Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
17:1 | THen sayde he to his disciples/ it can not be avoyded/ but that occasions of evyll come Neverthelesse wo be to hym throw whō they come. | THen sayde he to ye disciples/ it can not be avoyded/ but that offences will come. Neverthelesse wo be to him thorow whom they come. | THen sayde he to the disciples/ it can not be auoyded but that offences will come. Neuerthelesse wo be to him thorow whom they come. | HE sayde vnto his disciples: It is vnpossible that offences shulde not come: but wo vnto him by whom they come: |
17:2 | It were better for hym if a mylstone wer hāged aboute his necke/ and that he were cast into the see/ rather thē he shulde offende won off this litle wons. | It were better for him that a mylstone were hanged aboute his necke/ & that he were cast into ye see/ then that he shuld offende one of this lytleons. | It were better for him that a mylstone were hanged aboute his necke/ and that he were cast into the see/ then that he shuld offende one of this lytleons. | It were better for him, that a mylstone were hanged aboute his neck, and he cast in to the see, then that he shulde offende one of these litle ones. |
17:3 | Take hede to youre selves/ if thy brother trespas agaynst the/ rebuke hym: and if he repent/ forgeve hym. | Take hede to youre selves. If thy brother trespas agaynst the/ rebuke him: & yf he repent/ forgeve him. | Take hede to youre selues. If thy brother trespas agaynst the/ rebuke him: and yf he repent/ forgeue him. | Take hede to youre selues. Yf thy brother trespace agaynst the, rebuke him: |
17:4 | And though he syn agenst the seven tymes in won daye/ and seven tymes in a daye tourne agayne to the sayinge: it repenteth me/ forgeve hym. | And though he sinne agēst ye .vii. tymes in a daye/ & sevē tymes in a daye tourne agayne to ye sayinge: it repenteth me/ forgeve him | And though he synne agenst the seuen tymes in a daye/ & seuen tymes in a daye tourne agayne to the sayinge: it repenteth me/ forgeue him. | and yf he amende, forgeue him. And though he synne agaynst the seuen tymes in a daye, and come seuen tymes in a daye to ye agayne, and saye: It repenteth me, forgeue him. |
17:5 | And the apostles sayde vnto the lorde: in crease oure fayth. | And the apostles sayde vnto the Lorde: increase oure faith. | And the Apostles sayde vnto the Lorde: increase oure fayth. | And the Apostles sayde vnto ye LORDE: Increace oure faith. |
17:6 | The lorde sayde: yf ye had fayth lyke a grayne off mustard sede/ and shulde saye vnto thys sycamyne tree/ plucke thy silfe vppe by the rotes/ and plant thy silfe in the see: he shoulde obey you. | And the Lorde sayde: yf ye had faith lyke a grayne of mustard sede/ and shuld saye vnto this sycamine tree/ plucke thy selfe vp by the rootes/ and plant thy selfe in the see: he should obey you. | And the Lorde sayde: yf ye had fayth lyke a grayne of mustard sede/ and shuld saye vnto this sycamine tree/ plucke thy selfe vp by the rootes/ and plant thy selfe in the see: he should obey you. | The LORDE sayde: Yf ye haue faith as a grayne of mustarde sede, and saye vnto this Molbery tre: Plucke thy self vp by the rotes, and plāte thy self in the see, it shalbe obediēt vnto you. |
17:7 | Which of you havynge a servaunte a plowynge/ or fedynge catell/ wolde saye vnto hym whē he were come from the felde: Goo quickly ād sitt doune to meate/ | Who is it of you yf he had a servaūte plowinge or fedinge catell/ that wolde saye vnto him when he were come from the felde/ Goo quickly and syt doune to meate: | Who is it of you yf he had a seruaunte plowinge or fedinge catell/ that wolde saye vnto him when he were come from the felde: Go quickly and syt doune to meate: | Which of you is it, that hath a seruaunt (which ploweth, or fedeth the catell) whā he commeth home from ye felde, that he wil saye vnto him: Go quyckly, and syt the downe to meate? |
