Mark: Chapter 03

Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
3:1 ANd he entred agayne into the synagog/ ād there was a man which had a widdred hōde: ANd he entred agayne into ye synagoge/ & there was a man there which had a widdred honde. ANd he entred agayne into the synagoge/ and there was a man there which had a widdred honde. HE wente agayne also in to the synagoge, and there was there a mā that had a wythred hande.
3:2 and they watched him/ to se/ yf he wolde heale hī on the saboth daye/ that they myght accuse hym. And they watched him to se/ whether he wolde heale him on the Saboth daye/ yt they might accuse him. And they watched him to se/ whether he wolde heale him on the Saboth daye/ that they myght accuse him. And they marked him, whether he wolde heale him on the Sabbath, that they might accuse him.
3:3 And he saide vnto the man whych had the widdred honde: aryse and stonde in the middes. And he sayde vnto ye man which had ye wyddred honde: arise & stonde in ye middes. And he sayde vnto the man which had the wyddred honde: aryse and stonde in the myddes. And he sayde vnto ye mā with the wythred hāde: Steppe forth here.
3:4 And he sayd to them: whether ys it laufull to do a good dede ō the saboth daye/ or an evyll? to save a mānes life/ or to kyll? Butt they helde their peace. And he sayd to them: whether is it laufull to do a good dede on ye Saboth dayes/ or an evyll? to save life or kyll? But they helde their peace. And he sayd to them: whether is it laufull to do a good dede on the sabboth dayes/ or an euyll? to saue lyfe or kyll? But they helde their peace. And he sayde vnto thē: Is it laufull to do good on the Sabbath? Or is it laufull to do euell? to saue life, or to kyll? But they helde their tonge.
3:5 And he loked roundeaboute on them angrely mornynge on the blindnes of their herttſ/ And sayd to the man: stretch forth thyne honde. And he stretched it forth: And the honde was restored/ even as whole as the other. And he loked round aboute on them angerly/ mournyge on the blindnes of their hertes/ and sayde to the man: stretch forth thyne honde. And he stretched it oute. And his honde was restored/ even as whole as the other. And he loked round aboute on them angerly/ mournynge on the blyndnes of their hertes/ & sayde to the man: stretch forth thyne honde. And he stretched it oute. And his honde was restored/ euen as whole as the other. And he loked rounde aboute vpon them with wrath, and was sory for the harde hertes of thē, and sayde vnto the man: Stretch out thine hande. And he stretched it out. And his hande was made whole like as ye other.
3:6 The pharises departed/ and streyght waye gaddred a counsell with them that belonged to Herode agaynst hym/ that they myght destroye hī. And ye Pharises departed/ & streyght waye gaddred a counsell with thē that belonged to Herode agaynst him/ yt they might destroye him. And the Pharises departed/ & streyght waye gaddred a counsell/ with them that belonged to Herode/ agaynst him that they myght destroye him. And the Pharises wēte out, and straight waye they helde a councell with Herodes officers agaynst him, how they might destroye him.
3:7 And Iesus avoyded with his disciples to the see: and a greate multitude folowed him frō galile and from Iewry/ And Iesus auoyded wt his disciples to ye sea. And a greate multitude folowed him frō Galile & frō Iurie/ And Iesus auoyded with his disciples to the see. And a greate multitude folowed him from Galile & from Iurie/ But Iesus departed awaye with his disciples vnto the see. And there folowed him moch people out of Galile, and frō Iewry,
3:8 ād from hierusalem/ and from Idumea/ and from beonde Iordane: and they that dwelled about Tyre and Sidō/ a greate multitude: which whē they hade herde what thynges he did/ cam vnto him. & frō Hierusalem/ & frō Idumea/ & frō beyonde Iordane: & they yt dwelled about Tyre & Sidon/ a greate multitude: which whē they had herde what thinges he dyd/ came vnto him. & from Ierusalem/ & from Idumea/ & from beyonde Iordane: & they that dwelled about Tyre & Sidon a greate multitude: which when they had herde what thinges he dyd/ came vnto him. and from Ierusalē, and out of Idumea, and from beyonde Iordan, and they that dwelt aboute Tyre and Sydon, a greate multitude which had herde of his noble actes, and came vnto him.
3:9 And he cōmaunded his disciples/ that a shippe shulde wayte on him/ because off the people/ leste they shulde throunge hym. And he cōmaunded his disciples/ yt a shippe shuld wayte on him/ because of the people/ leste they shuld throūge him. And he cōmaunded his disciples/ that a shippe shuld wayte on him/ because of the people/ leste they shuld throunge him. And he spake vnto his disciples yt they shulde kepe a shyppe for him because of the people, lest they shulde thrunge him:
3:10 for he had healed many/ in somoche that they preased apō hī/ for to touche hī/ as many as had plagſ For he had healed many/ in somoche that they preased apon him/ for to touche him/ as many as had plages. For he had healed many/ in somoche that they preased apon him/ for to touche him as many as had plages. for he healed many of them, in so moch, that all they which were plaged, preased vpon him, that they might touch him.
