Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
16:1 | ANd whē the sabboth daye was past/ Mary magdalen/ and Mary Iacobi/ ād Salome/ bought oyntmentſ/ that they myght come ād anoynt him. | ANd when ye saboth daye was past/ Mary Magdalen/ & Mary Iacobi/ & Salome/ bought odures/ that they myght come & anoynt him. | ANd when the Saboth daye was past/ Mary Magdalen/ and Mary Iacoby/ and Salome/ bought odoures/ that they myght come & anoynt him. | ANd whan the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, & Mary Iames, and Salome, bought spyces, yt they might come, & anoynte hī. |
16:2 | And yerly ī the mornīge the nexte daye after the sabboth day they cam vnto the sepulcre/ when the sun was risen/ | And erly in the morninge the nexte daye after the saboth day/ they came vnto the sepulcre/ when the sunne was rysen. | And erly in the morninge the nexte daye after the Saboth daye/ they came vnto the sepulcre/ when the sunne was rysen. | And they came to the sepulcre vpō a daye of ye Sabbathes very early, whā ye Sonne arose, |
16:3 | And they said won to another: who shall rolle awaye the stone from the dore off the sepulcre? | And they sayd one to another: who shall rolle vs awaye the stone from the dore of the sepulcre? | And they sayd one to another: who shall rolle vs awaye the stone frō the dore of the sepulcre? | & sayde one to another: Who shal rolle vs ye stone frō ye dore of the sepulcre? |
16:4 | And whē they behelde yt/ they sawe how the stone was rolled awaye. For it was a very greate wō/ | And when they looked/ they sawe how the stone was rolled awaye: for it was a very greate one. | And whē they loked/ they sawe how the stone was rolled awaye: for it was a very greate one. | And whan they loked, they sawe, that the stone was rolled awaye: for it was a very greate one. |
16:5 | ād they wēt ī to the sepulcre/ and sawe a yonge man/ sittinge on the ryght syde/ cloothed in a longe white garment/ and they were abasshed. | And they went into the sepulcre/ and sawe a yonge man syttinge on the ryghtsyde/ cloothed in a longe whyte garmēt/ and they were abasshed. | And they went into the sepulcre/ & sawe a yonge mā sittinge on the ryghtside/ clothed in a longe white garment/ and they were abasshed. | And they wente in to the sepulcre, and on the right hande they sawe a yonge man syttinge, which had a longe whyte garmēt vpon him, and they were abasshed. |
16:6 | He sayd vnto thē/ be nott afrayed/ ye seke Iesus of nazareth/ which was crucified. He ys rysen/ he ys nott here. Behoolde the place/ where they putt hym. | And he sayd vnto thē/ be not afrayed: ye seke Iesus of Nazareth which was crucified. He is rysen/ he is not here. Beholde the place/ where they put him. | And he sayd vnto them/ be not afrayed: ye seke Iesus of Nazareth/ which was crucified. He is risen/ he is not here. Beholde the place/ where they put him. | But he sayde vnto thē: Be not ye afrayed, ye seke Iesus of Nazareth which was crucified: he is rysen, he is not here. Beholde, ye place, where they layed him. |
16:7 | Butt go youre waye/ and tell his disciples/ and namly Peter/ that he is goone before you in to galile/ there shall ye se hym/ as he sayde vnto you. | But go youre waye/ and tell his disciples/ & namely Peter: he will goo before you into Galile: there shall ye se him/ as he sayde vnto you. | But go youre waye/ and tell his disciples/ & namely Peter: he will go before you into Galile: there shall ye se him/ as he sayde vnto you. | But go ye youre waye, and tell his disciples and Peter, that he wil go before you in to Galile, there shal ye se him as he sayde vnto you. |
16:8 | And they went oute quicly and fleed frō the sepulcre. For they trembled ād were amased/ Nether said they eny thinge to eny mā/ for they were afrayed. | And they went oute quickly and fleed from the sepulcre. For they trembled & were amased. Nether sayd they eny thinge to eny man/ for they were afrayed. | And they went oute quickly and fleed from the sepulcre. For they trembled & were amased. Nether sayde they eny thinge to eny man/ for they were afrayed. | And they wente forth in all the haist, and fled from the sepulcre: for there was a tremblynge & feare come vpon them, nether sayde they eny thinge to eny man, for they were afrayed. |
16:9 | When Iesus was risen the morowe after the sabboth daye/ he appered fyrst to Mary magdalen/ oute off whom he cast seven devyls. | When Iesus was rysen the morow after ye saboth daye/ he appered fyrst to Mary Magdalen/ oute of whom he cast seven devyls. | When Iesus was rysen the morow after the Saboth daye/ he appered fyrst to Mary Magdalen/ out of whom he cast seuē deuyls. | But Iesus, whan he was rysen vp early vpō the first daye of the Sabbathes, he appeared first vnto Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had cast out seuen deuels. |
16:10 | And she went/ and toolde them that were with hym/ as they morned and weppte. | And she wēt and toolde them that were with him as they morned and weapte. | And she went and tolde them that were with him/ as they morned and weapte. | And she wēte and tolde thē that were with him, as they mourned and wepte. |
