Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
16:1 | HE sayd also vnto his disciples: There was a certayne rich mā/ which had a stewarde/ that was acused vnto hī that he had wasted his goodes. | ANd he sayd also vnto his disciples. Ther was a certayne rych man/ which had a stewarde/ that was acused vnto him/ that he had wasted his goodes. | ANd he sayd also vnto his disciples. Ther was a certayne rych man/ which had a stewarde/ that was accused vnto him/ that he had wasted his goodes. | HE sayde also vnto his disciples: There was a certayne riche man, which had a stewarde, that was accused vnto him, that he had waisted his goodes. |
16:2 | And he called hī/ ād said vnto hī: Howe is it/ that I heare this of the? Geve a cōptes off thy steward shippe. For thou mayste be no lōger my stewarde. | And he called him/ & sayd vnto him: How is it/ that I heare this of the? Geve a comptes of thy steward shippe: For thou mayste be no longer stewarde. | And he called him/ and sayd vnto him: How is it/ that I heare this of the? Geue a comptes of thy steward shippe: For thou mayste be no longer stewarde. | And he called him, and sayde vnto him: How is it, that I heare this of the? geue a comptes of yi stewardshipe, for thou mayest be no longer stewarde. |
16:3 | The stewarde said with in hī silfe: what shall I do? for my master will take awaye frō me my stewarde shippe. I cānot digge/ ād to begge/ I ā a shamed. | The stewarde sayd wt in him selfe: what shall I do? for my master will take awaye frō me ye stewarde shippe. I cānot digge/ & to begge/ I am a shamed. | The stewarde sayd with in him selfe: what shall I do? for my master will take awaye from me the stewardeshippe. I cannot dygge/ and to begge/ I am a shamed. | The stewarde sayde within himself: What shal I do? My lorde wil take awaye the stewardshipe fro me. I cā not dygge, and to begg I am ashamed. |
16:4 | I woote what to do/ that when I am put out of my stewardshippe/ they maye receave me in to there houses. | I woote what to do/ yt when I am put out of ye stewardshippe/ they maye receave me into their houses. | I woote what to do/ that when I am put out of the stewardshippe/ they maye receaue me into their houses. | I wote what I wil do, that whā I am put out of the stewardshipe, they maye receaue me in to their houses. |
16:5 | Thē called he all his masters detters/ ād sayd vnto the fyrst: howe moche owest thou vnto my master? | Then called he all his masters detters/ and sayd vnto ye fyrst: how moche owest thou vnto my master? | Then called he all his masters detters/ & sayd vnto the fyrst: how moche owest thou vnto my master? | And he called vnto hī all his lordes detters, and sayde vnto the first: How moch owest thou vnto my lorde? |
16:6 | And he sayd: ā hōdred tōnes of oyle/ ād he sayd to hī: take thy bill/ ād sitt doune quickly/ ād write fiftie. | And he sayd: an hondred tonnes of oyle. And he sayd to him: take thy bill/ & syt doune quickly/ & wryte fiftie. | And he sayd: an hondred tonnes of oyle. And he sayd to him: take thy byll/ & syt doune quickly/ and wryte fyftie. | He sayde: an hundreth tonnes of oyle. And he sayde: Take yi byll, syt downe quyckly, & wryte fiftie. |
16:7 | Thē said he to another: what owest thou? And he sayde: an hondred quarters of wheate. He sayd to hī: Take thy bill/ and writte foure scoore. | Then sayd he to another: what owest thou? And he sayde: an hondred quarters of wheate. He sayd to him: Take thy bill/ & write foure scoore. | Then sayd he to another: what owest thou? And he sayde: an hondred quarters of wheate. He sayd to him: Take thy byll/ and wryte foure scoore. | Then sayde he vnto another: How moch owest thou? He sayde: an hundreth quarters of wheate. And he sayde vnto him: Take thy byll, and wryte foure score. |
