1 Corinthians: Chapter 14

Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
14:1 LAbour for love/ ād covet spretuall giftes: ād most chefly forto prophesy. LAbour for love and covet spretuall giftes: & most chefly forto prophesye. LAbour for loue and couet spretuall gyftes: and most chefly forto prophesye. LAboure for loue. Couet spirituall giftes, but specially that ye maye prophecye.
14:2 For he that speaketh with tōges speaketh not vnto mē/ but vnto god. No mā heareth hī: For ī the sprete he speaketh misteris. For he that speaketh with tōges speaketh not vnto men/ but vnto god/ for no man heareth him/ howbeit in the sprete he speaketh misteries. For he that speaketh with tonges/ speaketh not vnto men/ but vnto God. For no man heareth him. Howbeit in the sprete he speaketh mysteries. For he yt speaketh with tunges, speaketh not vnto men, but vnto God: for no man heareth him. Howbeit in ye sprete he speaketh misteries.
14:3 But he that prophesieth speaketh vnto mē/ for their edifyinge ād cōforte. But he that prophesieth/ speaketh vnto men/ to edifyinge/ to exhortacion and to comforte. But he that prophesieth/ speaketh vnto men/ to edifyinge/ to exhortacion and to comforte. But he that prophecieth, speaketh vnto men to edifienge, & to exhortacion, and to cōforte.
14:4 He that speaketh with tonges/ proffiteth hī silfe: he that prophesyeth edifieth the congregacion. He that speaketh with tonges/ proffiteth him silfe: he that prophesyeth edifieth the congregacion. He that speaketh with tonges/ proffiteth him selfe: he that prophesyeth/ edifieth the congregacion. He that speaketh with tunges, edifieth himselfe: but he that prophecieth, edifieth the cōgregacion.
14:5 I wolde that ye all spake with tonges: but rather that ye prophesied. For greater is he that prophesieth/ then he that speaketh with tonges/ except he expoune hit also/ that the congregacion maye have edifyinge. I wolde that ye all spake with tonges: but rather that ye prophesied. For greater is he that prophisieth? then he yt speaketh with tonges/ except he expounde it also/ that the congregacion maye have edifyinge. I wolde that ye all spake with tonges: but rather that ye prophesyed. For greater is he that prophesyeth/ then he that speaketh with tonges/ except he expounde it also: that the congregacion maye haue edifyinge. I wolde that ye all spake with tunges, but rather that ye prophecied. For greater is he that prophecieth, then he that speaketh wt tūges: excepte he also expounde it, that the congregacion maye haue edifienge.
14:6 Nowe brethren if I come vnto you speakīge with tonges: what shall I proffit you? excepte I speake vnto you/ other by revelacion/ or knowledge/ or prophesyinge/ or doctrine. Now brehren if I come vnto you speakīge wt tonges: what shall I profit you/ excepte I speake vnto you/ other by revelaciō or knowledge/ or prophesyinge/ or doctrine. Now brethren/ yf I come vnto you speakinge with tonges: what shall I profit you/ excepte I speake vnto you/ other by reuelacion or knowledge/ or prophesyinge/ or doctrine. But now brethren yf I come vnto you, and speake with tunges, what shal I profet you, excepte I speake vnto you ether by reuelacion or by knowlege, or by prophecienge, or by doctryne?
14:7 More over when thyngſ with out lyfe geve sounde: whether itt be a pype/ or an harpe: except they make a distinccion in the soundes: howe shall it be knowen what is pyped or harped? Moreover whē thingſ with out lyfe/ geve sounde: whether it be a pype or an harpe: except they make a distinccion in the soundes: how shall it beknowen what is pyped or harped? Moreouer when thinges with out lyfe: geue sounde: whether it be a pype or an harpe: except they make a distinccion in the soundes: how shall it be knowen what is pyped or harped? Likewyse is it also in ye thinges that geue sounde, and yet lyue not: whether it be a pype or an harpe, excepte they geue distyncte soundes from them, how shal it be knowne what is pyped or harped?
