Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
6:1 | WHerfore let vs leave the doctryne pertaynynge to the begynnynge of a Christen man/ ād let vs go vnto perfeccion/ and nowe no more laye the foundacion of repentaunce frō deed workes/ ād of fayth towarde god/ | VVherfore let vs leave ye doctryne pertayninge to the beginninge of a Christen man/ & let vs go vnto perfecciō/ and now no more laye the foundaciō of repentaunce from deed workes/ & of fayth towarde God/ | VVherfore let vs loue the doctryne pertayninge to the beginninge of a Christē man/ & let vs go vnto perfeccion/ & now no more laye the foundacion of repentaūce frō deed workes/ & of fayth towarde God/ | WHerfore let vs leaue the doctryne pertaynynge to the begynnynge of a Christen life, and let vs go vnto perfeccion: and now nomore laye ye foundacion of repētaunce from deed workes, and of faith towarde God, |
6:2 | off baptī/ of doctryne/ and of layinge on of hondes/ and of resuereccion from deeth/ ād of eternall iudgmēt. | of baptyme/ of doctryne/ & of layinge on of hondes/ & of resurreccion from deeth/ & of eternall iudgemēt. | of baptyme/ of doctrine/ & of layinge on of hōdes/ & of resurrecciō frō deeth & of eternall iudgemēt. | of baptyme, of doctryne, of layenge on of hādes, of resurreccion of the deed, & of eternall iudgment. |
6:3 | And so will we do/ yf god permitt. | And so will we do/ yf God permitte. | And so will we do/ yf God permitte. | And so wil we do yf God permytte. |
6:4 | For it is nott possible that they/ which were once lyghted/ ād have tasted of the hevenly gyft/ and are be come part takers of the holy goost/ | For it is not possible yt they/ which were once lyghted/ and have tasted of the hevenly gyft/ and were become partetakers of the holy goost/ | For it is not possible that they which were once lighted/ & haue tasted of the heauenly gyft/ & were become partetakers of the holy goost/ | For it is not possible, that they which were once lighted, and haue taisted of the heauēly gyfte, and are become partakers of the holy goost, |
6:5 | and have tasted of the good worde of god/ and off the power off the worlde to come: | & have tasted of the good worde of God/ & of the power of the worlde to come: | & haue tasted of the good worde of God/ & of the power of the worlde to come: | & haue taisted of ye good worde of God, and of the power of the worlde to come, |
6:6 | yf they faule/ shulde be renued agayne vnto repentaūce: For as moche as they have (as cōcernynge thē selves) crucified the sōne of god a fresshe/ makynge a mocke of hym. | yf they faule/ shuld be renued agayne vnto repentaunce: for as moche as they have (as concerninge them selves) crucified the sonne of God a fresshe/ makynge a mocke of him. | yf they faule/ shuld be renued agayne vnto repentaunce: for as moche as they haue (as concerninge them selues) crucified the sonne of God a fresshe makinge a mocke of him. | yf they fall awaye (and concernynge them selues crucifye the sonne of God afresshe, and make a mocke off him) that they shulde be renued agayne vnto repentaunce. |
6:7 | For that erth which drynketh in the rayne which cōmeth ofte apon it/ ād bryngeth forth erbes mete for them that dresse it/ receaveth blessynge of god: | For that erth which drinketh in the rayne wich cōmeth ofte vpon it/ and bringeth forth erbes mete for them that dresse it/ receaveth blessynge of god. | For that erth which drinketh in the rayne which cōmeth ofte vpō it/ and bringeth forth erbes mete for them that dresse it/ receaueth blessinge of God. | For the earth, that drynketh in the rayne, which commeth oft vpon it, and bringeth forth herbes mete for them that dresse it, receaueth blessynge of God: |
6:8 | but that groūde/ which beareth thornes and bryars/ is reproved/ and is nye vnto cursynge: whose ende is to be burned. | But that grounde/ which beareth thornes & bryars/ is reproved/ & is nye vnto cursynge: whose ende is to be burned. | But that groūde which beareth thornes & bryars/ is reproued/ & is nye vnto cursinge: whose ende is to be burned. | But yt grounde which beareth thornes and thistles, is no thinge worth, and nye vnto cursynge: whose ende is to be brent. |
6:9 | Neverthelesse deare frendes/ we trust to se better of you/ ād thyngſ whych a company helth/ though we thus speake. | Neverthelesse deare frendes/ we trust to se better of you and thynges which accompany saluacion/ though we thus speake. | Neuerthelesse deare frendes we trust to se better of you/ and thinges which accompany saluacion/ though we thus speake. | Neuertheles (ye dearly beloued) we trust to se better of you, and yt saluaciō is nyer, though we thus speake. |
6:10 | For god is not vnrighteous that he shulde forget youre worke/ and laboure that procedeth of love/ which love ye shewed in his name/ which have ministred vnto the saynctes/ ād yett minister. | For god is not vnrighteous that he shuld forget youre worke and laboure that procedeth of love/ which love shewed in his name/ which have ministred vnto the saynctes/ and yet minister | For God is not vnrighteous that he shulde forget youre worke and laboure that procedeth of loue/ which loue ye shewed in his name/ which haue ministred vnto the saynctes/ and yet minister. | For God is not vnrighteous, that he shulde forget youre worke and laboure of loue, which ye shewed in his name, whan ye mynistred vnto the sayntes, and yet mynister. |
