Mark: Chapter 14

Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
14:1 AFter two dayes folowed ester/ and the dayes of swete breed. And the hye prestſ and scrybſ sought meanes/ howe they myght take hym by crafte and putt hym to deeth. AFter two dayes folowed ester/ and the dayes of swete breed. And the hye prestes and the Scrybes sought meanes/ how they myght take hym by crafte and put him to deeth. AFter two dayes folowed ester/ and the dayes of swete breed. And the hye Prestes & the Scribes sought meanes/ how they myght take him by crafte and put him to deeth. ANd after two dayes was Easter, and the daies of swete bred. And ye hye prestes & scrybes sought how they might take him with disceate, & put him to death.
14:2 Butt they sayde: nott on the feaste daye/ leest eny busynes aryse amonge the people. But they sayde: not in the feast daye/ leest eny busynes aryse amonge the people. But they sayde: not in the feast daye/ leest eny busynes aryse amonge people. But they sayde: Not in the feast daye, lest there be an vproure in the people.
14:3 When he was in bethania/ in the housse off Simon the leper/ even as he sate att meate/ there cam a womā with an alablaster boxe of oyntement/ called narde/ that was pure and costly/ and she brake the boxe ād powred it on his heed. When he was in Bethania/ in the housse of Simon the leper/ even as he sate at meate/ ther came a womā hauynge an alablaster boxe of oyntment called narde/ that was pure and costly: and she brake the boxe and powred it on is heed. When he was in Bethania/ in the housse of Symon the leper/ euen as he sate at meate/ ther came a woman hauynge an alabaster boxe of oyntment called narde/ that was pure & costly: and she brake the boxe and powred it on is heed. And when he was at Bethanye in the house of Symon the leper, and sat at the table, there came a woman, which had a boxe of pure and costly Nardus oyntment. And she brake ye boxe, & poured it vpō his heade.
14:4 There were some that disdayned ī them selves/ and sayde: what neded this waste of oyntment? And ther were some that were not content in them selves/ & sayde: what neded this waste of oyntment? And ther were some that were not cōtent in them selues/ & sayde: what neded this waste of oyntment? Then were there some, yt disdayned and sayde: Where to serueth this waist?
14:5 For it myght have bene soolde for more thē two houndred pens/ and bene gevē vnto the povre. And they grudged agaynste her. For it myght have bene soolde for more then thre hundred pens/ and bene gevē vnto the poore. And they grudged agaynste hir. For it myght haue bene soolde for more then thre hundred pens/ & bene geuen vnto the poore. And they grudged agaynst hyr. This oyntment might haue bene solde for more then thre hundreth pens, & bene geuē to ye poore. And they grudged agaynst her.
14:6 And Iesus sayd: lett her be in reest/ why greve ye her? She hath done a goode worke on me. And Iesus sayde: let hir be in reest/ why trouble ye hir? She hath done a good worke on me. And Iesus sayde: let hyr be in reest/ why trouble ye hyr? She hath done a good worke on me. But Iesus sayde: let her be in rest. Why trouble ye her? She hath done a good worke vpō me.
14:7 Ye/ ād ye shall have povre with you all wayes: and whē soever ye will/ ye maye do them goode: butt me ye shal not have alwayes. For ye shall have poore with you all wayes: and when soever ye will/ ye maye do them good: but me ye shall not have alwayes. For ye shall haue poore with you all wayes: & when soeuer ye will ye maye do them good: but me ye shall not haue alwayes. Ye haue allwaye the poore with you, and whā so euer ye wil, ye maye do thē good: but me haue ye not allwaie.
14:8 She hath done that she coulde: she cam a fore hōde to anoynt my boddy to his buryinge warde. She hath done that she coulde: she came a fore honde to anoynt my boddy to his buryinge warde. She hath done that she coulde: she came a fore honde to anoynt my boddy to his buryinge warde. She hath done what she coulde, she is come before, to anoynte my body for my buriall.
