Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
TITLE | The fyrst pistle off Paul vnto Timotheus. | The fyrst epistle of S. Paul vnto Timotheus. | The fyrst epistle of saynct Paul vnto Timothe. | The first Epistle of the Apostle S. Paul to Timothy. |
1:1 | PAul an Apostle of Iesus Christ/ by the cōmaundement of god oure savioure/ and of the lorde Iesu Christ/ which ys oure hope. | PAul an Apostle of Iesus Christ/ by the cōmaundement of God oure savioure/ & Lorde Iesus Christ/ which is oure hope. | PAul an Apostle of Iesus Christ/ by the commaundement of God oure sauioure/ & Lorde Iesus Christ/ which is oure hope. | PAul an Apostle of Iesus Christ acordinge to the commaundement of God oure Sauioure, and of the LORDE Iesus Christ, which is oure hope. |
1:2 | Vnto Timothe hys naturall sonne in the fayth. Grace mercy ād peace from god oure father/ and from the lorde Iesu Christ. | Vnto Timothe his naturall sonne in the fayth. Grace/ mercy and peace from God oure father & Lorde Iesus Christ oure Lorde. | Vnto Timothe his naturall sonne in the fayth. Grace/ mercy & peace from God oure father and Lorde Iesus Christ oure Lorde. | Vnto Timothy my naturall sonne in the faith. Grace, mercy, and peace from God oure father, and oure LORDE Iesus Christ. |
1:3 | As I besought the to abyde styll in Ephesus when I departed into macedonia/ even so do that thou warne some that they teache no nother wyse: | As I besought the to abyde styll in Ephesus when I departed into Macedonia/ even so do/ that thou cōmaunde some that they teache no nother wise: | As I besought the to abyde styll in Ephesus when I departed into Macedonia/ euen so do/ that thou commaunde some that they teache no nother wyse: | As I besoughte ye to abyde still at Ephesus (whan I departed in to Macedonia) euē so do, that thou commaunde some, that they teach none other wyse, |
1:4 | nether geve hede to fables and genealogies/ which are endlesse/ and brede doutes/ more thē godly edyfyinge which is by faith: | nether geve hede to fables & genealogies which are endlesse/ & brede doutes more then godly edyfyinge which is by fayth: | nether geue hede to fables and genealogies which are endlesse/ and brede doutes moare then godlye edyfyinge which is by fayth: | nether geue hede to fables and genealogies, which are endlesse, and brede doutes more then godly edifyenge, which is by faith. |
1:5 | for the ende of the cōmeundament is love that cōmeth off a pure herte ād of a good conscience/ ād of fayth vnfayned: | for ye ende of the cōmaundemēt is love that cōmeth of a pure herte & of a good conscience/ & of fayth vnfayned: | for the ende of the cōmaundement is loue that commeth of a pure herte and of a good conscience/ and of fayth vnfayned: | For ye chefe summe of the commaundement is loue of a pure hert, and of a good cōscience, and of faith vnfayned. |
1:6 | frō the which thyngſ/ some have erde/ and have turned vnto vayne iangelynge/ | frō the which thinges some have erred/ & have turned vnto vayne iangelinge/ | from the which thinges some haue erred/ and haue turned vnto vayne iangelinge | From the which some haue erred, & haue turned vnto vayne iangelynge, |
1:7 | be cause they wolde be doctours in the scripture/ ād yett vnderstonde nott what they speake/ nether wherof they afferme. | because they wolde be doctours the scripture/ and yet vnderstonde not what they speake/ nether wherof they affirme. | because they wolde be doctours in the scripture/ and yet vnderstonde not what they speake/ nether wherof they affirme. | wyllinge to be doctours of the scripture, and vnderstonde not what they speake, nether wherof they affirme. |
1:8 | We knowe that the lawe is god/ yf a mā vse it lawfully/ | We knowe yt the lawe is good/ yf a man vse it lawfully/ | We knowe that the lawe is good/ yf a man vse it lawfully/ | But we knowe that the lawe is good, yf a man vse it laufully, |
1:9 | vnderstōdīge this/ howe that the lawe is not gevē vnto a righteous man/ butt vnto the vnrighteous ād disobediēt/ to the vngodly ād to synners/ to vnholy ād vncleā/ to murtherers of fathers and murthers of mothers/ to manquellars | vnderstondinge this/ how yt the lawe is not geven vnto a righteous man/ bu vnto the vnrighteous & disobediēt/ to the vngodly & to synners/ to vnholy and vnclean/ to murtherers of fathers & murtherers of mothers/ to manslears | vnderstōdinge this/ how that the lawe is not geuen vnto a righteous man/ but vnto the vnrighteous & disobediēt to the vngodly & to synners/ to vnholy and vncleā/ to murtherers of fathers & murtherers of mothers/ to manslears | vnderstōdinge this, that the lawe is not geuen vnto the righteous, but to the vnrighteous & dishobedient, to the vngodly & to synners, to the vnholy & vncleane, to murthurers of fathers and murthurers of mothers, to manslayers, |
1:10 | and whormongers: to them that defile them selves with mankynde: to menstealers: to lyars and to periured/ and so forth yf thers be eny wother thynge that is contrary to holsome doctryne | and whormongers: to them that defile them selves with mankynde: to menstealers: to lyars and to periured/ & so forth yf ther be eny other thinge that is cōtrary to holsome doctrine/ | and whormongers: to thē that defile them selues with mankynde: to menstealers: to lyars and to periured/ and so forth yf ther be eny other thinge that is contrary to holsome doctrine/ | to whoremongers, to thē that defyle them selues with mankynde, to menstealers, to lyars, to periured, & so forth yf there be eny other thinge yt is cōtrary to ye wholsome doctryne, |
