2 Corinthians: Chapter 12

Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
12:1 Hit is not expediēt for me no dout to reioyce/ Neverthelesse I will come to visions and revelacions of the lorde. It is not expediēt for me (no dout to reioyce. Neverthelesse I will come to visions and revelaciōs of ye lorde. It is not expedient for me no dout to reioyce. Neuerthelesse I will come to visions and reuelacions of the Lorde. IT profiteth me nothinge (no doute) to boaste. Neuertheles I wil come to ye visions and reuelacions off the LORDE.
12:2 I knowe a mā in Christ above xiiij yeares agone (whether he were in the body I cannot tell/ or whether he were oute off the body I cānot tell/ god knoweth) which was taken vppe into the thyrd heven. I knowe a mā in Christ above .xiiij. yeares agone (whether he weare in ye body I cannot tell/ or whether he were oute of ye body I cānot tell/ god knoweth) which was takē vp into the thyrd heven. I knowe a man in Christ aboue .xiiij. yeares agone (whether he weare in the body I cannot tell/ or whether he were oute of the body I cannot tell (God knoweth) which was takē vp in to the thyrd heauē. I knowe a man in Christ aboue fourtene yeares a goo (whether he was in ye body, I can not tell: or whether he was out of the body, I can not tell, God knoweth.) the same was taken vp in to the thirde heauen:
12:3 And I knowe the same man (whether in the body/ or out of the body/ I cānot tell/ god knoweth) And I knowe the same man (whether in the body/ or out of the body/ I cānot tell god knoweth) And I knowe the same mā (whether in the body/ or out of the body/ I cannot tell God knoweth) and I knowe the same man (whether he was in ye body or out of the body, I can not tell, God knoweth)
12:4 howe that he was takē vppe into paradise/ ād herde wordes not to be spoken/ which no mā can vtter. howe yt he was takē vp into paradise/ & hearde wordſ not to be spokē/ which no man can vtter. how that he was taken vp into Paradise/ and hearde wordes not to be spoken/ which no man can vtter. how that he was takē vp in to Paradise, and herde wordes not to be spoken, which no man can vtter.
12:5 Of this mā will I reioyce/ of my silfe will I not reioyce/ except it be of myne īfirmities: Of this man will I reioyce/ of my silfe will I not reioyce/ except it be of myne infirmities. Of this mā will I reioyce/ of my selfe will I not reioyce/ except it be of myne infirmities. Here of will I boast, but of my selfe wil I make no boast, excepte it be of myne infirmyties.
12:6 ād though I wolde reioyce I shulde not be a fole: for I will saye the trueth. Neverthelesse I spare/ lest eny mā shulde thīke off me above that he seith me to be/ or heareth of me. And yet though I wolde reioyce/ I shuld not be a fole: for I wolde saye the trouthe. Neverthe lesse I spare/ lest eny man shuld thynke of me above that he seith me to be/ or heareth of me. And yet though I wolde reioyce/ I shulde not be a fole: for I wolde saye the trouthe. Neuerthelesse I spare/ lest eny man shulde thinke of me aboue that he seith me to be/ or heareth of me. And though I wolde boast my selfe, I dyd not foolishly, for I wolde saye the trueth. But I refrayne my selfe, lest eny mā shulde thinke of me aboue yt he seyth in me, or heareth of me.
12:7 And lest I shulde be exalted out of measure thorowe the aboūdance of revelaciōs/ there was geven vnto me of god vnquyetnes of the flesshe/ the messenger of Satan to buffet me: be cause I shulde not be exalted out of measure. And lest I shuld be exalted out of measure thorow the a boundance of revelacions/ ther was geven vnto me vnquyetnes of the flesshe/ the messenger of Satan to buffet me: be cause I shuld not be exalted out of measure And lest I shuld be exalted out of measure thorow the aboundance of reuelacions/ ther was geuen vnto me vnquyetnes of the flesshe/ the messenger of Satan to buffet me: be cause I shulde not be exalted out of measure. And lest I shulde exalte my selfe out of measure because of the hye reuelacions, there is a warnynge geuen vnto my flesh, euen ye messaunger of Satan, to buffet me, that I shulde not exalte my selfe out off measure:
12:8 For this thynge besought I the lorde thryse/ that it myght departe frō me: For this thynge besought I the lorde thryse/ that it myght departe from me. For this thinge besought I the Lorde thryse/ that it myght departe from me. for ye which I besoughte the LORDE thryse, that it mighte departe fro me.
