1 Corinthians: Chapter 05

Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
5:1 THere goeth a commen saynge that there is fornicaciō amonge you/ ād soche fornicaciō as is not once named amonge the gentyls: that won shulde have his fathers wyfe. THere goeth a cōmen sayinge that ther is fornicacion amōge you/ & soche fornicacion as is not once named amonge the gentyls: that one shuld have his fathers wyfe. THere goeth a cōmen sayinge that ther is fornicacion amōge you/ & soche fornicacion as is not once named amonge the gentyls: that one shuld haue his fathers wyfe. THere goeth a commen reporte, that there is whordome amōge you, and soch whordome, as is not once named amōge the Heythen, that one shulde haue his fathers wife.
5:2 and ye swell and have not rather sorowed/ that he which hath done this dede myght be put from amōge you. And ye swell and have not rather sorowed/ yt he which hath done this dede/ myght be put frō amōge you. And ye swell/ and haue not rather sorowed/ that he which hath done this dede/ might be put frō amōge you. And ye are puft vp, and haue not rather sorowed, that he which hath done this dede, mighte be put frō amōge you.
5:3 For I verely as absent in body/ even so present ī sprete/ have determined all redy (as though I were present) of hym that hath done this dede/ For I verely as absent in body/ even so present in sprete/ have determyned all redy (as though I were present) of him that hath done this dede/ For I verely as absent in body/ euen so present in sprete haue determyned all redy (as though I were present of him that hath done this dede/ For I verely as absent in body, but present in sprete, haue determyned allready as though I were present (cōcernynge him that hath done this dede)
5:4 in the name of oure lorde Iesu Christ/ when ye are gaddered togedder/ ād my sprete/ with the power off the lord Iesus Christ/ in the name of oure Lorde Iesu Christ/ when ye are gaddered togedder/ & my sprete/ with the power of the Lorde Iesus Christ/ in the name of oure Lorde Iesu Christ/ when ye are gaddered to gether/ & my sprete/ with the power of the Lorde Iesus Christ/ in ye name of oure LORDE Iesus Christ, whā ye are gathered together with my sprete, and with the power of oure LORDE Iesus Christ,
5:5 to deliver hym vnto Satā/ for the destrucciō of the flesshe that the sprete maye be saved in the daye off the lorde Iesus. to deliver him vnto Satan/ for ye destrucciō of the flesshe/ yt the sprete maye be saved in ye daye of ye Lorde Iesus. to deliuer him vnto Satan/ for the destruccion of the flesshe/ that the sprete maye be saued in the daye of the Lorde Iesus. to delyuer him vnto Sathan for the destruccion of the flesh, that the sprete maye be saued in the daye of the LORDE Iesus.
5:6 Youre reioysynge is not good. Knowe ye not that a lytell leven sowereth the whole lōpe of dowe? Youre reioysinge is not good: knowe ye not that a lytle levē sowreth the whole lompe of dowe. Youre reioysinge is not good: knowe ye not that a lytle leuē sowreth the whole lompe of dowe. Youre reioysinge is not good. Knowe ye not that a litle leuen sowereth the whole lompe of dowe?
5:7 pourge therfore the olde leven/ that ye maye be newe dowe as ye are swete breed. For Christ oure ester lambe is offered vppe for vs. Pourge therfore the olde leven/ that ye maye be newe dowe/ as ye are swete breed. For Christ oure esterlambe is offered vp for vs. Pourge therfore the olde leuē/ that ye maye be newe dowe/ as ye are swete breed. For Christ oure esterlambe is offered vp for vs. Pourge out therfore the olde leuen, that ye maye be new dowe, like as ye are swete bred. For we also haue an Easter lambe, which is Christ, that is offred for vs.
5:8 Therfore let vs kepe holydaye/ not with olde leven/ nether with the levē of maliciousnes ād wickednes but with the swete breed of purenes and trueth. Therfore let vs kepe holy daye/ not with olde levē/ nether with the leven of maliciousnes and wickednes: but with the swete breed of purenes and truth. Therfore let vs kepe holy daye/ not with olde leuen/ nether with the leuen of maliciousnes and wickednes: but with the swete breed of purenes and truthe. Wherfore let vs kepe Easter, not in ye olde leuen, ner in the leuen of maliciousnes, and wickednes, but in the swete bred of purenesse and of the trueth.
5:9 I worte vnto you in a pistle that ye shulde not cōpany with fornicatours. I wrote vnto you in a pistle that ye shuld not company with fornicatours. I wrote vnto you in a pistle that ye shuld not company with fornicatours. I wrote vnto you in the Epistle, that ye shulde haue nothinge to do with whoremōgers,
5:10 And I meante nott atall of the fornicatours of this world/ other off the coveteous/ or of extorsioners/ other of the ydolaters: for then muste ye nedes have gone out of the worlde: And I meāt not at all of the fornicatours of this worlde/ ether of the coveteous/ or of extorsioners/ ether of the ydolaters: for then must ye nedes have gone out of ye worlde. And I meāt not at all of the fornicatours of this worlde/ ether of the coueteous/ or of extorsioners/ ether of the ydolaters: for then must ye nedes haue gont out of the worlde. & that meant I not at all of the whoremongers of this worlde, ether of the couetous, or of extorcioners, or of thē that worshippe ymages, for then must ye nedes haue gone out of the worlde.
5:11 but now I have written vnto you that ye cōpany not togedder. Yf eny that is called a brother/ be a fornicator/ or coveteous/ or a worshipper of ymages/ other a raylar/ other a dronkard/ or an extorcionar: with hym that is soche se that ye eate not. But now I write vnto you/ that ye company not togedder/ yf eny that is called a brother/ be a fornicator/ or coveteous/ or a worshipper of ymages/ ether a raylar/ ether a dronkard/ or an extorcionar: with him that is soche se that ye eate not. But now I write vnto you/ that ye company not to gether/ yf eny that is called a brother/ be a fornicator/ or coueteous/ for a worshipper of ymages/ ether a raylar/ ether a dronkard/ or an extorcionar: with him that is soche se that ye eate not. But now haue I wryttē vnto you, yt ye shulde haue nothinge to do with them: (Namely,) yf there be eny man that is called a brother, and is an whoremonger, or couetous, or a worshipper of ymages, ether a raylar, or a dronkarde, or an extorcioner, with soch shal ye not eate.
5:12 For what have I to do to iudge thē which are with out? Do ye not iudge thē that are with in? For what have I to do/ to iudge them which are with out? Do ye not iudge them that are with in? or what haue I to do/ to iudge them which are without? Do ye not iudge them that are with in? For what haue I to do to iudge them that are without? Do ye not iudge thē that are within?
5:13 Thē that are with out/ god shall iudge. Put awaye from amonge you that evyll parsone. Them that are with out/ God shall iudge. Put awaye from amonge you/ that evyll parson. Them that are without/ God shall iudge. Put awaye from amonge you/ that euyll parson. As for them that are without, God shal iudge them. Put awaye frō you him that is euell.