James: Chapter 04

Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
4:1 FRom whence cōmeth warre/ and fightynge amonge you? come they not here hence? evē off youre volupteousnes that rayneth in youre members. FRom whence commeth warre & fighttynge amonge you: come they not here hence? even of youre volupteousnes that rayne in youre members. FRom whence commeth warre and fyghtynge amonge you: come they not here hence? euen of youre volupteousnes/ that rayne in youre membres. FRom whence commeth warre and fightynge amonge you: come they not here hence? euen of yor volupteousnesses that rayne in youre mēbres?
4:2 Ye lust/ and have not. Ye envie and have indignacion/ and cannot come by it. Ye fight and warre/ ād have not/ be cause ye axe not. Ye lust/ and have not. Ye envie & have indignacion/ and cannot obtayne. Ye fight and warre & have not/ because ye axe not. Ye lust/ and haue not. Ye enuye and haue indignacion/ & cannot obtayne. Ye fyght and warre and have not/ because ye axe not. Ye lust, and haue not. Ye envie and haue indignacion, and can not obtayne. Ye fight & warre, and haue not, because ye axe not.
4:3 Ye axe and have not/ be cause ye axe a mysse/ forto consume it apō youre volupteousnes. Ye axe and receave not/ because ye axe a mysse: even to consume it apon youre volupteousnes. Ye axe and receaue not/ because ye axe a mysse: euen to consume it apon youre volupteousnes. Ye axe & receaue not because ye axe amysse: euē to cōsume it vpō yor voluptuousnes.
4:4 Ye advoutrars/ and wemen that breke matrimonie: knowe ye not howe that the frendshippe off the worlde is enmitie to god warde? Whosoever wilbe a frende of the worlde/ is made the enemie of god. Ye advouterars/ & wemen that breke matrimonie: knowe ye not how yt the frēshippe of ye worlde is ennimite to godwarde? Whosoever wilbe a frende of the worlde/ is made the enemie of god. Ye aduouterars/ & wemen that breke matrimonie: knowe ye not how that the frensshippe of the worlde is ennimite to godwarde? Whosoeuer wilbe a frende of the worlde/ is made the enemye of God. Ye aduouterars, & wemē that breke matrimonie: knowe ye not how that the frenshippe of ye worlde is ennimite to godwarde? Whosoeuer wilbe a frende of the worlde, is made ye enemie of god.
4:5 Do ye suppose that the scripture sayth ī vayne: The sprete that dwelleth in you/ lusteth evē contrary to envie: Ether do ye thinke that the scripture sayth in vayne The sprite that dwelleth in you/ lusteth evē contrary to envie: Ether do ye thinke that the scripture sayth in vayne. The sprite that dwelleth in you/ lusteth euen contrary to enuye: Ether do ye thinke yt the scripture sayth in vayne. The sprete yt dwelleth in you, lusteth euen contrary to enuie:
4:6 but geveth more grace. but geveth more grace. but geueth more grace. but geueth more grace.
4:7 Submit youre selves to god/ and resist the devyll/ ād he will flye frō you. Submit youre selves to god/ and resist the devyll/ and he will flye from you. Submit youre selues to God/ and resist the deuyll/ and he will flye from you. Submit youre selues to God, and resist the deuell, & he wil flye frō you.
4:8 Drawe neye to god/ and he will drawe neye to you. Clense youre hondes ye synners/ and pourdge youre hertes ye waverynge mynded. Drawe nye to god & he will drawe nye to you. Clense youre hondes ye synners/ and pourdge youre hertes ye waverynge mynded. Drawe nye to God and he will drawe nye to you. Clense youre hondes ye synners/ and pourdge youre hertes ye wauerynge mynded. Drawe nye to God & he wil drawe nye to you. Clense yor hondes ye synners, and pourge youre hertes ye wauerynge mynded.
4:9 Suffre affliccions: sorowe ye and wepe. Let youre laughter be turned to mornynge/ and youre ioye to hevynes. Suffre afflicciōs: sorowe ye and wepe. Let youre laughter be turned to mornynge/ and youre ioye to hevynes. Suffre affliccions: sorowe ye and wepe. Let youre laughter be turned to mornynge/ and youre ioye to heuynes. Suffre affliccions: sorowe ye and wepe. Let youre laughter be turned to mornynge, and youre ioye to heuynes.
