2 Corinthians: Chapter 09

Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
9:1 OF the ministrynge to the saynctſ/ it is butt superfluus for me to write vnto you: OF the ministrynge to ye saynctes/ it is but superfluous for me to write vnto you: OF the ministringe to the saynctes/ it is but superfluous for me to write vnto you: OF the handreachinge vnto ye sayntes, it is no nede for me to wryte vnto you:
9:2 for I knowe youre redynes off mynde/ wherof I bost my silfe vnto them of Macedonia/ and saye that Achaia was prepared a yeare a goo/ and youre fervētnes hath provoked many. for I knowe youre redynes of mīde/ wherof I bost my silfe vnto them of Macedonia/ & saye that Achaia was prepared a yeare a goo/ and youre ferventnes hath provoked many. for I knowe youre redines of minde/ wherof I bost my selfe vnto them of Macedonia/ & saye that Achaia was prepared a yere a go/ & youre feruentnes hath prouoked many. for I knowe youre redynesse of mynde, wherof I boast my selfe amonge them of Macedonia, and saye: Achaia was ready a yeare agoo. And youre feruentnesse hath prouoked many.
9:3 Neverthelesse yet have I sent these brethren/ lest oure reioysynge over you shulde be in vayne in this behalfe. and that ye (as I have sayd) prepare youre selves/ Never thelesse yet have I sent these brethren/ lest oure reioysynge over you shuld be in vayne in this behalfe/ and that ye (as I have sayd) preparare youre selues/ Neuerthelesse yet haue I sent these brethrē/ lest oure reioysinge ouer you shulde be in vayne in this behalfe/ and that ye (as I haue sayd) prepare youre selues Neuertheles yet haue we sent these brethren, lest oure reioysinge ouer you shulde be in vayne in this behalfe, that ye mighte be ready, as I haue reported of you:
9:4 lest paraventure yf they of Macedonia come with me ād fynde you vnprepared/ the boost that I mad in this matter shulde be a shame to vs: I saye not vnto you. lest paravēture yf they of Macedonia come with me & fynde you vnprepared/ the boost that I made in this matter/ shuld be a shame to vs: I saye not vnto you. lest parauenture yf they of Macedonia come with me/ & fynde you vnprepared/ the boost that I made in this matter/ shuld be a shame to vs. I saye not vnto you. lest whan they of Macedonia come with me, and fynde you vnprepared, we (I wyl not saye ye) shulde be ashamed in this presumpcion of boostinge.
9:5 Wherfore I thought it necessary to exhorte the brethren/ to come before honde vnto you/ forto prepare youre good blessynge promysed a fore/ that it myght be redy: so that it be a belssynge/ and not a defraudynge. Wherfore I thought it necessary to exhorte the brethren/ to come before hōde vnto you forto prepare youre good blessynge promysed a fore/ that it myght be redy: so yt it be a blessynge/ and not a defraudynge. Wherfore I thought it necessary to exhorte the brethrē/ to come before honde vnto you for to prepare youre good blessinge promised a fore/ that it myght be redy: so that it be a blessinge/ & not a defraudinge. Wherfore I thoughte it necessary to exhorte the brethren, to come before hande vnto you, for to prepare this blessynge promysed afore, that it mighte be ready, so that it be a blessynge, and not a defraudynge.
9:6 This yet remember/ howe that he which soweth lytell/ shall reepe lytell: and he that soweth plenteously/ shall reepe plēteously. This yet remember/ howe that he which soweth lytell/ shall reepe lytell: & he yt soweth plenteously shall reepe plenteously. This yet remember/ howe that he which soweth lytell/ shall reepe lytell/ & he that soweth plenteously shall reepe plenteously. This I thynke: that he which soweth litle, shal reape litle also: and he yt soweth plenteously, shal likewyse reape plenteously,
9:7 and let every man do accordynge as he hath purposed in his herte/ not groudgyngly/ or of necessite. For god loveth a chearfull gever And let every man do accordynge as he hath purposed in his herte/ not groudgyngly/ or of necessite. For god loveth a chearfull gever. And let euery man do accordinge as he hath purposed in his herte/ not groudgingly/ or of necessite. For God loueth a chearfull geuer. euery one acordynge as he hath purposed in his hert, not grudgingly, or of compulsion. For God loueth a chearfull geuer.
