2 Thessalonians: Chapter 03

Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
3:1 FVrthermore brethren praye for vs/ that the worde of god maye have fre passage/ ād be gloryfied/ as it is with you: FVrthermore brethren praye for vs/ yt the worde of god maye have fre passage and be gloryfied/ as it is with you: FVrthermore brethrē praye for vs/ that the worde of God maye haue fre passage and be glorified/ as it is with you: FVrthermore brethren praye for vs, that the worde of God maye haue fre passage and be glorified as it is with you,
3:2 and thatt we maye be delivered from vnresonable and evyll men. For all men have not fayth: and that we maye be delivered from vnresonable and evyll men. For all men have not fayth: & that we maye be deliuered from vnresonable and euyll men. For all men haue not fayth: and that we maye be delyuered from vnreasonable and euell mē. For faith is not euery mās.
3:3 but the lorde is faythfull/ which shall stablysshe you/ and kepe you from evyll. but the lorde is faythfull/ which shall stablysshe you/ and kepe you from evyll. but the Lorde is faythfull/ which shall stablysshe you/ and kepe you from euyll. But the LORDE is faithfull, which shal stablyshe you and kepe you from euell.
3:4 We have confidence throw the lorde to you warde/ that ye both do/ and will do/ that which we commaunde you. We have confidence thorow the lorde to you warde/ that ye both do/ and will do/ that which we cōmaūde you. We haue confidēce thorow the Lorde to you warde/ that ye both do/ & will do/ that which we cōmaunde you. We haue confidence in the LORDE to you warde, that ye both do and wyll do that which we cōmaunde you.
3:5 And the lorde gyde youre hertſ vnto the love off God/ and pacience of Christ. And ye lorde gyde youre hertſ vnto ye love of God & paciēce of Christ. And the Lorde gyde youre hertes to the loue of God & paciēce of Christ. The LORDE gyde youre hertes vnto the loue of God and pacience of Christ.
3:6 We requyre you brethren in the name of oure lorde Iesu Christ/ that ye withdrawe youre selves from every brother that walketh īordinatly/ ād not after the institucion which ye receaved of vs. We requyre you brethren in the name of oure lorde Iesu Christ/ yt ye with drawe youre selves from every brother that walketh inordinatly/ and not after the instituciō which ye receaved of vs. We requyre you brethren in the name of oure Lorde Iesu Christ/ that ye withdrawe youre selues frō euery brother that walketh inordinatly/ & not after the instituciō which ye receaued of vs. But we requyre you brethren, in the name of oure LORDE Iesus Christ, that ye withdrawe youre selues from euery brother that walketh inordinatly, and not after the institucion which he receaued of vs.
3:7 Ye youre selves knowe howe ye ought to coūterfayte vs: For we behaved not oure selves inordinatly amonge you. Ye youre selves knowe how ye ought to folowe vs. For we behaved not oure selves inordinatly amonge you. Ye youre selues knowe how ye ought to folowe vs. For we behaued not oure selues inordinatly amonge you. For ye yor selues knowe, how ye oughte to folowe vs: for we behaued not oure selues inordinatly amonge you,
3:8 Nether toke we breed of eny man for nought: but we wrought with laboure ād travayle nyght ād daye/ be cause we wolde not be grevous to eny off you: Nether toke we breed of eny mā for nought: but wrought with laboure and travayle nyght & daye/ because we wolde not be grevous to eny of you: Nether toke we breed of eny man for nought: but wrought with laboure & trauayle nyght & daye/ because we wolde not be greuous to eny of you: nether toke we bred of eny man for naughte but wrought wt laboure and trauayle night and daye, lest we shulde be chargeable to eny of you.
3:9 nott butt that we had auctoritie: butt to make oure selves an insample vnto you/ to counterfayte vs. not but that we had auctoritie: but to make oure selves an insample vnto you/ to folowe vs. not but that we had auctoritie: but to make oure selues an ensample vnto you/ to folowe vs. Not but that we had auctorite, but to geue oure selues for an ensample vnto you to folowe vs.
3:10 For when we were with you/ this we warned you off/ that yf there were eny which wolde nott worke/ that the same shulde not eate. For when we were with you/ this we warned you of/ yt yf ther were eny which wolde not worke/ that ye same shuld not eate. For when we were with you/ this we warned you of/ that yf ther were eny which wold not worke/ that the same shulde not eate. And whan we were wt you, this we warned you of, that yf there were eny which wolde not worke, ye same shulde not eate.
3:11 We have herde saye no dout that there are some which walke amonge you inordinatly/ and worke not at all/ but are besybodies. We have hearde saye no doute that ther are some which walke amonge you inordinatly & worke not at all/ but are besy bodies. We haue hearde saye no doute that ther are some which walke amōge you inordinatly/ & worke not at all/ but are besybodyes. For we heare saye, that there are some which walke amonge you inordinatly, and worke not at all, but are busy bodies.
3:12 Them that are soche/ we commaunde and exhorte in the name off oure lorde Iesu Christe/ that they worke with quyetnes/ and eate their breed. Them that are soche/ we commaunde and exhorte by oure lorde Iesu Christ/ that they worke with quyetnes/ and eate their awne breed. Them that are soche/ we cōmaunde & exhorte by oure Lorde Iesu Christ/ that they worke with quyetnes/ and eate their awne breed. But them that are soche, we commaunde and exhorte by oure LORDE Iesus Christ, that they worke with quyetnes, and eate their awne bred.
3:13 Brethren be not weary in well doynge. Brethren be not wery in well doynge. Brethrē be not wery in well doynge. Neuertheles brethren, be not ye weery of well doynge.
3:14 Yff eny man obey nott oure sayingſ/ sende vs worde off hym by a letter: and have no companie with hym/ that he maye be a shamed: Yf eny man obey not oure sayinges/ sende vs worde of him by a letter: & have no cōpanie with him that he maye be ashamed. If eny man obey not oure sayinges/ sende vs worde of him by a letter: & haue no companie with him/ that he maye be ashamed. But yf eny man obey not oure sayenges, sende vs worde of him by a letter, and haue nothinge to do with him, yt he maye be ashamed.
3:15 And count hym not as an enemy: but warne hym as a brother. And count him not as an enemy: but warne him as a brother. And coūt him not as an enemy: but warne him as a brother. Yet counte him not as an enemye, but warne him as a brother.
3:16 The very lorde off peace/ geve you peace all wayes/ by all meanes. The lorde be with you all. The very lorde of peace geve you peace all wayes/ by all meanes. The lorde be with you all. The very Lorde of peace geue you peace all wayes/ by all meanes. The Lorde be with you all. The very LORDE of peace geue you peace allwayes by all meanes. The LORDE be with you all.
3:17 The salutacion off me Paul wyth myne awne hōde. This is the token in all pistles. So I write. The salutacion of me Paul with myne awne honde. This is the token in all pistles. So I write. The salutacion of me Paul/ with myne awne honde. This is the token in all pistles. So I write. The salutacion of me Paul with myne awne hande: This is the token in all epistles, So I wryte,
3:18 The grace of oure lorde Iesus be with you all Amen. The grace of oure lorde Iesus Christ be with you all Amen. The grace of oure Lorde Iesus Christ be with you all. Amen. The grace of oure LORDE Iesus Christ be with you all. Amen.
END Sent from Athens. Sent from Athens. Sent from Athens. Sent from Athens.