4:10 Cast doune your selves before the lorde/ ād he shall lift you vppe. Cast doune youre selves before the lorde/ and he shall lift you vp. Cast doune youre selues before the Lorde/ & he shall lyft you vp. Cast downe youre selues before the LORDE, and he shal lift you vp.
4:11 Backbyte not one another/ brethren. He that backbyteth hys brother/ and he that iudgeth his brother/ backbyteth the lawe/ ād iudgeth the lawe: but and yf thou iudge the lawe/ thou art not an observer of the lawe: but a iudge. Backbyte not one another/ brethren. He that backbyteh hys brother/ and he that iudgeth his brother/ backbyteth the lawe/ and iudgeth the lawe. But and yf thou iudge the lawe/ thou art not an observer of ye lawe: but a iudge. Backbyte not one another/ brethren. He that backbyteth his brother/ & he that iudgeth his brother/ backbyteth the lawe/ and iudgeth the lawe. But and yf thou iudge the lawe/ thou art not an obseruer of the lawe: but a iudge. Backbyte not one another, brethren. He that backbyteth his brother, and he yt iudgeth his brother, backbyteth the lawe, and iudgeth the lawe. But and yf thou iudge the lawe, thou art not an obseruer of the lawe: but a iudge.
4:12 There is one lawe gever/ which is able to save ād to distoyre. what art thou that iudgest another mā Ther is one lawe gever/ which is able to save and to distroye. What art thou that iudgest a nother man? Ther is one lawe geuer/ which is able to saue and to distroye. What are thou that iudgest a nother man? There is one lawe geuer, which is able to saue and to distroye. What art thou that iudgest another man?
4:13 Go to nowe ye that saye: to daye ād to morowe let vs go into soche a citie and cōtinue there a yeare and beye/ and sell/ and wynne: Go to now ye that saye: to daye & to morow let vs go into soche a citie and continue there a yeare & bye and sell/ and wynne: Go to now ye that saye: to daye and to morow let vs go into soche a cite and cōtinue there a yeare and bye and sell/ and wynne: Go to now ye that saye: to daye & to morow let vs go into soche a citie and continue there a yeare, and bye and sell, and wynne:
4:14 and yet cannot tell what shall happen to morowe. For what thīge is youre lyfe? hit is evē a vapoure that apereth for a lytell tyme/ and then vanyssheth awaye: and yet can not tell what shall happen to morowe. For what thynge is youre lyfe? It is even a vapoure that apereth for a lytell tyme/ and thē vanyssheth awaye: and yet cannot tell what shall happen to morowe. For what thinge is youre lyfe? It is euen a vapoure that apereth for a lytell tyme/ and then vanyssheth awaye: & yet cā not tell what shal happē to morowe. For what thinge is youre life? It is euen a vapoure that apereth for a lytell tyme, and thē vanysheth awaye:
4:15 For that ye ought to saye: yff the lorde will and yf we live/ let vs do this or thatt. For that ye ought to saye: yf the lorde will and yf we live/ let vs do this or that. For that ye ought to saye: yf the Lorde will and yf we lyue/ let vs do this or that. For that ye ought to say: yf the LORDE wil, and yf we liue, let vs do this or that.
4:16 Butt nowe ye reioyce in youre bostynges. All soche reioysynge is evyll. But nowe ye reioyce in youre bostinges. All soche reioysynge is evyll. But now ye reioyce in youre bostynges. All soche reioysynge is euyll. But nowe ye reioyce in youre bostinges. All soche reioysynge is euell.
4:17 Therfore to hym that knoweth howe to do good/ and doth it not/ it is synne. Therfore to him that knoweth how to do good/ and doth it not/ to him it is synne. Therfore to him that knoweth how to do good/ and doth it not/ to him it is synne. Therfore to him that knoweth how to do good, and doth it not, to him it is synne.