9:8 God is able to make you ryche in all grace/ that ye in all thyngſ havynge sufficient vnto the vttmoste/ maye be ryche vnto all manner good workſ/ God is able to make you ryche in all grace that ye in all thynges havynge sufficiēt vnto the vttmoste/ maye be ryche vnto all manner good workes/ God is able to make you ryche in all grace/ that ye in all thinges hauinge sufficient vnto the vtmoste/ maye be ryche vnto all manner good workes/ God is able to make you riche in all grace, yt ye in all thinges hauynge sufficiet to the vttemost, maye be riche to all maner of good workes.
9:9 as it written: He hath sparsed abroade and hath geven to the povre/ his rightewesnes remayneth for ever. as it is written: He yt sparsed abroade and hath geven to the povre/ his rightewesnes remayneth for ever. as it is writtē: He hath sparsed abroade and hath geuen to the poore/ his rightewesnes remayneth for euer. As it is wryttē: He hath sparsed abrode & geuē to ye poore, his righteousnes remayneth for euer.
9:10 He that fyndeth the sower sede/ shall minister breed for fode/ ād shall multiplie youre sede/ and increace the frutes of youre rightewesnes that on all parties/ He yt fyndeth the sower seed/ shall minister breed for fode/ and shall multiplie youre seed and increace the frutes of youre rightewesnes He that findeth the sower seed/ shall minister breed for fode/ and shall multiplie youre seed and increace the frutes of youre rightewesnes He that geueth sede vnto the sower, shal mynistre bred also for fode, and shal multiplye youre sede, and increase the frutes of yor righteousnes,
9:11 ye maye be made ryche in all synglenes/ which causeth throwe vs/ thankſ gevynge vnto god. that on all parties/ ye maye bemade ryche in all synglenes/ which causeth thorowe vs/ thankes gevynge vnto god. that on all parties/ ye maye be made riche in all singlenes/ which causeth thorowe vs/ thankes geuinge vnto God. that in all thinges ye maye be made riche vnto all singlenesse, which causeth thorow vs, thankesgeuynge vnto God.
9:12 For the ofice off this ministracion/ not only supplieth the nede off the sayntſ: but also is aboundaunt herein/ that for this laudable ministrynge/ thankſ myght be geven to god of many/ For the office of this ministracion/ not only supplieth the nede of the sayntes: but also is aboundaunt herein/ that for this laudable ministrynge/ thankes myght be geven to god of many/ For the office of this ministracion/ not only supplieth the nede of the saynctes: but also is aboundaunt herein/ that for this laudable ministringe/ thankes myght be geuen to God of many/ For the hādreachinge of this colleccion not onely suppleeth the nede off the sayntes, but also is abūdaunt herin, that for this laudable mynistracion many mighte geue thākes vnto God,
9:13 whiche prayse god for youre obedience in knowledgynge the gospell of Christ. and for youre synglenes/ in distributynge to them/ and to all men. whiche prayse god for the obedience of youre professynge ye gospell of Christ/ and for youre synglenes in distributynge to them and to all mē: which prayse God for the obedience of youre professinge the gospell of Christ/ and for youre singlenes in distributinge to them and to all men: and prayse God for yor obedient professynge of the Gospell of Christ, & for yor synglenesse in distributynge vnto thē, and to all men,
9:14 and in their prayers to God for you/ longe after you/ for the aboundaunt grace off God geven vnto you. and in their prayers to God for you/ longe after you/ for the aboundauut grace of God geven vnto you. & in their prayers to God for you/ longe after you/ for the aboundaunt grace of God geuen vnto you. and in their prayer for you, which longe after you, for the abundaunt grace of God in you.
9:15 Thankes be vnto God for his ineffable gyfte. Thankes be vnto God for his vnspeakeable gyft. Thankes be vnto God for his vnspekeable gyfte. Thankes be vnto God for his vnoutspeakeable gifte.