Mark: Chapter 01

Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
TITLE The Gospell off .S. Marke. The Gospell of S. Marke. The Gospell of S. Marke. The gospell of S. Marke.
1:1 The begyñyng off the Gospell of Iesu Christ the sonne off God/ THe beginnynge of the Gospell of Iesu Christ the sonne of God/ THe beginnynge of the Gospell of Iesu Christ the sonne of God/ THis is the begynnynge of the gospell of Iesus Christ the sonne of God,
1:2 as yt ys written in the prophettſ/ beholde I sende my messenger before thy face/ whych shall prepare thy waye before the. as yt is wrytten in the Prophetes: beholde I sende my messenger before thy face/ which shall prepared thy waye before ye. as it is written in the Prophetes: beholde I sende my messenger before thy face/ which shall prepare thy waye before the. as it is wryttē in the prophetes. Beholde, I sende my messaūger before thy face, which shal prepare thy waye before the.
1:3 The voyce of won that cryeth in the wildernes: prepare ye the waye off the lorde/ make his pathes streyght. The voyce of a cryer in the wildernes: prepare ye the waye of the Lorde/ make his pathes streyght. The voyce of a cryer in the wildernes: prepare ye the waye of the Lorde/ make his pathes streyght. The voyce of a cryer is in the wyldernes: Prepare the waye of the LORDE, make his pathes straight.
1:4 Ihon did baptise in the wyldernes/ and preache the baptim of repentaunce/ for the remissiō of synnes. Iohn dyd baptise in the wyldernes/ & preche the baptyme of repentaūce/ for the remission of synnes. Iohn dyd baptise in the wildernes/ & preache the baptime of repentaūce/ for the remission of synnes. Ihon was in the wyldernes, and baptysed, and preached the baptyme of amendment, for the remyssion of synnes.
1:5 And all the londe off iewry/ and they of Ierusalem went out vnto hym/ and were all baptised of hym in the ryver Iordan/ knowledgynge/ theire synnes. And all the londe of Iurie & they of Ierusalem/ went out vnto him/ & were all baptised of him in the ryver Iordan/ confessynge their synnes. And all ye londe of Iurie & they of Ierusalem/ wēt out vnto him/ & were all baptised of him in the ryuer Iordā/ confessinge their synnes And there wente out vnto him the whole londe of Iewry, and they of Ierusalem, and were all baptysed of him in Iordan, and knowleged their synnes.
1:6 Ihon was clothed with cammyllſ heer/ and wyth a gerdyll off a beestes skyn about hys loynes. And he ate locustſ ād wylde hony/ Iohn was clothed with cammylles heer/ & with a gerdyll of a skyn a bout hys loynes. And he dyd eate locustes & wylde hony/ Iohn was clothed with camilles here/ & with a gerdyll of a skyn about his loynes. And he dyd eate locustes & wilde hony/ Ihon was clothed with Camels heer, and with a lethron gerdell aboute his loynes, and ate locustes and wylde hony,
1:7 and preached saynge: a stronger then I commeth after me/ whos shue latchett I am not worthy to stoupe doune and vnlose. and preached sayinge: a stronger then I commeth after me/ whose shue latchet I am not worthy to stoupe doune and vnlose. & preached sayinge: a stronger then I commeth after me/ whose shue latchet I am not worthy to stoupe doune & vnlose. and preached, and sayde: There commeth one after me, which is stronger then I: before whom I am not worthy to stoupe downe, and to lowse vp ye lachet of his shue.
1:8 I have baptised you with water: but he shall baptise you with the holy goost. I have baptised you with water: but he shall baptise you with the holy goost. I haue baptised you with water: but he shall baptise you with the holy goost. I baptyse you with water, but he shal baptyse you with the holy goost.
