2 Corinthians: Chapter 08

Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
8:1 I Do you to witt brethrē of the grace of god/ which is geven in the congregaciōs of Macedonia/ I Do you to wit brethren/ of the grace of god which is geven in the congregacions of Macedonia/ I Do you to wit brethren/ of the grace of God which is geuen in the congregaciōs of Macedonia/ I Do you to wit (brethren) the grace of God, which is geuē in the congregacions of Macedonia.
8:2 howe thatt the aboundaunce off their reioysinge is/ that they are tried with moche tribulacion. And howe that their povertie/ though yt be depe/ yet hath folowed over/ and is be come vnto thē ryches in synglenes. how that the a boundaunce of their reioysing is/ that they are tried wt moche tribulaciō. And therto though they were excedinge poore/ yet haue they geuē excedinge richly/ and that in singlenesse. how that the aboūdaunce of their reioysinge is/ that they are tried with moche tribulacion. And therto though they were excedinge poore/ yet haue they geuē excedinge richly/ & that in singlenes. For their reioysinge was most abundaunt, whan they were tryed by moch trouble: & though they were exceadinge poore, yet haue they geuē exceadinge richely, and that in synglenesse.
8:3 For to their powers (I beare them recorde) yee and beyonde their power/ they were willynge off their owne accorde/ For to their powers (I beare recorde) yee and beyonde their power/ they were willynge of their owne accorde/ For to their powers (I beare recorde) yee and beyonde their power/ they were willinge of their awne accorde/ For to their power (I beare recorde) yee and beyonde their power, they were wyllinge of their awne acorde,
8:4 and prayed vs with grett instaunce that we wolde receave their benefite/ and suffre them to be part takers with other in ministrynge to the saynctſ. and prayed vs with great instaunce that we wolde receave their benefite/ and suffre them to be parttakers with other in ministrynge to the saynctes. & prayed vs with great instaunce/ that we wolde receaue their benefite/ and suffre them to be partetakers with other in ministrynge to the saynctes. and prayed vs with greate instaūce, that we wolde receaue their benefite and fellishippe of the hādreachinge that is done for the sayntes:
8:5 And this they did/ not as we loked for: but gave their awne selves fyrst to the lorde/ and after vnto vs by the will off God: And this they did/ not as we loked for: but gave their awne selves fyrst to the lorde/ and after vnto vs by the will of God: And this they dyd/ not as we loked for: but gaue their awne selues fyrst to the Lorde/ and after vnto vs by the will of God: And not as we loked for, but gaue ouer them selues first to the LODRE, and afterwarde vnto vs by ye wyl of God,
8:6 so that we coulde nott butt desyre Titus to acomplysshe the same benivolence amonge you also/ even as he had begonne. so that we coulde not but desyre Titus to acomplysshe the same benivolence amonge you also/ even as he had begonne. so that we coulde not but desyre Titus to acomplysshe the same beniuolence amonge you also/ euen as he had begonne. so that we coulde not but desyre Titus, that like as he had begonne afore he wolde euen so accomplish the same beniuolence amonge you.
8:7 Nowe therfore/ as ye are ryche in all parties/ in fayth/ in worde/ in knowledge/ in all fervētnes/ and in love/ which ye have to vs: even so se that ye be plenteous in this benivolence. Now therfore/ as ye are ryche in all parties in fayth/ in worde/ in knowledge/ in all fervētnes/ and in love/ which ye have to vs: even so se that ye be plenteons in this benivolence. Now therfore/ as ye are ryche in all parties/ in fayth/ in worde/ in knowledge/ in all feruētnes/ and in loue/ which ye haue to vs: euen so se that ye be plenteous in this beniuolence. Now as ye are riche in all poyntes, in faith and in worde, and in knowlege, and in all diligence, and in youre loue towarde vs, euen so se that ye be plenteous also in this benyuolēce.
8:8 Thys saye I nott as cōmaundynge: but be cause other are so fervent/ therfore prove I youre love/ whether it be perfait or no. Thys saye I not as commaundynge: but be cause other are so fervent/ therfore prove I youre love/ whether it be perfait or no. This saye I not as commaundinge: but be cause other are so feruent/ therfore proue I your loue/ whether it be parfayt or no. This I saye not as commaūdynge, but seynge, other are so diligent, I proue youre loue also, whether it be perfecte or no.
