Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
7:1 | AFter that Iesus went about in Galile/ and wolde not goo about in iewry/ for the iewes soughtt to kyll hym. | AFter that/ Iesus wēt about in Galile & wolde not go about in Iewry/ for the Iewes sought to kill him. | AFter that/ Iesus wēt about into Galile & wolde not go about in Iewry for the Iewes sought to kill him. | AFter that wente Iesus aboute in Galile, for he wolde not go aboute in Iewry, because the Iewes sought to kyll him. |
7:2 | The iewes tabernacle feast was at honde. | The Iewes tabernacle feast was at honde. | The Iewes tabernacle feast was at honde. | But the Iewes feast of Tabernacles was at hande. |
7:3 | His brethrē therfore sayde vnto hym: Gett thy silfe hence and goo into iewry that thy disciples maye se thy workes that thou doest. | His brethren therfore sayde vnto him: get ye hence & go into Iewry yt thy disciples maye se thy workes yt thou doest. | His brethrē therfore sayde vnto him: get the hēce & go into Iewry that thy disciples maye se thy workes that thou doest. | Then sayde his brethren vnto him: Get the hēce, and go in to Iewry, that thy disciples also maye se thy workes, that thou doest. |
7:4 | There is no man that doeth eny thynge secretly/ and he hym silfe seketh to be knowē. Yf thou do soche thyngſ/ shewe thy silfe to the worlde. | For ther is no man yt doeth eny thing secretly/ and he him selfe seketh to be knowen. Yf thou do soche thinges/ shewe thy selfe to the worlde. | For ther is no mā that doeth eny thinge secretly/ & he him selfe seketh to be knowē openlye. If thou do soche thinges/ shewe thy selfe to the worlde. | He that seketh to be openly knowne, doth nothinge in secrete. Yf thou do soch thinges, thē shewe yi self before the worlde: |
7:5 | For as yet his brethren beleved not in hym. | For as yet his brethrē beleved not in him. | For as yet his brethren beleued not in him. | For his awne brethren also beleued not in him. |
7:6 | Then Iesus sayd vnto them: My tyme is not yett come/ youre tyme is all waye redy. | Then Iesus sayd vnto them: My tyme is not yet come/ youre tyme is all waye redy. | Then Iesus sayde vnto them: My tyme is not yet come: but youre tyme is all waye redy. | Then sayde Iesus vnto them: My tyme is not yet come, but youre tyme is allwaye ready. |
7:7 | The worlde can not hate you. Me it hateth: Because I testyfy off hitt/ thatt the workes off itt are evyll. | The worlde cānot hate you. Me it hateth: be cause I testify of it/ that the workes of it are evyll. | The worlde cānot hate you. But me it hateth: because I testify of it/ that the workes of it are euyll. | The worlde can not hate you, but me it hateth: because I testifye of it, that the workes of it are euell. |
7:8 | Goo ye vppe vnto this feast/ I will nott goo vppe yett vnto this feaste/ For my tyme is nott yett full come. | Go ye vp vnto this feast. I will not go vp yet vnto this feast/ for my tyme is not yet full come. | Go ye vp vnto this feast. I will not go vp yet vnto this feast/ for my tyme is not yet full come. | Go ye vp vnto this feast, I wyll not go vp yet vnto this feast, for my tyme is not yet fulfylled. |
7:9 | These wordes he sayde vnto them/ and aboode still in Galile. | These wordes he sayde vnto them and abode still in Galile. | These wordes he sayde vnto them/ and abode still in Galile. | Whan he sayde this vnto them, he abode styll in Galile. |
7:10 | As sone as his brethren were goone vppe/ then went he also vppe vnto the feast/ nott openly: butt as it were prevely. | But assone as his brethren were goone vp/ then went he also vp vnto the feast: not openly but as it were prevely. | But assone as his brethren were gone vp/ then went he also vp vnto the feast: not openly/ but as it were preuely. | But as soone as his brethren were gone vp, then wente he vp also vnto the feast, not openly, but as it were secretly. |
7:11 | Then sought hym the iewes at the feast/ and sayde: Where is he? | Then sought him the Iewes at ye feast/ & sayde: Where is he? | Then sought him the Iewes at the feast/ & sayde: where is he? | Then sought him ye Iewes at ye feast, and sayde: Where is he? |