14:9 Verely I saye vnto you: wheresoever thys gospell shalbe preached thorow out the whole worlde: thys also that she hath done/ shalbe rehearsed in remembraunce of her. Verely I saye vnto you: wheresoever this gospell shalbe preached thorowout the whole worlde: thys also that she hath done/ shalbe rehearsed in remembraunce of her. Verely I saye vnto you: wheresoeuer this gospell shalbe preached thorowout the whole worlde: this also that she hath done/ shalbe rehearsed in remembraunce of her. Verely I saye vnto you: Where so euer this gospell shal be preached in all the worlde, there shal this also that she hath now done, be tolde for a remembraunce of her.
14:10 And Iudas Iscarioth/ won off the twelve/ went awaye vnto the hye prestſ/ to betraye him vnto thē. And Iudas Iscarioth/ one of the twelve/ went awaye vnto the hye prestes/ to betraye hym vnto them. And Iudas Iscarioth/ one of the twelue/ went awaye vnto the hye Prestes/ to betraye him vnto them. And Iudas Iscarioth one of the twolue wente vnto the hye prestes, to betraye him vnto them.
14:11 Whē they herde that/ they were gladde/ and promised that they wolde geve hym money. And he sought/ howe he myght cōvenyently betraye hym. When they herde that/ they were gladde/ & promised yt they wolde geve him money. And he sought/ howe he myght conveniently betraye him. When they herde that/ they were gladde/ and promised that they wolde geue him money. And he sought/ howe he myght conueniently betraye him. Whan they herde yt, they were glad, & promysed that they wolde geue him money. And he sought, how he might cōueniently betraye him.
14:12 And the fyrst daye of swete breed/ when they offered the pascal lambe/ his disciples sayd vnto hym: where wylt thou that we goo ād prepare that thou mayste eate the ester lambe? And the fyrste daye of swete breed/ when men offer ye pascall lambe/ his disciples sayd vnto him: where wilt thou that we goo & prepare/ that thou mayst eate the ester lambe? And the fyrste daye of swete breed/ when men offer the pascall lambe/ his disciples sayd vnto him: where wilt thou that we go and prepare/ that thou mayst eate the ester lambe? And vpon ye first daye of swete bred, whā the Easter lambe was offered, his disciples sayde vnto him: Where wilt thou yt we go and prepare, yt thou mayest eate ye Easter lābe?
14:13 And he sent fourth two of his disciples/ and sayde vnto them: Goo ye into the cite/ and there shall a man mete you berīge a pitcher of water/ folowe hym: And he sent forth two of his disciples/ & sayde vnto them: Goo ye into the cyte/ and ther shall a man mete you beringe a pitcher of water/ folowe him. And he sent forth two of his disciples/ and sayde vnto them: Go ye into the cite/ and ther shall a man mete you beringe a pitcher of water/ folowe him. And he sent two of his disciples, and sayde vnto them: Go youre waye into the cite, and there shal mete you a mā bearinge a pitcher with water, folowe him,
14:14 And whidthersoever he goeth in/ saye ye to the good man off the housse: The master axeth where is the geest chambre/ where I shall eate the ester lambe with my disciples. And whither soever he goeth in/ saye ye to ye good man of ye housse: the master axeth where is the geest chambre/ where I shall eate ye ester lambe with my disciples. And whythersoeuer he goeth in/ saye ye to the good man of the housse: the master axeth where is the geest chambre/ where I shall eate the ester lambe with my disciples. & where so euer he goeth in, there saye ye to the good man of the house: The Master sendeth the worde: Where is the gest house, wherin I maye eate the Easter lābe, wt my disciples?
14:15 And he wyll shewe you a greate parlour/ paved/ and prepared: there make reddy for vs. And he will shewe you a greate parlour/ paved & prepared: there make ready for vs. And he will shewe you a greate parlour/ paued and prepared: there make ready for vs. And he shal shewe you a greate parlour, which is paued & prepared, there make readye for vs.
14:16 And his disciples went forth/ and cam in to the cite/ and founde as he had sayd vnto them/ and made reddy the ester lambe. And his disciples went forth & came to the cyte/ & founde as he had sayd vnto them: and made ready the ester lambe. And his disciples went forth and came to the cite/ and founde as he had sayd vnto them: and made ready the ester lambe. And ye disciples wēte forth, & came in to ye cite, & foūde it as he had sayde vnto thē. And they prepared ye Easter lambe.
