute him wt the twolue, axed him concernynge this parable.
4:11 And he saide vnto thē: To you it is geven to knowe the mistery of the kyngdom of God/ But vnto them that are with out/ shall all thingſ be done in similitudſ: And he sayde vnto thē. To you it is gevē to knowe the mistery of the kyngdome of God. But vnto them that are wt out/ shall all thinges be done in similitudes: And he sayde vnto them. To you it is geuen to knowe the mystery of the kyngdome of God. But vnto them that are with out/ shall all thinges be done in similitudes: And he sayde vnto thē: Vnto you it is geuen, to knowe the mystery of the kyngdome of God: but vnto them that are without, all thinges happen by parables,
4:12 that when they se/ they shall se/ and not discerne: and when they heare they shall heare/ ād not vnderstōde: leste at any tyme they shulde tourne/ and their synnes shulde be foryeven them. yt when they se/ they shall se/ & not discerne: & when they heare they shall heare/ & not vnderstonde: leste at any tyme they shulde tourne/ & their synnes shuld be forgevē thē. that when they se/ they shall se/ and not discerne: and when they heare they shall heare/ and not vnderstonde: leste at any tyme they shulde tourne/ and their synnes shuld be forgeuen them. that with seynge eyes they maye se, and not discerne: and that with hearinge eares they maye heare, and not vnderstōde, lest at eny tyme they turne, and their synnes be forgeuen them.
4:13 And he sayde vnto them: Perceave ye not this similitude. And howe ye shall knowe all similitudes? And he sayde vnto thē: Perceave ye not this similitude? how then shulde ye vnderstonde all other similitudes? And he sayde vnto them: Perceaue ye not this similitude? how then shulde ye vnderstonde all other similitudes? And he sayde vnto them: Vnderstonde ye not this parable? How wyl ye then vnderstonde all other parables?
4:14 The sower soweth the worde. The sower soweth ye worde. The sower soweth the worde. The sower soweth the worde.
4:15 These be they whiche are by the wayes syde/ where the worde is sowen/ to whom as sone as they have herde itt/ cōmeth the devyll and takith awaye the worde that was sowen in their hertſ. And they that are by the wayes syde/ where the worde is sowen/ are they to whom assone as they have herde it/ Sathā cometh immediatly/ & takith awaye the worde that was sowē in their hertes. And they that are by the wayes syde/ where the worde is sowen/ are they to whom assone as they haue herde it/ Satan cometh immediatly/ and takith awaye the worde that was sowen in their hertes. These be they that are by the waye syde: where the worde is sowne, and as soone as they haue herde it, immediatly commeth Sathā, and taketh awaye the worde that was sowen in their hertes.
4:16 And these also are they that are sowē on the stony groūde: which when they have herde the worde/ att once they receave it with ioye/ And likewise they that are sowen on the stonye groūde/ are they: which when they have harde the worde/ atonce receave it wt gladnes/ And lykewyse they that are sowen on the stonye grounde/ are they: which when they haue hearde the worde/ atonce receaue it with gladnes/ And likewyse are they that are sowen on the stonye grounde: which when they haue herde the worde, receaue it with ioye,
4:17 yett have no rote ī them selves/ and so endure but for a season: afterwarde as sone as eny trouble or persecucion ariseth for the wordes sake/ anon they fall. yet have no rotes in them selves/ & so endure but a tyme: & anone as trouble & persecucion aryseth for ye wordes sake/ they fall immediatly. yet haue no rotes in them selues/ & so endure but a tyme: & anone as trouble and persecucion aryseth for the wordes sake/ they fall immediatly. and haue no rote in them: but endure for a tyme. When trouble and persecucion aryseth for ye wordes sake, immediatly they are offended.
4:18 And these are they that are sowen amonge the thornes/ which heare the worde of god/ And they that are sowē amōge the thornes/ are soche as heare ye worde: And they that are sowen amonge the thornes/ are soche as heare the worde: And these are they that are sowen amōge the thornes: which heare the worde,
4:19 ād the care of this worlde and the disseytfulnes of ryches/ ād the lustes of other thyngſ entre in/ and choocke the worde/ ād it is made vnfrutfull. and ye care of this worlde & ye disseytfulnes of ryches & the lustes of other thingſ/ entre in & choocke ye worde/ & it is made vnfrutfull. and the care of this worlde and the disseytfulnes of ryches and the lustes of other thinges/ entre in & choocke the worde/ and it is made vnfrutfull. and ye carefulues of this worlde, and the disceatfulnes of riches, and many other lustes entre in, and choke the worde, and so is it made vnfrutefull.