1:9 And yt cam to passe ī those dayes/ that Iesus cā from nazareth/ a cite of galile: and was baptised of Ihon in Iordan. And yt came to passe in those dayes/ that Iesus cam from Nazareth/ a cyte of Galile: & was baptised of Iohn in Iordan. And it came to passe in those dayes/ that Iesus cam from Nazareth/ a cite of Galile: & was baptised of Iohn in Iordan. And it happened at the same tyme, that Iesus came out of Galile from Nazareth, and was baptysed of Ihon in Iordan.
1:10 And immediatly he cā out of the water/ and sawe the hevens open/ ād the holy goost descendinge vppon hym lyke a dove. And assone as he was come out of the water/ Iohn sawe heaven open/ and the holy goost descendinge vpon him/ lyke a dove. And assone as he was come out of the water/ Iohn sawe heauen open/ and the holy goost descendinge vpon him/ lyke a doue. And as soone as he was come out of the water, he sawe that the heauens opened, and the goost as a doue cōmynge downe vpon him.
1:11 And there cam a voyce from hevē: Thou arte my dere sonne/ in whom I delite. And ther came a voyce from heaven: Thou arte my dere sonne in whom I delyte. And ther came a voyce from heauē: Thou arte my dere sonne in whom I delyte. And there came a voyce from heauē: Thou art my deare sonne, in whom I delyte.
1:12 And immediatly the sprete drave hym into a wildernes: And immediatly the sprete drave him into wildernes: And immediatly the sprete draue him into wildernes: And immediatly the sprete droue him in to the wyldernes:
1:13 and he was there in the wyldernes xl. dayes/ and was tempted off Satan/ and was with wylde beestes. And the angels ministred vnto hym. and he was there in the wildernes xl dayes/ and was tempted of Satan/ & was with wilde beestes. And the aungels ministred vnto him. and he was there in the wildernes xl. dayes/ and was tempted of Satan/ and was with wilde beestes. And the angels ministred vnto him. and he was in the wyldernes fourtye dayes, and was tempted of Sathan, and was with the wylde beestes. And the angels mynistred vnto him.
1:14 After that Ihon was take/ Iesus cam in to galile/ preachynge the gospell off the kyngdom of god/ After Iohn was taken/ Iesus came in to Galile/ preachinge the gospell of the kyngdome of God/ After Iohn was taken/ Iesus came into Galile/ preachinge the Gospell of the kyngdome of God/ But after that Ihon was taken, Iesus came in to Galile, and preached the gospell of the kyngdome of God,
1:15 and saynge: the tyme ys ful come/ ād the kyngdō of god is even att honde/ repent and beleve the gospell. and sayinge: the tyme is come/ & the kyngdome of God is at honde/ repent and beleve the gospell. and sayinge: the tyme is come/ and the kyngdome of God is at honde/ repent and beleue the Gospell. and sayde: the tyme is fulfylled, and the kyngdome of God is at hande: Amende youre selues, and beleue the gospell.
1:16 As he walked by the see of galile/ he sawe Simon and Andrewe his brother castinge nettſ in to the see/ for they were fysshers. As he walked by the see of Galile/ he sawe Simon & Andrew his brother/ castinge nettſ in to ye see/ for they were fysshers. As he walked by the see of Galile/ he sawe Simon and Andrew his brother/ castinge nettes into the see for they were fysshers. So as he walked by the see of Galile, he sawe Symon and Andrew his brother, castinge their nettes in the see, for they were fysshers.
1:17 And Iesus sayde vnto them: folowe me/ and I wyll make you to be fysshers of men. And Iesus sayde vnto them: folowe me/ and I will make you fisshers of men. And Iesus sayde vnto them: folowe me/ and I will make you fysshers of men. And Iesus sayde vnto thē: Folowe me, and I wil make you fysshers of mē.
1:18 And they strayght waye forsoke their nettſ/ and folowed him. And strayght waye/ they forsoke their nettes/ and folowed him. And strayght waye/ they forsoke their nettes/ and folowed him. And immediatly they left their nettes, and folowed him.