14:17 And att evē/ he cam with the twelve. And at even he came with the .xii. And at euen he came with the .xij. At euen he came wt the twolue.
14:18 And as they sate att borde and ate/ Iesus sayde: Verly I saye vnto you: that won off you shall betraye me/ which eateth with me. And as they sate at borde and ate/ Iesus sayde: Verely I saye vnto you: that one of you shall betraye me/ which eateth with me. And as they sate at borde and ate/ Iesus sayde: Verely I saye vnto you: that one of you shall betraye me which eateth with me. And as they sat at the table & ate, Iesus sayde: Verely I saye vnto you: One of you yt eateth wt me, shal betraye me.
14:19 And they began to morne/ and to saye to hym won by won: ys it I? And another sayde: Ys it I? And they begāne to morne/ & to saye to him one by one: ys it I? And a nother sayde: ys it I? And they beganne to morne/ and to saye to him one by one: is it I? And a nother sayde: is it I? And they were sory, & sayde vnto hī one after another: Is it I? & another (sayde:) is it I?
14:20 he answered/ and sayd vnto them: It is won of the .xij. and the same depeth with me in the platter. He answered and sayde vnto them: It ys one of the .xii. and the same deppeth with me in the platter. He answered & sayde vnto them: It is one of the .xij: and the same deppeth with me in the platter. He answered & saide vnto thē: One of the twolue, euen ye same yt dyppeth with me in ye platter.
14:21 The sonne of mā goeth/ as it is written of hym: but woo be to that man/ by whome the sonne of man is betrayed. Goode were hitt for hym/ if that man had never bene borne. The sonne of man goeth/ as it ys written of him: but woo be to that man/ by whome the sonne of man is betrayed. Good were it for him/ if that man had never bene borne. The sonne of man goeth/ as it is written of him: but wo be to that man/ by whome the sonne of man is betrayed. Good were it for him/ yf that man had neuer bene borne. The sonne of man truly goeth forth, as it is wryttē of hī. But wo vnto that mā, by whom the sonne of man is betrayed. It were better for the same man, that he had neuer bene borne.
14:22 And as they ate/ Iesus toke breede/ gave thākſ/ brake it and gave it to them and sayd: Take/ eate/ Thys ys my body. And as they ate/ Iesus toke breede/ blessed & brake & gave to them and sayde: Take/ eate/ this ys my body. And as they ate/ Iesus toke breede/ blessed and brake and gaue to them and sayde: Take/ eate/ this is my body. And as they ate, Iesus toke the bred, gaue thankes, & brake it, and gaue it thē, & sayde: Take, eate, this is my body.
14:23 And he toke the coppe/ gave thankſ/ and gave it to them/ ād they drōke all off it/ And he toke the cup/ gave thankes/ and gave it to them/ & they all dranke of it. And he toke the cup/ gaue thankes/ and gaue it to them/ and they all dranke of it. And he toke the cuppe, thāked, and gaue it thē, and they all dranke therof.
14:24 And he sayde vnto them: Thys ys my bloude of the newe testament/ which shalbe sheed for many. And he sayde vnto them: This is my bloude of the new testament which is sheed for many. And he sayde vnto them: This is my bloude of the new Testament which is sheed for many. And he sayde vnto them: This is my bloude of the new Testament, which shalbe shed for many.
14:25 Verely I saye vnto you: I wyll drynke no moore off this frute off the vyne/ vntyll that daye/ that I shall drynke it newe in the kyngdom of god. Verely I saye vnto you: I will drinke no moore of this frute of the vyne/ vntyll that daye/ that I drinke it new in the kyngdome of God. Verely I saye vnto you: I will drinke no moore of this frute of the vyne/ vntyll that daye/ that I drincke it new in the kyngdome of God. Verely I saye vnto you, that from hence forth I wil not drynke of the frute of the vyne, tyll ye daye yt I drynke it new in ye kyngdome of God.
14:26 And when they had sayd grace/ they went out in to the mount olivete. And when they had sayd grace/ they went out to mount Olyvete. And when they had sayd grace: they went out to mount Olyuete. And whā they had sayde grace, they wēte forth vnto mount Oliuete.