3:11 and whē the vnclene spritſ sawe him/ they fell doune before him/ and cryed sayinge: thou arte the sonne of God: And when the vnclene spritſ sawe him/ they fell doune before him/ & cryed sayinge: thou arte the sonne of God. And when the vnclene sprites sawe him/ they fell doune before him/ and cryed sayinge: thou arte the sonne of God. And whan the foule spretes sawe him, they fell downe before him, and cried, and sayde: Thou art the sonne of God.
3:12 And he streyghtly charged thē that they shulde not vtter him. And he straygtly charged them that they shuld not vtter him. And he straytly charged them that they shuld not vtter him. And he charged them strately, that they shulde not make him knowne.
3:13 And he went vppe into a moūtayne/ and called vnto him whom he wolde/ and they cam vnto hī. And he wēt vp into a mountayne/ & called vnto him whom he wolde/ & they came vnto him. And he went vp into a mountayne/ and called vnto him whom he wolde/ and they came vnto him. And he wente vp in to a mountayne, and called vnto him whom he wolde, and they came vnto him.
3:14 And he ordeined the twelve that they shulde be with him/ and that he myght sende thē to preache. And he ordeyned ye .xii. that they shuld be wt him/ & that he myght sende thē to preache: And he ordeyned the .xij. that they shuld be with him/ & that he myght sende them to preache: And he ordeyned ye twolue, that they shulde be with him, and that he might sende them out to preach,
3:15 And that they might have power to heale syknesses and to cast out devyllſ. and that they might have power to heale syknesses/ & to cast out devyls. and that they myght haue power to heale syknesses/ and to cast out deuyls. and that they might haue power to heale sicknesses, and to cast out deuyls.
3:16 And he gave vnto Simon/ to name/ Peter. And he gave vnto Simon/ to name Peter. And he gaue Symon/ to name Peter. And vnto Symon he gaue the name Peter,
3:17 And he called Iames the sōne of Zebede/ ād Ihon Iames brother/ ād gave thē bonarges to name/ which is to saye the sōnes of thounder. And he called Iames the sonne of zebede & Iohn Iames brother/ & gave them Bonarges to name/ which is to saye the sonnes of thounder. And he called Iames the sonne of zebede & Iohn/ Iames brother/ and gaue them Bonarges to name/ which is to saye/ the sonnes of thounder. and Iames the sonne of Zebede, and Ihon the brother of Iames, and gaue thē the name Bonarges, that is to saye, the children of thonder:
3:18 And Andrewe and Philippe/ and Bartlemewe ād Mathewe/ and Thomas/ and Iames the sōne of Alphey/ and Taddeus/ and Symon of cane/ And Andrew/ & Philip/ & Bartlemew/ & Mathew/ & Thomas/ & Iames the sonne of Alphey/ and Taddeus/ & Symon of Cane/ And Andrew/ and Philip/ and Bartlemew/ & Mathew and Thomas/ and Iames the sonne of Alphey and Taddeus/ and Symon of Cane and Andrew, and Philippe, and Bartylmew, and Mathew, and Thomas, and Iames ye sonne of Alpheus, and Taddeus, and Symon of Cana,
3:19 ād Iudas iscarioth/ whiche same also betrayed hym. And they came vnto housse/ & Iudas Iscarioth/ which same also betrayed him. And they came vnto housse/ & Iudas Iscarioth/ which same also betrayed him. And they came vnto housse/ and Iudas Iscarioth which betrayed him. And they came to house.
3:20 and the people acsembled togedder agayne/ so greattly that they had nott leesar somoche as to eate breed. & the people assembled togedder agayne/ so greatly that they had not leesar so moche as to eate breed. and the people assembled togeder agayne/ so greatly that they had not leysar so moche as to eate breed. Then assembled the people together agayne, in so moch that they had no leysure to eate.
3:21 And when they that longed vnto hym herde off it/ they went out to holde hym. For they sayde/ he ys to fervent. And when they that longed vnto him hearde of it/ they went out to holde him. For they thought he had bene beside him selfe. And when they that longed vnto him hearde of it/ they went out to holde him. For they thought he had bene beside him selfe. And when they that were aboute him herde of it, they wente out to holde him. For they sayde: he taketh to moch vpon him.
3:22 And the scribes which came from Ierusalem/ sayde: he hath Beelzebub/ and by the power off the chefe devyll/ casteth out the vyllſ. And ye Scribes which came frō Ierusalem/ sayde: he hath Belzebub/ & by ye power of the chefe devyll/ casteth out devyls. And the Scribes which came from Ierusalem/ sayde: he hath Belzebub/ and by the power of the chefe deuyll/ casteth out deuyls. But the scrybes that were come downe from Ierusalem, sayde: He hath Belzebub, and thorow the chefe deuell casteth he out deuyls.