8:9 Ye knowe the liberalitie of oure lorde Iesus Christ/ which though he were riche/ yet for youre sakſ be cam povre: that ye thorowe his povertie myght be made ryche. Ye knowe the liberalitie of oure lorde Iesus Christ/ which though he were riche/ yet for youre sakes be came poore: that ye thorow his povertie/ myght be made ryche. Ye knowe the liberalitie of oure lorde Iesus Christ/ which though he were riche yet for youre sakes be came poore: that ye thorow his pouertie/ myght be made ryche. For ye knowe the liberalite of oure LORDE Iesus Christ, which though he be riche, yet for youre sakes he became poore, yt ye thorow his pouerte mighte be made riche.
8:10 And I geve counsell hereto: For this is expedient for you/ which began/ nott to do only: butt also to will/ a yeare agoo. And I geve counsell hereto. For this is expedient for you/ which beganne/ not to do only: but also to will/ a yeare agoo. And I geue counsell here to. For this is expedient for you/ which beganne/ not to do only: but also to wil a yeare a goo. And my councell herin I geue, for this is profitable for you, which haue begonne a yeare a goo, not onely to do, but also to wyll.
8:11 Nowe therfore performe the dede/ that as there was in you a redines to will/ even so ye maye performe the dede/ of that which ye have. Now therfore performe the dede: that as ther was in you a redines to will/ even so ye maye performe the dede/ of that which ye have. Now therfore performe the dede: that as ther was in you a redynes to will/ euen so ye maye performe the dede/ of that which ye haue. But now perfourme the dede also, that like as there is a ready mynde to wil, there maye be a ready mynde also to perfourme the dede of that which ye haue.
8:12 For if there be fyrst a willynge mynde/ it is accepted accordynge to thatt a man hath/ and not accordynge to that he hath not. For if ther be fyrst a willynge mynde/ it is accepted accordynge to that a man hath/ and not accordinge to that he hath not. For if ther be fyrst a willinge mynde/ it is accepted accordinge to that a man hath/ and not accordinge to that he hath not. For yf there be a wyllinge mynde, it is accepted acordinge to that a man hath, not acordinge to that he hath not.
8:13 Hit is not my mynde that wother be set at ease/ and ye brought into combraunce: It is not my mynde that other be set at ease/ and ye brought into combraunce: It is not my mynde that other be set at ease/ and ye brought into combraunce: This is not done to the intent, that other shulde haue ease, and ye cōbraunce,
8:14 butt thatt there be egalnes. Let youre aboundaūce socker their lacke att this present tyme off deerth: thatt their aboundaunce maye supplye youre lacke: thatt their maye be equalite/ but that ther be egalnes now at this tyme/ that youre aboundaunce sucker their lacke: that their aboundaunce maye supplie youre lacke: that ther maye be equalite/ but that ther be egalnes now at this tyme/ that youre aboundaūce sucker their lacke: that their aboūdaunce maye supplye youre lacke: that ther maye be equalite/ but that it be a lyke. Let youre abundaunce sucker their lacke in this tyme off derth, that their abundaunce also herafter maye supplee youre lacke,
8:15 agreynge to thatt which is written: He that gaddered moche had never the more aboundaunce/ and he that gaddered lytell/ had neverthelesse. agreynge to that which is written. He that gaddered moche/ had never the more aboundaunce/ & he yt gaddered lytell had never the lesse. agreynge to that which is written. He that gaddered moche had neuer the more aboundaunce/ & he that gaddered lytell had neuer the lesse. that there maye be equalite. As it is wrytten: He yt gathered moch, had not the more: and he that gathered litle, wanted nothinge.
8:16 Thankſ be vnto god/ which put in the hert of Titus the same good mynde toward you. Thankes be vnto god/ which put in ye hert of Titus the same good mynde toward you. Thākes be vnto god/ which put in the hert of Titus the same good mynde toward you. Thākes be vnto God, which put in the hert of Titus, the same diligence towarde you.