14:27 And Iesus sayde vnto them: All ye shalbe hurtt thorowe me thys nyght/ For it is written: I wyll smyte the shepheerd/ and the sheepe shalbe scattered. And Iesus sayde vnto them: All ye shalbe offended thorow me this nyght. For it is wryttē: I will smyte ye shepeherd/ & the shepe shalbe scattered. And Iesus sayde vnto them: All ye shalbe offended thorow me this nyght. For it is written: I will smyte the shepeherd/ & the shepe shalbe scattered. And Iesus sayde vnto them: This night shal ye all be offended in me, for it is wrytten: I wil smyte the sheperde, & the shepe shal be scatred abrode.
14:28 Butt after that I am rysen agayne I wyll goo into galile before you. But after that I am rysen agayne/ I will goo into Galile before you. But after that I am rysen agayne/ I will go into Galile before you. Neuertheles after yt I am rysen agayne, I wil go before you in to Galile.
14:29 Peter sayde vnto hym: And though all men shulde be hurte/ yett wolde nott I. Peter sayde vnto him: And though all men shuld be offended/ yet wolde not I. Peter sayde vnto him: And though all men shuld be offended/ yet wolde not I. But Peter sayde vnto him: And though all men shulde be offended, yet wolde not I be offended.
14:30 And Iesus sayd vnto hym: Verely I saye vnto the thys daye even in this nyght/ before the cocke crowe twyse/ thou shallt deney me thryse. And Iesus sayd vnto him: Verely I saye vnto ye/ this daye even in this nyght/ before ye cocke crowe twyse/ thou shalt denye me thryse. And Iesus sayd vnto him: Verely I saye vnto the/ this daye euen in this nyght before the cocke crowe twyse/ thou shalt denye me thryse. And Iesus sayde vnto him: Verely I saye vnto ye: Todaye in this same night, before ye cock crowe two tymes, shalt thou denye me thryse.
14:31 And he spake boldlyer: no/ if I shulde dey with the/ I woll not deny the Lyke wyse also sayd they all. And he spake boldlyer: no/ yf I shulde dye wt the/ I will not deny the. Lyke wyse also sayd they all. And he spake boldlyer: no/ yf I shulde dye with the/ I will not deny the. Lyke wyse also sayd they all. But he saide yet more: Yee though I shulde dye wt ye, yet wil I not denie ye. So saide they all ī like maner.
14:32 And they cam in to a place named gethsemani/ And he sayde to his disciples: Sitt ye here/ whyll I goo aparte and praye. And they came into a place named Gethsemani. And he sayde to his disciples: Syt ye here/ whyll I goo aparte & praye. And they came into a place named Gethsemany. And he sayde to his disciples: Syt ye here whyll I go aparte and praye. And they came in to ye felde called Gethsemane, and he saide vnto his disciples: Syt ye here, tyll I go yonder, and praye.
14:33 And he toke with hym Peter/ Iames/ and Ihon/ and he began to waxe abasshede and to be in an agony. And he toke with him Peter/ Iames & Iohn/ & he began to waxe abasshed & to be in an agonye And he toke with him Peter/ Iames and Iohn/ & he began to waxe abasshed & to be in an agonye And he toke with him Peter & Iames, & Ihon, and begāne to waxe fearefull, & to be in an agonye,
14:34 And sayde vnto them: My soule is very hevy even vnto the deeth/ tary here and watche. & sayde vnto thē: My soule is very hevy even vnto the deeth/ tary here and watche. and sayde vnto them: My soule is very heuy euen vnto the deeth tary here and watche. & sayde vnto thē: My soule is heuy euē vnto ye death: tary ye here and watch.
14:35 And he wēt forth a lytle and fell dounne on the groūde ād prayede/ That yf it were possible/ the houre myght passe from hym/ And he went forth a lytle and fell doune on ye grounde & prayed: that yf it were possible/ the houre myght passe from him. And he went forth a lytle and fell doune on the grounde and prayed: that yf it were possible/ the houre myght passe from him. And he wente forth a litle, fell vpon the grounde and prayed, that, (yf it were possyble) ye houre might passe frō him,
14:36 And he sayde: Abba father/ all thingſ are possible vnto the/ take awaye this cuppe from me. neverthelesse nott that I wyll/ butt that thowe wilt be done. And he sayd: Abba father/ all thinges are possible vnto the/ take awaye this cup from me. Neverthelesse not that I will/ but that thou wilt/ be done. And he sayd: Abba father/ all thinges are possible vnto the take awaye this cup from me. Neuerthelesse not that I will: but that thou wilt/ be done. and sayde: Abba, my father, all thinges are possyble vnto the, take this cuppe awaye fro me: Neuertheles not what I wyl, but what thou wilt.