12:9 and he sayde vnto me: my grace is sufficient for the. For my strengthe is made perfait throu weaknes. Very gladly therfore will I reioyce of my weaknes that the strengthe of Christ maye dwell in me. And he sayde vnto me: my grace is sufficient for the. For my strēgth is made perfact thorow weaknes. Very gladly therfore will I reioyce of my weaknes/ that the strength of Christ maye dwell in me And he sayde vnto me: my grace is sufficient for the. For my strēght is made parfaict thorow weaknes. Very gladly therfore will I reioyce of my wekknes/ that the strength of Christ maye dwell in me. And he sayde vnto me: My grace is sufficiēt for the. For my strength is made perfecte thorow weaknes. Very glad therfore wil I reioyse in my weaknesses, that the strength of Christ maye dwell in me.
12:10 Therfore have I delectaciō in infirmities/ in rebukes/ in nede/ in persecuciōs/ in anguysshe/ for Christis sake. For when I am weake/ then am I stronge. Therfore have I delectacion in infirmities/ in rebukes/ in nede/ in persecucions/ in anguyshe/ for Christis sake. For when I am weake/ then am I stronge. Therfore haue I delectacion in infirmities/ in rebukes/ in nede/ in persecucions/ in anguysshe/ for Christes sake. For when I am weake/ then am I stronge. Therfore am I contente in infirmities, in rebukes, in necessities, in persecucions, in anguysshes for Christes sake: for whā I am weake, thē am I strōge.
12:11 I am made a fole in bostynge my silfe. Ye have cōpelled me/ I ought to have bene cōmended of you. For in nothīge was I īferior vnto te chefe apostels. Though I be nothynge/ I am made a fole in bostynge my silfe. Ye have cōpelled me: I ought to have bene cōmēded of you. For in nothinge was I inferior vnto ye chefe apostels/ Though I be nothynge/ I am made a fole in bostinge my selfe. Ye haue cōpelled me: I ought to haue bene commended of you. For in nothinge was I inferior vnto the chefe Apostles/ though I be nothinge/ I am become a fole ī boastinge my selfe: Ye haue cōpelled me. For I oughte to be cōmended of you, in so moch as I am in nothinge inferior to ye hye Apostles. Though I be nothinge,
12:12 yet the tokēs of an apostle were wrought amōge you with all pacience: with signes/ and wōders/ and myghty dedes. yet ye tokēs of an apostle were wrought amōge you with all pacience: with signes/ and wonders/ and myghty dedes. yet the tokens of an Apostle were wrought amonge you with all pacience/ with signes/ & wonders/ & mighty dedes. yet are ye tokens of an Apostle wrought amōge you, with all paciēce, with signes, & with wōders & with mightie dedes.
12:13 For what is it wherin ye were īferiors vnto wother cōgregaciōs? except it be therī that I was not greveous vnto you. For geve me this wronge done vnto you. For what is it wherin ye were inferiors vnto other cōgregacions except it be therin that I was not greveous vnto you. Forgeve me this wronge done vnto you. For what is it wherin ye were inferiors vnto other congregacions except it be therin that I was not greuous vnto you. Forgeue me this wronge done vnto you. For what is it, wherin ye are inferiours to the other congregacions? excepte it be yt I haue not bene greuous vnto you. Forgeue me this wrōge.
12:14 Beholde nowe the thyrde tyme I am redy to come vnto you/ nether will I be grevous vnto you. For I seke not youres but you. Also the children ought nott to laye vppe for the fathers and mothers: but the fathers and mothers for the children. Beholde now ye thyrde tyme I am redy to come vnto you: and yet will I not be grevous vnto you. For I seke not youres/ but you. Also the children ought not to laye vp for the fathers and mothers: but the fathers and mothers for the children. Beholde now the thyrde tyme I am redy to come vnto you: and yet wyll I not be greuous vnto you. For I seke not youres/ but you. Also the chyldren ought not to laye vp for the fathers and mothers: but the fathers and mothers for the chyldren. Beholde, I am ready the thirde tyme to come vnto you, and wyl not be chargeable vnto you. For I seke not youres, but you. For ye childrē ought not to gather treasure for the elders, but the elders for the children.