8:17 For he accepted oure request. yee rather he was so wele willynge/ thatt he off his awne accorde cam vnto you. For he accepted ye request yee rather he was so well willynge that of his awne accorde came vnto you. For he accepted the request yee rather he was so well willinge/ that of his awne accorde/ came vnto you. For he accepted the request in dede, yee he was rather so well wyllynge, that of his awne acorde, he came vnto you.
8:18 We have sēt with hī that brother whose laude is in the gospell thorowe out all the cōgregaciōs: We haue sent with him that brother whose laude is in the gospell thorow out all the congregacions: We haue sent with him that brother/ whose laude is in the gospell thorow out all the congregacions: We haue sent with him that brother, whose prayse is in the Gospell thorow out all the congregacions.
8:19 ād not so only/ but is also chosen of the congregacions to be a felowe with vs ī oure iorney/ as cōcerninge this benivolēce that is ministred by vs vnto the prayse of the lorde/ and to stere vppe youre prompt mynde. and not so only/ but is also chosen of the congregacions to be a felowe with vs in oure iorney concerninge this benivolence that is ministred by vs vnto the prayse of ye lorde/ and to stere vp youre prompt mynde. and not so only/ but is also chosen of the congregaciōs to be a felowe with vs in oure iorney concerninge this beniuolence that is ministred by vs vnto the prayse of the Lorde/ and to stere vp youre prompt mynde. Not onely that, but he is chosen also of the congregacions, to be a felowe with vs in oure iourney, for this benyuolence that is mynistred by vs vnto the prayse of the LORDE, and to stere vp youre prompte mynde,
8:20 And thys we eschue thatt eny man shulde rebuke vs in this aboundaunce/ thatt is ministred by vs/ For thys we eschue/ that eny man shuld rebuke vs in this plenteous distribucion that is ministred by vs/ For this we eschue/ that eny man shulde rebuke vs in this plenteous distribucion that is ministred by vs/ and to bewarre, lest eny mā reporte euell of vs because of this plenteousnes, which is mynistred by vs:
8:21 and make provision for honest thyngſ/ nott in the sight of god only/ but also ī the sight of men. and therfore make provision for honest thynges/ not in the sight of god only/ but also in the sight of men. and therfore make prouision for honest thinges/ not in the syght of God only/ but also in the syght of men. and therfore make we prouision for honest thinges, not onely before the LORDE, but also before men.
8:22 We have sent with them a brother off oures whō we have ofte tymes proved diligēt ī many thyngſ/ butt nowe moche more diligent. The grete confidence which I have in you hath caused me this to do: We have sent with them a brother of oures whom we have ofte tymes proved diligēt in many thynges/ but now moche more diligent. The great confidence which I have in you. hath caused me this to do: We haue sent with them a brother of oures whom we haue ofte tymes proued diligent in many thinges/ but now moche more diligent. The greate confidence which I haue in you/ hath caused me this to do: We haue sent with them also a brother of oures, whom we haue oft proued diligēt in many thinges, but now moch more diligent. And this haue we done in greate hope towarde you,
8:23 partly for Titus sake which is my felowe/ and helper as concernynge you: partly be cause off wother which are oure brethren/ and the messengers off the congregacions/ and the glory off Christ. partly for Titus sake which is my felowe and helper as cōcernynge you/ partly because of other which are oure brethren/ and the messengers of the congregaciōs/ and ye glory of Christ. partly for Titus sake which is my felowe and helper as concerninge you/ partly because of other which are oure brethren and the messengers of the congregacions/ and the glory of Christ. whether it be for Titus sake (which is my felowe and helper amonge you) or for oure brethrē (which are Apostles of the cōgregacions, & the prayse of Christ.)
8:24 Wherfore shewe vnto them the proffe off youre love/ and off the reioysynge hatt we have off you/ thatt the congregacions maye se it. Wherfore shewe vnto them the proffe of youre love/ & of the reioysynge that we have of you/ that ye congregacions maye se it. Wherfore shewe vnto them proffe of youre loue/ and of the reioysinge that we haue of you/ that the congregacions maye se it. Shewe now the profe off youre loue and off oure boastinge of you, vnto these, and opēly in the sighte of the cogregacions.