1:19 And when he had gone a lytell further thens/ he sawe Iames the sonne off zebede/ and Ihon his brother/ even as they were in the shippe dressynge their nettſ. And when he had gone a lytell further thence/ he sawe Iames the sonne of zebede/ & Ihon his brother/ even as they were in the shyppe mendinge their nettes. And when he had gone a lytell further thence he sawe Iames the sonne of zebede/ & Iohn his brother/ euen as they were in the shippe mendinge their nettes. And when he was gone a lytle further from thence, he sawe Iames the sonne of Zebede, and Ihon his brother, as they were in the shyppe mendynge their nettes.
1:20 And anon he called thē. And they leeft their father Zebede in the shippe with hys heyred servauntſ/ and went their waye after hym. And anōne he called them. And they leeft their father zebede in the shippe with his hyred servauntes/ and went their waye after him. And anonne he called them. And they leeft their father zebede in the shippe with his hyred seruauntes/ and went their waye after him. And anone he called them. And they left their father Zebede in the shyppe with the hyred seruauntes, and folowed him.
1:21 And they entred in to capernaū/ and streight waye on the sabot dayes he entred in to the sinagogge and taught. And they entred in to Capernaū: & streight waye on ye Saboth dayes/ he entred in to ye synagoge & taught. And they entred into Capernaum: & streyght waye on the Sabboth dayes/ he entred to the synagoge and taught. And they wente in to Capernaum, and immediatly vpon the Sabbathes, he entred in to the synagoge, and taught.
1:22 And they mervelled att hys learninge. for he taught them as wō whych had power with him/ and not as the scrybſ did. And they merveled at his learninge. For he taught them as one that had power with him/ & not as the Scribes. And they merueled at his learnynge. For he taught them as one that had power with him/ and not as the Scribes. And they were astonnyed at his doctryne: for he taught them as one hauynge power, and not as the Scrybes.
1:23 And there was in the sinagogge/ a mā vexed with an vnclene spirite/ ād he cryed And there was in their synagoge a mā vexed wt an vnclene spirite/ yt cried And there was in their synagoge a man vexed with an vnclene spirite/ that cryed And in their synagoge there was a man possessed with a foule sprete, which cried
1:24 sayinge: lett me a lone: what have we to do with the Iesus of nazareth? arte thou come to destroie vs? I knowe what thou arte/ thou arte that holy mā promysed of god. sayinge: let be: what have we to do with the thou Iesus of Nazareth? Arte thou come to destroye vs? I knowe the what thou arte/ euē that holy of god. sayinge: let be/ what haue we to do with the thou Iesus of Nazareth? Arte thou come to destroye vs? I knowe the what thou arte/ euen that holy of God. and sayde: Oh what haue we to do with the, thou Iesus of Nazareth. Art thou come to destroye us? I knowe that thou art euen yt holy one of God.
1:25 And Iesus rebuked him/ saynge: hoolde thy pace and come out of the mā. And Iesus rebuked him sayinge: hoolde thy peace & come out of him. And Iesus rebuked him sayinge: holde thy peace and come out of him. And Iesus reproued him, and sayde: holde thy tonge, and departe out of him.
1:26 And the vnclene spirite tare him/ cryed out with a lowde voyce/ and cam out of him. And ye vnclene spirite tare him/ & cryed with a loude voyce/ & came out of him. And the vnclene spirite tare him/ and cryed with a loude voyce/ and came out of him. And the foule sprete tare him, and cried with a loude voyce, and departed out of him.
1:27 And they were all amased/ in somoche that they demaunded wō off another a monge thē selves/ saying: what thīge ys thys? what newe doctrine is thys? for he coōmaundeth the foule spiritſ with power/ ād they obeye hī. And they were all amased/ in so moche that they demaunded one of another amōge them selves saying: what thinge is this? what newe doctryne is this? For he cōmaundeth the foule spirites with power/ & they obeye him. And they were all amased/ in so moche that they demaunded one of another amonge them selues saying: what thinge is this? what newe doctrine is this? For he commaundeth the foule spirites with power/ and they obeye him. And they were all astonnyed, in so moch that they axed one another amonge thē selues, & sayde: What is this? What new lernynge is this? For he cōmaundeth the foule spretes with power, and they are obedient vnto him.