16:8 | And the lorde cōmended the vniust stewarde/ because he had done wysly. For the chyldren of this worlde/ are in their kynde/ wyser then the chyldren off light. | And the lorde cōmended the vniust stewarde/ because he had done wysly. For ye chyldren of this worlde are in their kynde/ wyser then ye chyldren of lyght. | And the lorde commended the vniust stewarde because he had done wysly. For the chyldren of this worlde are in their kynde/ wyser then the chyldren of lyght. | And the lorde cōmended the vnrighteous stewarde, because he had done wysely. For the children of this worlde are in their kynde wyser, thē the children of light. |
16:9 | And I saye also vnto you: make you frendes of the wicked mammon/ that whē ye shall have nede they may receave you into everlastinge habitacions. | And I saye also vnto you: make you frendes of the wicked mammon/ that when ye shall departe/ they may receave you into everlastinge habitacions. | And I saye also vnto you: make you frendes of the wicked mammon/ that when ye shall departe/ they may receaue you into euerlastinge habitacions. | And I saye vnto you: Make you frendes with the vnrighteous Mammon, yt whan ye shal haue nede, they maye receaue you in to euerlastinge Tabernacles. |
16:10 | He that is faitful ī that wiche is leste: the same is faithful ī moche. | He that is faithfull in that which is leste ye same is faithfull in moche. And he yt is vnfaithfull in ye least: is vnfaithfull also in moche. | He that is faythfull in that which is leste/ the same is faythfull in moche. And he that is vnfaythfull in the least: is vnfaythfull also in moche. | He that is faithfull in the least, is faithfull also in moch: and he that is vnrighteous in the least, is vnrighteous also in moch. |
16:11 | So thē if ye have not byn faithfull ī the wicked māmō? who will beleve you ī that which is true? | So then yf ye have not ben faithfull in ye wicked māmon? who will beleve you in that which is true? | So then yf ye haue not ben faythfull in the wicked mammon? who will beleue you in that which is true? | Yf ye then haue not bene faithfull in the vnrighteous Mammon, who wyll beleue you in that which is true? |
16:12 | and if ye have not bene faithfull in another mannes busines: whoo shall geve you youre awne? | And yf ye have not bene faithfull in another mānes busines: who shall geve you youre awne? | And yf ye haue not bene faythfull in another mannes busynes: who shall geue you youre awne? | And yf ye haue not bene faithfull in anothers mans busynesse, who wil geue you that which is youre awne? |
16:13 | No servaunt can serve two masters, for other he shall hate the one and love the other or els he sball lene to the one/ ād despyse the other. Ye cānot serve God/ and māmon. | No servaunt can serve .ii. masters/ for other he shall hate ye one & love ye other/ or els he shall lene to the one & despyse the other. Ye can not serve God & mammon. | No seruaunt can serue .ij. masters/ for other he shall hate the one and loue the other/ or els he shall lene to the one and despyse the other. Ye can not serue God and mammon. | No seruaunt can serue two masters: for either he shal hate the one, and loue ye other: or els he shal leane to the one, and despyse the other. Ye can not serue God and Mammon. |
16:14 | All these thīges herde the pharises also which were coveteous. And they mocked hī/ | All these thinges herde the pharises also which were coveteous/ and they mocked him. | All these thinges herde the Pharises also which were coueteous/ and they mocked him. | All these thinges herde the Pharises, which were couetous, and they mocked hī. |
16:15 | ād he sayd vnto them: Ye are they/ which iustiefi youre selves before mē: but God knoweth youre hertes. For that which men magnifie/ is abhominable in the sight of god. | And he sayd vnto thē: Ye are they which iustifie youre selves before mē: but God knoweth youre hertes. For yt which is highlie estemed amōge mē/ is abhominable in ye sight of god | And he sayd vnto them: Ye are they which iustifie youre selues before men: but God knoweth youre hertes. For that which is hyghlie estemed amonge men/ is abhominable in the syght of God. | And he sayde vnto them: Ye are they that iustifie yor selues before men, but God knoweth youre hertes. For yt which is hye amonge men, is an abhominacion before God. |