14:37 And he cā/ and founde them slepīge/ ād sayd to Peter: Simon slepest thou? Coudest not thou watche with me one houre? And he cam & founde thē slepinge/ & sayd to Peter: Simon/ slepest thou? Couldest not thou watche with me one houre? And he cam and founde them slepynge/ and sayd to Peter: Symon slepest thou? Couldest not thou watche with me one houre? And he came vnto them, and founde thē slepynge, and sayde vnto Peter: Symon, slepest thou? Couldest thou not watch with me one houre?
14:38 watche ye/ and praye/ leest ye entre into temptacion/ the sprete is redy/ but the flesshe is weeke. watche ye/ & praye/ leest ye entre into temptacion: ye sprete is redy/ but ye flessh is weeke. watche ye/ and praye leest ye entre into temptacion: the sprete is redy but the flessh is weeke. Watch and praye, that ye fal not in to temptacion. The sprete is wyllinge, but ye flesh is weake.
14:39 And agayne he wēt awaye and prayde/ and spake the same wordſ. And agayne he went awaye & prayde/ & spake ye same wordes. And agayne he went awaye and prayde and spake the same wordes. And he wēte forth agayne, and prayde, and spake the same wordes,
14:40 And he returned and founde them aslepe agayne/ for their eyes were hevy: nether coulde they tell what they myght answere to hym. And he returned and founde them a slepe agayne/ for their eyes were hevy: nether wist they what to answere him. And he returned and founde them a slepe agayne for their eyes were heuy: nether wist they what to answere him. and returned, and founde them slepynge agayne: for their eyes were heuy, & they knewe not what they shulde answere him.
14:41 And he cā the thyrde tyme/ and sayd vnto them: slepe hens forth ād take youre ease. It ys ynough. The houre is come/ Beholde the sonne of man shalbe delyvred into the hondſ of synners. And he cam the thyrde tyme/ & sayd vnto thē: slepe hens forth & take youre ease/ it is ynough. The houre is come/ beholde ye sonne of man shalbe delyvered into ye hondes of synners. And he cam the thyrde tyme and sayd vnto them: slepe hens forth/ and take youre ease/ it is ynough. The houre is come/ beholde the sonne of man shalbe deliuered into the hondes of synners. And he came the thirde tyme, and sayde vnto them: Slepe on now, and take youre rest, It is ynough, the houre is come: beholde, ye sonne of man shalbe delyuered in to the handes of synners:
14:42 Ryse vppe/ let vs goo/ Loo he that betrayeth me/ is come nye. Ryse vp/ let vs goo. Loo he that betrayeth me/ is at hande. Ryse vp/ let vs go. Lo he that betrayeth me/ is at hande. aryse, let vs be goynge. Beholde, he is at hande, that betrayeth me.
14:43 And immediatly whill he yett spake cam Iudas/ won off the twelve/ and with hyme a greate nomber off people with sweardes and staves from the hye prestes and scribes and seniours. And immediatly whyll he yet spake/ came Iudas one of the twelve/ & with him a greate nomber of people with sweardes & staves from the hye prestes and scribes and elders. And immediatly whyll he yet spake came Iudas one of the twelue/ and with him a greate nomber of people with sweardes and staues from the hye Prestes and Scribes and elders. And immediatly whyle he yet spake, came Iudas one of the twolue, and with him a greate multitude, with swerdes and staues from the hye prestes and scrybes and elders.
14:44 He that betrayed hym/ gave them a generall token/ sayinge: whosoever I do kisse/ he it is/ take hym/ and leade hym awaye warely. And he that betrayed him/ had geven them a generall tokē sayinge: whosoever I do kisse/ he it is: take him & leade him awaye warely. And he that betrayed him had geuen them a generall token sayinge: whosoeuer I do kisse/ he it is: take him and leade him awaye warely. And the traytoure had geuen them a tokē, and sayde: Whom so euer I kysse, that same is he, laye handes vpon him, and lede him awaye warely.
