Galatians: Chapter 06

Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
6:1 BRethren yff eny man be faullen by chaunce into eny faute: ye which are spretuall/ helpe to amende hym/ in the sprete of meknes: consyderynge thy silfe/ lest thou also be tempted. BRethren/ yf eny mā be fallen by chaūce into eny faute: ye which are spirituall helpe to amende him/ in the sprete of meknes: consyderynge thy silfe/ lest thou also be tempted. BRethren/ yf eny man be fallen by chaunce into eny faute: ye which are spirituall/ helpe to amende him/ in the sprete of meknes: consyderynge thy selfe/ lest thou also be tempted. Brethren, Yf eny mā be ouertaken of a faute, ye which are spirituall, enfourme him with a meke sprete: and considre thine owne selfe, that thou also be not tempted.
6:2 Beare ye one anothers burthen: and so fulfill ye the lawe of Christ. Beare ye one anothers burthē and so fulfill the lawe of Christ. Beare ye one anothers burthen/ and so fulfill the lawe of Christ. Beare ye one anothers burthē, and so shal ye fulfyll the lawe of Christ.
6:3 Yff a man seme to hym silfe that he is somwhat when in dede he is nothynge/ the same deceaveth hym silfe in his ymaginacion. If eny mā seme to him silfe that he is somwhat whē in dede he is nothynge/ the same deceaveth hym silfe in his ymaginacion. Yf eny man seme to him selfe that he is somwhat/ when in dede he is nothinge/ the same deceaueth him selfe in his ymaginacion. But yf eny man thinke himselfe to be somwhat (whan in dede he is nothinge) the same disceaueth himselfe.
6:4 Let every man prove his awne worke/ and then shall he have reioysynge in his awne silfe/ and not in another. Let every man prove his awne worke/ and then shall he have reioysinge in his awne silfe/ and not in another Let euery man proue his awne worke/ and then shall he haue reioysinge in his awne selfe/ and not in another Let euery man proue his owne worke, and thē shal he haue reioysinge in his awne selfe, and not in another.
6:5 For every man shall beare his awne burthen. For every man shall beare his awne burthen. For euery man shall beare his awne burthen. For euery one shal beare his owne burthen.
6:6 Let hym that is taught in the worde/ minister vnto hym that teacheth hym in all good thyngſ. Let him that is taught in ye worde minister vnto him yt teacheth him in all good thingſ. Let him that is taught in the worde/ minister vnto him that teacheth him/ in all good thinges. But let him that is taughte with the worde, mynister in all good thinges, vnto him that teacheth him.
6:7 Be not deceaved/ god is not mocked. For what soever a mā soweth/ that shall he reepe. Be not deceaved/ God is not mocked. For what soever a man soweth/ yt shall he reepe. Be not deceaued/ God is not mocked. For whatsoeuer a man soweth/ that shall he reepe. Be not disceaued, God wil not be mocked. For what soeuer a man soweth, that shal he reape.
6:8 He that soweth in the flesshe/ shall of the flesshe reepe corrupcion: but he that soweth in the sprete shall/ of the sprete reepe lyfe everlastynge. He that soweth in his flesshe/ shall of ye flesshe reepe corrupciō. But he yt soweth in ye sprete/ shall of the sprete reepe lyfe everlastinge. He that soweth in his flesshe/ shall of the flesshe reepe corrupcion. But he that soweth in the sprete/ shall of the sprete reepe lyfe euerlastynge. He that soweth vpon the flesh, shal of the flesh reape destruccion: But he that soweth vpon ye sprete, shal of the sprete reape life euerlastinge.
6:9 Let vs do good/ and let vs not faynte. For when the tyme is come we shall repe with out werynes. Let vs not be wery of well doynge. For when the tyme is come/ we shall repe with out werines. Let vs not be wery of well doynge. For when the tyme is come/ we shall repe with out werynes. Let vs not be weery of well doynge: for whā the tyme is come, we shal reape without ceassinge.