4:20 And these are they that are sowen ī good grounde/ which heare the worde and receave it/ and brynge forth frute: some thirty folde/ some sixty folde/ some an hundred folde. And those that weare sowē in good grounde/ are they that heare the worde and receave it/ and bringe forth frute/ some thirty folde/ some sixty folde/ some an hundred folde. And those that weare sowed in good grounde/ are they that heare the worde and receaue it/ and bringe forth frute/ some thirty folde some sixty folde/ some an hundred folde. And these are they yt are sowen vpō a good grounde: Which heare ye worde, and receaue it, and brynge forth frute: some thirtie folde, and some sixtie folde, and some an hundreth folde.
4:21 And he sayde vnto them: is the candle lighted/ to be put vnder a busshell/ or vnder the borde? ys it not therfore lighted that it shulde be put on a cādelsticke? And he sayde vnto them: is ye candle lighted/ to be put vnder a busshell/ or vnder ye table/ & not rather to be put on a cādelstick? And he sayde vnto them: is the candle lyghted/ to be put vnder a busshell/ or vnder the table/ and not rather to be put on a candelstick? And he sayde vnto thē: Is a candle lighted to be put vnder a busshell, or vnder a table? Is it not lighted, to be set vpon a candelsticke?
4:22 For there is no thinge so prevy/ that shall nott be opened: nether so secreet/ butt that it shall come abroade. For there is nothinge so prevy/ that shall not be opened: nether so secreet/ but that it shall come abroade. For there is nothinge so preuy/ that shall not be opened: nether so secreet/ but that it shall come abroade. For there is nothinge hyd, that shal not be openly shewed: and there is nothinge secrete, yt shal not be knowne.
4:23 Yf eny mā have eares to heare/ lett hī heare. Yf eny man have eares to heare/ let him heare. If eny man haue eares to heare/ let him heare. Who so hath eares to heare, let him heare.
4:24 And he sayd vnto thē: take hede what ye heare. With what measure ye mete/ with the same shall it be measured vnto you agayne. And vnto you that have shall more be geven. And he sayde vnto them: take hede what ye heare. With what measure ye mete/ with the same shall it be measured vnto you agayne. And vnto you that heare shall more be gevē. And he sayde vnto them: take hede what ye heare. With what measure ye mete/ with the same shall it be measured vnto you agayne. And he sayde vnto them: Take hede what ye heare. With what measure ye mete, with the same shal it be measured vnto you agayne. And vnto you that heare this, shal more be geuen.
4:25 For vnto hym that hath/ shall it be geven: And from hym that hath nott/ shall be taken awaye/ even that he hathe. For vnto him yt hath/ shall it be geven: and from him that hath not/ shalbe taken awaye/ even that he hath. And vnto you that heare/ shall more be geuen. For vnto him that hath/ shall it be geuen: and from him that hath not/ shalbe taken awaye/ euen that he hath. For who so hath, vnto him shal be geuen: and who so hath not, from him shalbe taken awaye, euen that he hath.
4:26 And he sayd: so is the kyngdō of God/ even as yf a mā shulde sowe seede ī the grounde/ And he sayde: so is the kyngdome of God/ even as yf a man shuld sowe seed in ye groūde/ And he sayde: so is the kyngdome of God/ euen as yf a man shuld sowe seede in the grounde/ And he sayde: The kyngdome of God is after this maner, as when a man casteth sede vpon the londe,
4:27 ād shuld slepe ād rise vp night ād daye: ād the seede shulde springe/ and growe vppe whyll he is not ware. & shulde slepe & ryse vp night & daye: and the seede shuld springe & growe vp/ he not ware. and shulde slepe and ryse vp nyght & daye: and the seede shuld springe and growe vp/ he not ware. and slepeth, and stondeth vp night and daye, and the sede spryngeth vp, & groweth, he not knowinge of it.
4:28 For the erth bryngeth forthe frute off her silfe/ first the blad/ thē the eares/ after that full corne in the eares. For ye erth bringeth forthe frute of her silfe: fyrst the blade/ then the eares/ after that full corne in the eares. For the erth bringeth forth frute of her selfe: fyrst the blade/ then the eares after that full corne in the eares. (For the earth bryngeth forth frute of her selfe: first the grasse, afterwarde the eare, then the full wheate in the eare)
4:29 As sone as the frute is brought forth/ anon he throusteth ī the sykell because that hervest is come. And as sone as the frute is brought forth/ anōne he throusteth in ye sykell/ because the hervest is come. And assone as the frute is brought forth/ anone he throusteth in the sykell/ because the heruest is come. But whan she hath brought forth the frute, he putteth to the syckell, because the haruest is come.
4:30 And he sayde: where vnto shall we lyken the kyngdom off God? or with what compareson shall we compare it? And he sayde: where vnto shall we lykē the kyngdome of God? or with what cōpareson shall we cōpare it? And he sayde: where vnto shall we lyken the kyngdome of God? or with what comparison shall we compare it? And he sayde: Where vnto wyl we licken the kyngdome of God? Or by what symilitude wyl we compare it?