14:8 And also if the trompe geve ā vncertayne voyce/ who shall prepare hym silfe to fyght? And also if the trōpe geve an vncertayne voyce/ who shall prepare him silfe to fyght? And also yf the trompe geue an vncertayne voyce/ who shall prepare him selfe to fyght? And yf the trōpe geue an vncertayne sounde, who wil prepare him selfe to the battayll?
14:9 Evē so lykwyse when ye speake with tonges/ excepte ye speake wordes that have significacion/ howe shall ytt be vnderstonde what is spokē? For ye shall but speake in the ayer. Evē so lykwyse whē ye speake with tōgſ/ excepte ye speake wordes that have signification/ how shall yt be vnderstonde what is spokē? For ye shall but speake in the ayer. Euen so lykewyse when ye speake with tonges/ excepte ye speake wordes that haue significacion/ how shall it be vnderstonde what is spoken? For ye shall but speake in the ayer. Euen so ye like wyse, whan ye speake with tunges, excepte ye speake playne wordes, how shal it be knowne what is spokē? for ye shal but speake in ye ayre.
14:10 Many kyndes off voyces are in the worlde/ and none off them ar with out significacion. Many kyndes of voyces are in the worlde and none of them are with out signification. Many kyndes of voyces are in the worlde/ and none of them are with out signification. So many kyndes of voyces are in the worlde, and none of them is without significacion.
14:11 Yf I knowe not what the voyce meaneth/ I shalbe vnto hym that speaketh an alient: and he thatt speaketh shalbe an alient vnto me. If I knowe not what the voyce meaneth/ I shalbe vnto him that speaketh/ an alient: and and he that speaketh shalbe an alient vnto me Yf I knowe not what the voyce meaneth/ I shalbe vnto him that speaketh/ an alient/ & he that speaketh shalbe an alient vnto me. Yf I knowe not now what ye voyce meaneth, I shalbe an aleaunt vnto him that speaketh: & he that speaketh, shalbe an aleaūt vnto me.
14:12 Even so ye (for as moche as ye couvet spretuall giftes) seke that ye maye have plenty vnto the edifyinge off the congregacion. Evē so ye (for as moche as ye covet spretuall giftes) seke that ye maye have plentye vnto ye edifyinge of the congregacion. Euen so ye (for as moche as ye couet spretuall gyftes) seke that ye maye haue plentye vnto the edifyinge of the congregacion. Euē so ye (for so moch as ye couet spirituall giftes (seke yt ye maye haue plentye to the edifienge of the congregacion.
14:13 Wherfore lett him that speaketh with tōges/ praye that he maye interpret also. Wherfore let him that speaketh with tonges/ praye that he maye interpret also. Wherfore let him that speaketh with tonges praye that he maye interpret also. Wherfore let him that speaketh wt tunges, praye, that he maye interprete also.
14:14 Yff I praye with tongſ/ my sprete prayeth: butt my mynde ys with out frute. If I praye with tongſ/ my sprete prayeth: but my mynde is with out frute. Yf I praye with tonges my sprete prayeth: but my mynde is with out frute. Yf I praye with tunges, my sprete prayeth, but my vnderstōdinge bryngeth no man frute.
14:15 What is it then? I will praye with my sprete/ and will praye with my mynde also. I will singe with my sprete/ and will singe with my mynde also. What is it then? I will praye with the sprete/ ād will praye wt the mynde also. I will singe with the sprete/ and will singe with the mynde also. What is it then? I will praye with the sprete/ & will praye with the mynde also. I will singe with the sprete/ and will singe with the mynde also. How shal it be then? Namely thus: I wil praye with ye sprete, and wil praye with the vnderstōdinge also: I wil synge psalmes in the sprete, and wil synge spalmes with ye vnderstondinge also.