14:45 And as sone as he was come/ he went streight waye to hī/ And sayd vnto hym: master/ master/ and kissed hī. And assone as he was come/ he went streyght waye to him/ and sayd vnto him: master master/ and kissed him. And assone as he was come/ he went streyght waye to him/ & sayd vnto him: master/ master/ and kissed him. And whā he was come, he wente straight waye vnto him, and sayde vnto him: O master, master, and kyssed him.
14:46 And they leyde their hondſ on him. ād toke hī. And they layde their hondes on him/ & toke him. And they layde their hondes on him/ and toke him. Then layed they their handes vpon him, & toke him.
14:47 Won off them that stode by drue out a swearde/ and smote a servaunt off the hye preste/ and cutt off hys eare. And one of them that stode by/ drue out a swearde/ and smote a servaunt of the hye preste/ and cut of his eare. And one of them that stode by/ drue out a swearde/ and smote a seruaūt of the hye Preste/ and cut of his eare. But one of thē that stode by, drew out his swerde, and smote the hye prestes seruaunt, and cut of his eare.
14:48 And Iesus answered and sayd vnto them: ye cam out as vnto a thefe with sweardes ād with staves ffor to take me/ And Iesus answered & sayd vnto thē: ye be come out as vnto a thefe wt sweardes & with staves/ for to take me. And Iesus answered and sayd vnto them: ye become out as vnto a thefe with sweardes and with staues/ for to take me. And Iesus answered, and sayde vnto thē: Ye are come forth as it were to a murthurer with swerdes and with staues to take me.
14:49 I was dayly with you in the temple teachīge/ and ye toke me not/ but that the scripturſ shulde be fulfilled: I was dayly with you in ye temple teachinge & ye toke me not: but yt the scriptures shuld be fulfilled. I was dayly with you in the temple teachinge/ and ye toke me not: but that the scriptures shuld be fulfylled. I was daylie with you in the temple, and taught, and ye toke me not. But this is done, that the scrypture maye be fulfilled.
14:50 and they all forsoke hym and rāne awaye. And they all forsoke him & ranne awaye. And they all forsoke him and ranne awaye. And all the disciples forsoke him, and fled.
14:51 And there was a certeyne yonge man thatt folowed hym cloothed in linē apō the bare/ ād the yonge mē caught hym/ And ther folowed him a certeyne yonge man/ cloothed in lynnen apon ye bare/ & the yongemen caught him/ And ther folowed him a certeyne yonge man/ clothed in lynnen apon the bare/ and the yongemen caught him/ And there folowed him a yonge mā, which was clothed in lynnen vpon the bare skynne, and the yonge mē toke holde of him.
14:52 and he lefte his lynnē and fleed from thē nakeed. & he lefte his lynnen and fleed from them naked. and he lefte his lynnen/ and fleed from them naked. But he let the lynnen go, and fled naked from them.
14:53 And they leedde Iesus awaye to the hyest preste off all/ and to hym came all the hye prestes/ and the seniours/ ād the scribes. And they leed Iesus awaye to ye hyest preste of all/ and to him came all the hye prestes/ and the elders/ and the scribes. And they leed Iesus awaye to the hyest Preste of all and to him came all the hye Prestes/ and the elders/ and the Scribes. And they led Iesus vnto the hye prest, where all ye hye prestes, and elders and scrybes were come together.
14:54 And Peter folowed a greate way of even into the pallys of the hye preste/ and he was there and sat with the servauntſ/ and warmed hym silfe att the fyre. And Peter folowed him a greate waye of/ even into the pallys of the hye preste/ & sat with the servauntes/ and warmed him sylfe at the fyre. And Peter folowed him a greate waye of euen into the pallys of the hye Preste/ & sat with the seruauntes/ and warmed him selfe at the fyre. As for Peter, he folowed him afarre of in to the hye prestes palace. And he was there, and sat with the seruauntes, and warmed him.
