Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
5:1 | THe seniours which are amōge you I exhorte/ which am also a senioure/ ād a witnes of the affliccions of Christ/ ād also a part taker off the glory thatt shalbe opened: | THe elders which are amonge you/ I exhorte/ which am also an elder and a witnes of the affliccions of Christ/ and also a partaker of the glory that shalbe opened: | THe elders which are amonge you/ I exhorte/ which am also an elder & a witnes of the affliccions of Christ/ and also a partaker of the glory that shalbe opened: | THe Elders which are amonge you I exhorte, which am also an Elder, and a witnes off the affliccions in Christ, and partaker of the glory that shalbe opened. |
5:2 | se thatt ye fede Christes flocke/ which is amonge you/ takynge the oversyght off them/ nott as though ye were compelled there to: butt willyngly: Nott for the desyre of filthy lucre: but of a good mynde. | se that ye fede Christes flocke which is amonge you/ takynge the oversyght of them/ not as though ye were compelled therto/ but willyngly: not for the desyre of filthy lucre/ but of a good mynde. | se that ye fede Christes flocke which is amōge you takinge the ouersight of them not as though ye were compelled therto/ but willingly: not for the desyre of filthy lucre/ but of a good mynde/ | Fede Christes flocke which is amonge you, and take the ouersighte of thē, not as though ye were cōpelled therto, but wyllingly: not for the desyre of filthye lucre, but of a good mynde: |
5:3 | Nott as though ye were lordes over the parisshes: but that ye be an imsample to the flocke. | not as though ye were lordes over the parisshes: but that ye be ā insample to the flocke. | not as though ye were lordes ouer the parisshes: but that ye be an ensample to the flocke. | not as though ye were lordes ouer the parishēs, but that ye be an ensample to the flocke: |
5:4 | ād whē the chefe shepheerde shall apere/ ye shall receave an incorruptible croune of glorye. | And when the chef shepheerde shall appere/ ye shall receave an incorruptible croune of glorye. | And when the chefe shepherde shall appere/ ye shall receaue an incorruptible croune of glorie. | & whan the chefe shepherde shal appeare, ye shal receaue the vncorruptible crowne of glory. |
5:5 | Lykwyse ye yonger submit youre selves vnto the elder. Submit youre selves every man/ one to another. Knet youre selves togedder in lowlines of mynde. For god resisteth the proude and geveth grace to the humble. | Lykwyse ye yonger submit youre selves vnto the elder. Submit youre selves every man/ one to another/ knet youre selves togedder in lowlines of mynde. For god resisteth ye proude & geveth grace to the humble. | Lykwyse ye yōger submit youre selues vnto the elder. Submit youre selues euery mā/ one to another/ knet youre selues to gether in lowlinges of mynde. For God resisteth the proude/ and geueth grace to the humble. | Likewyse ye yōger submytte youre selues vnto the elder. Submytte youre selues euery man one to another, and knyt yor selues together in lowlynes of mynde. For God resisteth the proude, but geueth grace to the humble. |
5:6 | Submit youre selves therfore vnder the myghty honde of god/ that he maye exalt you/ when the tyme is come. | Submit youre selves therfore vnder the myghty honde of god/ that he maye exalt you/ whē the tyme is come. | Submit your selues therfore vnder the mighty honde of God/ that he maye exalt you/ whē the tyme is come. | Submytte yor selues therfore vnder the mightie hande of God, that he maye exalte you whan the tyme is come. |
5:7 | Cast all youre care to hym: for he careth for you. | Cast all youre care to him: for he careth for you. | Cast all youre care to him: for he careth for you. | Cast all youre care on him, for he careth for you. |
5:8 | Be sober and watch/ for youre adversary the devyll as a rorynge lion walketh about/ sekynge whom he maye devoure: | Be sober and watch/ for youre adversary ye devyll as a rorynge lion walketh about/ sekynge whom he maye devoure: | Be sober and watch/ for youre aduersary the deuyll as a roringe lion walketh about/ sekinge whom he maye deuoure: | Be sober and watch, for yor aduersary ye deuell, walketh aboute as a roaringe lyon, sekynge whom he maye deuoure, |
5:9 | whom resist stedfast in the fayth/ remēbrynge that ye do but fulfill the same affliccions which are apoynted to youre brethren that are in the worlde. | whom resist stedfast in the fayth/ remēbrynge that ye do but fulfill the same afflicciōs which are apoynted to youre brethren that are in the worlde. | whom resist stedfast in the fayth/ remembringe that ye do but fulfill the same affliccions which are apoynted to youre brethren that are in the worlde. | whome resiste stedfast in the faith, and knowe, that youre brethren in the worlde haue euen the same affliccions. |
5:10 | The God of all grace/ which called you vnto his eternall glory by Christ Iesus/ shall his awne silfe after a lytell affliccion make you parfet: shall settle/ strenghte/ and stabilisshe you. | The God of all grace/ which called you vnto his eternall glory by Christ Iesus/ shall his awne silfe after ye have soffred a lytell afflicciō make you perfect: shall settle strenght & stablishe you. | The God of all grace/ which called you vnto his eternall glory by Christ Iesus/ shall his awne selfe after ye haue soffred a lytell affliccion make you perfect: shall setle/ strenght and stablisshe you. | But ye God of all grace, which hath called you to his euerlastinge glory in Christ Iesu, shal his owne selfe make you perfecte, which suffre a litle season: euē he shal settle, strength, and stablish you. |
5:11 | To hym be glory and dominion for ever/ and whill the worlde endureth Amen. | To him be glory & dominiō for ever/ and whill the worlde endureth Amen. | To him be glory and dominion for euer/ and whill the worlde endureth. Amen. | To him be prayse and domynion for euer and euer, Amen. |
5:12 | By Silvanus a faythfull brother vnto you (as I suppose) have I written brevely/ exhortynge and testifyinge howe that this is the true grace of god/ wherin ye stonde. | By Silvanus a faythfull brother vnto you (as I suppose) have I written brefly/ exhortynge and testifyinge how that this is the true grace of god/ wherin ye stonde. | By Syluanus a faythfull brother vnto you (as I suppose) haue I written brefly/ exhortinge and testifyinge how that this is the true grace of God/ wherin ye stonde | By Siluanus youre faithfull brother (as I suppose) haue I wryttē vnto you breuely, exhortinge and testifyenge, how that this is the true grace of God wherin ye stōde. |
5:13 | The congregacion that is gaddered to gedder at Babilon/ saluteth you/ and Marcus my sonne. | The companious of youre eleccion yt are at Babilō/ saluteth you/ and Marcus my sonne. | The cōpanions of youre eleccion that are of Babylon/ saluteth you/ and Marcus my sonne. | The companyons of youre eleccion that are at Babilon, salute you, and Marcus my sonne. |
5:14 | Grete ye one another with the kysse off love. Peace be with you all which are in Christ Iesus/ Amen. | Grete ye one another with the kysse of love. Peace be with you all which are in Christ Iesus. Amen. | Grete ye one another with the kysse of loue. Peace be with you all which are in Christ Iesus. Amen. | Grete ye one another with the kysse of loue. Peace be with you all which are in Christ Iesus, Amen. |