14:16 For els when thou blessest with the sprete/ howe shall he that occupieth the roume off the vnlearned saye a men att thy gevynge off thankes? seynge he vnderstondeth nott what thou sayest. For els when thou blessest with ye sprete/ how shall he that occupieth the roume of the vnlearned/ saye amen at thy gevinge of thankes/ seynge he vnderstondeth not what thou sayest For els when thou blessest with the sprete/ how shall he that occupieth the roume of the vnlearned/ saye amen at thy geuinge of thankes/ seynge he vnderstondeth not what thou sayest. But whan thou geuest thankes with ye sprete, how shal he that occupieth the rowme of the vnlearned, saye Amē at thy geuynge of thankes, seynge he knoweth not what thou sayest?
14:17 Thou verely gevest thankſ wele: butt the other ys nott edyfied. Thou verely gevest thankſ well/ but the other is not edyfied. Thou verely geuest thankes well/ but the other is not edified. Thou geuest well thankes, but the other is not edifyed.
14:18 I thanke my god/ I speake with tonges moare then ye all. I thanke my god/ I speake with tōges moare then ye all. I thanke my God/ I speake with tonges moare then ye all. I thanke my God, that I speake with tunges more then ye all.
14:19 yett had I lever in the congregaciō to speake five wordes with my mynde to the informaciō of other/ rather thē ten thousande wordes with the tonge. Yet had I lever in ye cōgregaciō/ to speake five wordes with my mynde to ye informaciō of other/ rather then ten thousande wordes wt the tonge. Yet had I leuer in the congregacion/ to speake fiue wordes with my mynde to the informacion of other rather then ten thousande wordes with the tonges. Yet had I leuer in the cōgregacion to speake fyue wordes with my vnderstondinge yt I maye enfourme other also, rather then ten thousande wordes with tunges.
14:20 Brethrē be not children in witte: as concernynge maliciousnes be children: but in witt be perfet. Brethrē be not chyldrē in witte. How be it as cōcerninge maliciousnes be chyldrē: but in witte be perfet. Brethren/ be not chyldren in witte. How be it as concernynge maliciousnes/ be chyldren: but in witte be perfet. Brethren be not children in vnderstondinge, howbeit as concerninge maliciousnes be childrē, but in vnderstondinge be parfecte.
14:21 In the lawe it is written/ with other tonges/ and with other lippes wyll I speake vnto thys people/ and yett for all thatt will they nott heare me sayth the lorde. In the lawe it is written/ with other tōges/ & with other lyppes wyll I speake vnto this people/ & yet for all that will they not heare me/ sayth the Lorde. In the lawe it is written with other tonges/ and with other lyppes will I speake vnto this people/ and yet for all that/ will they not heare me/ sayth the Lorde. In the lawe it is wrytten: With other tunges and with other lippes wyl I speake vnto this people, and yet shal they not so heare me, sayeth the LORDE
14:22 Wherfore tongſ are for a signe/ not to them that beleve: butt to them that beleve nott. contrary wyse prophesyinge serveth not for them that beleve nott: butt for them which beleve. Wherfore/ tongſ are for a signe/ not to them that beleve: but to them that beleve not. Contrary wyse/ prophesyinge serveth not for them that beleve not: but for them which beleve. Wherfore/ tonges are for a signe/ not to them that beleue: but to them that beleue not. Contrary wyse/ prophesyinge serueth not for them that beleue not: but for them which beleue. Therfore are tunges for a token, not to thē that beleue, but to them that beleue not. Contrary wyse, prophecienge, not to them that beleue not, but to them which beleue.