6:10 Whill we have therfore tyme lett vs do good vnto all men/ and specially/ vnto them which are off the housholde of fayth. Whill we have therfore tyme/ let vs do good vnto all men/ and specially vnto them which are of the housholde of fayth. Whyll we haue therfore tyme/ let vs do good vnto all men/ and specially vnto them which are of the housholde of fayth. Whyle we haue tyme therfore, let vs do good vnto all men but specially vnto thē which are of ye housholde of faith.
6:11 Beholde howe large a letter I have written vnto you with myne awne honde. Beholde how large a letter I have written vnto you with myne awne honde. Beholde how large a letter I haue written vnto you with myne awne honde. Beholde, with how many wordes I haue wrytten vnto you with myne awne hande.
6:12 As many as desyre with vttwarde aperaunce to please carnally/ they constrayne you to be circumcised/ only be cause they wolde nott suffre persecucion with the crosse off Christ. As many as desyre with vtwarde apperaūce to please carnally/ they constrayne you to be circumcised/ only be cause they wolde not suffre persecucion with the crosse of Christ. As many as desyre with vtwarde apperaunce to please carnally/ they constrayne you to be circumcised/ only because they wolde not suffre persecucion with the crosse of Christ. They that wil please in the flesh, constrayne you to be circumcysed, onely lest they shulde be persecuted with the crosse of Christ.
6:13 For they them selves which are circumcised kepe not the lawe: but desyre to have you circumcised that they myght reioyce in youre flesshe. For they them selves which are circumcised/ kepe not the lawe: but desyre to have you circumcised/ that they myght reioyce in youre flesshe. For they them selues which are circumcised/ kepe not the lawe: but desyre to haue you circūcised/ that they myght reioyce in youre flesshe. For euē they them selues which are circumcysed, kepe not the lawe, but wolde haue you circūcysed, that they mighte reioyse in youre flesh.
6:14 God forbid that I shulde reioyce but in the crosse of oure lorde Iesu Christ/ wher by the worlde is crucified as touchynge me/ and I as concernynge the worlde. God forbyd that I shuld reioyce but in the crosse of oure Lorde Iesu Christ/ wherby the worlde is crucified as touchinge me/ and I as concerninge the worlde. God forbyd that I shuld reioyce/ but in the crosse of oure Lorde Iesu Christ/ wherby the worlde is crucified as touchynge me/ and I as concernynge the worlde. But God forbyd that I shulde reioyse, saue onely in the crosse of oure LORDE Iesus Christ, wherby the worlde is crucified vnto me, and I vnto the worlde.
6:15 For in Christ Iesu nether circumcisiō avayleth eny thynge at all nor vncircumcisiō: but a newe creature. For in Christ Iesu nether circūcision avayleth eny thinge at all nor vncircumcisiō: but a new creature. For in Christ Iesu nether circumcision auayleth eny thinge at all/ nor vncircūcision: but a new creature. For in Christ Iesu nether circūcision avayleth eny thinge, ner vncircumcision, but a new creature.
6:16 And as many as walke acordynge to this rule/ peace be on them/ and mercy/ and apon Israhel that pertayneth to god. And as many as walke accordinge to this rule/ peace be on them/ and mercy/ and vpon Israel that pertayneth to God. And as many as walke accordynge to this rule/ peace be on them/ and mercy/ and vpon Israel that pertayneth to God. And as many as walke acordynge to this rule, peace and mercy be vpon thē, and vpon Israel of God.
6:17 From hēce forth/ let no man put me to busynes. For I beare in my bodye the markſ of the lorde Iesu. From hence forth/ let no man put me to busynes. For I beare in my bodye ye markes of the Lorde Iesu. From hence forth/ let no man put me to busynes. For I beare in my bodye the markes of the Lorde Iesu. From hence forth let no man put me to busynesse, for I beare in my body the markes of the LORDE Iesu.
6:18 Brethren the grace off oure lorde Iesu Christe be with youre sprete/ Amen. Brethren the grace of oure Lorde Iesu Christe be with youre sprete. Amen. Brethren the grace of oure Lorde Iesu Christe be with youre sprete. Amen. Brethren, the grace of oure LORDE Iesu Christ be with youre sprete Amen.
END Vnto the Galathyans written from Rome. Vnto the Galathyans written from Rome. Vnto the Galathyans written from Rome. Vnto the Galathians, sent from Rome.