1:28 Anon his name spreed abroade throughoute all the region borderynge on galile. And immediatly his fame spreed abroade throughoute all the region borderinge on Galile. And immediatly his fame spreed abroade throughoute all the region borderinge on Galile. And immediatly the fame of him was noysed rounde aboute in the coastes and borders of Galile.
1:29 And immediatly as sonne as they were come out of the sinagogge/ they entred in to the housse of Symon and Andrew with Iames and Ihō. And forth with/ assone as they were come out of the synagoge/ they entred in to ye housse of Symon and Andrew/ with Iames & Ihon. And forth with/ assone as they were come out of the synagoge/ they entred into the housse of Symon and Andrew/ with Iames & Iohn. And forth with they wente out of the synagoge, and came in to the house of Symō and Andrew, wt Iames and Ihon.
1:30 Symonſ mother elawe lay sicke of a fiver/ and annō they tolde hym of her. And Symons mother in lawe lay sicke of a fever. And anone they tolde him of her. And Symons mother in lawe lay sicke of a fever. And anone they tolde him of her. And Symons mother in lawe laye, & had the feuers, and anone they tolde him of her.
1:31 And he cam and toke her by the honde and lifte her vppe/ and the fiver forsoke her by and by: And she ministred vnto them. And he came and toke her by the honde and lifte her vp: and the fever forsoke hir by and by: & she ministred vnto them. And he came and toke her by the honde and lyfte her vp: and the feuer forsoke hyr by and by: and she ministred vnto them. And he came to her, and set her vp, and toke her by ye hande, and the feuer left her immediatly. And she mynistred vnto them.
1:32 And at even when the sun was doune/ they brought vnto him all that were diseased/ ād thē that were possessed with devyls And at even when the sunne was downe/ they brought to him all that were diseased/ & them that were possessed with devyls. And at euen when the sunne was downe/ they brought to him all that were dyseased/ & them that were possessed with deuyls. At euen whan the Sonne was gone downe, they brought vnto him all that were sick and possessed,
1:33 and all the cite gaddred to gedder at the dore/ And all the cite gaddred to gedder at the dore/ And all the cite gaddred to gedder at the dore/ and the whole cite was gathered together at the dore,
1:34 ād he healed many that were sycke of dyvers deseases. And he cast out many: devyls ād suffered not the devyls to speake/ because they knewe him. & he healed many yt were sicke of divers deseases. And he cast out many devyls/ and suffred not ye devyls to speake/ because they knewe him. and he healed many that were sicke of diuers deseases. And he cast out many deuyls/ and suffred not the deuyls to speake/ because they knewe him. and he healed many that were diseased with dyuerse sicknesses, and cast out many deuels, and suffred not the deuels to speake, because they knew him.
1:35 And in the moorninge very erly/ Iesus arose and went out ī to a solitary place/ ād there prayed. And in the morninge very erly/ Iesus arose and went out in to a solitary place/ & there prayed. And in the mornynge very erly/ Iesus arose and went out into a solitary place/ and there prayed. And in the mornynge before daye, he arose, and wente out. And Iesus departed in to a deserte place, and prayed there.
1:36 And Simon and they that were with hym folowed after hym. And Simon and they that were with him folowed after him. And Symon and they that were with him folowed after him. Peter also and they that were with him, folowed after him.
1:37 And when they had founde hī/ they sayde vnto him: all men seke for the. And when they had founde him/ they sayde vnto him: all men seke for the. And when they had founde him/ they sayde vnto him: all men seke for the. And whan they had founde him, they sayde vnto him: Euery man seketh the.