14:23 Yf therfore when all the congregaciō is come to gedder/ and all speake with tongſ/ there come in they thatt are vnlearned/ or they whych beleve nott: will they not saye that ye are out off youre wittes? Yf therfore when all the cōgregacion is come to gedder/ & all speake with tonges/ ther come in they yt are vnlearned/ or they which beleve not: will they not saye that ye are out of youre wittes? Yf therfore when all the congregacion is come to gedder/ and all speake with tonges/ ther come in they that are vnlearned/ or they which beleue not: will they not saye that ye are out of youre wittes? Yf the whole cōgregacion now came together in to one place, & spake all with tunges, and there came in they that are vnlearned, or they which beleue not, shulde they not saye, that ye were out of youre wyttes?
14:24 Butt and yff all prophesy/ and there come in one that beleveth nott/ or one vnlearned/ he ys reproved off all men/ and ys iudged of every man: But & yf all prophesy/ & ther come in one that beleveth not/ or one vnlearned/ he is rebuked of all men/ & is iudged of every man: But and yf all prophesy/ and ther come in one that beleueth not/ or one vnlearned/ he is rebuked of all men/ and is iudged of euery man: But yff all prophecied, and there came in one yt beleueth not, or one vnlerned, he shulde be rebuked of them all, and iudged of all,
14:25 and so are the secretſ off hys hert openned: and then falleth he doune on hys face/ and worshippeth god/ and sayth that god is with you in dede. & so are ye secretes of his hert opēned & so falleth he doune on his face/ & worshippeth God/ & sayth yt God is wt you in dede. and so are the secretes of his hert opened/ and so falleth he doune on his face/ and worshippeth God/ and sayth that God is with you in dede. and so shulde the secrete of his hert be opened, and so shulde he fall downe vpon his face, worshippinge God, and knowleginge, that of a trueth God is in you.
14:26 Howe is it then brethren? when ye come togedder every mā hath his songe/ hath his doctryne/ hath his tonge/ hath hys revelacion/ hathe his interpretacion: Lett all thyngſ be vnto edyfyinge. How is it then brethrē? When ye come to gedder/ every mā hath his songe/ hath his doctryne/ hath his tōge/ hath his revelaciō/ hath his interpretaciō. Let all thingſ be done vnto edifyinge. How is it then brethren? When ye come to geder/ euery man hath his songe/ hath his doctrine/ hath his tonge/ hath his reuelacion/ hath his interpretacion. Let all thinges be done vnto edifyinge. How is it then brethren? Whan ye come together, euery one hath a psalme, hath doctryne, hath a tunge, hath a reuelacion, hath an interpretacion. Let all be done to edifyenge.
14:27 Yff eny man speake with tonges/ lett ytt be two atonce: or at the most thre atonce: and that by course. and lett another interprete it: If eny man speake wt tonges/ let it be two atonce or at the most thre atonce & that by course: & let another interprete it. If eny man speake with tonges/ let it be two atonce or at the most thre attonce and that by course: and let a nother interprete it. Yf eny mā speake with tunges, let him do it him selfe beynge the seconde, or at the most him selfe beynge ye thirde, and one after another, and let one interprete it.
14:28 Butt yf there be no interpreter/ lett hym kepe silence in the congregacion/ and let hym speake to hym silfe/ and to god. But yf ther be no interpreter/ let him kepe silence in the cōgregacion/ and let him speake to him selfe and to God. But yf ther be no interpreter/ let him kepe silence in the congregacion/ and let him speake to him selfe and to God. But yf there be not an interpreter, then let him kepe sylence in the congregacion, howbeit let him speake to himselfe and to God.
14:29 Lett the prophetſ speake two atonce/ or thre at once/ and let other iudge. Let the Prophetſ speake two atonce/ or thre at once/ & let other iudge. Let the Prophetes speake two atonce/ or thre atonce/ & let other iudge. As for the prophetes, let two or thre speake and let the other iudge.
14:30 Yf eny revelaciō be made to another that sitteth by/ lett the fyrst holde his peace. Yf eny revelaciō be made to another that sitteth by/ let the fyrst holde his peace. If eny reuelacion be made to a nother that sitteth by/ let the fyrst holde his peace. But yf eny reuelacion be made vnto another that sytteth, then let the first holde his peace.
