Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
10:1 | BRethren I wolde not thatt ye shulde be ignoraunt off this/ howe thatt oure fathers were all vnder a coulde/ and all passed thorowe the see/ | BRethren I wolde not that ye shuld be ignoraunt of this/ how yt oure fathers were all vnder a cloude/ and all passed thorow the see/ | BRethren I wolde not that ye shuld be ignoraunt of this/ how that oure fathers were all vnder a cloude/ & all passed thorow the see/ | BRethren, I wolde not that ye shulde be ignoraunt of this, that oure fathers were all vnder the cloude, and all passed thorow the see, |
10:2 | and were all baptised vnder Moses ī the cloude/ and in the see. | and were all baptised vnder Moses/ in the cloude/ and in the see: | & were all baptised vnder Moses/ in the cloude & in the see: | & were all baptised vnder Moses in the cloude and in the see, |
10:3 | and did all eate of one spirituall meate/ | & dyd all eate of one spirituall meate/ | & dyd all eate of one spirituall meate/ | and dyd all eate of one spirituall meate, |
10:4 | and did all drynke off one maner of spirituall drynke. And they dronke off thatt spretuall rocke that folowed them/ which rocke was Christ. | & did all drincke of one maner of spirituall drincke. And they dranke of that spretuall rocke that folowed them/ which rocke was Christ. | & dyd all drincke of one maner of spirituall drincke. And they drancke of that spirituall rocke that folowed them/ which rocke was Christ. | and dyd all drynke of one spirituall drynke: but they dronke of the spirituall rocke that folowed thē, which rocke was Christ. |
10:5 | but ī many of thē had god no delite. For they were overthrowen in the wildernes. | But in many of them had god no delite. For they were overthrowen in the wildernes. | But in many of them had God no delite. For they were ouerthrowen in the wyldernes. | Neuertheles in many of them had God no delyte, for they were smytten downe in the wyldernesse. |
10:6 | These are ensamples to vs that we shulde not lust after evyll thyngſ/ as they lusted. | These are ensamples to vs that we shuld not lust after evyll thingſ/ as they lusted | These are ensamples to vs that we shulde not lust after euyll thinges/ as they lusted. | These are ensamples vnto vs, yt we shulde not lust after euell thinges, as they lusted. |
10:7 | Nether be ye worshippers of Images as were some off them accordynge as ytt is written: The people sate doune to eate and drynke/ and rose vppe agayne to playe. | Nether be ye worshippers of Images as were some of them accordynge as it is written: The people sate doune to eate and drynke/ & rose vp agayne to playe. | Nether be ye worshippers of ymages as were some of them accordinge as it is writtē: The people sate doune to eate and drincke/ & rose vp agayne to playe. | Nether be ye worshippers off ymages, as were some of them. Acordinge as it is wryttē: The people sat downe to eate and drynke, and rose vp to playe. |
10:8 | Nether let vs cōmit fornicacion as some of them cōmitted fornicacion/ and were destroyed in one daye xxiij. thousande. | Nether let vs cōmit fornicacion as some of them committed fornicacion/ and were destroyed in one daye .xxiii. thousande. | Nether let vs cōmit fornicacion as some of them committed fornicaciō/ & were destroyed in one daye .xxiij. thousande. | Nether let vs commytte whordome, as some of them cōmytted whordome, and fell in one daye thre & twenty thousande. |
10:9 | Nether let vs tempte Christ/ as some off them tempted ād were destroyed of serpentſ. | Nether let vs tempte Christ/ as some of them tempted/ and were destroyed of serpentes. | Nether let vs tēpte Christ/ as some of them tempted/ & were destroyed of serpentes. | Nether let vs tempte Christ, as some of them tempted him, and were destroyed of serpētes. |
10:10 | Nether murmure ye as some of them murmured/ and were destroyed off the destroyer. | Nether murmure ye as some of them murmured/ and were destroyed of ye destroyer | Nether murmure ye as some of them murmured/ and were destroyed of the destroyer. | Nether murmur ye, as some of them murmured, and were destroyed thorow the destroyer. |
10:11 | All these thyngſ happened vnto them for ensambles/ and were written to put vs in remembraunce/ whom the endes off the worlde are come apon. | All these thingſ happened vnto them for ensamples/ and were written to put vs in remembraunce/ whom the endes of the worlde are come apon. | All these thinges happened vnto them for ensamples/ and were written to put vs in remembraunce/ whom the endes of the worlde are come vpon. | All these thinges happened vnto thē for ensamples, but they are wryttē to warne vs, vpon whom the ende of ye worlde is come. |
10:12 | Wherfore lett hym thatt thynketh he stondeth/ take hede lest he fall. | Wherfore let hym that thynketh he stōdeth/ take hede least he fall. | Wherfore let him that thynketh he stondeth/ take hede least he fall. | Therfore let him that thinketh he stondeth, take hede, lest he fall. |