7:12 | And moche murmurynge was there of hym amonge the people. Some sayde He is goode. Wother sayde naye/ but he deceaveth the people. | And moche murmurynge was ther of him amonge the people. Some sayde: He is good. Wother sayde naye/ but he deceaveth the people. | And moche murmuringe was ther of him amōge the people. Some sayde: He is good. Wother sayde naye/ but he deceaueth the people. | And there was a greate murmur of him amonge the people. Some sayde: He is good. But other sayde: No, he doth but disceaue the people. |
7:13 | No man spake openly of hym/ for feare of the iewes. | How be it no mā spake openly of him/ for feare of the Iewes | Howbeit no mā spake openly of him/ for feare of the Iewes. | Howbeit no man spake frely of him, for feare of the Iewes. |
7:14 | In the myddes of the feast/ Iesus went vppe into the temple/ and thaught. | In ye middes of the feast/ Iesus went vp into the temple and taught. | In the middes of the feast/ Iesus went vp into the temple and taught. | But in the myddes of the feast wēte Iesus vp in to the temple, and taught. |
7:15 | And the iewes marveylled/ saiynge: Howe knoweth he the scriptures? seynge that he never learned. | And the Iewes marveylled/ sayinge: How knoweth he ye scriptures/ seynge yt he never learned? | And the Iewes marueyled sayinge: How knoweth he the scriptures/ seynge that he neuer learned? | And the Iewes marueyled and sayde: How can he ye scrypture, seynge he hath not lerned it? |
7:16 | Iesus answered them/ and sayde: My doctrine is nott myne/ butt hys thatt sent me. | Iesus answered them/ and sayde: My doctrine is not myne: but his that sent me. | Iesus answered them/ and sayde: My doctrine is not myne: but his that sent me: | Iesus answered them, and sayde: My doctryne is not myne, but his that hath sent me. |
7:17 | Yff eny man wyll do hys will/ he shall knowe of the doctrine/ whether it be of god: or whether I spake of my silfe. | If eny man will do his will/ he shall knowe of the doctrine/ whether it be of God/ or whether I speake of my selfe. | If eny mā will do his will/ he shall knowe of the doctrine/ whether it be of God/ or whether I speake of my selfe. | Yf eny man wyl do his will, he shal knowe, whether this doctryne be of God, or whether I speake of my self. |
7:18 | He that speaketh of hī silfe/ seketh his awne prayse. Butt whosoever seketh his prayse that sent hī/ he ys true/ ād no vnrightewesnes is in hym. | He that speaketh of him selfe/ seketh his awne prayse. But he that seketh his prayse that sent him/ the same is true/ and no vnrightewesnes is in him. | He that speaketh of him selfe/ seketh his awne prayse. But he that seketh his prayse that sent him/ the same is true and no vnrightewesnes is in him. | He that speaketh of himself, seketh his awne prayse: but he that seketh the prayse of him that sent him, the same is true, & there is no vnrighteousnes in him. |
7:19 | Did not Moses geve you a lawe? And yet none off you kepeth the lawe? Why goo ye a boute to kill me? | Dyd not Moses geve you a lawe/ & yet none of you kepeth ye lawe? Why goo ye a boute to kyll me? | Dyd not Moses geue you a lawe/ & yet none of you kepeth the lawe? Why go ye aboute to kyll me? | Hath not Moses geuen you the lawe? and none of you kepeth the lawe? Why go ye aboute to kyll me? |
7:20 | The people answered ād sayde: Thou hast the devyll. Who goeth aboute to kill the? | The people answered & sayde: thou hast the devyll: who goeth aboute to kyll the? | The people answered & sayde: thou hast the deuyll: who goeth aboute to kill the? | The people answered, and sayde: Thou hast the deuell, who goeth aboute to kyll the? |
7:21 | Iesus answered/ and sayde vnto them/ I have done won worke/ and ye all marvayle. | Iesus answered and sayde to them: I have done one worke/ and ye all marvayle. | Iesus answered and sayde to them: I haue done one worke/ and ye all maruayle. | Iesus answered and sayde: One worke haue I done, and ye all maruayle. |
7:22 | Moses therfore gave vnto you circūcision/ not because it is of Moses/ but of the fathers. And yet ye on the saboth daye circumcise a man. | Moses therfore gave vnto you circumcision: not because it is of Moses/ but of the fathers. And yet ye on the Saboth daye/ circumcise a man. | Moses therfore gaue vnto you circumcision: not because it is of Moses/ but of the fathers. And yet ye on the Saboth daye/ circumcise a man. | Moses gaue you the circumcision, (not because it commeth of Moses, but of ye fathers:) Yet do ye circumcyse a man vpon the Sabbath. |
