Mark: Chapter 10

Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
10:1 ANd he rose from thens/ and went in to the coostes of Iewry through the regyon that ys beyonde iordā. And the people resorted vnto hym afresshe: And as he was wont he taught them agayne. ANd he rose from thence/ & went into ye coostes of Iurie through the region yt is beyonde Iordan. And ye people resorted vnto him afresshe: and as he was wont/ he taught them agayne. ANd he rose frō thence & went into the coostes of Iurie through the region that is beyōde Iordan. And the people resorted vnto him a fresshe: and as he was wōt/ he taught thē agayne. ANd he rose vp, and came from thence in to the places of Iewry beyonde Iordan. And the people wēte agayne vnto him by heapes, and as his maner was he taught them agayne.
10:2 And the pharyses cam and axed hym a question: whether it were laufull for a mā to putt awaye hys wyfe. To prove hym. And the pharises came & axed him a question: whether it were laufull for a mā to put awaye his wyfe: to prove him. And the pharises came & axed him a question: whether it were laufull for a mā to put awaye his wyfe: to proue him. And the Pharises came vnto him, and axed him, yf it were laufull for a man to put awaye his wife, and tempted him withall.
10:3 He answered ād said vnto thē: what did Moses bid you do? And he answered & sayd vnto thē: what dyd Moses byd you do? And he answered and sayd vnto them: what dyd Moses byd you do? But he answered and sayde: What hath Moses cōmaunded you?
10:4 And they sayde: Moses suffred to wryte a testimoniall of her divorsment/ and to putt her awaye. And they sayde: Moses suffred to wryte a testimoniall of devorsement/ & to put hyr awaye. And they sayde: Moses suffred to wryte a testimoniall of deuorsement/ and to put hyr awaye. They sayde: Moses suffred to wryte a testimoniall of deuorcemēt, and to put her awaye.
10:5 And Iesus answered/ and sayd vnto thē: For because of youre harde herttſ he wrote thys precepte vnto you. And Iesus answered & sayd vnto thē: For ye hardnes of youre hertſ he wrote this precept vnto you. And Iesus answered & sayd vnto them: For the hardnes of youre hertes he wrote this precept vnto you. Iesus answered, and sayde vnto them: Because of ye hardnesse of yor hert dyd Moses wryte you this commaundement.
10:6 But at the fyrst creacion/ god made them man and woman/ sayinge: But at the fyrste creacion/ God made thē man & woman. But at the fyrste creacion God made them man and woman. But from the first creacion God made thē man and woman.
10:7 for thys thingſ sake shall a man leve father and mother/ and byde by his wyfe/ And for this thingſ sake shall mā leve his father & mother/ & bide by his wyfe/ And for this thinges sake shall man leue his father and mother and byde by his wyfe For this cause shal a man leaue his father & mother, and cleue vnto his wife,
10:8 and .ij. shalbe made won flesshe. So then are they nowe nott twayne/ but won flesshe/ & they twayne shalbe one flesshe. So then are they now not twayne/ but one flesshe. and they twayne shalbe one flesshe. So then are they now not twayne but one flesshe. and they two shalbe one flesh. Now are they not twayne thē, but one flesh.
10:9 therfore that whych god hath cuppled/ let nott man separate. Therfore what God hath cuppled/ let not mā separat. Therfore what God hath cuppled/ let not man separat. Let not man therfore put asunder that, which God hath coupled together.
10:10 And in the housse his disciples axed him agayne of that mater. And in the housse his disciples axed him agayne of yt matter. And in the housse his disciples axed him agayne of that matter. And at home his disciples axed him agayne of ye same.
10:11 And he sayde vnto thē: Whosoever putteth awaye his wyfe/ and maryeth another/ breaketh wedlocke to her warde. And he sayde vnto them: Whosoever putteth awaye his wyfe & maryeth another/ breaketh wedlocke to her warde. And he sayde vnto thē: Whosoeuer putteth awaye his wyfe and maryeth another/ breaketh wedlocke to herwarde. And he sayde vnto thē: Who so euer putteth awaye his wife, & marieth another, breaketh wedlocke to her warde.
10:12 And yf a womā forsake her husband/ and be maryed to another/ she cōmitteth advoutry. And yf a woman forsake her husband and be maryed to another/ she cōmitteth advoutrie. And yf a woman forsake her husband and be maryed to another/ she committeth aduoutrie. And yf a womā forsake hir hussbande, & be maried to another, she cōmitteth aduoutrie.