16:16 | The lawe/ and the prophettſ raygned vntyll the tyme of Ihon: Sence that tyme/ the kyngdō of god is preached. And every man stryveth to goo in. | The lawe and the Prophetes raygned vntyll the tyme of Iohn: and sence that tyme/ the kyngdom of God is preached/ and every man stryveth to goo in. | The lawe and the Prophetes raygned vntyll the tyme of Iohn: and sence that tyme the kyngdome of God is preached/ and euery man stryueth to go in. | The lawe and ye prophetes prophecied vnto Ihon, and from that tyme forth is ye kyngdome of God preached thorow ye Gospell, and euery man preasseth in to it by violence. |
16:17 | Soner shall hevē and erth perisshe/ thē wō title of the lawe shall perisshe. | Soner shall heven and erth perisshe/ then one tytle of the lawe shall perisshe. | Soner shall heuen and erth perisshe/ then one tytle of the lawe shall perisshe. | But easier is it, for heauen and earth to perishe, then one tittle of ye lawe to fall. |
16:18 | Whosoever forsaketh his wyfe/ and marieth another/ breaketh matrimony. And every man which marieth her that is divorsed from her husbande committeth advoutry also. | Whosoever forsaketh his wyfe and marieth another/ breaketh matrimony. And every man which marieth her that is devorsed from her husbande/ committeth advoutry also. | Whosoeuer forsaketh his wyfe and maryeth another/ breaketh matrimony. And euery man which maryeth her that is deuorsed from her husbande/ committeth aduoutry also. | Who so euer putteth awaye his wife, & marieth another, breaketh matrimonye: and he that marieth her which is deuorced frō hir hussbande, breaketh wedlocke also. |
16:19 | There was a certayne riche man/ which was clothed in purple/ ād fyne raynes/ and fared deliciously every daye. | Ther was a certayne ryche man/ which was clothed in purple & fyne bysse/ and fared deliciously every daye. | Ther was a certayne ryche man/ which was clothed in purple and fyne bysse/ and fared deliciously euery daye. | There was a certayne riche man, which clothed him self with purple and costly lynnen, and fared deliciously euery daye. |
16:20 | And there was a certayne begger/ name Lazarus/ whiche laye at hys gate full off soores | And ther was a certayne begger/ named Lazarus/ whiche laye at his gate full of soores/ | And ther was a certayne begger named Lazarus/ whiche laye at his gate full of soores/ | And there was a poore man named Lazarus which laye at his gate full of sores, |
16:21 | desyrynge to be refresshed with the cromes whiche fell frō the ryche mānes borde. Neverthelesse/ the dogges cam/ and licked his soores. | desyringe to be refresshed with the cromes whiche fell from the ryche mānes borde. Neverthelesse/ the dogges came & licked his soores. | desyringe to be refresshed with the cromes whiche fell from the ryche mannes borde. Neuerthelesse/ the dogges came and licked his soores. | and desyred to be fylled with the crommes, that fell from the riche mans table. Yet came the dogges, and licked his sores. |
16:22 | And yt fortuned that the begger dyed/ and was carryed by the angellſ into Abrahams bosome. The riche man also died/ ād was buried in hell. | And yt fortuned that the begger dyed/ and was caried by the angelles into Abrahās bosome. The riche man also died/ and was buried. | And it fortuned that the begger dyed/ and was caryed by the angelles into Abrahams bosome. The ryche man also dyed/ and was buried. | But it fortuned, that the poore man dyed, and was caried of the angels in to Abrahams bosome. The riche man dyed also, and was buried. |
16:23 | When he lifte vppe his eyes/ as he was in tourmentſ/ he sawe Abraham a farre off/ ād Lazarus ī his bosome/ | And beinge in hell in tormētes he lyfte vp his eyes & sawe Abraham a farre of/ & Lazarus in his bosome/ | And beinge in hell in tormentes/ he lyfte vp his eyes and sawe Abraham a farre of/ & Lazarus in his bosome/ | Now whan he was in the hell, he lift vp his eyes in the payne, and sawe Abraham afarre of, and Lazarus in his bosome: |