7:23 | Yf a man on the saboth daye receave circūcision with out breakynge of the lawe off Moses: Disdayne ye at me/ be cause I made a man every whit whoale on the saboth daye? | If a man on the Saboth daye receave circumcision without breakinge of the lawe of Moses: disdayne ye at me/ because I have made a man every whit whoale on the saboth daye? | If a man on the Saboth daye receaue circumcision with out breakinge of the lawe of Moses: disdayne ye at me/ because I haue made a man euery whit whoale on the Saboth daye? | Yf a man receaue circūcision vpon the Sabbath, that the lawe of Moses shulde not be broken, dissdayne ye then at me, because I haue made a mā euery whyt whole on the Sabbath? |
7:24 | Iudge not after the vtter aperaunce: but iudge rightewes iudgement. | Iudge not after the vtter aperaunce: but iudge rightewes iudgement. | Iudge not after the vtter aperaunce: but iudge rightewes iudgement. | Iudge not after the vtter appearaūce, but iudge righteous iudgment. |
7:25 | Then sayd sum of thē of Ierusalem: Is nott this he whom they went aboute to kill? | Then sayd some of them of Ierusalem: Is not this he whō they goo aboute to kyll? | Then sayde some of them of Ierusalem: is not this he whom they go aboute to kyll? | Then sayde some of them of Ierusalem: Is not this he, whō they go aboute to kyll? |
7:26 | beholde he speaketh boldly/ ād they saye nothynge to hī. Do not oure ruelars knowe in dede/ that this is very Christ? | Beholde he speaketh boldly/ and they saye nothinge to him. Do the rulars knowe in dede/ that this is very Christ? | Beholde he speaketh boldly/ & they saye nothinge to him. Do the rulers knowe in dede that this is very Christ? | And beholde, he speaketh boldely, and they saye nothinge to him. Do oure rulers knowe in dede, that he is very Christ? |
7:27 | But we knowe this man whence he is/ but whē Christ cōmeth/ no man shall knowe whence he is. | How be it we knowe this man whence he is: but when Christ cometh/ no man shall knowe whence he is. | Howbeit we knowe this man whence he is: but when Christ cometh/ no mā shall knowe whence he is. | Howbeyt we knowe, whence this is. But whā Christ commeth, no man shal knowe whence he is. |
7:28 | Then cryed Iesus in the temple as he taught sayinge: And me ye knowe/ and whence I am ye knowe: and I am nott come off my silfe. Butt he thatt sent me is true/ whom ye knowe nott. | Then cryed Iesus in ye temple as he taught sayinge: ye knowe me/ and whence I am ye knowe. And yet I am not come of my selfe/ but he yt sent me is true/ whom ye knowe not. | Then cryed Iesus in the tēple as he taught sayinge: ye knowe me/ and whence I am ye knowe. And yet I am not come of my selfe/ but he that sent me is true/ whom ye knowe not. | Then cryed Iesus in the temple as he taught, and sayde: Yee ye knowe me, and whence I am ye knowe, and of my self am I not come, but he yt sent me, is true, whom ye knowe not. |
7:29 | I knowe hym: For I am off hym/ and he hath sent me. | I knowe him: for I am of him/ & he hath sent me. | I knowe him: for I am of him/ & he hath sent me. | But I knowe him, for I am of him, and he hath sent me. |
7:30 | Then sought the iewes to take hym: butt no mā layde hondes on hym/ be cause his tyme was nott yett come. | Then they sought to take him: but no mā layde hondes on him/ because his tyme was not yet come. | Then they sought to take him: but no man layde hondes on him/ because his tyme was not yet come. | Then sought they to take him, but no mam layed handes vpon him, for his houre was not yet come. |
7:31 | Many off the people beleved on hym/ and sayde: When Christ cōmeth: Will he do moo myracles then this man hathe done? | Many of the people beleved on him & sayde: when Christ cometh/ will he do moo miracles then this man hath done? | Many of the people beleued on him & sayde: when Christ cometh/ will he do moo myracles then this man hath done? | But many of the people beleued on him, and sayde: Whan Christ commeth, shall he do mo tokens, then this doth? |