10:13 And they brought chyldren to hym that he shoulde touche thē. And hys disciples chid thoose that brought them. And they brought chyldren to him/ that he should touche thē. And his disciples rebuked thoose that brought thē. And they brought chyldren to him/ that he should touche them. And his disciples rebuked thoose that brought them. And they brought childrē vnto him, that he might touch them. But the disciples reproued those that brought thē.
10:14 When Iesus sawe that/ he was displeased/ and sayd vnto them: Suffre the chyldren to come vnto me ād forbid thē not. For vnto suche belongeth the kīgdō of god. When Iesus sawe that/ he was displeased/ & sayd to thē: Suffre the chyldrē to come vnto me & forbid thē not. For of suche is ye kyngdome of God. When Iesus sawe that/ he was displeased and sayd to them: Suffre the chyldren to come vnto me/ and forbyd thē not. For of suche is the kyngdome of God. Neuertheles whan Iesus sawe it, he was displeased, and sayde vnto them: Suffre the children to come vnto me, and forbyd them not, for of soch is the kyngdome of God.
10:15 Verely I saye to you/ whosoever shall not receave the kyngdō of god as a chylde/ he shall not entre therin. Verely I saye vnto you/ whosoever shall not receave ye kyngdome of God as a chylde/ he shall not entre therin. Verely I saye vnto you/ whosoeuer shall not receaue the kyngdome of God as a chylde/ he shall not entre therin. Verely I saye vnto you: Who so euer receaueth not the kyngdome of God as a childe, he shal not entre therin.
10:16 And he toke them vppe in his armes/ ād putt his hondſ apon them/ and blessed them. And he toke thē vp in his armes & put his hondſ vpon them/ & blessed thē. And he toke them vp in his armes/ and put his hondes vpon them/ and blessed them. And he toke them vp in his armes, and layed his handes vpon them, and blessed them.
10:17 And whē he was come out into the waye/ there cam won runninge ād kneled to hī/ and axed hī: Goode master/ what shall I do/ that I maye enheret eternall lyfe? And when he was come in to the waye/ ther came one runninge & kneled to him/ and axed him: good master/ what shall I do/ that I maye enheret eternall lyfe? And when he was come into the waye/ ther came one runnynge and kneled to him/ and axed him: good master/ what shall I do/ that I maye enheret eternall lyfe? And whan he was gone forth vpon the waye, there came one runninge, and kneled vnto him, & axed him: Good Master, what shal I do, that I maye inheret euerlastinge life?
10:18 Iesus said vnto hī: why callest thou me goode? there is no man goode but won/ whych ys god. Iesus sayde to him: why callest thou me good? There is no mā good but one/ which is God. Iesus sayde to him: why callest thou me good? There is no man good but one/ which is God. But Iesus saide vnto him: Why callest thou me good? There is no man good, but God onely,
10:19 Thou knowest the cōmaundmētſ. breake not matrimony/ kyll not/ steale nott/ bere no falce wytnes/ defraude no mā/ honore thy father ād thy mother/ Thou knowest the cōmaundementes: breake not matrimony: kyll not: steale not: bere not falce wytnes: defraude no man: honoure thy father & mother. Thou knowest the commaundementes: breake not matrimony: kyll not: steale not/ bere no falce witnes: defraude no man: honoure thy father & mother. Thou knowest the commaundementes: Thou shalt not breake wedlocke: thou shalt not kyll: thou shalt not steale: thou shalt beare no false wytnesse: thou shalt begyle no man: Honoure thy father and mother.
10:20 He answered ād said to hī: master/ all theese I have observed frō my youth. He answered & sayde to him: master/ all these I have observed frō my youth. He answered and sayde to him: master/ all these I haue obserued from my youth. But he answered, and sayde vnto him: Master, all these haue I kepte fro my youth vp.