17:8 | And rather sayeth not to hym/ dresse wherwith I maye suppe/ ād apoynt thy silfe ād serve me/ tyll I have eaten and dronkē: and afterwarde/ eate thou/ and drynke thou? | & wolde not rather saye to him/ dresse wherwith I maye sup/ & gyrde vp thy selfe and serve me/ tyll I have eaten and dronken: and afterwarde/ eate thou/ and drinke thou? | and wolde not rather saye to him/ dresse wherwith I maye sup/ and gyrde vp thy selfe and serue me/ tyll I haue eaten and droncken: and afterwarde/ eate thou/ and drincke thou? | Is it not thus? that he sayeth vnto him: Make ready, that I maye suppe, gyrde vp thyself, and serue me, tyll I haue eaten and dronken, afterwarde shalt thou eate and drynke also. |
17:9 | Doeth he thāke that servaūt be cause he did that which was cōmaunded vnto hym? I trowe not. | Doeth he thanke that servaunt because he dyd that which was commaunded vnto him? I trowe not. | Doeth he thanke that seruaunt because he dyd that which was commaunded vnto him? I trowe not. | Thanketh he the same seruaunt also, because he dyd that was commaunded him? I trowe not. |
17:10 | Soo lykewyse ye/ whē ye have done all thoose thynges which are commaunded vnto you: saye/ we are vnprofitable servauntſ. We have done that which was oure duety to do. | Soo lyke wyse ye/ when ye have done all thoose thinges which are commaunded you: saye/ we are vnprofitable servaūtes. We have done yt which was oure duetye to do. | So lyke wyse ye/ when ye haue done all thoose thinges which are commaunded you: saye/ we are vnprofitable seruauntes. We haue done that which was oure duetye to do. | So likewyse ye, whā ye haue done all that is cōmaunded you, saye: We are vnprofitable seruauntes, we haue done that we were bounde to do. |
17:11 | And it chaunsed as he went to Ierusalē/ that he passed thorowe Samaria and Galile. | And it chaunsed as he went to Ierusalem/ that he passed thorow Samaria and Galile. | And it chaunsed as he went to Ierusalem/ that he passed thorow Samaria and Galile. | And it fortuned, whan he toke his iourney towarde Ierusalem, he wente thorow the myddest of Samaria and Galile. |
17:12 | And as he entred īto a certayne toune/ there met hym ten mē/ that were lepers/ which stode a farre of/ | And as he entred into a certayne toune/ ther met him ten men yt were lepers. Which stode a farre of/ | And as he entred into a certayne toune/ ther met him ten men that were lepers. Which stode a farre of | And as he came in to a towne, there met him ten leporous men, which stode afarre of, |
17:13 | and put forth their voices/ and sayde: Iesu master/ have mercy on vs. | & put forth their voyces & sayde: Iesu master/ have mercy on vs. | & put forth their voyces and sayde: Iesu master/ haue mercy on vs. | and lift vp their voyce, and sayde: Iesu master, haue mercy vpon vs. |
17:14 | When he sawe them/ he sayde vnto them: Goo and shewe youre selves to the prestes. And hit chaunsed as they went/ they were clensed. | When he sawe thē/ he sayde vnto them: Goo and shewe youre selves to the prestes. And it chaunsed as they went/ they were clensed. | When he sawe them/ he sayde vnto them: Go and shewe youre selues to the Prestes. And it chaunsed as they went/ they were clensed. | And whan he sawe them, he sayde vnto thē: Go, and shewe youre selues vnto ye prestes. And it came to passe, as they wente, they were clensed. |
17:15 | And won of them/ whē he sawe that he was clēsed/ turned backe agayne/ ād with a loude voice praysed God/ | And one of them/ when he sawe that he was clensed/ turned backe agayne/ & with a loude voyce praysed God/ | And one of them/ when he sawe that he was clensed/ turned backe agayne/ and with a loude voyce praysed God/ | And one of them whā he sawe that he was clensed, he turned backe agayne, and praysed God with loude voyce, |
17:16 | ād fell doune on his face at his fete/ and gave hym thankes. And the same was a samaritan. | and fell doune on his face at his fete/ and gave him thankes. And the same was a Samaritane. | and fell doune on his face at his fete/ and gaue him thankes. And the same was a Samaritane. | and fell downe on his face at his fete, and gaue him thankes. And the same was a Samaritane. |
17:17 | Iesus answered ād sayde: Are there not ten clensed? But were are those nyne? | And Iesus answered & sayde: are ther not ten clensed? But where are those nyne? | And Iesus answered and sayde: are ther not ten clensed? But where are those nyne? | Iesus answered and saide: Are there not ten clensed? But where are those nyne? |