16:24 | And cryed and sayd: father Abraham/ have mercy on me/ and sende Lazarus that he maye depe the tippe off his fynger in water/ and cole my tonge/ for I am tourmented in this flame. | & he cryed and sayd: father Abraham/ have mercy on me/ & sende Lazarus that he maye dippe the tippe of his fynger in water/ and cole my tonge: for I am tourmented in this flame. | and he cryed and sayd: father Abraham/ haue mercy on me/ & sende Lazarus that he maye dippe the tippe of his fynger in water/ and cole my tonge: for I am tourmented in this flame. | and he cried, and sayde: Father Abraham, haue mercy vpon me, and sende Lazarus, that he maye dyppe the typpe of his fynger in water, & coole my tonge, for I am tormēted in this flāme. |
16:25 | Abraham sayd vnto hym: Sonne remembre/ that thou in thy lyfe tyme receavedst thy pleasure/ and contrary wyse Lazarus payne. Nowe therfore is he comforted/ and thowe art pūnysshed. | But Abrahā sayd vnto him Sonne/ remembre that thou in thy lyfe tyme/ receavedst thy pleasure/ & contrary wyse Lazarus payne. Now therfore is he comforted/ and thou art punysshed. | But Abraham sayd vnto him: Sonne/ remembre that thou in thy lyfe tyme/ receauedst thy pleasure/ and contrary wyse Lazarus payne. Now therfore is he comforted/ and thou art punisshed. | But Abrahā saide: Remēbre sonne, yt thou hast receaued good in yi life, & contrary wyse Lazarus receaued euell. But now is he comforted, and thou art tormented. |
16:26 | Beyonde all this bitwene you ād vs there is a greate space sett/ so that they which wolde goo from hence to you/ cānot: nether from thence come hidder. | Beyonde all this/ bitwene you & vs ther is a greate space set/ so that they which wolde goo from hence to you cannot: nether maye come from thence to vs. | Beyonde all this/ bytwene you and vs ther is a greate space set/ so that they which wolde go from hence to you cannot: nether maye come from thence to vs. | And beside all this, there is a greate space set betwene vs and you: so yt they which wolde go downe from hence vnto you, can not: nether maye they passe ouer from thence vnto vs. |
16:27 | And he sayd: I praye the therfore father/ send hī to my fathers housse. | Then he sayd: I praye the therfore father/ send him to my fathers housse. | Then he sayd: I praye the therfore father/ send him to my fathers housse. | Then sayde he: I pray the then father, that thou wilt sende him vnto my fathers house, |
16:28 | For I have fyve brethren: for to warne them/ lest they also come into this place off tourment. | For I have fyve brethren: for to warne thē/ lest they also come into this place of tourmēt. | For I haue fyve brethren: for to warne them lest they also come into the place of tourment. | for I haue yet fyue brethren, that he maye warne them, lest they also come in to this place of torment. |
16:29 | Abraham sayd vnto hym/ they have Moses and the prophettſ/ lett them heare them. | Abrahā sayd vnto him: they have Moses & the Prophetes/ let them heare them. | Abrahā sayd vnto him: they haue Moses and the Prophetes/ let them heare them. | Abraham sayde vnto him: They haue Moses and the prophetes, let them heare them. |
16:30 | And he sayd: naye father Abraham/ but yf won from the ded cam vnto them they wolde repent. | And he sayd: naye father Abraham/ but yf one came vnto thē/ from the ded/ they wolde repent. | And he sayd: naye father Abraham/ but yf one came vnto them from the ded/ they wolde repent. | But he sayde: Nay father Abraham, but yf one wente vnto them frō the deed, they wolde do pennaunce. |
16:31 | He sayd vnto hym: Yf they heare not Moses and the prophetſ/ nether woll they beleve/ though wō roose frō deeth agayne. | He sayd vnto him: If they heare not Moses & ye prophetes/ nether will they beleve/ though one roose from deeth agayne. | He sayd vnto him: If they heare not Moses and the Prophetes/ nether will they beleue/ though one rose from deeth agayne. | Neuertheles he sayde vnto him: Yf they heare not Moses & the prophetes, then shal they not beleue also, though one rose agayne frō the deed. |