10:13 | There hath none other tēptacion taken you/ but soche as foloweth the nature of man. God is faythfull/ which shall not suffer you to be tēpted above youre strengthe: but shall in the myddes off the temptacion make awaye to escape out. | There hath none other temptacion taken you/ but soche as foloweth ye nature of mā. But God is faythfull/ which shall not suffer you to be tempted above youre strenght: but shall in the myddes of the temptacion make awaye to escape out. | Ther hath none other temptaciō taken you/ but soche as foloweth the nature of man. But God is faythfull which shall not suffer you to be tempted aboue youre strenght: but shall in the myddes of the temptacion make a waye to escapt out. | There hath yet no tēptacion ouertaken you, but soch as foloweth the nature of man. Neuertheles God is faithfull, which shal not suffre you to be tempted aboue youre strength, but shal in the myddes of ye temptacion make a waye to come out, that ye maye beare it. |
10:14 | Wherfore my deare beloved/ fle from worshippynge of ydols. | Wherfore my deare beloued/ fle from worshippynge of ydols. | Wherfore my deare beloued/ fle from worshippinge of ydols. | Wherfore my dearly beloued, fle from worshippinge of Idols. |
10:15 | I speake as vnto them which have discreciō/ Iudge ye what I saye. | I speake as vnto them which have discrecion/ Iudge ye what I saye. | I speake as vnto them which haue discrecion/ iudge ye what I saye. | I speake vnto them which haue discreciō, iudge ye what I saye. |
10:16 | Ys not the cuppe of blessinge which we blysse/ partakynge of the bloude of Christ? ys not the breed which we breake/ partetakynge of the body of Christ? | Ys not the cuppe of blessinge which we blesse/ partakynge of ye bloude of Christ? ys not the breed which we breake/ partetakynge of the body of Christ? | Ys not the cuppe of blessinge which we blesse/ partakinge of the bloude of Christ? is not the breed which we breake/ partetakinge of the body of Christ? | The cuppe of thākesgeuynge wherwith we geue thankes, is it not the partakinge of the bloude of Christ? |
10:17 | be cause that we (though we be many) yet are one breed/ ād one body ī as moch as we all are partetakers off one breed. | because that we (though we be many) yet are one breed/ and one bodye in as moch as we all are partetakers of one breed. | because that we (though we be many) yet are one breed/ & one bodye in as moche as we all are partetakers of one breed. | The bred that we breake, is it not ye partakinge of ye body of Christ? For we many, are one bred & one body, in as moch as we all are partakers of one bred. |
10:18 | Beholde Israhell which walketh carnally. Are not they which eate of the sacrifyse/ partetakers off the aultre? | Beholde Israhell which walketh carnally. Are not they which eate of the sacrifyse/ partetakers of the aultre? | Beholde Israel which walketh carnally. Are not they which eate of the sacrifice/ partetakers of the aultre? | Beholde Israel after the flesshe. They yt eate the sacrifices, are they not partakers of the altare? |
10:19 | What saye I thē? that the ymage is eny thīge? or that it which is offered to ymages is eny thynge? | What saye I then? that the ymage is eny thinge? or that it which is offered to ymages is eny thinge? | What saye I then? that the ymage is eny thinge? or that it which is offered to ymages is eny thinge? | What shal I now saye then? Shal I saye that the Idoll is eny thinge? Or that it which is offred vnto the Idoll is eny thinge? |
10:20 | Naye/ but I saye/ that those thēgſ which the gentyls offer/ they offer to devyls/ ād not to god. And I wolde not that ye shulde have fellishippe with the devyls. | Nay/ but I saye/ that those thinges which the gentyle offer/ they offer to devyls/ and not to god. And I wolde not that ye shuld have fellishippe with ye devils | Nay but I saye/ that these thinges which the gentyls offer/ they offer to deuyls/ & not to God. And I wold not that ye shuld haue fellishippe with the deuyls. | Nay. But this I saye, that loke what the Heythen offre, that offre they vnto deuels, and not vnto God. Now wolde I not that ye shulde be in the fellishippe of deuels. |
10:21 | Ye cannot drynke of the cuppe off the lorde/ and of the cuppe off the devyls. Ye cannot be parte takers off the lordes table/ and off the table off devyls. | Ye cānot drincke of the cup of the lorde/ & of ye cup of ye deuyls. Ye cnanot be partetakers of the lordes table/ & of the table of deuelles. | Ye cānot drincke of the cup of the Lorde/ & of the cup of the deuyls. Ye cannot be partetakers of the Lordes table/ & of the table of deuelles. | Ye can not drynke of the cuppe of the LORDE and of the cuppe of the deuels. Ye can not be partakers of the LORDES table, and of the table of deuels. |
10:22 | Other shall we provoke the lorde? other are we stronger then he? | Ether shall we provoke the lorde? Or are we stronger then he? | Ether shall we prouoke the Lorde? Or are we stronger then he? | Or wyl we prouoke the LORDE? I maye do all thinges, but all thinges are not profitable. |