10:21 Iesus behelde hī/ ād had a favour to hī/ ād said vnto hī: Wō thīge is lackīg vnto the Goo/ and sell all that thou hast/ and geve itt to the povre/ ād thou shalt have treasure in hevē/ and come and folowe me/ and take thy crosse on the. Iesus behelde him & had a favour to him/ and sayde vnto him: one thynge is lackinge vnto the. Goo and sell all that thou hast/ and geve to the povre/ and thou shalt have treasure in heven/ and come and folowe me/ and take vp thy crosse. Iesus behelde him/ and had a fauour to him and sayde vnto him: one thinge is lackinge vnto the. Go and sell all that thou hast/ and geue to the poore & thou shalt haue treasure in heuen & come & folowe me/ & take vp thy crosse. And Iesus behelde him, and loued him, & sayde vnto him: Thou wantest one thinge: Go thy waye, and sell all that thou hast, and geue it vnto ye poore: so shalt thou haue a treasure in heauen, and come & folowe me, and take the crosse vpon ye.
10:22 But he was discūforted with that sayinge/ and went awaye mornynge/ for he had greate possessions. But he was discūforted with yt sayinge/ and wēt awaye morninge/ for he had greate possessions. But he was discumforted with that sayinge/ & went awaye mornynge/ for he had greate possessions. And he was disconforted at the sayenge, & wente awaye sory, for he had greate possessions.
10:23 And Iesus loked roūde aboute/ and sayd vnto hys disciples: with what difficulte shall they that have ryches entre into the kingdom of god. And Iesus loked rounde aboute/ & sayde vnto his disciples: what an harde thinge is it for them that have riches/ to entre into the kyngdome of God. And Iesus loked rounde aboute/ & sayde vnto his disciples: what an harde thinge is it for them that haue ryches/ to entre into the kyngdome of God. And Iesus loked aboute him, and sayde vnto his disciples: O how hardly shal the ryche come into ye kyngdome of God?
10:24 Hys disciples were astōnyed att hys wordes. Iesus answered agayne/ and sayde vnto them: chyldren/ howe harde is it for them/ that truste in their ryches/ to entre in to the kyngdō off god. And his disciples were astonneyd at his wordes. But Iesus answered agayne/ & sayde vnto them: chyldrē/ how harde is it for them/ that trust in riches/ to entre in to the kyngdome of God. And his disciples were astonnyed at his wordes. But Iesus answered agayne and sayde vnto them: chyldren how harde is it for them/ that trust in ryches/ to entre into the kyngdome of God? And the disciples were astonnyed at his wordes. But Iesus answered agayne, and sayde vnto them: Deare children, how harde is it for them that trust in riches, to come in to the kyngdome of God?
10:25 Hit ys easyer for a camell to go thorowe the eye of an nedle/ thē for a ryche man to entre into the kyngdom of god. It is easyer for a camell to go thorowe ye eye of an nedle/ then for a riche man to entre into the kyngdome of God. It is easyer for a camell to go thorowe the eye of an nedle/ then for a ryche man to entre into the kyngdome of God. It is easier for a Camell to go thorow the eye of a nedle, then for a rich man to entre in to ye kyngdome of God.
10:26 And they were astonnyed out of measure/ sayinge betwene thē selves: who thē can be saved? And they were astonnyed out of measure/ sayinge betwene them selves: who then can be saved? And they were astonnyed out of measure/ sayinge betwene them selues: who then can be saued? Yet were they astonnyed ye more, and sayde amonge thē selues: Who can thē be saued?
10:27 Iesus loked apō them/ and sayd: with men it is vnpossible/ but not with god: for with god all thingſ are possible. Iesus loked vpon them/ & sayde: with men it is vnpossible/ but not with God: for with God all thynges are possible. Iesus loked vpon them/ & sayde: with men it is vnpossible/ but not with God: for with God all thinges are possible. But Iesus behelde them, and sayde: With men it is vnpossyble, but not with God: for with God all thinges are possyble.
10:28 And Petre began to saye vnto hym: Loo/ we have forsaken all/ and have folowed the. And Peter begāne to saye vnto him: Lo/ we have forsaken all/ & have folowed the. And Peter beganne to saye vnto him: Lo/ we haue forsaken all/ and haue folowed the. Then sayde Peter vnto him: Beholde, we haue forsaken all, and folowed the.
