Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
4:1 | THe sprete speaketh evydētly that in the latter tymes some shall doparte frō the fayth/ and shall geve hede vnto spretes of errure/ and dyvlysshe doctryne | THe sprete speaketh evydently that in the latter tymes some shall departe from the fayth/ and shall geve hede vnto spretes of erroure/ and dyvelysshe doctrine | THe sprete speaketh euydently that in the later tymes some shall departe from the fayth/ & shall geue hede vnto spretes of erroure/ & dyuelysshe doctrine | THe sprete speaketh euydently, that in ye latter tymes some shal departe from the faith, and shal geue hede vnto spretes of erroure, and deuelish doctrynes, |
4:2 | off them which speake falce thorow ypocrisy/ and have their consciēces marked with an hott yeron/ | of them which speake falce thorow ypocrisye/ and have their consciences marked with an hote yron/ | of them which speake false thorow ypocrisye and haue their consciences marcked with an hote yron/ | of them which speake false thorow ypocrysie, and haue their cōscience marked with an whote yron, |
4:3 | forbyddynge to mary/ and commaundynge to abstayne from meates/ which god hath created to be receaved with gevynge thankſ/ off them which belove/ and have knowen the trueth/ | forbyddinge to mary/ and commaundinge to abstayne from meates which God hath created to be receaved with gevynge thankes/ of them which beleve and knowe ye trueth. | forbiddinge to mary/ and commaundinge to abstayne from meates which God hath created to be receaued with geuinge thankes/ of them which beleue and knowe the trueth. | forbyddinge to mary, and cōmaundynge to abstayne frō the meates, which God hath created to be receaued wt geuynge thankes of them which beleue and knowe the trueth. |
4:4 | for all the creatures of God are good: and nothynge to be refused/ yff it be receaved with thankſ gevynge: | For all the creatures of God are good and nothynge to be refused/ yf it be receaved with thankes gevynge. | For all the creatures of God are good and nothinge to be refused/ yf it be receaued with thankesgeuinge. | For euery creature off God is good, and nothinge to be refused, yt is receaued with thankesgeuynge: |
4:5 | For it is sanctified by the worde of god/ and prayer. | For it is sanctyfyed by the worde of God and prayer. | For it is sanctified by the worde of God and prayer. | for it is sanctifyed by the worde of God and prayer. |
4:6 | Yff thou shalt put the brethren in remembraunce of these thynges/ thou shalt be a good minister of Iesu Christ which hast bene norisshed vppe in the wordes of fayth/ and good doctryne/ which doctryne thou hast continually followed. | Yf thou shalt put the brethren in remembraunce of these thynges/ thou shalt be a good minister of Iesu Christ/ which hast bene norisshed vp in the wordes of the fayth and good doctryne/ which doctryne thou hast continually followed. | Yf thou shalt put the brethren in remembraunce of these thinges/ thou shalt be a good minister of Iesu Christ/ which hast bene norisshed vp in the wordes of the fayth and good doctrine/ which doctrine thou hast continually followed. | Yf thou shalt put the brethren in remembraunce of these thinges, thou shalt be a good mynister of Iesu Christ, which hast bene norished vp in the wordes of faith and of good doctryne, which thou hast folowed hither to. |
4:7 | But cast awaye vngostly and olde wyves fables. Exercyse thy silfe vnto godlines. | But cast awaye vngostly and olde wyves fables. Exercyse thy silfe vnto godlines. | But cast awaye vngostly and olde wiues fables. Exercyse thy selfe vnto godlynes. | As for vngoostly and olde wyuesh fables, cast them awaye, but exercyse thy selfe vnto godlynes. |