16:11 | And whē they herde/ that he was alive/ and had appiered to her: they beleved it not. | And when they herde/ that he was alyve and he had appered to hyr/ they beleved it not. | And though they herde that he was alyue and had appered to hyr/ yet they beleued it not. | And whan they herde that he lyued, and had appeared vnto her, they beleued it not. |
16:12 | After that/ he appered vnto two of thē in a straunge figure/ as they walked/ and went in to the country. | After that/ he appered vnto two of them in a straunge figure/ as they walked and went into the country. | After that/ he appered vnto two of them in a straunge figure/ as they walked and went into the country. | After warde as two of thē were walkynge, he shewed himself vnder another figure, whan they were goynge vpon the felde. |
16:13 | And they went/ and toolde it to the remnaunt. And they beleved thē nether. | And they went and toolde it to the remnaunt. And they beleved them nether. | And they went and tolde it to the remnaunt. And they beleued them nether. | And they wente, and tolde the other: these they beleued not also. |
16:14 | After that he appered vnto the eleven as they sate at meate: and cast in their teche their vnbelefe/ ād hardnes off herte: be cause they beleved not them which had sene hym after his resurreccion. | After that he appered vnto the elevē as they sate at meate: and cast in their tethe their vnbelefe & hardnes of herte: be cause they beleued not them which had sene him after his resurrecciō. | After that/ he appered vnto the eleuen as they sate at meate: and cast in their teth their vnbelefe & hardnes of herte: because they beleued not them which had sene him after his resurreccion. | At the last, as the eleuen sat at the table, he shewed him self vnto them, and rebuked their vnbeleue, and ye hardnesse of their hert, because they beleued not thē which had sene him rysen. |
16:15 | And he sayd vnto them. Goo ye in to all the woorlde/ and preache the gospell to all creaturs: | And he sayd vnto them: Goo ye in to all the worlde/ and preache the glad tyges to all creatures/ | And he sayde vnto them: Go ye into all the worlde/ and preache the glad tydinges to all creatures/ | And he sayde vnto them: Go ye youre waye in to all the worlde, and preach the gospell vnto all creatures. |
16:16 | Whosoever beleveth/ and ys baptised/ shalbe safe: And whosoever beleveth nott/ shalbe dampned. | he that beleueth and is baptised/ shall be saved. But he that beleveth not/ shalbe dampned. | he that beleueth & is baptised/ shalbe saued. But he that beleueth not/ shalbe dampned. | Who so beleueth and is baptysed, shalbe saued: but who so beleueth not, shalbe damned. |
16:17 | And these signes shall folowe them that beleve: In my name they shall cast oute devyls/ and shall speake with newe tonges/ | And these signes shall folowe them that beleve: In my name they shall cast oute devyls and shall speake with newe tonges/ | And these thinges shall folowe thē that beleue: In my name they shall cast oute deuyls/ and shall speake with newe tonges/ | As for the tokens, which shal folowe thē that beleue, these are they: In my name shal they cast out deuyls: Speake with new tunges: |
16:18 | ād shall kill serpentſ. And yf they drynke eny dedly thynge/ yt shall nott hurte them. They shall laye their hondſ on the sike/ and they shall recovre. | and shall kyll serpentes. And yf they drinke eny dedly thinge/ yt shall not hurte thē. They shall laye their hondſ on ye sicke/ & they shall recover. | and shall kyll serpentes. And yf they drinke any dedly thinge/ it shall not hurte them. They shall laye their hondes on the sicke/ and they shall recouer. | Dryue awaye serpētes: And yf they drynke eny deedly thinge, it shal not hurte them: They shal laye their handes vpō the sicke, and they shal recouer. |
16:19 | So then when the lorde had spoken vnto thē/ he was receaved in to heven/ and sate on the right honde of god. | So then when the lorde had spoken vnto them/ he was receaued in to heauen/ and is set doune on the ryght honde of God. | So then when the Lorde had spoken vnto them/ he was receaued into heauen/ and sate him doune on the ryght honde of God. | And the LORDE, after that he had spoken vnto them, was taken vp in to heauen, and sytteth at the right hāde of God. |
16:20 | And they went forth/ ād preached every where/ And the lorde wroght with thē/ And confirmed their preachynge with myracles that folowed. | And they went forth/ and preached every where. And the Lorde wrought with them/ and confirmed the worde with miracles that folowed. | And they wēt forth/ & preached euery where. And the Lorde wrought with them/ & confirmed the worde with miracles that folowed. | And they wente out, and preached euery where. And the LORDE wrought with them, and confirmed the worde with tokens folowynge. |
END | The ende of the gospell of .S. Marke. | The ende of the gospell of S. Marcke. | The ende of the Gospell of S. Marcke. | The ende of the gospell of S. Marke. |