17:18 | There are not founde that returned agane/ to geve God prayse/ save only this straunger. | Ther are not founde that returned agane/ to geve God prayse/ save only this straunger. | Ther are not founde that returned agayne/ to geue God prayse saue only this straunger. | There were els none founde, that turned agayne, and gaue God the prayse, saue onely this straūger. |
17:19 | And he sayde vnto hym: Aryse/ and goo thy waye/ thy fayth hath saved the. | And he sayde vnto him: aryse/ & goo thy waye/ thy faith hath made the whoale. | And he sayde vnto him: aryse/ and go thy waye/ thy fayth hath made the whoale. | And he sayde vnto him: Aryse, go thy waye, thy faith hath made ye whole. |
17:20 | When he was demaunded off the pharises/ when the kyngdom off God shulde come: he answered thē and sayde: The kyngdom of God cōmeth not with waytinge fore. | When he was demaunded of ye pharises/ when the kyngdome of God shuld come: he answered them and sayde: The kyngdome of God cometh not with waytinge for. | When he was demaunded of the Pharises/ when the kyngdome of God shuld come: he answered them & sayde: The kyngdome of God cometh not with waytinge for. | But whan he was demaunded of ye Pharises: Whan cōmeth the kyngdome of God? He answered them, and sayde: The kyngdome of God commeth not with outwarde appearaunce, |
17:21 | Nether shall men saye: Loo here/ loo there. For beholde/ the kyngdom of God is with in you. | Nether shall men saye: Loo here/ loo there. For beholde/ the kyngdome of God is with in you. | Nether shall men saye: Lo here/ lo there. For beholde/ the kyngdome of God is with in you. | nether shal it be sayde: lo, here or there is it. For beholde, ye kyngdome of God is inwarde in you. |
17:22 | And he sayde vnto hys disciples: The dayes will come/ whē ye shall desire to se wō daye of the sonne of man/ and ye shall not se it. | And he sayde vnto the disciples: The dayes will come/ when ye shall desyre to se one daye of the sonne of man/ & ye shall not se it. | And he sayde vnto the disciples: The dayes will come/ when ye shall desyre to se one daye of the sonne of man/& ye shall not se it. | And he sayde to the disciples: The tyme shal come, whā ye shal desyre to se one daye of the sonne of man, and shal not se it. |
17:23 | And they shall saye to you: Se here/ Se there. Goo nott after them/ nor folowe them/ | And they shall saye to you: Se here/ Se there. Goo not after them/ nor folowe them/ | And they shall saye to you: Se here/ Se there. Go not after them/ nor folowe them/ | And they shal saye vnto you: Se here, Se there. Go not ye, nether folowe, |
17:24 | for as the lightenynge that apereth out of the one parte of the hevē/ ād shyneth vnto the other parte of hevē: Soo shall the sōne of mā be ī his dayes. | for as the lyghtenynge that apereth out of the one parte of the heven/ and shyneth vnto the other parte of heven: Soo shall the sonne of man be in his dayes. | for as the lyghtenynge that apereth out of the one parte of the heuen/ & shyneth vnto the other parte of heuen: So shall the sonne of man be in his dayes. | for as the lightenynge shyneth aboue from the heauen, and lighteth ouer all that is vnder the heauē, so shal the sonne of mā be in his daye. |
17:25 | But fyrst must he suffre many thīgſ/ ād be reproved of this nacion. | But fyrst must he suffre many thinges/ and be refused of this nacion. | But fyrst must he suffre many thinges/ and be refused of this nacion. | But first must he suffre many thinges, and be refused of this generacion. |
17:26 | As it happened in the tyme of Noe: Soo shall it be ī the tyme of the sonne of mā. | As it happened in ye tyme of Noe: So shall it be in the tyme of the sonne of man. | As it happened in the tyme of Noe: So shall it be in the tyme of the sonne of man. | And as it came to passe in the tyme of Noe, so shal it come to passe also in ye dayes of the sonne of man. |
17:27 | They ate/ they drāke/ they maryed wyves/ ād were maryed evē vnto that same daye that Noe went īto the arke/ ād the floud cā/ ād destroyed thē all. | They ate/ they dranke/ they maryed wyves & were maryed/ even vnto yt same daye yt Noe went into ye arke: & ye floud cam & destroyed thē all. | They ate they dranke/ they maryed wyues and were maryed/ euen vnto that same daye that Noe went into the arke: & the floud cam & destroyed thē all. | They ate, they dranke, they maried, and were maried, euen vnto ye daye that Noe wente in to the Arke, and ye floude came, and destroyed them all. |
