2 Timothy: Chapter 02

Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
2:1 THou therfore my sonne be strōge ī the grace that is in Christ Iesu. THou therfore my sonne/ be stronge in the grace that is in Christ Iesu. THou therfore my sonne/ be stronge in the grace that is in Christ Iesu. THou therfore my sonne, be stronge thorow the grace which is in Christ Iesu.
2:2 And what thyngſ thou hast herde off me/ many bearynge witnes/ the same delivre to faythfull men/ whych are apte to teache wother. And what thynges thou hast hearde of me many bearynge witnes/ the same diliver to faythfull men/ which are apte to teache other And what thinges thou hast hearde of me many bearynge witnes/ the same diliver to faythfull men/ which are apte to teache other. And what thinges thou hast herde of me by many witnesses, the same commytte thou vnto faithfull men, which are apte to teach other.
2:3 Thou therfore suffre affliccion as a good soudier off Iesu Christ. Thou therfore suffre affliccion as a good soudier of Iesu Christ. Thou therfore suffre afflicciō as a good soudier of Iesu Christ. Thou therfore suffre affliccion as a good soudyer off Iesu Christ.
2:4 No man that warreth/ entanglith hym silfe wyth worldely busynes/ and thatt be cause he wolde please hym that hath chosen him to be a soudier. No man that warreth/ entanglith him silfe with worldely busynes/ & that be cause he wolde please him that hath chosen him to be a soudier. No man that warreth/ entanglyth him selfe with wordely bysynes/ and that because he wolde please him that hath chosen him to be a soudier. No mā that warreth, tangleth him selfe with wordly busynesses, & that because he wolde please him, which hath chosen him to be a soudyer.
2:5 And though a man strive for a mastery/ yett ys he not crouned/ except he strive laufully. And though a man strive for a mastery/ yet ys he not crouned/ except he strive laufully. And though a man stryue for a mastery/ yet is he not crouned/ except he stryue laufully. And though a man stryue for a mastrye, yet is he not crowned, excepte he stryue laufully.
2:6 The husband man that laboreth must fyrst receave off the frutes. The husbandmā that laboreth must fyrst receave of the frutes. The husbandman that laboreth must fyrst receaue of the frutes. The hussbandman that laboureth, must first enioye the frutes.
2:7 Consyder what I saye. The lorde geve the vnderstondynge in all thyngſ. Consyder what I saye. The lorde geve the vnderstondynge in all thynges. Consyder what I saye. The Lorde geue the vnderstondynge in all thinges. Consydre what I saye. The LORDE shal geue the vnderstondynge in all thinges.
2:8 Remember that Iesus Christ beynge off the sede of David/ rose agayne frō deth accordynge to my gospell/ Remember that Iesus Christ beynge of he sede of David/ rose agayne frō deth accordynge to my gospell/ Remember that Iesus Christ beynge of the sede of Dauid/ rose agayne from deth accordynge to my Gospell/ Remembre that Iesus Christ, beynge of the sede of Dauid, rose agayne frō the deed, acordynge to my Gospell,
2:9 where ī I suffre truble as an evill doar/ evē vnto bōdes. but the worde of god was not boūde. wherin I suffre trouble as an evyll doar/ even vnto bondes. But the worde of god was not bounde. wherin I suffre trouble as an euyll doar/ euen vnto bondes. But the worde of God was not bounde. where in I suffre as an euell doer euen vnto bandes: but the worde of God is not bounde.
2:10 Herfore I suffre all thīgſ/ for the electſ sakes/ thatt they myght also obtayne that helth which is in Christ Iesu/ with eternall glory. Herefore I suffre all thinges/ for ye electes sakes/ that they myght also obtayne that saluacion which is in Christ Iesu/ with eternall glory. Herefore I suffre all thinges/ for the electes sakes/ that they myght also obtayne that saluacion which is in Christ Iesu/ with eternall glory. Therfore suffre I all for the electes sakes, that they also mighte optayne the saluacion in Christ Iesu with eternall glory.