6:11 | Yee/ and we desyre that every one off you shewe the same diligence/ to the encreace off the fayth/ even vnto the ende: | Yee/ & we desyre that every one of you shew the same diligence/ to the stablysshynge of hope/ even vnto the ende: | Yee/ & we desyre that euery one of you shew the same diligence/ to the stablisshinge of hope/ euen vnto the ende: | Yee and we desyre, that euery one of you shewe the same diligence, to the stablyshinge of hope euen vnto the ende, |
6:12 | that ye faynt not/ but counterfayte them/ which thorowe fayth ād pacience inheret the promyses. | that ye faynt not/ but folowe them/ which thorow fayth & pacience inheret the promyses. | that ye faynt not/ but folowe them/ which thorow fayth & pacience inheret the promyses. | that ye faynte not, but folowe them which thorow faith and paciēce inheret the promyses. |
6:13 | For whē god made promes to Abrahā/ be cause he had no gretter thīge to sweare by: he sware by hym silfe/ | For when god made promes to Abraham/ because he had no greater thinge to sweare by he sware by him silfe | For when God made promes to Abraham/ because he had no greater thinge to sweare by/ he sware by him selfe | For whan God made promes to Abraham, because he had none greater to sweare by, he sware by himselfe, |
6:14 | sayīge: Surely I will blesse the/ ād multiply the in dede. | sayinge: Surely I will blesse the and multiply the in dede. | sayinge: Surely I will blesse the and multiplie the in dede. | and sayde: Surely I wil blesse the and multiplye ye in dede. |
6:15 | And so after that he had taryed a lōge tyme/ he enioyed the promes. | And so after that he had taryed a longe tyme/ he enioyed the promes. | And so after that he had taryed a lōge tyme/ he enioyed the promes. | And so he abode paciētly, and optayned the promes. |
6:16 | Mē verely sweare by hym that is greater them them selves/ And an othe to confyrme the thynge/ ys amonge them an ende of all stryfe. | Men verely sweare by him that is greater then them selves/ and an othe to confyrme the thynge/ ys amonge them an ende of all stryfe. | Men verely sweare by him that is greater then them selues/ & an othe to confirminge the thinge/ is amonge them an ende of all stryfe. | As for men, they sweare by him that is greater then them selues: and the ooth is the ende of all stryfe to confirme the thinge amōge them. |
6:17 | So god willynge very aboūdantly to shewe vnto the heyres of promes/ the stablenes of his coūsayle/ he added an othe/ | So god willynge very aboundanly to shewe vnto the heyres of promes/ the stablenes of his counsayle/ he added an othe/ | So God willinge very aboundantly to shewe vnto the heyres of promes/ the stablenes of his coūsayl/ he added an othe/ | But God, wyllinge very abundauntly to shewe vnto the heyres of promes the stablenes of his councell, added an ooth |
6:18 | that by two immutable thyngſ (in which it was vnpossible that god shulde lye) we myght have parfect cosolaciō/ which have fled/ forto holde fast the hope that is set forth before oure faces/ | that by two immutable thinges (in which it was vnpossible that god shuld lye) we myght have parfect consolacion/ which have fled/ for to holde fast the hope that is set before vs/ | that by two immutable thinges (in which it was vnpossible that God shuld lye) we might haue perfecte consolaciō/ which haue fled/ for to holde fast the hope that is set before vs/ | yt by two immutable thinges (in the which it is vnpossible yt God shulde lye) we mighte haue a stronge consolacion: euen we, which are fled to holde fast the hope that is set before vs, |
6:19 | which hope we have as an ancre off the soule/ both sure ād stedfast. Which hope also entreth in/ into tho thyngſ which are with in the vayle/ | which hope we have as an ancre of the soule both sure and stedfast. Which hope also entreth in/ into tho thynges which are with in the vayle/ | which hope we haue as an ancre of the soule both sure and stedfast. Which hope also entreth in/ into tho thinges which are with in the vayle/ | which (hope) we haue as a sure and stedfast anker of oure soule. Which (hope) also entreth in, in to those thinges that are within ye vayle, |
6:20 | whither the fore runner is for vs entred in/ I mean Iesus that is made an hye prest for ever/ after the order of Melchisedech. | whither ye fore runner is for vs entred in/ I meā Iesus that is made an hye prest for ever/ after the order of Melchisedech. | whither the fore runner is for vs entred in/ I meane Iesus that is made an hye prest for euer/ after the order of Melchisedech. | whither the forerūner is for vs entred in, euē Iesus, which is made an hye prest for euer after ye order of Melchisedech. |