14:55 And the hye prestſ and all the counsell sought for witnes agaynste Iesu/ to putt hym to deeth/ And they founde noone. And the hye prestes & all ye counsell sought for witnes agaynste Iesu/ to put him to death/ and founde noone. And the hye Prestes & all the counsell sought for witnes agaynste Iesu/ to put him to death/ and founde noone. But the hye prestes and the whole councell sought wytnesse agaynst Iesus, yt they might brynge him to death, and they founde none.
14:56 Yett many bare falce witnes agaynste hym/ butt their witnes agreed not to gedder. Yet many bare falce witnes agaynste him/ but their witnes aggreed not to geder. Yet many bare falce witnes agaynste him/ but their witnes aggreed not to gether. Many gaue false wytnesse agaynst him, but their wytnesses agreed not together.
14:57 And there aroose certayne and brought falce witnes againste hym/ sayīge: And ther aroose certayne and brought falce witnes agaynste him/ sayinge. And ther aroose certayne & brought falce witnes agaynste him sayinge. And some stode vp, and gaue false wytnes agaynst him, and sayde:
14:58 We herde hym saye: I wyll destroye this temple made with hondes/ and with in thre dayes I wyll bilde another made with out hondes. We herde him saye: I will destroye this temple made with hondes/ and with in thre dayes I will bylde another/ made with out hondſ. We herde him saye: I will destroye this temple made with hondes/ and with in thre dayes I will bylde another/ made with out hondes. We herde him saye: I wil breake downe this temple that is made with hōdes, and in thre dayes buylde another not made wt handes.
14:59 And there witnes aggreed not to gedder. But their witnes agreed not to geder. But their witnes agreed not to geder. But their wytnesse agreed not together.
14:60 And the hyeste preste stode vppe before them all/ and axed Iesus sayinge: answerest thou nothinge? Howe is it that these beare witnes agaynst the? And the hyeste preste stode vp amongest them/ & axed Iesus sayinge: answerest thou nothinge? How is it that these beare witnes agaynst the? And the hyeste Preste stode vp amongest thē/ & axed Iesus sayinge: answerest thou nothinge? How is it that these beare witnes agaynst the? And the hye prest stode vp amonge them, and axed Iesus, and sayde: Answerest thou nothinge vnto it, that these testifie agaynst the?
14:61 And he helde his peace/ and answered noothynge. Agayne the hyeste preste axed hym/ and sayde vnto hym: Arte thou Christ the sonne off the blessed? And he helde his peace/ and answered noothinge. Agayne the hyeste Preste axed him/ & sayde vnto him: Arte thou Christ the sonne of the blessed? And he helde his peace/ and answered nothinge. Agayne the hyeste Preste axed him and sayde vnto him: Arte thou Christ the sonne of the blessed? But he helde his tunge, and answered nothinge. Thē the hye prest axed him agayne, and sayde vnto him: Art thou Christ the sonne of the blessed?
14:62 And Iesus sayde: I am. And ye shall se the sonne off man sitt on the ryght honde of power/ and come in the cloudes off hevē. And Iesus sayde: I am. And ye shall se the sonne of man syt on the ryght honde of power/ and come in the cloudes of heven. And Iesus sayde: I am. And ye shall se the sonne of man syt on the ryght honde of power and come in the cloudes of heauen. Iesus sayde: I am. And ye shal se the sonne of man syt at the right hande of power, and come in the cloudes of heauē.
14:63 Thē the hyest preste rent his cloothes and sayd: what nede we eny further of witnes? Then the hyest preste rent his cloothes and sayd: what nede we eny further of witnes? Then the hyest preste rent his clothes & sayd: what nede we eny further of witnes? Then the hye prest rent his clothes, & sayde: What nede we eny mo wytnesses?
14:64 ye have herde the blasphemy/ what thinke ye? And they all gave sentence that he was worthy of deeth. Ye have herde the blasphemy what thinke ye? And they all gave sentence yt he was worthy of deeth. Ye haue hearde the blasphemy/ what thinke ye? And they all gaue sentence that he was worthy of deeth. Ye haue herde the blasphemy. What thynke ye? They all cōdemned him, that he was giltie of death.