2:11 It is a true sayīge/ if we be deed with hī/ we also shall live with hym. It is a true sayinge/ if we be deed wt him/ we also shall live with him. It is a true sayinge/ yf we be deed with him we also shall lyue with him. This is a true sayenge: Yf we be deed wt him, we shal lyue with him also:
2:12 Yf we be paciēt/ we shall also raigne with hī. If we denye hī/ he also shall denye vs. Yf we be pacient/ we shall also raigne wt him. If we denye him/ he also shall denye vs. Yf we be pacient/ we shall also raygne with him. Yf we denye him/ he also shall denye vs. Yf we be pacient, we shal also raigne with him: Yf we denye him, he also shal denye vs:
2:13 Yf we beleve not/ yet abideth he faithfull. He cannot denye hym silfe. Yf we beleve not/ yet abideth he faithfull. He cannot denye him silfe. Yf we beleue not/ yet abydeth he faythfull. He cannot denye him selfe. Yf we beleue not, yet abydeth he faithfull, he can not denye himselfe.
2:14 Of these thyngſ put them ī remembraunce ād testifie before the lorde/ that they stryve not about wordes/ which is to no proffet/ but to pervert the heares. Of these thynges put them in remembraunce/ and testifie before the lorde/ that they stryve not about wordes which is to no proffet/ but to pervert the hearers. Of these thinges put them in remembraunce/ and testifie before the lorde/ that they stryue not about wordes: which is to no proffet/ but to peruert the hearers. Of these thinges put thou them in remēbraunce, and testifye before the LORDE, that they stryue not aboute wordes, which is to no profit, but to peruerte the hearers.
2:15 Studdy to shewe thy silfe laudable vnto god/ a workmā that nedeth not to be a shamed/ divydynge the worde of trueth iustly. Study to shewe thy silfe laudable vnto god a workman yt nedeth not to be a shamed/ dividynge the worde of trueth iustly. Study to shewe thy selfe laudable vnto God a workman that nedeth not to be a shamed/ diuidynge the worde of trueth iustly. Study to shewe thy selfe vnto God a laudable workman, that nedeth not to be ashamed, deuydynge the worde of trueth iustly.
2:16 Vngostly and vayne voyces passe over. For they shall encreace vnto gretter vngodlynes/ Vngostly and vayne voyces passe over. For they shall encreace vnto greater vngodlynes/ Vngostly and vayne voyces passe ouer. For they shall encreace vnto greater vngodlynes/ As for vngoostly and vayne talkynges, eschue them: for they helpe moch to vngodlynes,
2:17 ād their wordes shall fret even as doeth a cancre. of whose nombre ys hymeneos/ ād Philetos/ and their wordes shall fret even as doeth a cancre: of whose nombre ys Hymeneos and Philetos/ and their wordes shall fret euen as doeth a cancre: of whose nombre is Hymeneos and Philetos/ and their worde fretteth as doth a canker: Of whose nombre is Hymeneos & Philetus,
2:18 which as concernynge the trueth have erred/ sayinge that the resurreccion is past all redy/ and do destroye the fayth of divers persones. which as concernynge the trueth have erred/ sayinge that the resurreccion is past all redy/ and do destroye the fayth of divers persones. which as concernynge the trueth haue erred/ sayinge that the resurreccion is past all redy/ and do destroye the fayth of diuers persones. which as concernynge the trueth haue erred, sayenge, that the resurreccion is past allready, and haue destroyed the faith of dyuerse personnes.