7:32 | The pharises herde that the people murmured suche thyngſ about hym: and the pharises and scribes sent ministers forthe to take hym. | The pharises hearde that the people murmured suche thinges about him. Wherfore ye pharises and hye prestes sent ministres forthe to take him. | The Pharises hearde that the people murmured suche thinges about him. Wherfore the Pharises & hye prestes sent ministers forth to take him. | And it came to the Pharises eares, that ye people murmured soch thinges of him. And the Pharises and hye prestes sent out seruauntes, to take him. |
7:33 | Then sayde Iesus vnto them: Yett am I a lytell whyle with you/ and then goo I vnto hym that sent me. | Then sayde Iesus vnto thē: Yet am I a lytell whyle with you/ and then goo I vnto him that sent me. | Then sayde Iesus vnto them: Yet am I a lytell whyle with you/ and then go I vnto him that sent me. | Then sayde Iesus vnto them: I am yet a litle whyle with you and then go I vnto him that hath sent me. |
7:34 | Ye shall seke me/ and shall nott fynde me: And where I am/ thither can ye nott come. | Ye shall seke me/ and shall not fynde me: and where I am/ thyther can ye not come. | Ye shall seke me/ and shall not fynde me: and where I am/ thyther can ye not come. | Ye shal seke me, & not fynde me: and where I am, thither can ye not come. |
7:35 | Then sayde the iewes betwene them selves: Whither will he goo? that we shall nott fynde hym. Will he goo amonge the gentyls/ which are scattered all a broade/ and teache the gentyls? | Then sayde the Iewes bitwene thē selves: whyther will he goo/ that we shall not fynde him? Will he goo amonge the gentyls which are scattered all a broade/ and teache the gentyls? | Then sayde the Iewes bitwene them selues: whither will he go/ that we shall not fynde him? Will he go amonge the gentyls which are scattered all a broade/ & teache the gentyls: | Then sayde the Iewes amonge them selues: Whyther wil he go, that we shal not fynde him? Wyl he go amōge the Grekes that are scatred abrode, and teach the Grekes? |
7:36 | What maner off sayinge ys thys that he sayde: ye shall seke me/ and shall nott fynde me: And where I/ am thither can ye nott come? | What maner of sayinge is this that he sayde: ye shall seke me/ and shall not fynde me: and where I am/ thyther can ye not come? | What maner of sayinge is this that he sayde: ye shall seke me/ and shall not finde me: and where I am thither can ye not come? | What maner of sayenge is this, that he sayeth: ye shal seke me, and not fynde me: and where I am, thither can not ye come? |
7:37 | In the last daye/ that grett daye off the feaste: Iesus stode and cryed sayinge: Yf eny man thyrst/ lett hym come vnto me and drynke. | In the last daye/ that great daye of the feaste/ Iesus stode and cryed sayinge: If eny man thyrst/ let him come vnto me and drinke. | In the last daye/ that great daye of the feaste Iesus stode & cryed sayinge: If eny man thyrst/ let him come vnto me and drincke. | But in the last daye which was ye most solempne daye of the feast, Iesus stode vp, cried, and sayde: Who so thyrsteth, let him come vnto me, and drynke. |
7:38 | Whosoever beleveth on me/ as sayeth the scripture/ out off his belly shall flowe ryvers off water off lyfe. | He that beleveth on me/ as sayeth the scripture/ out of his belly shall flowe ryvers of water of lyfe. | He that beleueth on me/ as sayeth the scripture/ out of his belly shall flowe ryuers of water of lyfe. | He that beleueth on me, as the scripture sayeth, out of his body shal flowe ryuers of the water of life. |
7:39 | This spake he off the sprete/ which they that beleved on hym shulde receave. For the holy gost was not yet there/ because that Iesus was nott yett glorified. | This spak he of the sprete which they that beleved on him/ shuld receave. For the holy goost was not yet there/ because that Iesus was not yet glorifyed. | This spake he of the sprete which they that beleued on him/ shulde receaue. For the holy goost was not yet there/ because that Iesus was not yet glorifyed. | (But this spake he of the sprete, which they that beleue on him, shulde receaue. For the holy goost was not yet there, because Iesus was not yet glorifyed.) |