12:15 I will very gladly bestowe/ and wilbe bestowed for youre soules: though the moare I love you/ the lesse I ā loved agayne. I will very gladly bestowe/ & wilbe bestowed for youre soules: though the moare I love you/ ye lesse I am loved agayne. I will very gladly bestowe/ & wilbe bestowed for youre soules: though the moare I loue you/ the lesse I am loued agayne. I wil very gladly bestowe, and wyl be bestowed for youre soules: though ye more I loue you, the lesse am I loued agayne.
12:16 But be it that I greved you not: neṽthelesse I was crafty ād toke you with gile. But be it yt I greved you not: never the lesse I was crafty & toke you with gile. But be it that I greued you not: neuerthelesse I was crafty and toke you with gile. But let it be so that I greued you not, neuertheles for so moch as I was craftye, I toke you wt gyle.
12:17 Did I pill you by eny of them which I sent vnto you? Did I pill you by eny of thē which I sent vnto you? Dyd I pill you by eny of them which I sent vnto you? Haue I defrauded you by eny of thē, whō I sent vnto you?
12:18 I desyred Titus/ and with hī I sent a brother: Did Titus defraude you of eny thynge? walked we not in one sprete? walked we not in lyke steppes? I desyred Titus/ & wt him I sent a brother. Did Titus defraude you of eny thynge? walked we not in one sprete? walked we not in lyke steppes? I desyred Titus/ and with him I sent a brother. Dyd Titus defraude you of eny thinge? walked we not in one sprete? walked we not in lyke steppes? I desyred Titus, & with him I sent a brother: dyd Titus defraude you? Haue we not walked in one sprete? Wēte we not in like fotesteppes?
12:19 Agayne/ thynke ye that we excuse oure selves? we speake in Christ in the sight of God. But we do all thyngſ dearly beloved for youre edifyinge. Agayne/ thynke ye yt we excuse oure selves? We speake in Christ in the sight of God. But we do all thynges dearly beloved for youre edifyinge. Agayne thinke ye that we excuse our selues? We speake in Christ in the syght of God. But we do all thinges dearly beloued for youre edifyinge. Agayne, thynke ye yt we excuse oure selues? We speake in Christ in the sighte off God. But all this (dearly beloued) is done for yor edifyenge.
12:20 For I feare lest it come to passe/ that when I come/ I shall not fynde you soche as I wolde: ād I shalbe foūde vnto you soche as ye wolde not. I feare lest there be founde amōge you lawynge/ envyinge/ wrath/ stryfe/ backbytyngſ/ whisperyngſ/ swellyngſ/ and debate. For I feare lest it come to passe/ that when I come/ I shall not fynde you soche as I wolde: and I shalbe foūde vnto you soche as ye wolde not: I feare lest ther befounde amōge you debate/ envyinge/ wrath stryfe/ backbytynges/ whisperynges/ swellynges & discorde. For I feare lest it come to passe/ that when ye come/ I shall not fynde you soche as I wolde: and I shalbe founde vnto you soche as I wolde not: I feare lest ther be founde amōge you debate/ enuyinge/ wrath stryfe/ backbytinges/ whysperinges/ swellinges & discorde. For I feare, lest whan I come, I shal not fynde you soch as I wolde: and lest ye shal fynde me soch as ye wolde not: lest there be amonge you, debates, envyenges, wrathes, stryuynges, bacbytinges, whysperinges, swellinges, vproures:
12:21 I feare lest when I come agayne/ God brynge me lowe amonge you/ and I be constrayned to bewayle many of them which have synned all redy/ ād have nott repented of the vnclennes/ and fornicacion/ and wantannes which they have committed. I feare lest when I come agayne/ God brynge me lowe amōge you/ and I be constrayned to bewayle many of thē which have synned all redy/ and have not repented of the vnclennes/ fornicacion and wantānes which they haue committed. I feare lest when I come agayne/ God bringe me lowe amonge you/ and I be constrayned to bewayle many of thē which haue synned all redy/ and haue not repented of the vnclennes/ fornicacion and wantannes which they haue committed. lest whan I come agayne, God bringe me lowe amōge you & lest I be constrayned to bewayle many of thē yt haue synned before, & haue not repented ouer ye vnclennesse and whordome, and wantonnes, which they haue cōmytted.