10:29 Iesus answered and sayde: Verely I saye vnto you/ there ys no man that hath forsaken housse/ or brethren/ or sisters/ or father/ or moder/ or wyfe/ other chyldren/ or londes/ for my sake and the gospellſ/ Iesus answered and sayde: Verely I saye vnto you/ ther is no man that forsaketh housse/ or brethren/ or sisters/ or father/ or/ mother/ or wyfe/ other chyldren/ or londes/ for my sake & the gospellſ/ Iesus answered and sayde: Verely I saye vnto you/ ther is no man that forsaketh housse/ or brethren/ or systers/ or father/ or mother/ or wyfe/ other chyldren/ or londes for my sake and the Gospelles/ Iesus answered & sayde: Verely I saye vnto you: There is no man that forsaketh house, or brethren, or sisters, or father or mother, or wife, or children, or londes for my sake and the gospels,
10:30 whych shall nott receave an houndred foolde nowe in thys lyfe/ houses/ and brethrē/ and sisters/ and mothers and childē/ and londſ whith persecucions/ and in the worlde to come eternall lyfe. which shall not receave an houndred foolde nowe in this lyfe: houses/ and brethren/ & sisters/ & mothers/ & chyldren/ & londes with persecucions: & in the worlde to come/ eternall lyfe. which shall not receaue an houndred foolde nowe in this lyfe: housses/ and brethren/ and systers/ and mothers/ & chyldren/ and londes with persecucions: and in the worlde to come/ eternall lyfe. that shal not receaue an hundreth folde now in this tyme, houses, and brethrē, and sisters, and mothers and children, and londes with persecucions, and in the worlde to come euerlastinge life.
10:31 Many that are fyrst/ shalbe last. And the last fyrst. Many that are fyrst/ shalbe last: & the last/ fyrst. Many that are fyrst/ shalbe last: & the last/ fyrst. But many that are the first, shal be the last: and the last the first.
10:32 They were in the waye goinge vppe to Ierusalem. And Iesus wēt before them/ and they were amased/ and as they folowed/ were affrayde. And Iesus toke the xij. agayne/ and began to tell them what thingſ shulde happen vnto him. And they were in ye waye goinge vp to Ierusalem. And Iesus wēt before them: and they were amased/ and as they folowed/ were affrayde. And Iesus toke ye .xii. agayne/ & begāne to tell thē what thingſ shuld happē vnto him. And they were in the waye goynge vp to Ierusalem. And Iesus went before them: and they were amased/ and as they folowed/ were afrayde. And Iesus toke the .xij. agayne/ and beganne to tell them what thinges shuld happen vnto him. They were in the waye goinge vp to Ierusalem, and Iesus wente before them. And they were astonnyed, and folowed him, and were afrayed. And Iesus toke the twolue agayne, and tolde them what shulde happē vnto him.
10:33 Beholde we goo vppe to Ierusalem/ and the sōne off man shalbe delyvred vnto the hye preestſ and vnto the stribbſ/ and they shall condempne hym to deeth/ and shall delyvre hym to the gentyls/ Beholde we goo vp to Ierusalem/ & the sonne of man shalbe delyvered vnto the hye preestes & vnto the Scribes: & they shall condempne him to deeth/ & shall delyvre him to the gentyls: Beholde we go vp to Ierusalem/ & the sonne of man shalbe deliuered vnto the hye Prestes and vnto the Scribes: and they shall condempne him to deeth/ and shall deliuer him to the gentyls: Beholde, we go vp to Ierusalem, and the sonne of man shalbe delyuered vnto the hye prestes and scrybes, and they shal condemne him to death, and delyuer him vnto the Heythē.
10:34 and they shall mocke hym/ ād scourge him and spit apon hym/ and kill him/ and the thirde daye he shall ryse agane. and they shall mocke hym/ & scourge him/ and spit vpō hym/ and kyll him. And the thirde daye he shall ryse agayne. and they shall mocke him/ & scourge him/ & spyt vpon him/ and kyll him. And the thyrde daye he shall ryse agayne. And they shal mocke hī, and scourge him, and spyt vpon him, and put him to death, and on the thirde daye shal he ryse agayne.
10:35 And Iames and Ihon the sons off Zebede/ cam vnto hym/ sayinge: master/ we wolde that thou shuldest do for vs what soever we desyre. And then Iames & Iohn ye sonnes of zebede came vnto him/ sayinge: master/ we wolde that thou shuldest do for vs what soever we desyre. And then Iames & Iohn the sonnes of zebede came vnto him/ sayinge: master/ we wolde that thou shuldest do for vs what soeuer we desyre. Then wēte vnto him Iames and Ihon ye sonnes of Zebede, and sayde: Master, We desyre, that what soeuer we axe of the, thou wilt do it for vs.