1:11 | accordynge to the glorious gospell off the holy god/ which gospell is committed vnto me. | accordinge to the gospell of the glory of the blessed God/ which gospell is committed vnto me. | accordinge to the gospell of the glory of the blessed God/ which gospell is committed vnto me. | acordinge to ye Gospell of ye glory of the blessed God, which (Gospell) is cōmytted vnto me. |
1:12 | And I thanke hym that hath made me stronge in Christ Iesu oure lorde: for he counted me true/ and put me in office/ | And I thanke Christ Iesus oure Lorde which hath made me stronge: for he counted me true/ & put me in office/ | And I thanke Christ Iesus oure Lorde which hath made me stronge: for he counted me true/ & put me in office/ | And I thanke Christ Iesus or LORDE, which hath made me strōge, for he counted me faithfull, & put me in office, |
1:13 | when before I was a blasphemar/ and a persecuter/ and a tyraunt. Neverthelesse I obtayned mercy be cause I did it ignorauntly/ in vnbelefe: | when before I was a blasphemar/ & a persecuter/ & a tyraūt. But I obtayned mercy/ because I dyd it ignoraūtly thorow vnbelefe. | when before I was a blasphemar/ & a persecuter/ & a tyraunt. But I obtayned mercy/ because I dyd it ignoraūtly thorow vnbelefe. | whā before I was a blasphemer, & a persecuter, & a tyraunt: but I optayned mercy, because I dyd it ignorauntly in vnbeleue. |
1:14 | but the grace of oure lorde was more aboundaunt/ with fayth and love/ which is in Christ Iesu. | Neverthelater the grace of oure Lorde was more aboundaunt with fayth and love which is in Christ Iesu. | Neuerthelater the grace of oure Lorde was moare aboundaunt with fayth and loue which is in Christ Iesu. | Neuertheles the grace of or LORDE was more abūdaunt thorow ye faith & loue which is in Christ Iesu. |
1:15 | This is a true saynge/ and by all meanes worthy to be receaved/ that Christ Iesus cā into the world to save synners/ of whō I am chefe: | This is a true sayinge & by all meanes worthy to be receaved/ that Christ Iesus came into the world to save synners/ of whom I am chefe. | This is a true sayinge & by all meanes worthy to be receaued/ that Christ Iesus came into the worlde to saue synners/ of whom I am chefe. | For this is a true sayenge, and by all meanes worthy to be receaued, that Christ Iesus came in to ye worlde to saue synners, of whom I am chefe. |
1:16 | Notwithstondynge vnto me was mercy geven/ that Iesus Christ shulde fyrst shewe on me all longe paciēce/ vnto the ensample off them which shall in tyme to come beleve on hym vnto eternall lyfe. | Notwithstondinge for this cause was mercy gevē vnto me that Iesus Christ shuld fyrst shewe on me all longe pacience/ vnto the ensample of them which shall in tyme to come beleve on him vnto eternall lyfe. | Notwithstondinge for this cause was mercy geuen vnto me/ that Iesus Christ shulde fyrst shewe on me all longe pacience/ vnto the ensample of them which shall in tyme to come beleue on him vnto eternall lyfe. | Notwithstondynge for this cause optayned I mercy, that Iesus Christ mighte pryncipally shewe in me all longe pacience, to the ensample of them which shulde beleue in him vnto eternall life. |
1:17 | So then vnto god/ kynge everlastynge/ immortall/ invisible/ and wyse only/ be honoure and prayse for ever and ever Amen. | So then vnto god/ kynge everlastinge/ immortall/ invisible/ and wyse only/ be honoure and prayse for ever and ever Amen. | So then vnto God/ kinge euerlastinge/ immortall/ inuisible/ and wyse only be honoure and prayse for euer and euer. Amen. | So then vnto God kynge euerlastinge, immortall and invisible, and wyse onely, be honoure and prayse for euer and euer Amen. |
1:18 | This commaundement commit I vnto the sonne Timotheus/ accordynge to the prophesies which in tyme past were prophesied off the/ that thou in them shuldest fyght a good fyght/ | This commaundement commit I vnto the sonne Timotheus/ accordynge to the prophisies which in tyme past were prophisied of the/ yt thou in them shuldest fyght a good fyght/ | This commaundement commit I vnto the sonne Timotheus/ accordinge to the prophisies which in tyme past were prophisied of the/ that thou in thē shuldest fyght a good fyght/ | This commaundement commytte I vnto the (my sonne Timotheus) acordinge to ye prophecies which in tyme past were prophecied of the, that thou in them shuldest fighte a good fighte, |
1:19 | havynge fayth and good conscience/ which some have put awaye from them/ and as concernynge fayth have made shipwracke. | havinge fayth & good consciēce which some have put awaye frō them/ & as cōcerninge fayth have made shipwracke. | hauinge fayth and good conscience which some haue put awaye from them/ & as concerninge fayth haue made shypwracke. | hauynge faith & good conscience, which some haue put awaye frō them, and as concernynge faith haue made shypwrake: |
1:20 | of whose mombre is Himeneus/ and Alexander/ which I have delivered vnto Satan/ that they myght be taught not to blaspheme. | Of whose nombre is Himeneus and Alexander which I have delivered vnto Satan/ yt they myght be taught not to blaspheme | Of whose nōbre is Himeneus and Alexander which I haue deliuered vnto Satan/ that they myght be taught not to blaspheme. | of whose nombre is Hymeneos and Alexander, whom I haue delyuered vnto Sathan, that they might be taught, nomore to blaspheme. |