14:65 And some began to spit at hym/ and to cover his face/ and to bet hym with their fistſ/ and to saye vnto him arede vnto vs. And the servauntes boffeted him on the face. And some begāne to spit at him/ & to cover his face/ & to bete him with fistes/ & to saye vnto him/ arede vnto vs. And the servauntes boffeted him on the face. And some begāne to spit at him/ & to couer his face/ & to bete him with fistes/ and to saye vnto him/ arede vnto vs? And the seruaūtes boffeted him on the face. Then beganne there some to spyt vpō him, and to couer his face, and to smyte him with fistes, and to saye vnto him Prophecie vnto vs. And the seruauntes smote him on the face.
14:66 And Peter was beneeth in the pallys/ and there cam won off the wenches off the hyest preste/ And as Peter was beneeth in ye pallys/ ther came one of ye wēches of ye hyest preste: And as Peter was beneeth in the pallys/ ther came one of the wenches of the hyest preste: And Peter was beneth in ye palace. Thē came one of the wenches of the hye prest:
14:67 And when she sawe Petre warmynge hym silfe/ she loked on hym/ and sayd: wast not thou also with Iesus of Nazareth? & whē she saw Petre warmynge him sylfe/ she loked on him/ & sayd: wast not thou also wt Iesus of Nazareth? & when she sawe Peter warminge him selfe/ she loked on him/ & sayde: wast not thou also with Iesus of Nazareth? And whā she sawe Peter warmynge him, she loked vpō hī, and sayde: And thou wast with Iesus of Nazareth also.
14:68 And he denyed it sayinge: I knowe hym not/ nether wott I what thou sayest: And he went out in to the poorche/ and the cocke crewe. And he denyed it sayinge: I knowe him not/ nether wot I what thou sayest. And he went out into ye poorche/ & the cocke crewe. And he denyed it saying: I knowe him not/ nether wot I what thou sayest. And he went out into the porche/ and the cocke crewe. But he denyed, & sayde: I knowe him not, nether can I tell what thou sayest. And he wente out in to the fore courte, and the cock crew.
14:69 And a damsell sawe hym/ and agayne began to saye to them that stode by/ thys ys won of them. And a damsell sawe him/ & agayne beganne to saye to thē that stode by/ this is one of thē. And a damsell sawe him/ & agayne beganne to saye to them that stode by/ this is one of thē. And a damsell sawe him, and beganne agayne to saye vnto them that stode by: This is one of them.
14:70 And he denyed yt agayne. And anon after/ agayne they that stode by/ sayde to Peter: suerly thou arte won off them/ for thou arte of galile/ and thy speache agreth therto. And he denyed it agayne. And anone after/ they that stode by/ sayde agayne to Peter: suerly thou arte one of thē/ for thou arte of Galile/ & thy speache agreth therto. And he denyed it agayne. And anone after/ they that stode by/ sayde agayne to Peter: suerly thou arte one of thē/ for thou arte of Galile/ & thy speache agreth therto. And he denyed it agayne. And after a litle whyle they yt stode by, sayde agayne vnto him: Of a trueth thou art one of them for thou art a Galilean, and thy speach soundeth euen alike.
14:71 And he began to coursse and to sweare/ sayinge/ I knowe nott thys man off whom ye speake. And he beganne to cursse & to sweare sayinge: I knowe not this man of whom ye speake. And he begāne to cursse and to sweare sayinge: I knowe not this man of whom ye speake. But he begāne to curse and sweare: I knowe not the man, that ye speabe of.
14:72 And agayne the cocke crewe. And Peter remembred the worde that Iesus sayd vnto him: before the cocke crowe twyse thou shalt deny me thryse/ and began to wepe. And agayne the cocke krewe/ and Peter remembred the worde that Iesus sayd vnto him: before the cocke crowe twyse/ thou shalt deny me thryse & beganne to wepe. And agayne the cocke krewe/ & Peter remembred the worde that Iesus sayde vnto him: before the cocke crowe twyse/ thou shalt denye me thryse/ & beganne to wepe. And the cock crew agayne. Then thought Peter vpon the worde, that Iesus sayde vnto him: Before ye cock crow two tymes, thou shalt denye me thryse. And he beganne to wepe.