1:38 and he sayd vnto thē: let vs go in to the next tounes/ that y maye preache there also: for truly I cā out for that purpose. And he sayd vnto them: let vs go in to the next tounes/ that I maye preache there also: for truly I cam out for that purpose. And he sayd vnto them: let vs go into the next tounes/ that I maye preache there also: for truly I cam out for that purpose. And he sayde vnto them: Let us go in to the next townes, that I maye preach there also, for therto am I come.
1:39 ād he preached ī their sinagoggſ/ throughout all galile/ and cast devyls out. And he preached in their synagogſ/ throughout all Galile/ and cast the devyls out. And he preached in their synagoges/ throughout all Galile/ and cast the deuyls out. And he preached ī their synagoges, in all Galile, and droue out the deuyls.
1:40 And there cam a leper to him besechinge him/ and kneled doune vnto him/ and sayde vnto hī: yf thou wylt/ thou arte able to make me clene. And there came a leper to him/ besechinge him/ & kneled doune vnto him/ & sayde to him: yf thou wilt/ thou cānest make me clene. And there came a leper to him/ besechinge him/ and kneled doune vnto him/ and sayde to him: yf thou wilt/ thou cannest make me clene. And there came vnto him a leper, which besought him, and kneled before him, & sayde vnto him: Yf thou wilt, thou canst make me cleane.
1:41 Iesus had cōpassiō on him/ ād put forth his hōde/ touched him/ and sayde vnto him: I will/ be clene. And Iesus had cōpassion on him/ & put forth his honde/ touched him/ & sayde to him: I will be thou clene. And Iesus had compassion on him & put forth his honde/ touched him/ & sayde to him/ I will/ be thou clene. And it pitied Iesus, and he stretched forth his honde, and touched him, and sayde: I wyll, be thou cleane.
1:42 and as sone as he had spokē/ immediatly the leprosy departed from him/ and he was clēsed. And assone as he had spokē/ immediatly ye leprosy departed frō him/ & was clensed. And assone as he had spoken/ immediatly the leprosy departed from him/ and he was clensed. And whā he had so spoken, immediatly the leprosy departed frō him, and he was clensed.
1:43 And he charged hym/ and sent him awaye forthwith. And he charged him/ & sent him awaye forthwith And he charged him/ and sent him awaye forthwith And Iesus forbad him strately, and forth with sent him awaye,
1:44 and sayd vnto him: Se that thou tell no man/ but gett the hence ād shewe thy sylfe to the preste/ and offer for thy clensynge/ those thīgſ which Moses cōmaunded/ for a testemoniall vnto thē. & sayd vnto him: Se thou saye no thinge to any man: but get the hence & shewe thy silfe to ye preste/ & offer for thy clensinge/ those thingſ which Moses cōmaunded/ for a testimoniall vnto them. and sayde vnto him: Se thou saye nothinge to any man: but get the hence/ and shewe thy selfe to the Preste/ and offer for thy clensinge/ those thinges which Moses commaunded/ for a testimoniall vnto them. and sayde vnto him: Take hede, that thou saye nothinge to eny man, but go thy waye, and shew thy self vnto the prest, and offre for thy clensynge what Moses commaunded, for a wytnesse vnto them.
1:45 But he (as sone as he was departed) began to tell many thīgſ and to publyshe the dede/ in so moche that Iesus coulde no more opēly entre in to the cite/ but was with out ī desert places/ and they cam to him from every quarter. But he (assone as he was departed) beganne to tell many thingſ/ & to publyshe the dede: in so moche that Iesus coulde no more opēly entre in to the cite/ but was with out in desert places. And they came to him frō every quarter. But he (assone as he was departed) beganne to tell many thinges/ and to publyshe the dede: in so moche that Iesus coulde no more openly entre into the cite/ but was without in desert places. And they came to him from euery quarter. But he whan he was departed, beganne to speake moch of it, and made the dede knowne: in so moch that Iesus coude no more go into the cite openly, but was without in deserte places, & they came vnto him frō all quarters.