10:23 | All thyngſ are laufull vnto me/ but all thyngſ are not expediēt. All thyngſ are lawfull/ but all thyngſ edifye not. | All thynges are laufull vnto me/ but all thynges are not expedient. All thynges are lawfull to me/ but all thinges edifye not. | All thinges are laufull vnto me/ but all thinges are not expedient. All thinges are lawfull to me/ but all thinges edifye not. | I maye do all thinges, but all thinges edifye not. |
10:24 | Lett no man seke his awne prophet: but lett every man seke his neghbours welthe. | Let noman seke his awne proffet: but let every man seke anothers welthe. | Let noman seke his awne proffet: but let euery man seke a nothers welthe. | Let noman seke his awne profit, but let euery man seke anothers welth. |
10:25 | What soever is solde in the market/ that eate/ and axe no questions for conscience sake. | What soever is solde in the market/ that eate/ and axe no questions for conscience sake | What soeuer is solde in the market/ that eate/ and axe no questions for conscience sake | What soeuer is solde in the fleshmarket, that eate, and axe no question for conscience sake. |
10:26 | For the erth is the lordis/ and all that therein is. | For the erth is the lordis/ and all that therein is. | For the erth is the Lordes & all that therein is. | For the earth is the LORDES, and all yt therin is. |
10:27 | Yf eny off them which beleve not bid you to a feast/ and yff ye be disposed to goo/ what soever is seet before you eate/ axynge no question for conscience sake: | Yf eny of them which beleve uot/ bid you to a feest/ & yf ye be disposed to goo/ what soever is seet before you: eate/ axinge no question for conscience sake. | If eny of them which beleue not/ byd you to a feest/ & yf ye be disposed to go/ what soeuer is seet before you: eate/ axinge no questiō for conscience sake. | Yf eny of thē yt beleue not, byd you to a feast, and yf ye be disposed to go, what soeuer is set before you, that eate, axinge no question for conscience sake. |
10:28 | but and yff eny man saye vnto you: this is dedicate vnto ydols/ eate not off it for his sake that shewed it/ and for hurtynge off conscience: the erth is the lordes and all that there ī is. | But and yf eny man saye vnto you: this is dedicate vnto ydols/ eate not of it for his sake that shewed it/ and for hurtynge of conscience. The erth is the lordes & all that there in is. | But and yf eny man saye vnto you: this is dedicate vnto ydols/ eate not of it for his sake that shewed it/ and for hurtinge of conscience. The erth is the Lordes & all that there in is. | But yf eny man saye vnto you: This is offred vnto Idols, thē eate not of it, for his sake that shewed it, and for hurtinge of conscience. (The earth is the LORDES and all that therin is.) |
10:29 | Conscience I saye/ not thyne: but the conscience of that other. Why shulde my liberte be iudged of another mannes consciēce? | Conscience I saye/ not thyne: but the cōscieuce of that other. For why shuld my liberte be iudged of another mānes conscience: | Conscience I saye/ not thyne: but the conscience of that other. For why shuld my liberte be iudged of another mānes conscience. | Neuertheles I speake of consciēce, not thine, but of ye other. For why shulde my liberty be iudged of another mās cōscience? |
10:30 | For yf I take my parte with thankſ: why am I evell spokē off for that thynge wher fore I geve thankſ. | For yf I take my parte with thākes: why am I evell spoken of for that thynge wherfore I geve thankes. | For yf I take my parte whith thankes: why am I euyll spoken of for that thinge wherfore I geue thankes. | For yf I take my parte wt thankesgeuynge, why am I euell spoken of, for yt thinge wherfore I geue thankes? |
10:31 | Whether therfore ye eate or drynke/ or whatsoever ye do/ do all to the prayse off God. | Whether therfore ye eate or dryncke/ or what soever ye do/ do all to the prayse of God. | Whether therfore ye eate or drincke/ or what soeuer ye do/ do all to the prayse of God. | Therfore whether ye eate or drynke, or what so euer ye do, do all to ye prayse of God. |
10:32 | Se that ye geve occasion off evell/ nether to the iewes/ nor yet to the gentyls/ nether to the congregacion of god: | Se that ye geve occasion of evell/ nether to ye Iewes/ nor yet to the gentyls/ nether to ye cōgregacion of god: | Se that ye geue none occasiō of euill/ nether to the Iewes/ nor yet to the gētyls/ nether to the congregaciō of God: | Be not ye an occasion of fallinge, nether to the Iewes, ner to the Gentyles, ner to the congregacion of God, |
10:33 | even as I please all men in all thyngſ not sekynge myne awne proffet/ but the proffet of many/ that they myght be saved. | euen as I please all men in all thinges/ not sekynge myne awne proffet/ but the proffet of many/ that they myght be saved. | euen as I please all men in all thinges/ not sekinge myne awne proffet/ but the proffet of many/ that they myght be saued. | euē as I also please all men in all thinges, not sekinge myne awne profit, but the profit of many, that they mighte be saued. |