4:31 It is lyke a grayne off mustardseed/ which when it is sowen in the erth/ is the leest of all seedes that be in the erth: It is lyke a grayne of mustardseed/ which when it is sowē in the erth/ is the leest of all seedes that be in the erth: It is lyke a grayne of mustardseed/ which when it is sowen in the erth/ is the leest of all seedes that be in the erth: It is like a grayne of mustarde sede, which whā it is sowē vpō the londe, is the leest amonge all sedes of the earth.
4:32 And after that it is sowen it groweth vppe/ and is greatest of all yerbes: and bereth greate braunches so that the fowles off the ayre maye dwell vnder the shadowe of it. but after that it is sowen/ it groweth vp/ and is greatest of all yerbes: & bereth greate braūches/ so that ye fowles of the ayre maye dwell vnder the shadowe of it. but after that it is sowen/ it groweth vp/ and is greatest of all yerbes: and bereth greate braunches/ so that the fowles of the ayre maye dwell vnder the shadowe of it. And whā it is sowen, it groweth vp, and is greater then all herbes, and getteth greate braunches, so yt the foules vnder the heauē maye dwell vnder ye shadowe therof.
4:33 And with many soche similitudſ he preached the worde vnto them/ after as they myght heare it. And with many soche similitudſ he preached the worde vnto thē/ after as they myght heare it. And with many soche similitudes he preached the worde vnto them/ after as they myght heare it. And by many soch parables he spake the worde vnto thē, there after as they might heare it,
4:34 And with out similitude spake he nothīge vnto them. But whē they were a parte/ he expounded all thingſ to his disciples. And with out similitude spake he no thinge vnto them. But when they were a parte/ he expounded all thinges to his disciples. And without similitude spake he no thinge vnto them. But when they were a parte/ he expounded all thinges to his disciples. & without parables spake he nothinge vnto them: but vnto his disciples he expounded all thinges pryuately.
4:35 And the same daye whē even was come he sayde vnto them: lett vs passe over into the other syde. And the same daye when even was come/ he sayde vnto them: let vs passe over vnto the other syde. And the same daye when euen was come/ he sayde vnto them: let vs passe ouer vnto the other syde. And the same daye at euen he sayde vnto them: let us passe ouer.
4:36 And they late the people departe ād toke hī even as he was in the shippe. There were also with hī other shippes. And they lefte the people/ & toke him even as he was in the shyp. And ther were also with him other shippes. And they lefte the people/ and toke him euen as he was in the ship. And ther were also with him other shippes. And they let the people go, and toke him as he was in the shippe, and there were mo shippes with him.
4:37 And there arose a great storme of wynde/ ād dasshed the waves īto the shippe/ so that it was full. And ther arose a great storme of wynde/ & dasshed ye waves into the ship/ so that it was full. And ther arose a great storme of wynde/ and dasshed the waues into the ship/ so that it was full. And there arose a greate storme of wynde, and dasshed the wawes in to the shippe, so that the shippe was full.
4:38 And he was in the sterne a slepe on a pelowe. And they awoke hym/ and sayde vnto hym: Master/ carest thou nott that we perisshe? And he was in the sterne a slepe on a pelowe. And they awoke him/ & sayde to him: Master/ carest thou not yt we perisshe? And he was in the sterne a slepe on a pelowe. And they awoke him/ & sayde to him: Master/ carest thou not that we perisshe? And he was behynde in the shippe and slepte vpon a pelowe. And they awoke him & sayde vnto him: Master, Carest thou not, that we perishe?
4:39 And he rose vppe and rebuked the wynde/ and sayde vnto the see: peace and be still. And the wynde alayed/ and there folowed a greate calme: And he rose vp/ & rebuked the wynde/ & sayde vnto the see: peace & be still. And the winde alayed/ and ther folowed a greate calme. And he rose vp/ & rebuked the wynde/ and sayde vnto the see: peace and be still. And the wynde alayed/ and ther folowed a greate calme. And he arose, and rebuked ye wynde, and sayde vnto the see: Peace, and be styll, And the wynde was layed, & there folowed a greate calme.
4:40 and he sayde vnto them: why are ye fearfull? Howe is it that ye have no fayth? And he sayde vnto them: why are ye so fearfull? How is it that ye have no fayth? And he sayde vnto them: why are ye so fearfull? How is it that ye haue no fayth? And he sayde vnto them: Why are ye so fearfull? How is it, that ye haue no faith?
4:41 And they feared excedīgly/ and sayde wō to another: what felowe is this? for booth wynde ād see obey hym. And they feared excedingly/ & sayde one to another: what felowe is this? for booth winde & see obey him. And they feared excedingly/ and sayde one to another: what felowe is this? For booth wynde and see obey him. And they feared exceadingly, & sayde one to another: What is he this? For wynde and see are obedient vnto him.