10:36 He sayde vnto them: what wolde ye I shulde do vnto you? He sayde vnto them: what wolde ye I shuld do vnto you? He sayde vnto thē: what wolde ye I shuld do vnto you? He sayde vnto thē: What desyre ye that I shal do to you?
10:37 They sayd vnto hym: graunt vnto vs that we maye sitt won on thy right honde/ and the other on thy lyfte honde/ in thy glory. They sayd to him: graūt vnto vs that we maye sitte one on thy right honde/ & the other on thy lyfte honde/ in thy glory. They sayd to him: graunt vnto vs that we maye sytte one on thy ryght honde/and the other on thy lyfte honde/ in thy glory. They sayde vnto him: Graunte vs, that we maye syt one at thy right hande, and one at thy left hande in thy glory.
10:38 Butt Iesus sayd vnto them: Ye wot not what ye axe. Can ye dryncke of the cuppe/ that I shall drynke of? And be baptised ī the baptī that I shalbe baptised in? But Iesus sayd vnto thē: Ye wot not what ye axe. Can ye dryncke of the cup that I shall dryncke of/ & be baptised in ye baptime that I shalbe baptised in? But Iesus sayd vnto them: Ye wot not what ye axe. Can ye drincke of the cup that I shall drincke of/ and be baptised in the baptime that I shalbe baptised in? But Iesus sayde vnto thē: Ye wote not what ye axe. Maye ye drynke the cuppe, yt I shal drynke? and be baptysed with the baptyme that I shal be baptysed withall?
10:39 And they sayd vnto him: that we can. Iesus sayde vnto them: ye shall drynke off the cuppe that I shall drynke of/ ād be baptised with the baptim that I shalbe baptised in: And they sayde vnto him: that we can. Iesus sayde vnto them: ye shall dryncke of the cup that I shall dryncke of/ & be baptised with the baptyme that I shalbe baptised in: And they sayde vnto him: that we can. Iesus sayde vnto them: ye shall drincke of the cup that I shall drincke of & be baptised with the baptime that I shalbe baptised in: They sayde vnto him: Yee yt we maye. Iesus sayde vnto them: The cuppe that I drynke, shal ye drynke in dede: and be baptysed with the baptyme that I shall be baptysed withall.
10:40 But to sitt on my right honde and on my lifte honde/ ys not myne to geve/ but to them for whom it ys prepared. but to sit on my right honde and on my lyfte honde ys not myne to geve/ but to them for whom it is prepared. but to syt on my ryght honde and on my lyfte honde is not myne to geue/ but to them for whom it is prepared. Neuertheles to syt at my right hande and at my left, is not myne to geue you, but vnto them for whom it is prepared.
10:41 And when the .x. herde that/ they begā to disdayne at Iames and Ihon. And when the .x. hearde that/ they begā to disdayne at Iames & Iohn. And when the .x. hearde that/ they began to disdayne at Iames and Iohn. And whā the ten herde that, they disdayned at Iames and Ihon.
10:42 Butt Iesus called thē vnto him/ and sayd to them: Ye knowe wele that they whych seme to beare rule amonge the gentyls/ raygne as lordſ over thē. And they that be greate men amonge them exercyse auctorite over them. But Iesus called thē vnto him/ & sayde to them: ye knowe that they which seme to beare rule amonge the gentyls/ raygne as lordes over thē. And they that be greate amōge them/ exercyse auctorite over them. But Iesus called them vnto him/ and sayde to them: ye knowe that they which seme to beare rule amonge the gentyls/ raygne as lordes ouer them. And they that be greate amonge them/ exercyse auctorite ouer them. But Iesus called them, and sayde vnto them: Ye knowe that the prynces of ye worlde haue domynacion of the people, and ye mightie exercise auctorite amonge them.
10:43 So shall it not be a monge you but wosoever of you wilbe greate amonge you shalbe youre mīster. So shall it not be amonge you/ but whosoever of you wilbe greate amōge you/ shalbe youre minister. So shall it not be amonge you/ but whosoeuer of you wilbe greate amonge you/ shalbe youre minister. So shal it not be amonge you: but who so euer wil be greate amōge you, shal be youre mynister:
10:44 And wosoever wilbe chefe/ shalbe servaunt vnto all. And whosoever wilbe chefe/ shalbe servaunt vnto all. And whosoeuer wilbe chefe/ shalbe seruaunt vnto all. and who so wyl be chefest amonge you, shalbe seruaunt of all.