2:19 But the sure grounde of god remayneth/ and hath this seale: the lorde knoweth them that are his/ and lett every man that calleth on the name of Christ/ departe from iniquitie. But the sure grounde of god remayneth/ & hath this seale: the lorde knoweth them that are his/ and let every man that calleth on the name of Christ/ departe from iniquite. But the sure grounde of God remayneth/ and hath this seale: the Lorde knoweth them that are his/ and let euery man that calleth on the name of Christ/ departe from iniquite. But ye sure grounde of God stondeth fast, and hath this seale: The LORDE knoweth them that are his, and let euery mā that calleth vpon the name of Christ, departe from iniquyte.
2:20 Not withstōdynge in a grete housse are not only vesselles off golde and of silver: but also of wood ād of erthe: Some for honoure/ and some vnto dishonoure. Not withstondinge in a greate housse are not only vesselles of golde and of silver: but also of wood & of erthe/ some for honoure/ and some vnto dishonoure. Not withstondynge in a greate housse are not only vesselles of golde and of siluer: but also of wood and of erthe/ some for honoure/ & some vnto dishonoure. Not withstondynge in a greate house are not onely vessels of golde and of syluer, but also of wod and of earth: some for honoure, and some to dishonoure.
2:21 Yf a mā pourdge hym silfe from suche felowes/ he shalbe a vessell sanctified vnto honoure mete for the lorde/ ād prepayred vnto all good workſ But Yf a man purdge him silfe from suche felowes/ he shalbe a vessell sanctified vnto honoure/ mete for the lorde and prepared vnto all good workes. But yf a man purge him selfe from such felowes/ he shalbe a vessell sanctified vnto honoure/ mete for the Lorde/ and prepared vnto all good workes. But yf a man pourge himselfe from soch felowes, he shalbe a vessell sanctified vnto honoure, mete for the LORDE, and prepared vnto all good workes.
2:22 Lustes of youth avoyde/ ād folowe rightwesnes/ fayth/ love/ and peace/ with them that call on the lorde with pure herte. Lustes of youth avoyde/ and folowe rightwesnes/ fayth/ love and peace/ with them that call on the lorde with pure herte. Lustes of youth auoyde/ and folowe ryghtwesnes/ fayth/ loue and peace/ with them that call on the Lorde with pure herte. Fle thou the lustes of youth, but folowe righteousnes, faith, loue, peace, with all them that call vpon the LORDE with pure hert.
2:23 Folisshe and vnlearned questiōs put from the/ remembrynge that they do but make stryfe. Folisshe & vnlearned questions put from the/ remēbrynge that they do but gendre stryfe. Folisshe and vnlearned questions put from the/ remembringe that they do but gendre stryfe. As for folish questions and soch as teach not, put them frō the: for thou knowest that they do but gēder stryfe.
2:24 But the servaunt of the lorde must not stryve: but must be peasable vnto all men/ and redy to teache/ But the servaunt of the lorde must not stryve: but must be peasable vnto all men/ and apte to teache/ But the servaunt of the Lorde must not stryue: but must be peasable vnto all men/ and apte to teache/ and one that can suffre the euyll in meknes/ The seruaunt of the LORDE ought not to stryue, but to be gentle vnto euery man: apte to teach,
2:25 and won that cā suffre the evyll in meknes/ and can informe them that resist/ yf that god att eny tyme will geve thē repentaunce for to knowe the trueth: and one that can suffre the evyll in meknes/ and can informe them that resist/ yf that god at eny tyme will geve them repentaūce for to knowe the trueth: and can informe them that resist/ yf that God at eny tyme will geue them repentaunce for to knowe the trueth: one that can forbeare the euell, one yt can with mekenesse enfourme them yt resist: yf God at eny tyme wyl geue them repentaunce for to knowe the trueth,
2:26 thatt they maye wake out of slepe agayne/ out off the snare off the devyll/ which are nowe taken off hym at his will. that they maye come to thē selves agayne out of the snare of the devyll/ which are now taken of him at his will. that they maye come to thē selues agayne out of the snare of the deuyll/ which are now taken of him at his will. and to turne agayne from the snare of the deuell, which are holden in preson of him at his will.