7:40 | Many off the people/ when they herde this sayinge sayde: This is/ no doute/ a prophet. | Many of the people/ when they hearde this sayinge sayd: of a truth this is a prophet | Many of the people/ when they hearde this saying sayd: of a truth this is a prophet: | Many of the people now whan they herde this sayenge, sayde: This is a very prophet. |
7:41 | Wother sayde: this is Christ. Some sayde: shall Christ come out off galile? | Other sayde: this is Christ. Some sayde: shall Christ come out of Galile? | other sayde/ this is Christ: some sayde: shall Christ come out of Galile? | Other sayde: He is Christ. But some sayde: Shal Christ come out of Galile? |
7:42 | Sayeth nott the scripture that Christ shall come off the seed off David: and out off the toune off Bethleem where David was? | Sayeth not the scripture that Christ shall come of the seed of David: & out of the toune of Bethleem where David was? | Sayeth not the scripture that Christ shall come of the seed of Dauid: & out of the toune of Bethleem where Dauid was? | Sayeth not the scripture, that Christ shal come of the sede of Dauid, and out of the towne of Bethleem, where Dauid was? |
7:43 | So was there dissenciō amonge the people for hys sake. | So was ther dissencion amonge the people aboute him. | So was ther dissencion amonge the people aboute him. | Thus was there discencion amonge the people for his sake. |
7:44 | And some off them wolde have taken hym: butt noo man layed hondes on hym. | And some of them wolde have taken him: but no man layed hondes on him. | And some of them wolde haue taken him: but no man layed hondes on him. | Some of them wolde haue taken him, but no man layed handes on him. |
7:45 | Then cam the ministers to the hye prestes/ ād pharises. And they sayde vnto them: why have ye not brought hym? | Then came ye ministres to ye hye prestes & pharises. And they sayde vnto thē: why have ye not brought him? | Then came the ministers to the hye prestes & Pharises. And they sayde vnto thē: why haue ye not brought him? | The seruauntes came to the hye prestes and pharises, and they sayde vnto them: Why haue ye not brought him? |
7:46 | The servauntſ answered: never man spake as thys man speaketh. | The servaūtſ answered never man spake as this man doeth. | The seruaūtes answered: neuer man spake as this mā doeth. | The seruauntes answered: Neuer mā spake as this man doth. |
7:47 | Then answered them the pharises: Are ye alsoo disceaved? | Then answered thē the pharises: are ye also disceaved? | Then answered thē the Pharises: are ye also disceaued? | Then answered them the pharises: Are ye also disceaued? |
7:48 | Doth eny of the ruelers/ or off the pharises beleve on hym? | Doth eny of the rulers or of the pharises beleve on him? | Doth eny of the rulers or of the Pharises beleue on him? | Doth eny of the rulers or pharises beleue on him? |
7:49 | butt the commen people whyche knowe nott the lawe are a cursed. | But the comen people whiche knowe not ye lawe/ are cursed. | But the comē people which knowe not the lawe/ are cursed. | But the comon people which knowe not the lawe, are cursed. |
7:50 | Nicodemus sayde vnto them (He that cam to Iesus by nyght whych was one off them) | Nicodemus sayde vnto them: He that came to Iesus by nyght/ and was one of them. | Nicodemus sayde vnto them: He that came to Iesus by nyght/ and was one of them. | Nicodemus sayde vnto them, he that came to him by night, which was one of them: |
7:51 | Doth oure lawe iudge eny man/ before it be herde/ and knowen/ what he hath done? | Doth oure lawe iudge eny man/ before it heare him/ & knowe what he hath done? | Doth oure lawe iudge eny man before it heare him/ & knowe what he hath done? | Doth oure lawe iudge eny man, before it heare him, and knowe what he hath done? |
7:52 | They answered/ and sayde vnto hym: Arte thou alsoo off Galile? Searche and loke/ for out of Galile aryseth noo prophet. | They answered & sayde vnto him: arte thou also of Galile? Searche and loke/ for out of Galile aryseth no Prophet. | They answered and sayde vnto him: arte thou also of Galile? Searche and loke/ for out of Galile aryseth no Prophet. | They answered and sayde vnto him? Art thou a Galilean also? Searche and loke, out of Galile aryseth no prophet. |
7:53 | And every man went vnto his awne housse. | And every man went vnto his awne housse. | And euery man went vnto his awne housse. | And so euery man wente home. |