4:8 | For bodely exercyse proffiteth lytell: Butt godlines is good vnto all thyngſ/ as a thynge which hath promyses of the lyfe that is nowe/ and off the lyfe to come. | For bodely exercise proffiteth lyttll: But godlines is good vnto all thynges/ as a thynge which hath promyses of the lyfe that is now/ and of the lyfe to come. | For bodely exercise profiteth lytell: but godlines is good vnto all thinges/ as a thinge which hath promyses of the lyfe that is now/ & of the lyfe to come. | For bodely exercyse profyteth litle, but godlynes is profytable vnto all thinges, as a thinge which hath promyses of the life that is now, and of the life for to come. |
4:9 | This is a sure saynge/ ād of all parties worthy to be receaved. | This is a sure sayinge and of all parties worthy to be receaved. | This is a sure sayinge/ & of all parties worthy to be receaued. | This is a sure sayenge, & of all partes worthy to be receaued. |
4:10 | For therfore we laboure and suffre rebuke/ be cause we beleve in the livynge god/ which is the savioure off all men: but specially of those that beleve. | For therfore we laboure and suffre rebuke/ because we beleve in the livynge god/ which is the savioure of all men: but specially of those that beleve. | For therfore we laboure & suffre rebuke/ because we beleue in the lyuinge God which is the sauioure of all mē: but specially of those that beleue. | For therfore we laboure and suffre rebuke, because we hope in the lyuynge God, which is the Sauioure of all men, but specially of those that beleue. |
4:11 | Suche thyngſ commaunde and teache. | Suche thynges commaunde and teache. | Suche thinges commaunde & teache. | Soch thinges commaunde thou and teach. |
4:12 | Let no man despyse thy youth: but be vnto them that beleve an īsample/ in worde/ in conversacion/ in love/ in sprete/ in fayth and in purenes. | Let no man despyse thy youth: but be vnto them that beleve/ an insample/ in worde in conversacion/ in love/ in sprete/ in fayth and in purenes. | Let no man despyse thy youth: but be vnto them that beleue/ an ensample/ in worde/ in conuersacion/ in loue/ in sprete/ in fayth and in purenes. | Let no man despyse yi youth, but be thou vnto them that beleue, an ensample, in worde, in cōuersacion, in loue, in ye sprete, in faith, in purenesse. |
4:13 | Till I come geve attendaunce to redynge/ to exhortaciō/ and to doctryne. | Till I come/ geve attendaunce to redynge/ to exhortacion and to doctryne. | Till I come/ geue attendaunce to redinge/ to exhortacion and to doctryne. | Geue attendaunce to readynge, to exhortacion, to doctryne, vntyll I come. |
4:14 | Despyse not the gyfte that is in the/ which was geven the thorow prophesy/ and with leyinge on of the hondes of a seniour. | Despyse not the gyfte that is in ye/ which was geven the thorow prophesye and with layinge on of ye hondes of an elder. | Despyse not that gyfte that is in the/ which was geuē the thorow prophesie & with the layinge on of the hondes of an elder. | Be not necligent in the gifte that is geuen the thorow prophecye, with layēge on of the handes of the Elders. |
4:15 | These thynges exercyse/ and geve thy silfe vnto them/ that all men maye se howe thou proffetſ. | These thynges exercyse/ and geve thy silfe vnto them/ that it maye be sene how thou profetest in all thinges. | These thinges exercise/ & geue thy selfe vnto them/ that it maye be sene how thou profetest in all thinges. | These thinges exercyse, and geue thy selfe vnto them, that thine increase maye be manifest vnto euery man. |
4:16 | Take hede vnto thy silfe and vnto learnynge/ and continue therin. For if thou shalt so do thou shalt save thy silfe/ and them that heare the. | Take hede vnto thy silfe and vnto learnynge/ and continue therin. For if thou shalt so do/ thou shalt save thy silfe & them that heare the. | Take hede vnto thy selfe and vnto learninge/ and continue therin. For yf thou shalt so do/ thou shalt saue thy selfe and them that heare the. | Take hede vnto thy selfe, and to learnynge, cōtynue in these thinges. For yf thou so do, thou shalt saue thy selfe, and them that heare the. |