10:45 For even the sonne of man came/ nott that other shulde minister vnto hym: but to minister/ and to geve his lyfe for the redempcion of many. For evē the sonne of man came not to be ministred vnto: but to minister/ and to geve his lyfe for the redempcion of many. For euen the sonne of man came not to be ministred vnto: but to minister/ and to geue his lyfe for the redempcion of many. For the sonne of man also came not to be serued, but to do seruyce, and to geue his life to a redempcion for many.
10:46 And they cam to hierico/ and as he went oute off hierico/ with his disciples and a greate nōbre of people: Barthimeus the sonne of Thimeus which was blynde/ sate by the hye wayes syde beggynge. And they came to Hierico. And as he went oute of Hierico with his disciples/ & a greate nōbre of people: Barthimeus ye sonne of Thimeus which was blinde/ sate by ye hye wayes syde begginge. And they came to Hierico. And as he went oute of Hierico with his disciples/ and a greate nombre of people: Barthimeus the sonne of Thimeus which was blynde/ sate by the hye wayes syde begginge. And they came vnto Iericho. And whan he wente out of Iericho, and his disciples, and moch people, there sat one blynde Barthimeus the sonne of Thimeus by ye waye, and begged.
10:47 And when he herde that it was Iesus off nazareth/ he began to crye/ and to saye: Iesus the sonne off David/ have mercy on me. And when he hearde that it was Iesus of Nazareth/ he began to crye and to saye: Iesus the sonne of David/ have mercy on me. And when he hearde that it was Iesus of Nazareth/ he began to crye and to saye: Iesus the sonne of Dauid/ haue mercy on me. And whā he herde that it was Iesus of Nazareth, he beganne to crie and saye: Iesu thou sonne of Dauid haue mercy vpon me.
10:48 And many rebuked hyme/ be cause he shulde hoolde is peace. But he cryed the moore a greate deale/ thou sonne off David have mercy on me. And many rebuked him/ yt he shuld holde is peace. But he cryed the moore a greate deale/ thou sonne of David have mercy on me. And many rebuked him/ that he shuld holde his peace. But he cryed the moore a greate deale/ thou sonne of Dauid haue mercy on me. And many reproued him, that he shulde holde his tunge. But he cried moch more: Thou sonne of Dauid haue mercy vpō me.
10:49 And Iesus stode still/ and commaunded hym co be called/ and they called the blynde/ saynge vnto hym: be off good comfort ryse he calleth the. And Iesus stode still/ and commaunded hym to be called. And they called the blinde/ sayinge vnto him: Be of good conforte: ryse/ he calleth the. And Iesus stode still/ and commaunded him to be called. And they called the blinde/ sayinge vnto him: Be of good comforte: ryse/ he calleth the. And Iesus stode styll, and bad call him. And they called the blynde, and sayde vnto him: Be of good conforte, aryse, he calleth the.
10:50 He threwe awaye his clooke/ and roose and cam to Iesus/ And he threwe awaye his clooke/ and roose and came to Iesus. And he threwe awaye his clooke/ & roose and came to Iesus. And he cast awaye his garment from him, stode vp, aud came to Iesus.
10:51 And Iesus answered/ and sayd vnto hym: what wilt thou that I do vnto the? The blynde sayde vnto hym: master/ that y myght see. And Iesus answered/ & sayde vnto hym: what wilt thou that I do vnto the? The blynde sayde vnto hym: master/ that I myght see. And Iesus answered/ and sayde vnto him: what wilt thou that I do vnto the? The blinde sayde vnto him: master/ that I myght see. And Iesus answered, & sayde vnto him: What wilt thou that I do vnto the? The blynde sayde vnto him: Master, that I might se.
10:52 Iesus sayd vnto hym: goo thy waye/ thy fayght hath saved the/ And by ād by he receaved his sight/ and folowed Iesus in the waye. Iesus sayde vnto him: goo thy waye/ thy faith hath saved the. And by and by he receaved his sight/ and folowed Iesus in the waye. Iesus sayde vnto him: go thy waye/ thy fayth hath saued the. And by & by he receaued his sight/ and folowed Iesus in the waye. Iesus sayde vnto him: Go yi waye, thy faith hath helped ye. And immediatly he had his sight and folowed him in the waye.