17:28 | Likewise also/ as it chaunsed ī the dayes of Lot. They ate/ thei drāke/ thei bought/ thei solde/ thei planted/ they bilte. | Lykewyse also/ as it chaunsed in the dayes of Lot. They ate/ they dranke/ they bought/ they solde/ they planted/ they bilte. | Lykewyse also/ as it chaūsed in the dayes of Lot. They ate/ they drancke/ they bought/ they solde/ they planted/ they bilte. | Likewyse also as it came to passe in the tyme of Lot, they ate, they dranke, they bought, they solde, they planted, they buylded. |
17:29 | And even the same daye that Lot went out of Zodō/ hit rayned fyre ād brymstone from heven/ and destroyed them all. | And even the same daye that Lot went out of Zodom/ it rayned fyre & brymstone from heven/ & destroyed them all. | And euen the same daye that Lot went out of zodom it rayned fyre & brymstone frō heauē/ & destroyed them all. | But euen the same daye that Lot wente out of Sodom, it rayned fyre and brymstone from heauē, and destroyed them all. |
17:30 | After these ensamples/ shall the daye be/ whē the sonne of man shall apere. | After these ensamples/ shall it be in the daye when the sonne of man shall appere. | After these ensamples/ shall it be in the daye when the sonne of man shall appere. | After this maner also shal it go, in the daye whan the sonne of man shal appeare. |
17:31 | Att that daye he that is on the housse toppe/ and his stuffe in the housse: lett hym nott come doune to take hit out. And lyke wyse lett not him that is in the feldes/ turne backe agayne to that he lefte behynde hym. | At that daye he that is on the housse toppe/ and his stuffe in the housse: let him not come doune to take it out. And lykewyse let not him that is in the feldes/ turne backe agayne to that he lefte behynde. | At that daye he that is on the housse toppe/ and his stuffe in the housse: let him not come doune to take it out. And lykewise let not him that is in the feldes/ turne backe agayne to that he lefte behinde. | In that daye, who so is vpō the rofe, and his stuffe in ye house, let him not come downe to fetch it: Likewyse he that is in the felde, let him not turne backe, for it that is behynde him. |
17:32 | Remember Lottes wyfe. | Remember Lottes wyfe. | Remember Lottes wyfe. | Remēbre Lottes wife. |
17:33 | Whosoever will goo about to save his lyfe/ shall loose it: And whosoever shall loose his life/ shall quycken it. | Whosoever will goo about to save his lyfe/ shall loose it: And whosoever shall loose his lyfe/ shall save it. | Whosoeuer will go about to saue his lyfe/ shall lose it: and whosoeuer shall lose his lyfe/ shall saue it. | Who so euer goeth aboute to saue his life, shal lose it: and who so euer shal lose it, shal saue it. |
17:34 | I tell you: In that nyght/ there shalbe two in one beed/ the one shalbe receaved/ and the other shalbe forsaken. | I tell you: In that nyght/ ther shalbe two in one beed/ the one shalbe receaved/ and the other shalbe forsaken. | I tell you in that nyght/ ther shalbe two in one beed/ the one shalbe receaued & the other shalbe forsaken. | I saye vnto you: In yt night shal two lye vpon one bed, the one shalbe receaued, the other shalbe for saken. |
17:35 | Two shalbe also a gryndynge to gedder: the one shalbe receaved/ ād the other forsaken. | Two shalbe also a grindynge to gedder: the one shalbe receaved/ and the other forsaken. | Two shalbe also agrindinge to gedder: the one shalbe receaued/ and the other forsaken. | Two shalbe gryndinge together, the one shalbe receaued, the other shalbe forsaken. |
17:36 | ||||
17:37 | And they answered/ and sayde to him: wheare lorde? And he said vnto thē: whersoever the body shalbe/ thidther will the egles resoorte. | And they answered/ & sayde to him: wheare Lorde? And he sayd vnto thē: whersoever ye body shalbe/ thyther will the egles resoorte. | And they answered/ and sayde to him: wheare Lorde? And he sayde vnto them: whersoeuer the body shalbe/ thyther will the egles resorte. | And they answered, and sayde vnto him: Where LORDE? He sayde vnto thē: Where so euer ye deed carcase is there wil ye Aegles be gathered together. |