3:23 And he called them vnto hym/ and in similitudſ sayde vnto them. Howe can Satan drive out Satan? And he called them vnto him/ & sayde vnto them in similitudes. How can Satan drive out Satan? And he called them vnto him/ and sayde vnto them in similitudes. How can Satan driue out Satan? And he called them together, and spake vnto them in symilitudes: How can one Sathan dryue out another?
3:24 And yf a realme be devided ageynste it silfe/ that realme cānot endure. For yf a realme be devided ageynste it silfe/ that realme cannot endure. For yf a realme be deuided ageynste it selfe/ that realme cannot endure. And yf a realme be deuyded in it self, how can it endure?
3:25 And if a housse be devided agaynste it silfe/ that housse cannot continue: Or yf a housse be devided agaynste it silfe/ that housse cannot continue: Or yf a housse be deuided agaynste it selfe/ that housse cannot cōtinue: And yf a house be deuyded agaynst it self, it can not contynue.
3:26 So yf Satā make insurreccion agaynste him silfe/ and be devided/ he cā not continue/ but hath an ende. So yf Satā make insurreccion agaynste him silfe and be devided/ he cannot continue/ but is at an ende. So yf Satan make insurreccion agaynst him selfe/ and be deuided/ he cannot continue/ but is at an ende. Yf Sathan now ryse agaynst him self, and be at variaunce with him self, he can not endure, but is at an ende.
3:27 No mā can entre into a stronge mans housse/ and take awaye hys gooddſ/ excepte he fyrst bynde that strōge mā and thē spoyle hys housse. No man can entre into a stronge mans housse/ & take awaye hys gooddes/ excepte he fyrst bynde that stronge man/ and then spoyle hys housse. No man can entre into a stronge mans housse/ and take awaye his gooddes/ excepte he fyrst bynde that stronge man/ and then spoyle his housse. No man can entre in to a stronge mans house, and take awaye his goodes, excepte he first bynde the stronge man, and then spoyle his house.
3:28 Verely I saye vnto you that all synnes shalbe forgeven vnto mens chyldren: and blasphemy/ where with they blaspheme. Verely I saye vnto you/ all synnes shalbe forgeven vnto mens chyldren & blasphemy wherwith they blaspheme. Verely I saye vnto you/ all synnes shalbe forgeuen vnto mens chyldren & blasphemy wherwith they blaspheme. Verely I saye vnto you: All synnes shalbe forgeuen the children of men, and the blasphemy also wherwith they blaspheme.
3:29 but he that blasphemeth the holy goost/ shall never have forgevenes: but is in daunger of eternall dampnacion. But he that blasphemeth ye holy goost/ shall never have forgevenes: but is in daūger of eternall dāpnacion: But he that blasphemeth the holy goost/ shall neuer haue forgeuenes: but is in daunger of eternall damnacion: But who so blasphemeth the holy goost, hath neuer forgeuenes, but is giltie of the euerlastinge iudgment.
3:30 For they sayde/ he had an vnclene sprete. because they sayde/ he had an vnclene sprete. because they sayde/ he had an vnclene sprete. For they sayde: he hath an vncleane sprete.
3:31 And there cam his mother and his brithren/ and stode with oute/ and sent vnto him and called hym: Then came his mother & his brethrē/ & stode with out/ & sent vnto him and called him. Then came his mother & his brethren/ & stode with out/ and sent vnto him and called him. And there came his mother and his brethrē, and stode without, and sente vnto him, and called him.
3:32 and the people sate aboute hym/ and sayde vnto hym: beholde thy mother ād thy brethrē seke for the with out. And the people sate aboute hym/ & sayde vnto him: beholde thy mother & thy brethrē seke for the with out. And the people sate aboute him/ and sayde vnto him: beholde thy mother and thy brethren seke for the with out. And the people sat aboute him, and sayde vnto him: Beholde, thy mother and thy brethrē axe after the without.
3:33 And he āswered them/ saynge: who ys my mother/ and my brethren? And he answered them sayinge: who is my mother and my brethrē? And he answered them sayinge: who is my mother and my brethren? And he answered, and sayde: Who is my mother and my brethren?
3:34 And he loked roūde about ō his disciples/ which sate ī compasse about hym/ and sayde: beholde my mother/ and my brethren/ And he loked rounde about on his disciples which sate in compasse about hym/ & sayde: beholde my mother & my brethren. And he loked rounde about on his disciples/ which sate in compasse about him/ and sayde: beholde my mother and my brethren. And he loked rounde aboute him vpon his disciples, which sat rounde in compasse aboute him, and sayde: Beholde, my mother and my brethren.
3:35 For who soever doeth the will off god/ he is my brother/ my syster and mother. For who soever doeth ye will of God/ he is my brother my syster and mother. For whosoeuer doeth the will of God/ he is my brother/ my syster and mother. For who so euer doth the will of God the same is my brother, and my sister and my mother.