14:31 For ye maye all prophesy one by one/ thatt all maye learne/ and all maye have comforte. For ye maye all prophesy one by one/ that all maye learne/ & all maye have comforte. For ye maye all prophesy one by one/ that all maye learne/ and all maye have comforte. Ye maye all prophecye one after another that they all maye lerne, and that all maye haue comforte.
14:32 For the spretſ off the prophetſ are in the power off the prophetſ. For ye spretes of the Prophetſ are in the power of the Prophetes. For the spretes of the Prophetes are in the power of the Prophetes. And the spretes of the prophetes are subiecte vnto the prophetes.
14:33 For god is nott causer of stryfe: but of peace/ as he is in all other cōgregacions of sanctes. For God is not causer of stryfe: but of peace/ as he is in all other congregacions of the saynctes. For God is not causer of stryfe: but of peace/ as he is in all other congregacions of the saynctes. For God is not a God off discension, but off peace, like as in all congregacions off the sayntes.
14:34 Lett youre wyves kepe silence in the congregacions. For it is not permitted vnto thē to speake: butt lett them be vnder obedience/ as sayth the lawe: Let youre wyves kepe silence in the cōgregacions. For it is not permitted vnto them to speake: but let them be vnder obedience/ as sayth the lawe. Let youre wyues kepe silence in the congregacions. For it is not permitted vnto them to speake: but let thē be vnder obedience/ as sayth the lawe. Let youre wyues kepe sylence in the cōgregacion, for it shal not be permytted vnto thē to speake, but to be vnder obedience, as ye lawe sayeth also.
14:35 yf they will learne eny thynge/ let them axe their busbandes att home. For it is a shame for wemen to speake in the congregacion. If they will learne eny thinge/ let thē axe their husbandes at home. For it is a shame for wemen to speake in the cōgregaciō. If they will learne eny thinge/ let them axe their husbandes at home. For it is a shame for wemen to speake in the cōgregacion. But yf they wyll lerne eny thinge, let them axe their hussbādes at home. For it becommeth not wemē to speake in the congregacion.
14:36 Spronge the worde off God from you? other cam ytt vnto you only? Sprōge ye worde of god frō you? Ether came it vnto you only? Spronge the worde of God from you? Ether came it vnto you only? Or spronge the worde of God from amonge you? Or is it come vnto you onely?
14:37 Yf eny mā thynke hī sylfe a prophet other spirituall: lett hym vnderstonde/ what thyngſ I write vnto you. For they are the cōmaundmentſ of the lorde. Yf eny mā thinke him sylfe a prophet ether spirituall: let him vnderstonde/ what thinges I write vnto you. For they are the cōmaundementes of the Lorde. If eny man thinke him selfe a Prophet/ ether spirituall: let him vnderstonde/ what thinges I write vnto you. For they are the commaundementes of the Lorde. Yf eny man thynke himselfe to be a prophet, or spirituall, let him knowe what I wryte vnto you, for they are the commaundementes of the LORDE.
14:38 Butt and yf eny man be ignorant/ lett hym be ingnorant. But & yf eny man be ignorāt/ let him be ignorant. But and yf eny man be ignorāt/ let him be ignorant. But yf eny man be ignoraunt, let him be ignoraunt.
14:39 Wherefore brethren covet to prophesy/ and forbyd nott to speake with tongſ. Wherfore brethren covet to prophesye/ & forbyd not to speake with tonges. Wherfore brethren couet to prophesye/ and forbyd not to speake with tonges. Wherfore brethren, couet to prophecye, and forbyd not to speake with tunges.
14:40 Lett all thyngſ be done honestly and in order. And let all thinges be done honestly & in order. And let all thinges be done honestly and in order. Let all thinges be done honestly and in order.